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Bücher veröffentlicht von C. P. Kumar

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  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Breaking Free from Debt" is a comprehensive guide that offers readers a transformative journey towards financial freedom. Starting with an exploration of debt management, it defines debt, underscores its importance, and highlights common types of debt. Readers are then guided to assess their financial health, create personal budgets, and track expenses. The book helps readers differentiate between good and bad debt, providing strategies for minimizing the latter. It covers various types of debt, from credit cards to student loans, and offers insights into debt consolidation and refinancing. Practical debt repayment methods, negotiation skills with creditors, and credit score improvement techniques are all part of this invaluable resource. The emotional toll of debt and strategies to cope with it are addressed, along with legal aspects, investment opportunities, and long-term wealth-building strategies. Real-life case studies and success stories inspire and motivate readers on their path to financial recovery and prosperity. "Breaking Free from Debt" is your roadmap to a debt-free and financially secure future.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    18,00 €

    "Challenges and Solutions for Adult Children" is a comprehensive guidebook that navigates the intricate terrain of adulthood with a focus on the unique challenges faced by today's adult children. Starting with the crucial journey of self-discovery and identity formation, this book delves into the multifaceted aspects of adulthood, offering insightful solutions to common hurdles. From bridging the generation gap in communication to fostering mental well-being and financial independence, each chapter provides valuable strategies and guidance. Readers will find expert advice on career choices, lifelong learning, and work-life balance, along with insights into the complexities of relationships, marriage, and housing. The book also addresses critical issues such as healthcare, addiction, and legal responsibilities, all while considering the influence of cultural norms and technology on modern adulthood. "Challenges and Solutions for Adult Children" is an indispensable resource for those navigating the complexities of being an adult child in today's world.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    22,00 €

    "Challenges and Solutions in the Medical Field" delves deep into the multifaceted landscape of healthcare, offering a comprehensive examination of the pressing issues that define the modern medical field. With a keen focus on both the challenges and potential solutions, this book explores the evolving nature of medical challenges in a world of scientific advancement, technological integration, and shifting demographics. From the critical role of nursing and administration to the shortage of skilled professionals, inadequate infrastructure, sanitation concerns, and ethical dilemmas, each chapter dissects a crucial aspect of healthcare, shedding light on the complexities within. This book also draws invaluable lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and navigates the intricate web of legal, regulatory, and ethical frameworks governing the field. It culminates in a visionary exploration of the future of healthcare, offering hope and insights for a brighter, more accessible, and ethically sound medical landscape.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "Navigating Challenges in Lower-Class Society" delves into the multifaceted issues faced by the lower-class population. Beginning with an insightful introduction that defines and contextualizes the lower-class society, the book meticulously dissects the socio-economic factors that contribute to their myriad challenges. Each chapter tackles a distinct facet of this complex landscape, from poverty and inequality to access to basic needs, education disparities, and employment struggles. It also addresses issues of social discrimination and evaluates the effectiveness of existing social welfare programs. Furthermore, the book delves into potential solutions, including education reforms, vocational training, microfinance initiatives, and healthcare improvements, highlighting the significance of legal aid and community-building efforts. Finally, it explores the transformative power of technology and the necessity for policy reforms to promote social equity and political engagement within the lower-class community. The book offers a comprehensive roadmap for understanding, addressing, and overcoming the obstacles that confront lower-class individuals in society today.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    23,00 €

    "A Comprehensive Guide to Therapeutic Healing" is an indispensable resource that delves into the multifaceted world of psychotherapy. This book offers a comprehensive overview of various therapeutic approaches, from traditional psychodynamic and humanistic therapies to contemporary techniques like CBT, DBT, and mindfulness-based therapies. Each chapter provides an insightful exploration of a specific approach, guiding readers through the principles, techniques, and applications. From understanding the roots of psychotherapy to embracing the potential of online therapy, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the diverse landscape of therapeutic healing, making it an invaluable resource for both newcomers and seasoned practitioners in the field.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    18,00 €

    "Freedom from Addictions" is a comprehensive guide that delves into various forms of addiction, providing readers with a deep understanding of their nature and impact. Through a structured approach, the book navigates through the spectrum of addictions, beginning with relatable topics such as alcohol and drug addiction before delving into specific challenges like nicotine, caffeine, and prescription medication dependencies. It further explores behavioral addictions like gambling, gaming, and internet addiction, shedding light on the modern digital landscape. Chapters on food, pornography, love, relationship, shopping, work, and exercise addictions examine the diverse facets of compulsive behaviors. The book culminates in addressing dual diagnoses, co-occurring disorders, and offers a comprehensive path to recovery, encompassing strategies applicable to all types of addiction. Whether it's substances or behaviors, "Freedom from Addictions" serves as a valuable resource for those seeking insight, understanding, and practical recovery methods to reclaim their lives.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    18,00 €

    "Overcoming Smoking, Alcohol, and Drug Addiction" is an insightful guide that comprehensively addresses the complex journey of breaking free from addiction. It begins by elucidating the profound impact of addiction on individuals and society. Delving into the Science of Addiction, it uncovers the intricate neurological and psychological underpinnings of this struggle. The book adeptly navigates through specific addictions - Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs - elucidating their allure, effects, and challenges in separate chapters. Genetic Predisposition and Environmental Factors are scrutinized for their roles, while Psychological Factors are dissected for their contribution to the cycle. The book meticulously unravels the harrowing consequences addiction inflicts on physical health and mental well-being. With remarkable clarity, it outlines diverse therapeutic approaches and interventions as Approaches to Treatment. Practical solutions and motivating triumphs are shared for conquering smoking, alcohol, and drug addiction individually. Recovery methods, relapse prevention, and familial support systems are detailed, providing a holistic roadmap. Finally, the book equips readers with an arsenal of Community Resources to aid their transformative journey toward a life free from addiction's grip.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    Dive into the world of stock market investing with 'Investment Guide for the Stock Market.' This comprehensive book equips both novice and experienced investors with essential knowledge and strategies. The book begins with an insightful introduction to the stock market, followed by a thorough comparison between investment and speculation. Delving into key concepts, readers will gain a strong understanding of market indices, cycles, and trends. The intricate relationship between risk and returns is explored, alongside in-depth examinations of fundamental and technical analysis. From the principles of value and growth investing to the psychology and behavioral biases affecting decisions, this guide offers a holistic view. It also covers diversification, asset allocation, portfolio rebalancing, and the merits of long-term and contrarian investing. Real-world case studies provide practical insights for readers to learn from both triumphs and setbacks. Your journey to mastering stock market investing starts here.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "Freedom of Speech in a Diverse World" is a comprehensive exploration of the intricate dynamics surrounding the vital concept of free expression in today's global society. This book delves into the historical underpinnings of freedom of speech laws and presents a contemporary understanding of its nuances. Each chapter thoughtfully dissects crucial themes, from the role of media and workplace dynamics to the intersection of culture, religion, and rights. The book delves into the intricate balance between freedom of speech and hate speech, the challenges posed by censorship and fake news, and the ethical dimensions of this fundamental right. From navigating defamation boundaries to the impact of social media and political correctness, this book offers insightful analyses. It also investigates the interplay between freedom of speech and democracy, globalization's influence, and the unique challenges posed by the digital age. With an eye on the future, the book concludes by examining potential prospects and challenges. A must-read for those passionate about preserving and understanding the evolving landscape of free expression.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "Impact of Digital Overload on Health and Society" is a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationship between technology and well-being. This thought-provoking book delves into the evolution of electronic gadgets, scrutinizes the psychological allure behind excessive device use, and delves into pertinent issues such as eye health, sedentary lifestyle, and repetitive strain injuries. Through meticulously researched chapters, it dissects the impact of gadgets on concentration, productivity, and mental health, unraveling the delicate balance between healthy recreation and screen time. The book examines the effects of technology on self-esteem, identity, cyberbullying, interpersonal relationships, and even love in the digital age. With a critical lens, it assesses the tech industry's role in public health and delves into government policies, culminating in a guide to promoting digital well-being and fostering a harmonious coexistence with technology. A must-read for individuals, families, and societies seeking to navigate the digital landscape while nurturing healthy tech habits.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    21,00 €

    In this comprehensive guide, "Safeguarding Against Scams and Frauds in the Digital Age," readers will delve into the ever-evolving world of cybercrime and learn how to protect themselves from the multitude of scams and frauds that plague the digital landscape. The book starts with Chapter 1, providing a compelling introduction to the prevalent threat of scams and frauds in the modern era. Subsequent chapters explore specific areas of concern, including identity theft, phishing scams, and the emerging dangers of smishing and vishing. The author then delves into the realm of fake social media profiles and catfishing, followed by an in-depth analysis of romance scams and the disturbing rise of AI-generated fake content, known as deepfakes. The impact of AI is further examined in chapters on chatbot scams, AI-driven robocalls, and AI-powered phishing and social engineering. As readers progress through the book, they gain insights into AI-enhanced scams like business email compromise and online auction fraud, along with the persistent threats of lottery and prize scams, investment scams, and pyramid schemes. Furthermore, the author addresses the concerning reality of charity scams, AI-enhanced credential stuffing, impersonation scams, and AI chatbot money doublers. Shedding light on the alarming trend of porn video call scams and blackmailing, the book concludes with Chapter 20, offering practical guidance on how individuals can protect themselves from these digital menaces. The book's final chapter, Chapter 21, looks to the future, examining the evolving landscape of scams and fraud prevention, and how technology and awareness can work in tandem to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. With expert insights and actionable advice, "Safeguarding Against Scams and Frauds in the Digital Age" equips readers with the necessary tools to navigate the digital realm safely and confidently.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    21,00 €

    This comprehensive book on "Powers and Pitfalls of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram" delves into the captivating world of social media platforms that have transformed modern communication. Through its meticulously crafted chapters, readers embark on a journey tracing the origins and evolution of these platforms, from the rise of social media as a cultural phenomenon to the emergence of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as dominant players. Each chapter illuminates the unique dynamics of these platforms, from algorithmic influences shaping user experiences to the pressing concerns of privacy, content moderation, and the spread of disinformation. Engaging with the darker aspects, the book navigates through challenges such as fake news, online harassment, and cancel culture, offering insightful analyses of their impact on free speech and public discourse. Furthermore, the book examines the transformative role of Instagram influencers, the platform's intricate relationship with mental health and body image, and its far-reaching influence on cultural trends. Noteworthy is the exploration of Facebook's and Twitter's roles in political discourse, activism, and global diplomacy, along with the intriguing interplay between these platforms and the news landscape. Concluding with a forward-looking perspective, the book contemplates the intricate task of regulating social media, paving the way for a better understanding of the complex tapestry that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have woven into our lives.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    17,00 €

    The Complete Guide to Child Development and Care is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for parents and caregivers, offering expert insights into every stage of a child's growth. From the early days of parenthood, Chapter 1 delves into the vital role parents and caregivers play in shaping a child's life. Ensuring a safe and nurturing environment is explored in Chapter 2, providing essential tips on childproofing and creating a child-friendly home. Chapters 3 and 4 cover the intricacies of caring for a newborn and nurturing infants, emphasizing bonding, communication, and emotional needs. As children progress, Chapter 5 highlights the significance of healthy nutrition, while Chapter 6 focuses on understanding toddler development and employing positive discipline techniques. Recognizing the importance of play in Chapter 7, the book presents age-appropriate activities and the impact of play on a child's development. Preparing children for preschool, fostering language skills, and promoting emotional intelligence are elaborated in Chapters 8 and 9. Chapter 10 offers effective discipline strategies with empathy, and Chapter 11 explores ways to inspire creativity and artistic expression in children. Chapters 13 and 14 cover healthy sleep habits and nurturing physical health, providing guidance on maintaining an active lifestyle and addressing common illnesses. As children enter school age, Chapter 15 assists in preparing them for academic success and fostering lifelong learning. Finally, Chapter 16 emphasizes the significance of parental self-care and its impact on the overall well-being of both parents and caregivers. This book serves as an indispensable companion, empowering readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the rewarding journey of child development and care with confidence and love.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    20,00 €

    "Spiritual Insights: Learning from the Great Masters" takes readers on a transformative journey through the timeless teachings of revered spiritual luminaries. This profound book delves into the wisdom of ancient sages and modern-day gurus, offering invaluable lessons on mindfulness, compassion, simplicity, and the path to self-realization. Each chapter unveils the profound insights and practical guidance of spiritual giants such as The Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Rumi, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Osho, Thich Nhat Hanh, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Mooji, Sadhguru, and Sister Shivani. From the essence of meditation and the principles of ethics to the mysteries of mysticism and non-duality, this book illuminates diverse spiritual paths. By embracing these eternal teachings, readers are inspired to cultivate inner peace, awareness, and emotional intelligence, enabling them to embark on a personal journey of spiritual evolution and connection with the divine. "Spiritual Insights" is an empowering guide that invites readers to embrace the boundless potential of their spiritual path and unlock the true essence of their being.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "A Comprehensive Guide to a Happy, Peaceful, Healthy, and Abundant Life" is a transformative and empowering roadmap that offers readers the keys to unlock a fulfilling and enriched existence. With its insightful chapters, this book delves into the core aspects of defining and achieving happiness, peace, health, and abundance in life. From fostering a positive mindset and embracing mindfulness to prioritizing self-care and emotional intelligence, the guide provides practical tools to cultivate personal growth and well-being. It explores effective communication, nurturing relationships, and attaining work-life balance, while also delving into time management and goal setting for a purposeful life journey. Additionally, the book offers invaluable insights into financial wellness, stress management, and the significance of a supportive social network. It further explores ethical decision-making, promoting well-being in professional settings, and strategies for entrepreneurial success and personal fulfillment. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of giving back to the community and making a positive impact. Drawing on a holistic approach, this book culminates in empowering readers to integrate these principles and practices into their lives, fostering a sustained state of happiness, peace, health, and abundance. Whether readers seek personal transformation or professional growth, this guide serves as an invaluable companion on their journey toward a truly meaningful and well-rounded life.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "A Comprehensive Guide to Human Sexuality" offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted dimensions of human sexuality. This indispensable guide covers a wide array of topics, commencing with the "Introduction to Human Sexuality: Importance and Scope," which sets the foundation for understanding the significance of healthy sexuality in our lives. From delving into the intricacies of human reproduction, puberty, and the impact on self-esteem and body image, to examining the intricacies of sexual orientation, gender identity, and the necessity of establishing healthy boundaries, each chapter provides valuable insights and knowledge. The book further navigates the complexities of sexual pleasure, intimacy, contraception, and managing sexually transmitted infections. Tackling sensitive subjects with empathy, it addresses topics such as pregnancy, abortion, and infertility, along with empowering individuals with disabilities and advocating for inclusive sex education. Moreover, it delves into vital aspects of online safety, technology, and the ethical considerations surrounding sexual behavior. Closing with a focus on comprehensive sexuality education in schools, the book highlights its benefits and effective implementation, making it an essential resource for individuals seeking to enrich their understanding of human sexuality and nurture healthy relationships in a rapidly evolving world.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "Effective Approaches for Dealing with Teenage Behavior" is a comprehensive guide designed to support parents, guardians, and caregivers in navigating the complexities of raising teenagers. This book provides practical strategies and insights to help you understand and address various aspects of teenage behavior. From understanding the developmental changes of adolescence to fostering healthy parent-teen relationships, setting boundaries, managing conflicts, and supporting academic success, each chapter offers valuable tools and approaches. Topics such as mental health, substance abuse, healthy habits, sexuality education, technology management, parenting styles, and self-esteem are explored, providing a holistic perspective on nurturing your teen's well-being. With this book, you'll gain knowledge, practical advice, and resources to guide you through the challenges and joys of parenting during this crucial phase of your teenager's life.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    17,00 €

    "Resolving Property Disputes in Indian Families" is a comprehensive guide that navigates the intricate terrain of property conflicts within Indian households. With a deep understanding of the cultural, legal, and emotional aspects, this book equips readers with essential knowledge and practical strategies to address property disputes effectively. From exploring the complexities of property disputes and their cultural context to differentiating between types of property and understanding the principles of inheritance, each chapter offers valuable insights. Whether it's navigating joint family setups, utilizing the wisdom of family elders, or exploring alternative dispute resolution methods, this book provides a holistic approach to resolving property conflicts. Additionally, it delves into the legal framework, tax implications, emotional impact, and future planning, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. With its compassionate and informative content, this book aims to empower individuals, families, and professionals in achieving fair and harmonious resolutions for property disputes in the Indian context.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    14,98 €

    "Beyond Betrayal: Understanding and Healing from Infidelity" delves deep into the intricate world of infidelity, offering a comprehensive exploration of its causes, consequences, and the path to healing. Through eighteen thought-provoking chapters, this book navigates the complexities of infidelity, examining its various types, societal and cultural influences, psychological motivations, and the dynamics of communication and relationships that contribute to its occurrence. From the impact of the internet and gender perspectives to the discovery of affairs and the potential for repairing relationships, this book offers insights, coping strategies, and a roadmap for rebuilding trust, growth, and ultimately redefining relationships beyond infidelity. It is a guidebook for those seeking understanding, healing, and the possibility of a brighter future.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    16,00 €

    "Exploring the Complexities of Mother-in-Law, Daughter-in-Law Relationships" delves deep into the intricate dynamics of this often misunderstood relationship. Through a comprehensive analysis of various aspects, this book offers invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by both parties. Drawing on historical perspectives and societal influences, it sheds light on the cultural expectations and stereotypes that shape these relationships. By examining the impact of individual personalities, communication challenges, power struggles, emotional boundaries, and clashes in traditions, values, and beliefs, readers gain a profound understanding of the complexities involved. With chapters dedicated to the role of the husband, the importance of emotional support, conflict resolution strategies, empathy-building techniques, and establishing healthy boundaries, this book equips readers with practical tools for sustaining harmonious relationships. It also explores the benefits of seeking professional mediation and encourages personal growth and self-reflection for long-term relationship success. Ultimately, this book serves as a guide to navigate the intricate web of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationships, fostering empathy, understanding, and mutual respect for a lifetime of positive interactions.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    17,00 €

    "Empowering Single Mothers on their Journey" is a poignant and inspiring book that delves into the lives of single mothers, exploring their unique experiences and celebrating their resilience. From unexpected motherhood to embracing independence, this book unravels the challenges faced by unmarried women and widows who navigate the path of single parenthood. It sheds light on the hidden struggles, silent battles, and untold stories of these remarkable women, who break stereotypes and redefine parenthood. With chapters focusing on co-parenting, finances, self-discovery, and community support, this book provides valuable insights, strategies, and encouragement for single mothers, empowering them to embrace their journey with strength and triumph over adversity.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Facing the Challenges of Aging with Grace" is an insightful and comprehensive guidebook that offers valuable guidance and practical advice to individuals navigating the complexities of growing older. This book delves into various aspects of aging, presenting a holistic approach to address the physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of this life stage. Each chapter offers a wealth of knowledge, ranging from understanding the challenges and opportunities of aging, challenging ageism and discrimination, and promoting inclusivity, to exploring topics such as physical health and wellness, mental health and cognitive functioning, nutrition and healthy eating, exercise and physical activity, managing chronic pain, adapting to age-related vision and hearing loss, and coping with social isolation and loneliness. Furthermore, it covers important subjects like enhancing relationships, financial planning and retirement, caregiving and long-term care, embracing technology, maintaining independence, coping with loss and grief, nurturing spirituality, finding purpose and meaning in retirement, and reflecting upon one's legacy and life experiences. By providing practical strategies and empowering insights, this book equips readers with the tools necessary to face the challenges of aging with grace, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    29,00 €

    Groundwater development has shown phenomenal progress in our country during past few decades. There has been a vast improvement in the perception, outlook and significance of groundwater resource. Groundwater is a dynamic system. It is dynamic in the sense that the state of any hydrological system is changing with time, and in the sense that we are continually developing new scientific techniques to evaluate these systems. The total annual replenishable groundwater resource of India is around 431 BCM. Inspite of the national scenario on the availability of groundwater being favourable, there are many areas in the country facing scarcity of water. This is because of the unplanned groundwater development resulting in fall of water levels, failure of wells, and salinity ingress in coastal areas. The development and over-exploitation of groundwater resources in certain parts of the country have raised the concern and need for judicious and scientific resource management and conservation.A complexity of factors - hydrogeological, hydrological and climatological, control the groundwater occurrence and movement. The precise assessment of recharge and discharge is rather difficult, as no techniques are currently available for their direct measurements. Hence, the methods employed for groundwater resource estimation are all indirect. Groundwater being a dynamic and replenishable resource is generally estimated based on the component of annual recharge, which could be subjected to development by means of suitable groundwater structures.Mathematical models are tools, which are frequently used in studying groundwater systems. In general, mathematical models are used to simulate (or to predict) the groundwater flow. Predictive simulations must be viewed as estimates, dependent upon the quality and uncertainty of the input data. Model conceptualization is the process in which data describing field conditions are assembled in a systematic way to describe groundwater flow processes at a site. The model conceptualization aids in determining the modelling approach and which model software to use. Taking the base from my lecture notes delivered in various training courses during last 26 years and further editing and additions, I have developed this book titled "Groundwater Assessment and Modelling". The book is intended to provide a comprehensive treatise related to assessment and modelling of groundwater. It includes chapters on assessment of groundwater potential, groundwater data requirement and analysis, basic concepts and guidelines for groundwater modelling, groundwater modelling software, modelling of unsaturated flow, modelling of sea water intrusion, and impact of climate change on groundwater resources.I hope this book will be quite useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students (water resources engineering), field engineers and researchers working in the area of assessment, development and management of groundwater resources.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Beyond Traditional Marriage: Navigating Live-in Relationships" offers a comprehensive exploration of the evolving landscape of modern relationships. This thought-provoking book delves into the concept of live-in relationships, defining them and highlighting their distinctions from dating and marriage. It delves into the advantages of flexibility and freedom, while also shedding light on the challenges of lacking legal protection and rights. With a focus on trust, commitment, and intimacy, the book examines the intricacies of sharing expenses and financial responsibilities. It delves into the legal aspects and regulations concerning cohabitation, as well as parental acceptance and objections in the context of raising children. Addressing cultural variations and acceptance, the book also explores relationship milestones, decision-making, effective communication strategies, and the importance of sexual compatibility. Readers will gain valuable insights into cohabitation agreements, the psychological implications of live-in relationships, and the significance of building a support system outside of traditional marriage. Additionally, the book examines emerging patterns in live-in relationships and offers reflective perspectives on the journey taken by couples who choose to navigate the uncharted waters of non-traditional partnerships.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Bridging Boundaries: Love and Inter-Caste Marriages in the Indian Subcontinent" is an insightful exploration of the intricate dynamics surrounding love and inter-caste marriages in the Indian context. Through its comprehensive chapters, this book delves into various aspects of this complex phenomenon. It starts with an introduction to love and inter-caste marriages, followed by a historical perspective that traces the evolution of marriage patterns in the Indian Subcontinent. The book then delves into sociocultural factors that influence these marriages, offering a comparative analysis between love and arranged marriages. It examines how inter-caste marriages break barriers and challenge social norms, reshaping social hierarchies and the caste system. The legal aspects, socioeconomic implications, and family dynamics are thoroughly examined, shedding light on the challenges and transformations within these marriages. The book also addresses the issues of honor killings, violence, and the impact on gender roles and equality. It explores the generation gap and the contrasting attitudes towards love and inter-caste marriages in urban and rural settings. Additionally, the book analyzes the media's portrayal and influence on these marriages and concludes by discussing future trends and prospects for love and inter-caste marriages in the Indian Subcontinent. Overall, "Bridging Boundaries" provides a comprehensive and thought-provoking account of the complexities surrounding love and inter-caste marriages in the region, offering valuable insights for scholars, researchers, and individuals interested in understanding and promoting inclusivity and social change.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    14,00 €

    "Roots Apart: Navigating Life When Children Settle Abroad" is a comprehensive guidebook that delves into the profound challenges faced by aging parents when their children settle abroad. In this thought-provoking book, each chapter tackles a different aspect of this complex issue, providing valuable insights, and practical advice. From exploring the emotional impact of separation to managing financial struggles, navigating communication barriers, and addressing health and caregiving concerns, the book offers a holistic perspective on the unique circumstances faced by elderly parents left behind. It also delves into the cultural, legal, and administrative challenges that arise, while providing coping strategies, resilience-building techniques, and information about support systems and resources available to help both parents and their adult children thrive despite the distance. "Roots Apart" is an indispensable resource for families facing the complexities of life when children settle abroad, offering guidance and reassurance for a fulfilling and connected future.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Understanding Suicide: Prevention, Awareness, and Moving Forward" is a comprehensive and insightful book that delves into the complex and sensitive topic of suicide. Through its thoughtfully structured chapters, the book explores various aspects of suicide, including its definition, prevalence, and the crucial link between mental health and suicide. It guides readers through identifying warning signs, risk factors, and the social, cultural, and economic influences that contribute to suicide. The book also addresses specific populations at risk, such as adolescents, the elderly, and the LGBTQ+ community, providing a deep understanding of their unique challenges. Moreover, it explores the impact of suicide on families and friends and offers effective strategies for suicide prevention, including a discussion on the role of mental health professionals and available resources. With chapters dedicated to ethical considerations, the global perspective of COVID-19, and the connection between cyberbullying and suicide, this book provides a comprehensive view of the subject. Ultimately, it aims to foster a greater awareness and understanding of suicide, equipping readers with the knowledge needed to prevent future tragedies and move forward towards a more compassionate and supportive society.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Empower Yourself Against Cyber Crimes and Frauds" is a comprehensive guide that equips readers with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the treacherous world of cyber threats. With an in-depth exploration of various topics, including phishing, identity theft, social engineering, online scams, malware attacks, ransomware, data breaches, financial frauds, cyberstalking, cyberbullying, the dark web, cybersecurity best practices, the legal framework, and future trends, this book offers valuable insights into the modern cyber threat landscape. Packed with practical advice and defense mechanisms, this book is an indispensable resource for individuals looking to protect themselves and their digital lives from the ever-evolving dangers of cyber crimes and frauds.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    15,00 €

    "Social Impact of Mobile Phones in the Digital Age" is a thought-provoking exploration of the profound influence that mobile phones have had on our society. This book delves into the various aspects of the social consequences brought about by the mobile revolution. From the transformation of communication methods to the redefinition of relationships in the digital era, each chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of mobile phones on different facets of our lives. It examines the breaking of geographical barriers, the rise of social media, the shaping of identity, the power of online platforms for community building, the dynamics of family bonds, the complexities of love and romance in the digital era, the dark side of connectivity including cyberbullying and online harassment, the delicate balance between privacy and surveillance, the implications for mental health, the role of mobile phones in education and learning, the challenges of work-life balance, the potential for civic engagement and activism, the intergenerational relationships shaped by mobile technology, and offers a glimpse into the future of mobile technology and its anticipated social shifts in an increasingly connected world. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay between mobile phones and society in the digital age.

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