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Bücher veröffentlicht von C. P. Kumar

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  • von C. P. Kumar
    18,00 €

    "A Guide to Professional Challenges and Triumphs" is a comprehensive handbook designed to equip professionals with the insights and strategies necessary to navigate the complexities of their careers successfully. With a meticulously structured layout spanning twenty-four chapters, this book delves into crucial topics such as self-reflection, time management, effective communication, conflict resolution, leadership, and more. Each chapter offers practical advice, and actionable techniques to empower readers in overcoming obstacles, fostering growth, and achieving excellence in their professional endeavors. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking to enhance your skills or a newcomer entering the workforce, this guide serves as an invaluable companion on the journey toward personal and professional fulfillment.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    21,00 €

    "Journalism Ethics and Challenges" provides a comprehensive examination of the dynamic field of journalism ethics, shedding light on the critical elements that contribute to responsible and credible reporting in today's media landscape. Emphasizing the core values of truth and integrity, the book opens with an exploration of the significance of journalistic ethics. It then traverses through the historical evolution of journalism, addressing contemporary challenges such as the impact of technology and the prevalence of misinformation in the digital age. The book delves into ethical considerations in various aspects of journalism, ranging from news gathering practices to investigative journalism and the complexities of international reporting. Balancing freedom of expression with responsibility, the narrative spans topics like opinion writing, photojournalism ethics, and the importance of diversity in journalism. Concluding with a forward-looking perspective on the future of journalism, the book serves as an indispensable guide for both aspiring journalists and seasoned professionals navigating the ethical complexities of responsible reporting.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "Reflections on the Dark Side of Human Nature" invites readers on a profound exploration of the intricacies inherent in the human psyche. In the introductory chapter, "Prologue to Shadows", the stage is set for a contemplative journey into the dualities of human existence. Acknowledging the coexistence of light and darkness within individuals and society, the book aims to understand, rather than judge, the nuanced aspects of negative human attributes. The subsequent chapters delve into diverse realms of human behavior, such as the roots of violence, environmental exploitation, animal testing, sexual violence, corruption, dishonesty, greed, bias, arrogance, jealousy, and many more. Each chapter offers a deep analysis, unraveling the complexities and consequences of these shadows that shape our lives. The concluding chapter, "Reflections on the Shadows Within", summarizes key themes, explores potential solutions, and encourages readers to reflect on the intricate interplay of negative human attributes. This book serves as a thought-provoking guide, urging readers to contemplate the shadows that linger within and the profound impact they have on the individual and collective human experience.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "Addressing Social Issues in India" offers a comprehensive exploration of the myriad challenges shaping the socio-cultural fabric of the nation. The book delves into the diverse landscape of social issues, beginning with an insightful overview in the first chapter. Subsequent chapters meticulously dissect the influence of government policies, the pivotal role played by NGOs and grassroots movements, and the impact of media on public perceptions. The narrative extends to encompass the dynamic contributions of youth activism and the persistent struggles against poverty, educational inequities, gender inequality, and the historical legacy of the caste system. The book investigates religious harmony, healthcare challenges, environmental stewardship, corruption, child labor, human trafficking, LGBTQ+ rights, and the repercussions of rapid urbanization. The concluding chapters envision a more inclusive future, synthesizing collective efforts and proposing a roadmap for a socially just and equitable India. "Addressing Social Issues in India" serves as an indispensable resource for scholars, policymakers, and activists committed to fostering positive change in the country.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Resolving Conflicts in Relationships" is a comprehensive guide that navigates the intricate terrain of interpersonal dynamics across diverse relationships. In the introduction, the book underscores the paramount importance of understanding and resolving conflicts for fostering healthy connections. Chapters unfold with a meticulous exploration of conflict dynamics, highlighting common reasons for discord. From dissecting communication breakdowns to addressing specific relationships, such as marital, parental, and sibling conflicts, the book offers practical insights. It delves into the intricacies of friendships, romantic relationships, extended family dynamics, and neighborhood relations, providing strategies for resolution.  Workplace conflicts, both among colleagues and within hierarchical structures, are thoroughly examined. The book doesn't shy away from tackling conflicts in various business settings, including retail and competitive environments. The final chapter ties together the threads of wisdom from each segment, emphasizing a holistic approach to building sustainable relationships across all spheres of life. This book serves as an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to navigate conflicts and nurture lasting connections in diverse facets of their lives.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    17,00 €

    Embark on a captivating exploration of the intricate tapestry that weaves the fabric of Indian mentality with the book "A Journey into Indian Mentality". In this enlightening literary voyage, the book unfolds its narrative through seventeen thought-provoking chapters. From the foundational 'Introduction to Indian Mentality', offering an overview of the cultural, historical, and societal factors shaping the Indian mindset, to the future-focused 'The Future of Indian Mentality', each chapter delves into a specific facet of this rich tapestry. Readers will traverse the complexities of family dynamics, gender roles, caste structures, religious influences, and the intertwining of tradition with personal choices.  The book navigates through the realms of education, career pursuits, entrepreneurship, media preferences, political awareness, social expectations, and the transformative impact of modernization and globalization. It also explores the spiritual dimensions of Indian life, resilience in times of crisis, and the evolving values across generations. With insightful analysis and a forward-looking perspective, "A Journey into Indian Mentality" promises an engaging odyssey through the diverse layers that define the Indian psyche.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    18,00 €

    Explore the depths of mental well-being with "A Guide to Managing Anxiety, Depression, and Stress". In this comprehensive book, each chapter delves into a different facet of mental health, beginning with a foundational understanding of Anxiety, Depression, and Stress. From unraveling the intricacies of various anxiety disorders to dissecting the science behind depression, this guide empowers readers with knowledge. Chapters on resilience, stress management, and cognitive-behavioral therapy offer practical strategies for overcoming challenges. The book also addresses the importance of self-care, nutrition, exercise, and quality sleep in promoting mental health. Delving into interpersonal relationships, workplace stress, social anxiety, and parenting, the guide offers a holistic approach. The journey to recovery is illuminated through inspiring stories, emphasizing hope and healing. This book serves as a beacon for those navigating the complexities of mental health, providing a roadmap towards a healthier and more resilient life.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Overcoming Hurdles in Married Life" is a comprehensive guide that delves into the myriad challenges couples face throughout their marital journey, offering practical insights and actionable strategies for navigating and thriving amidst these obstacles. From the foundational aspects of effective communication and financial management to the intricacies of intimacy, parenting, and extended family dynamics, each chapter explores a vital facet of married life. Readers will find guidance on fostering trust, managing diverse goals and cultural differences, and addressing emotional well-being and mental health within the marriage. The book also tackles contemporary challenges such as technology distractions and long-distance relationships while emphasizing the importance of shared growth and resilience in the face of loss. Whether it's resolving conflicts, delegating responsibilities, or rekindling romance, this book serves as a roadmap for couples seeking a harmonious and fulfilling married life.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    18,00 €

    Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and interpersonal exploration with "Soul Connections and Inner Discovery". In this insightful book, each chapter unfolds like a treasure trove, delving into the profound realms of the soul and its intricate connections. From defining the essence of the soul to unveiling the mysteries of soulmates and exploring emotional and spiritual intimacy, the narrative skillfully navigates through diverse dimensions. Investigate the subtle language of souls, ponder the role of fate and destiny in relationships, and embrace the magic of serendipitous encounters. With a keen focus on personal growth, commitment, and navigating the complexities of love and loss, the book offers strategies for healing wounded souls and strengthening connections through rituals. Beyond romantic entanglements, discover the significance of soul connections in friendships and explore the timeless influence of past lives on current relationships. As you navigate storms and celebrate triumphs in relationships, the importance of mindfulness and creative expression is underscored. Concluding with reflections on eternal bonds and legacies, "Soul Connections and Inner Discovery" is a guide to fostering meaningful connections that resonate across time and leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of human experience.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Navigating Student Life: Challenges and Solutions" serves as an indispensable guide for students facing the multifaceted hurdles of academic and personal growth. The book sets the stage by outlining the array of challenges students encounter, emphasizing their significance for overall well-being, and articulating the purpose of the book. Subsequent chapters delve into practical strategies for success, including time management and productivity, Study strategies and learning styles, and building strong study habits.  The book also explores the delicate balance between academics and extracurriculars in time-conflict resolution and delves into crucial aspects like goal setting, stress management, effective communication, financial literacy, and healthy lifestyles. It culminates in chapters addressing career exploration, academic setbacks, cultural diversity, and life after graduation. Each chapter offers valuable insights, actionable advice, and real-world solutions, making this book an invaluable companion for students navigating the intricate journey of academia and personal development.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    18,00 €

    "Unveiling Common Life Struggles" offers a profound exploration of the challenges individuals face, starting with Gender Stereotypes and progressing through topics like Intersectionality, Media Representation, Changing Concepts of Masculinity and Femininity, and Workplace Equality. It addresses Economic Empowerment, Education Disparities, and the impact of Technology and Social Media on gender roles. The book delves into issues related to Physical Health, Mental Health Awareness, Parenting, and Reproductive Rights. It explores Intimate Partner Relationships, Violence, Harassment, Safety, Healthcare Disparities, Aging, Retirement, and Political Participation. The concluding chapter emphasizes achieving a healthy Work-Life Integration and overall well-being, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse struggles individuals navigate in their lives.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    17,00 €

    "Challenges in IT and Digital Marketing" is an insightful exploration of the rapidly evolving landscapes of technology and marketing in the digital age. In this comprehensive volume, the book delves into the multifaceted hurdles faced by IT professionals and digital marketers alike, addressing critical issues that shape the industry. From the breakneck pace of technological change to the perpetual battle against cyber threats, each chapter examines a distinct challenge. Topics range from the intricacies of regulatory compliance and communication gaps between technical and non-technical stakeholders to the pressures of tight project timelines and the constant quest for real-time engagement in the digital marketing sphere. With a keen eye on the future, the book also explores the ongoing challenges of talent acquisition and retention in the dynamic digital marketplace. Whether you are an IT professional seeking to navigate the ever-changing tech terrain or a digital marketer aiming to maximize ROI in a budget-conscious environment, this book provides valuable insights and strategies to overcome the hurdles and thrive in the challenging realms of IT and digital marketing.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    17,00 €

    "Life and Challenges of IT Professionals" provides an insightful journey into the dynamic realm of Information Technology, unraveling the intricacies of the profession and the individuals who drive its evolution. We embark on a comprehensive exploration of the digital age, tracing the rise of IT professionals from its inception to the present day. The book encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, from the ever-evolving tech landscape and the challenges of maintaining work-life balance in the interconnected world, to the crucial skills and agility demanded by the modern IT professional. Engaging chapters delve into cybersecurity threats, the fostering of innovation, the intricacies of project management, and the transformative impact of the remote work revolution. Ethical considerations, mental health challenges, and the imperative of diversity and inclusion are addressed, emphasizing the broader societal responsibilities of IT professionals. The book concludes with a forward-looking gaze into the future of IT jobs, emphasizing the importance of continuous professional development and the impact of an IT career on personal relationships. It is not only a resource for IT professionals navigating the challenges of their field but also an insightful guide for anyone intrigued by the fascinating intersection of technology and human experiences.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Safeguarding Against Crime in Everyday Life" is a comprehensive guide that equips readers with essential knowledge and practical strategies to enhance personal safety and security. The book explores the multifaceted landscape of crime, providing insights into its definition and societal impact. Organized into twenty insightful chapters, the book delves into various aspects of crime prevention, from assault and robbery to identity theft and digital security. Readers will learn to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations, acquire self-defense techniques, and adopt safe practices for handling valuables. The book also covers topics such as road rage management, responsible drinking, fraud awareness, and community initiatives for violence prevention. With a focus on empowering individuals, the concluding chapter emphasizes the importance of community involvement and awareness, inspiring a culture of responsibility and safety for a more secure future. Whether in public spaces, online, or at home, this book provides a holistic approach to safeguarding against crime in our daily lives.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Exploring the Dynamics of Online Messaging" delves into the heart of our interconnected world, unraveling the multifaceted layers of digital communication. From tracing the evolution and growth of online messaging to exploring its profound significance in contemporary communication, each chapter is a portal into a specific dimension of the digital frontier. The book navigates the convenience and accessibility of instant communication, examining its impact on relationships and global connectivity. It scrutinizes the challenges of conveying emotions online and the delicate balance between dependency and face-to-face interactions. Engaging discussions unfold on media sharing, privacy concerns, fraud prevention, and the intricate landscape of digital relationships, including the advantages and disadvantages of online romance. With insights into the risks and consequences of blocking, strategies for managing distractions, and a nuanced exploration of the impact on mental health, the book offers a comprehensive guide. The concluding chapter ties together key takeaways, emphasizing the importance of informed and mindful online communication in navigating the digital landscape.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Entrepreneurship in the Digital Landscape" is a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationship between entrepreneurship and the digital era. It begins by unraveling the journey of first-generation entrepreneurs, shedding light on the unique challenges and opportunities inherent in pioneering family enterprises. The book delves into the distinctive mindset that distinguishes successful entrepreneurs in the digital age, emphasizing qualities crucial for navigating the evolving business landscape. As the narrative unfolds, the intersection of entrepreneurship and the digital realm is dissected, highlighting the paramount importance of adaptability in this dynamic environment. Readers are guided through the landscape of online business, witnessing the transformative role of digital marketing. From the historical evolution of online marketing to strategies for crafting a robust digital presence, the book covers diverse aspects, including SEO fundamentals, social media marketing nuances, and the influential art of content marketing. It further explores email marketing, public speaking for entrepreneurs, and the significance of strategic planning in digital marketing campaigns. The book concludes by addressing current challenges, exploring innovative solutions, and speculating on future trends in entrepreneurship, online marketing, and SEO. This comprehensive guide is an invaluable resource for both aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of the digital landscape.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    13,00 €

    "How Social Media Shapes Our Lives and Relationships" delves into the profound impact of social media on our modern existence, exploring its evolution, prevalence, and consequences. The journey begins with an 'Introduction to Social Media', providing a historical overview and tracing the development of various platforms. 'The Rise of Social Media' investigates its popularity and growth through compelling statistics and demographics. Chapters such as 'Social Media and Identity' and 'Social Media and Relationships' examine how these platforms influence our self-perception and interpersonal connections. 'Social Media and Mental Health' and 'Cyberbullying and Online Harassment' confront the darker aspects, offering insights into maintaining mental well-being and combating online threats. 'Social Media and Politics' scrutinizes its role in shaping opinions, while 'Social Media and Privacy' addresses concerns about data protection. The book further explores addiction, parenting challenges in the digital age, the business impact, and concludes with a speculative gaze into 'The Future of Social Media', anticipating emerging trends and technologies. Engaging and informative, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to navigating the complex landscape of social media in our interconnected world.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    20,00 €

    "Exploring the World of Online Reviews" delves into the fascinating realm of digital critique, shedding light on the profound influence that online reviews wield in today's consumer-driven world. From deciphering the psychology of reviewers and the impact of cognitive biases to unraveling the intricate web of fake reviews, astroturfing, and review bombing, this book offers a comprehensive exploration of the dynamics surrounding product/book success and trust. Delving deep into the ethics of incentivized reviews, corporate manipulation, and reviewer disclosure, it also offers insights into the policies and practices of major review platforms. As we journey through the pages, we envision the future of reviews in a world increasingly shaped by technology and consumer behavior, all while reflecting on case studies that illustrate the pivotal role reviews play in shaping the fate of products and books. Whether you're a curious consumer, an aspiring reviewer, or a savvy businessperson, this book will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of online reviews.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    18,00 €

    "Navigating Challenges in High Society" takes readers on a thought-provoking journey through the intricate world of high-class society, shedding light on the unique issues and dilemmas faced by its members. From the widening wealth gap to the perils of materialism, social isolation, and the environmental repercussions of lavish living, this book delves into the multifaceted challenges that high-class individuals confront. It explores the pressures, expectations, and mental health struggles that accompany privilege, while also offering solutions. With chapters covering family dynamics, ethical considerations, and the redefinition of success, this book provides a comprehensive guide to living a more meaningful and sustainable life within high society. Ultimately, it advocates for a balanced, mindful, and socially responsible approach to navigating the world of privilege and influence.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    20,00 €

    In "Navigating the World of Offline and Online Shopping", we embark on a comprehensive journey through the ever-evolving realm of consumerism. This book is your ultimate guide to understanding the intricacies of shopping, both in physical stores and the digital marketplace. From the historical roots of shopping to the latest online trends, we delve into the psychology of consumer behavior and explore the innovations shaping offline and online retail experiences. With a focus on bridging the gap between traditional and digital shopping, this book addresses crucial aspects such as payment methods, security, social media influence, ethical considerations, and more. Whether you're a seasoned shopper or just beginning your consumer journey, this book offers invaluable insights and strategies for making informed, secure, and ethical shopping choices. Join us as we navigate the present and future of shopping, providing you with the knowledge and tools to be a conscious and confident consumer in a dynamic retail landscape.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    In "A Comprehensive Guide to Women's Safety", readers embark on a vital journey through the multifaceted realm of women's safety and security. This enlightening book delves into the intricacies of the subject, offering a well-rounded exploration of topics that range from the historical context of women's safety to the global perspective on the issue. With a keen focus on empowerment and action, the book's chapters provide valuable insights into understanding threats, navigating the legal landscape, ensuring personal and online safety, fostering healthy relationships, and engaging in advocacy for change. As an indispensable resource, this guide not only educates but also motivates, urging readers to become agents of change in their communities and championing the cause of women's safety.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    17,00 €

    "Safeguarding from Blackmail and Online Threats" offers a comprehensive guide to protecting yourself in today's digital age. This essential resource is divided into informative chapters that address every aspect of safeguarding against blackmail and online threats. From understanding the insidious nature of blackmail and its legal implications to recognizing red flags and reporting threats, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to stay secure. With expert advice on personal safety measures, online privacy, and social media and email security, you'll learn how to fortify your digital presence. Additionally, the book delves into cybersecurity fundamentals and provides practical insights into password management, two-factor authentication, and protecting personal documents. It also covers the crucial topic of avoiding sextortion and managing your digital footprint. For those who need assistance, the book concludes with a valuable section on seeking help and support. "Safeguarding from Blackmail and Online Threats" is your indispensable guide to maintaining your online safety and peace of mind.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    17,00 €

    "Empowering Seniors in the Digital World" is a comprehensive guide designed to bridge the generation gap in technology, enabling seniors to confidently navigate the digital landscape. This book provides a step-by-step journey, starting with the importance of digital literacy and addressing the digital divide. It covers essential topics like selecting the right devices, mastering internet skills, and safe email communication. Readers will also learn to harness the power of social media, prioritize online safety, explore e-commerce and digital media, and gain valuable information literacy skills. Additionally, it empowers seniors to connect with family and friends and foster their self-assurance. With practical advice, troubleshooting tips, and a handy glossary of digital terms, this book is a trusted companion for seniors looking to embrace the digital age with confidence and ease.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Causes and Consequences of Extra-Marital Affairs" delves into the intricate web of infidelity, examining the reasons behind these clandestine liaisons and their far-reaching impact. From exploring the emotional and physical temptations facilitated by technology to dissecting the psychological motives that drive individuals to seek solace outside their marriages, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of the complex world of extramarital affairs. With insights into the devastating effects on both the cheating spouse and the betrayed partner, it delves into the profound consequences on marriages, families, and social networks. As it navigates the path of healing and prevention, this book offers a vision for forging stronger, more resilient relationships. Through expert guidance, it unravels the secrets, lessons, and pathways towards a future marked by trust, communication, and healthier bonds.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Modern Dating and Healthy Relationships" is a comprehensive guide that delves into the intricate dynamics of contemporary romance. This book takes readers on a journey through the evolving world of dating, from the digital realm to traditional encounters, while emphasizing the essential components of building and sustaining healthy relationships. Each chapter provides invaluable insights and practical advice, from the initial steps of self-discovery and effective communication to the intricacies of attraction, red flag recognition, and commitment. With a focus on embracing diversity, nurturing self-love, and gracefully ending relationships when necessary, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of modern love. Whether you're a novice dater or seeking to enrich an existing partnership, "Modern Dating and Healthy Relationships" offers guidance for finding and nurturing lasting love in today's fast-paced world.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    20,00 €

    "Strategies to Overcome Office Challenges" offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted issues encountered in today's dynamic workplace. With a meticulous breakdown of twenty insightful chapters, this book delves into the heart of office challenges, from embracing technology disruptions to fostering harmonious workplace relationships. Readers will gain valuable insights into mastering time management, recognizing and addressing stress and burnout, and promoting mental and physical well-being in the office. The book further explores the vital role of leadership in overcoming challenges and dives into the specific struggles faced across various office roles, such as sales and marketing, IT and technical support, management, and human resources. It also examines legal and technological challenges, effective communication, innovation, and the future of office work. "Strategies to Overcome Office Challenges" provides practical solutions, fostering a productive and resilient work environment for today's professionals.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Challenges of the Middle Class" delves into the intricate web of struggles, aspirations, and resilience that defines the modern middle class. This comprehensive exploration, spanning sixteen thought-provoking chapters, elucidates the multifaceted issues faced by this socio-economic group. From economic pressures, educational dilemmas, and healthcare concerns to housing struggles, family-work balance, and retirement uncertainties, this book offers an in-depth analysis of the challenges middle-class individuals grapple with daily. Moreover, it examines social mobility, financial management, technological disruption, environmental concerns, and the vital role of social services. It further delves into the intricate landscape of inequality and social justice, political engagement, mental health, and the prospects for a future marked by technological change and policy evolution. A must-read for anyone seeking a profound understanding of the struggles and potential solutions for the middle class in the contemporary world.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "A Guide to Estate Wills, Conflicts, and Resolutions" offers a comprehensive exploration of estate planning, focusing on the intricate world of wills and the potential conflicts that can arise within families during the estate distribution process. Starting with an introductory overview of the significance of estate planning and the fundamentals of creating a legally sound will, this book navigates readers through a journey that encompasses complex asset management, financial considerations, and the ever-changing dynamics of life and relationships. From discussing the emotional and legal complexities of disinheriting heirs to explaining the critical role of executors and the intricacies of the probate process, this guide provides invaluable insights. It also delves into alternative dispute resolution methods, highlighting the importance of clear communication and professional guidance in achieving harmonious estate planning. Whether you're just beginning your estate planning journey or seeking solutions to existing conflicts, this book equips you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to navigate the complexities of wills and estates with confidence.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Elderly Journeys: Life in Old Age Homes" delves into the complex world of aging populations and the evolving concept of old age homes. This insightful book takes readers on a comprehensive journey through the various facets of old age homes, beginning with an exploration of their historical origins and societal context. It delves into the demographic shifts that have led to their proliferation and the economic and social factors underpinning this trend. With a focus on the decision-making process behind placing parents in old age homes, the book examines emotional, practical, cultural, and societal influences. It provides a critical analysis of the conditions within these homes, the challenges they face, and the impact on the psychological well-being of older adults. Drawing on personal stories and experiences, it offers a unique perspective on coping strategies and the importance of improving the quality of life in these settings. Furthermore, the book explores bridging the generation gap, community initiatives, and innovative approaches to senior care, offering future trends and policy recommendations for a more inclusive and compassionate society.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Breaking Free from Domestic Violence" is an empowering and comprehensive guide that delves into the multifaceted aspects of domestic violence. This book opens with an insightful introduction, tracing the historical evolution of domestic violence and redefining its contemporary context. The subsequent chapters provide a deep exploration of the various types of domestic violence, backed by statistics that highlight the alarming prevalence of this issue and the challenges associated with reporting it. Readers will gain a profound understanding of the insidious cycle of abuse, the root causes and risk factors, and the devastating impact on victims, including its repercussions on children. Legal frameworks, support services, and the barriers to seeking help are meticulously discussed, while survivor stories provide a beacon of hope. The book also spotlights community efforts, law enforcement's role, and avenues for healing and recovery. With international perspectives and a forward-thinking outlook, it concludes by addressing future challenges and innovative solutions, ultimately paving the way towards a violence-free society.

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