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  • - The Story of Liberalism and the Fight for its Life
    von Ian Dunt
    45,00 €

    In a sweeping narrative spanning 400 years, Ian Dunt tells the story of the liberal ideas that underpin our democracies.

  • von Joe Ryle
    25,00 €

    Written by the Director of Britain's 4 Day Week campaign, this book shows why companies, charities, local government departments and other organisations should implement four days a week working (with no loss of pay for workers) – and how.

  • von Arthur Snell
    36,00 €

    "e;Engrossing and frankly deeply troubling"e; - The Bookseller"e;I cannot recommend this book highly enough"e; -Monocle"e;One of the most engaging, authentic and original analyses I've read of events of the last quarter century"e; - Shakespeare & Co"e;Buy this book"e; - John SweeneyDescriptionTurmoil in the 2020s.Russia is destroying Ukraine.China threatens Taiwan and Southeast Asia.Endless war in the Middle East sends waves of migrantsand terrorists washing around the world.And the biggest nations on Earth cannot agree effectiveaction to stop the worst effects of global heating.Instead of being a global force for good, Britain has oftenfostered instability and division. In fact, the UK's careless'humanitarian' interventions, grandiosity and greed havehelped to fracture the global order built after World War II.Why is the world sodangerous now?How Britain Broke the Worldis by former senior British diplomat Arthur Snell.It critically assesses UK foreign policyover the past 25 years, from Kosovo in1998 to Afghanistan in 2021, while alsoscrutinising British policy towards thepowerhouses of the USA, Russia, India,and China.Far from being unimportant, Snellreveals, Britain has oftenplayed a pivotal role in world affairs.For instance, London supplied the falseintelligence that justified the Alliedinvasion of Iraq and plugged Russia'scorrupt elite into Western economies.Then come the bungled humanitarianinterventions in foreign states.Without the UK's marginal but key role,the author argues, it's likely that warswould not have blighted the Balkans,Iraq, and Libya, hundreds of thousandsof lives would have been saved, and theworld would be a safer place in the 2020s.Taking in Russia's full-scale invasionof Ukraine in 2022, Snell charts the keypolitical, economic and geographicfactors that drive the behaviour of themost powerful and populous countries.Like a diplomatic version of Prisoners ofGeography by Tim Marshall, How BritainBroke the World reveals the ignominiousreality of UK foreign policy and the truestate of world affairs. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Britain's role in international affairs.Review'In this engrossing and frankly deeply troubling book,former senior British diplomat Snell explains howBritain's often incompetent, inconsistent and sometimesdownright greedy foreign policy has played a pivotalrole in rendering the world a more dangerous place.'Not only in regard to Russia, where successive British governments have helped to plug Putin's oligarchy into the Western economic system, but also when it comes to the wars in Kosovo, Iraq, Libya and more'Caroline Sanderson, awarding an 'Editor's Choice' for Non-fiction, The BooksellerAbout the AuthorAfter graduating from Oxford with a firstclass degree in history, Arthur Snell joinedthe Foreign and Commonwealth Office.A fluent Arabic speaker, he served inAfghanistan, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Yemen,and Iraq.He headed the international strand ofthe UK Government's Prevent counterterrorismprogramme.He is currently a geopolitical consultantand host of the hit podcast DoomsdayWatch.ExtractThere was a brief silence after the bomb blast. Then shouting,and nervous laughter. The Iraqi official gestured to the shatteredwindow and stammered: 'Shay 'aadi,' a 'normal thing.' We wereboth uninjured, but I learned later that several guards had diedoutside the office where we were meeting. It was 2005 and I was inBaghdad, working as a British diplomat. Car bombs were normal.As I left the building I noticed a charred hand on the ground,probably the bomber's....That day, in the bombed building,I could no longer deny to myself that the Allied powers hadunleashed a terrible whirlwind. Now, as I write in the early 2020s,the existence of Islamic State is a direct consequence of the 2003invasion. But the impact of that terrible mistake stretches farwider: from regional chaos in the Middle East, to shredding thecredibility of Western governments, to the renewed power ofautocratic countries, chiefly Russia and China.A FAILING WORLD ORDERThe unsteady rules-based international order finally collapsed on24th February 2022, when Russia launched a full-scale invasionof Ukraine. Under stress for some time, this system - internationallaw, accepted national borders, with the United Nations as globalpolice chief - had delivered peace and security for most Westerndemocracies from World War II into the 1990s. Admittedly, manycountries, particularly in the Global South, missed out on theupsides. But a world without this framework is volatile. We areliving in a period of global disorder, conflict and uncertainty.As I write in 2022, major conflicts are laying waste to the largeand geopolitically sensitive states of Ukraine, Libya and Yemen,and civil wars are raging in the large countries of Ethiopia andSyria. In addition, an arc of instability runs across the entireSahel region of Africa and widespread civil strife continuesin Myanmar, Afghanistan and Iraq. Running alongside theseflashpoints is the spectre, once more, of great power conflict.ContentsIntroduction1. An 'Ethical' Foreign Policy2. Kosovo: War in Europe3. Iraq, MI6 and a Botched Invasion4. Afghanistan: 'Government in a Box'5. Libya: Creating a Power Vacuum6. Syria: A Conflict Without End7. Russia and the London Laundromat8. China: the Golden Error of Kowtow9. Saudi Arabia, Oil and Influence10. India and the Politics of Empire11. The US and the UK 'Special' Relationship12. Brexit: Isolation in EuropeConclusionAcknowledgementsReferencesIndexBuy the book to carry on reading.

  • von Louis Stewart & Naomi Kenyon
    48,00 €

    An illustrated book celebrating the achievements of 99 inspirational characters who settled in the UK. Foreword by Bonnie Greer.

  • von Steven Derix
    28,00 €

    First major biography of Ukraine's leader written for aWestern audienceTopical, up-to-date covering the Russian invasion of Ukraine'Start here' book for those interested in the Ukraine war and inspirational leadership

  • von Richard Overton
    16,00 €

  • von Guy Doza
    36,00 €

    'Most books on persuasion teach the few how to sway the many. With wit and vim, Guy has given us something else: an X-ray into the tactics of those trying to change our minds and behaviour.' - Stephen Krupin, former speechwriter for Barack ObamaWhen Winston Churchill spoke in Parliament, he convinced an empire to go to war. When Martin Luther King spoke in Washington, he convinced millions to open their hearts to change. When Oprah Winfrey said: 'Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do,' she also used rhetoric. As we have here, by deploying the rule of three to stress a point.Rhetoric - the art of persuasive speaking and writing - often gets a bad rap. In this dazzling, fast-paced guide, speechwriter Guy Doza rescues rhetoric from the shadows and showcases its immense power to change lives, for good and bad.Highlighting punchy sayings from Ancient Rome to modern marketing, he shows how leaders, businesses and even our own friends use rhetorical techniques every day to make convincing arguments.What's more, this guide to rhetoric will show you how to learn to use this persuasive language in your own life:How to convince an investor to back your ventureWhat to say to a potential lover in a barAnd, the six rules of apology you should use if you ever accidentally run over the next-door neighbour's cat...How to Apologise for Killing a Cat is a quick read, humorous and highly practicable. It decodes the tricks and techniques of rhetoric for everyday readers.It's theonly book you need to make a convincing marketingpitch.It's the only book you need to give a rousing speech.It's theonly book you need to write persuasively.It's the best book to explain the technique we've just used here. After reading this book, you will start to see the trick of rhetoric used everywhere.After reading this book, you will never see the worldthe same way again!About the authorGuy Doza is a speechwriter and trainer. He has a Master's degree in Rhetoric from the University of London and uses rhetoric in the speeches he writes for senior politicians and business leaders. He trains government speechwriters in logic and rhetoric.IntroductionHave you ever had that unpleasant anxiety of taking your carto the mechanic and feeling like you're being swindled? Mostof you will probably know exactly what I am talking about.We don't know how cars work, we don't know what the partsare called and we don't know how to fix them ourselves. Thislack of knowledge makes us vulnerable and susceptible toexploitation, and we know it. So does the mechanic.Now, most mechanics are honest individuals, not rogues,but can we say the same of people who run countries andbig companies? When it comes to ordinary life away fromthe car engine or central heating boiler, most of us don'teven realise just how vulnerable we are. People can usepersuasive language to swindle us, cheat us, and exploit usto the hilt. And the worst part is that we are not even awarethat it is happening.Welcome to rhetoric, the art of persuasion. Rhetoric is asuperpower. It can alter the way we think, the way we behaveand sometimes even the way we live our lives. And its most explosive charge lies in its subtlety. We need to be aware ofhow such persuasive language is used, not only so that wecan be more persuasive ourselves, but defend ourselves against the rhetorical advances of thosewho would seek to exploit us.A Dark Art?For too long, rhetoric has been a dark and ancient artconfined to the secretive circles of politics and academia.This mystery and misunderstanding has often led tothe public to consider it to be the tool of crooks, spindoctors and villains. But no more! The time has come tobring rhetoric out of the darkness and show it for what itis: a mighty linguistic tool. Whether it is a conversationbetween friends in a caf a pathetic attempt to flirtat a bar, or a meaningful conversation with a world renownedphilosopher, rhetoric is everywhere. It is howwe invoke authenticity, how we convey meaning, andhow we convince.So as well as looking at the grand speeches of eloquentorators and established speakers, this book will delve intothe street rhetoric that we encounter in our everydaylives. Whether it's a cheap use of ethos or a dodgy use ofoccultatio, rhetoric is thriving in our offices, dwelling inour pubs and lurking in our very homes. We are goingto look at some of the forms that rhetoric can take as itattempts to twist our thoughts and muddy our reasoning.Sadly, reading this book will not turn you into an eloquentmillionaire who is able to close billion dollar business deals,perform Jedi mind tricks, and convince anyone of anything.There are plenty of gimmicky books out there if that is whatyou are looking for. Rather, this book is designed to helpyou become more aware of the role that rhetoric plays inthe world around us: the good, the bad and the ugly. And,with a certain amount of caution, you will be more preparedto use it yourself while simultaneously being conscious ofhow it might be used against you, whether for morality, formanipulation, money, or malice.Buy the book and carry on on reading!

  • von Jon Alexander
    38,00 €

    Citizens opens up a new way of understanding ourselves and shows us what we must do to survive and thrive - as individuals, as organisations, as nations, even as a species.Jon Alexander's consultancy, the New Citizenship Project, hashelped revitalise some of Britain's biggest organisations suchas the Co-op, The Guardian and the National Trust. Here, withthe New York Times bestselling writer Ariane Conrad, he showshow human history has moved from the Subject Story of kingsand empires to the current Consumer Story. Now, he arguescompellingly, it is time to enter the Citizen Story.Because when our institutions treat people as citizens ratherthan consumers, everything changes. Unleashing the powerof everyone equips us to face the challenges of economicinsecurity, climate crisis, public health threats, and polarisation.Citizens is an upbeat handbook, full of insights, clear examplesto follow, and inspiring case studies, from the slums of Kenyato the backstreets of Birmingham. It is the perfect pick-me-up forleaders, founders, elected officials - and citizens everywhere.

  • 13% sparen
    von Chris Stokel-Walker
    17,00 €

    'A careful, detailed teardown of the people, culture and technology behind the world's most dynamic social network, TikTok. It is rare for a business analysis to read like a thriller - this one does.'Azeem Azhar, Founder, Exponential View'TikTok is perhaps the fastest growing and most addictive social media tool yet created. This book is vital to understanding how it works and the impact it's having.'- Damian Collins MP, former chairman of the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee'In TikTok Boom, Stokel-Walker matches the unparalleled breadth and scale of growth of the Chinese platform with remarkable depth and spectacular wisdom. Blending journalistic narrative with state-of-the-art academic research, no other author comes close to weaving this epic tale of the rise of China's first global platform threatening Silicon's Valley hegemony while operating as inflection point around the rise of one globe two Internet systems. This is a must read for students, scholars, and policy makers.'-David Craig, Clinical Professor, USC Annenberg'It's clear that Stokel-Walker's strength is that he's not just TikTok-literate, he's TikTok-fluent. He knows the product, the people, and the entire ecosystem inside and out, and it is this familiarity that makes his telling so compelling, because he knows how to make you feel like you, too, are an insider in this strange new world.' - Rui Ma, founder, Tech Buzz China'This book charts the story of an app on the rise that's changing the world of tech, charting the future of culture, and creating a new world of work: the creator economy... it breaks down some of the biggest questions for the future of work and culture.'- Li Jin, Atelier VenturesTikTok is the fastest growing app in the world, and the first to challenge Silicon Valley's dominance of social media.Donald Trump claimed it was a threat to US security tried to outlaw it. India has banned TikTok.Do the concerns about TikTok's Chinese ownership justify TikTok's treatment in the West? How has it taken over the world in just a few years, and what does its success mean for the future of technology?InTikTok Boom, journalist and author ofYouTubers,ChrisStokel-Walker has interviewed scores of people connected to the world's hottest app, including current and former employees, as well as some of TikTok's biggest names in front of and behind the lens, gleaning never-before-seen insights as to how the new influencer ecosystem works.And he goes behind the scenes at its ambitious Chinese owner, ByteDance, which wants to become Beijing's answer to Google, and finds out what has happened to itsfounder, Yiming Zhang.TikTok Boom presents a nuanced, informed and incisive read on the characters and strategies behind the world's new tech order.

  • - The Facts on Food, Jobs, Schools, and the NHS
    von Gavin Esler
    19,00 - 29,00 €

  • - Why You Can't Buy A Home Or Even Rent A Good One
    von Chloe Timperley
    30,00 €

    In this razor-sharp account of how a nation of homeowners gave way to a generation of insecure renters haemorrhaging cash, Chloe Timperley tackles the myths and mysteries belying attempts to 'fix' Britain's broken housing market. She reveals who's being shafted, who's cashing in - and the radical steps we need to take to give everyone a good home.

  • - How YouTube Shook Up TV and Created a New Generation of Stars
    von Chris Stokel-Walker
    38,00 €

    How do YouTube stars live life in front of the lens? And who is behind them? More than 100 insiders laid bare the reality of their lives for this, the first in-depth independent book on YouTube. It charts the platform's rise from single home video to global boom - while getting the facts on brand deals, burnout and authenticity.

  • - A Lawyer's Stories of Murder, Guilt and Innocence
    von William Clegg
    34,00 €

    'GRIPPING' (The Times)'FASCINATING, NO-HOLDS-BARRED' (The Secret Barrister)How can you speak up for someone accused of a savage murder? Or sway a jury? Or get a judge to drop a case?William Clegg QC is a leading criminal lawyer in London. In this vivid memoir, he revisits his most notorious and intriguing trials, from the acquittal of Colin Stagg to the murder of Jill Dando, to the man given life because of an earprint and the first Nazi war crimes prosecution in the UK.All the while he lays bare the secrets of his profession, from the rivalry among barristers to the nervous moments before a verdict comes back - and how our right to a fair trial is now at risk.Under the Wig is for anyone who wantsto know the reality of a murder trial.Under the Wig is for anyone who wants to know the reality of a murder trial. It's an intelligent crime read for fans of The Secret Barrister'sStories of the Law and How It's Brokenand Unnatural Causes by Dr Richard Shepherd.Well-known cases featured: Murder of Rachel Nickell on Wimbledon CommonChillenden Murders (Dr Lin and Megan Russell)Trial of Private Lee CleggMurder of Jill DandoFirst Nazi war crimes prosecution in the UKMurder of Joanna YeatesRebekah Brooks Phone Hacking TrialWilliam Clegg QC, is one of the most celebrated advocates at the English bar. A barrister for 47 years, he has been the go-to lawyer for complex murder and fraud cases for decades. He is head of chambers at 2 Bedford Row, one of the four leading criminal sets in London.REVIEWS'This is a gripping memoir from one of our country's greatest jury advocates, offering a fascinating, no-holds-barred tour behind the scenes of some of the most famous criminal cases of modern times.'- The Secret Barrister'Countless veteran lawyers have produced page-tuners based in the fictional world of law, but in Under the Wig William Clegg, QC, has distilled his extraordinary life in the criminal courtroom into a yarn equally as gripping.'- The Times'One of England's best barristers provides a fascinating sometimes hilarious combination of a personal odyssey and insider accounts of the most important and famous court cases of recent times.'From the infamous case of Colin Stagg and the Wimbledon Murders to war crimes in Belarus and Bosnia and the Murdoch phone hacking trials we share and applaud the author's deep commitment to justice and his infectious enthusiasm for one of the world's greatest professions. An absolute must read for anyone who aspires to join it (and anyone who already has.)'- Bob Marshall-Andrews QC'Bill Clegg's memoir draws on some of the most high-profile criminal prosecutions of recent years to illuminate the career of a defence lawyer at the peak of his success.'Deftly weaving personal reminiscences into the view from counsel's bench, he solves one high-profile murder case long before the police and ensures that justice is finally done in another after the tactics adopted by a better-known QC have led to a miscarriage of justice.''Unlike many works of this genre, Clegg's case-book eschews endless exchanges with long-forgotten judges, lawyers and villains. Like the successful jury advocate that he is, Clegg reduces his story to its essence. He speaks plainly, sparing us the the bombast and the braggadocio. And those who still aspire to join the criminal bar will learn more from Clegg than Clegg ever did from Perry Mason.'- Joshua Rozenberg QC, Presenter BBC Law in Action'My independent verdict is that I have never read a more accurate portrayal of our profession.'- Nigel Pascoe QC, Counsel magazineINTRODUCTIONHow can you defend a man like that?How can I defend someone who I know is guilty? It's the question I am asked the most often. It is really a velvet glove on some finger-pointing: how can I, a decent man, speak up for a rapist or murderer? How can I put my professional skills and intellect at the disposal of someone who has committed such a terrible crime?All advocates are asked this question, perhaps me more than most because of the nature of my career. I have defended more than 100 people accused of murder, probably more than any other lawyer practising in England. The first thing to say is that in English law to defend somebody who I know in the strict sense of the word is guilty is not allowed. If the client tells me they are guilty, I must not tell a court they are innocent.For crimes such as fraud or drugs, a client may freely acknowledge what they have done and plead guilty, perhaps after I have pointed out the strength of the case against them and told them of the reduced sentence that greets a guilty plea. This happens often; I don t varnish the facts.Murder, though, is different. Murder is...Buy the book and carry on reading

  • - The Curious Science of Our Minds
    von Mosaic Science
    21,00 €

    Ever wondered how Swedes cope with 24-hour darkness, why we feel pain, or whether smartphones dumb down children? Have you heard about the US military's research into supercharging minds? Originally commissioned by the Wellcome charity, Brainology's stories explore the intrigue and mystery of the mind. Tuck into some seriously interesting science.

  • - The Curious Science of Our Bodies
    von Marchant, Corner, Zimmer, usw.
    26,00 €

    What it's like to be hit by lightning or to lose your sense of smell? Have you heard about the woman saved by bee stings - or the window cleaner who fell 400ft and lived? Written for the Wellcome charity, these 16 stories explore the mysteries of the human body. Learn about everything from diets to allergies to baldness.

  • - A Quick Guide to Britain's Biggest Issue
    von Ian Dunt
    22,00 - 27,00 €

  • - Frank Beck and the Leicestershire Children's Home Scandal
    von Mark D'Arcy & Paul Gosling
    43,00 €

    Frank Beck sexually and physically abused more than 200 looked after children while working as a residential care home manager for Leicestershire County Council. This book shows how he got away with it, after gulling social workers and council managers. It is a new edition of a paperback originally published in 1998, with an additional new chapter on Greville Janner MP.Janner, a lawyer, backbencher and influential figure in Labour,avoided prosecution for his involvement in the Leicestershire care scandal, despite being named as an abuser during the criminal case against Beck.In an epilogue to this new, enlarged edition of this acclaimed book on the scandal, Paul Gosling deals with Janner's dominance of the local Labour Party, his influence within the wider parliamentary party and the failed police investigations into him.Detectives carrying out the latest investigation into Janner are working on the theory that he abused children with Beck.Abuse of Trust, first published in 1998,has long been viewed by social work professionals as an important audit of this case.Gosling and the BBC journalist Mark D'Arcy, his co-author, investigate how Beck and his cronies came to rampage through children's homes in Leicestershire for more than a decade.Despite complaints from children, they continued their reign of terror for 13 years, aided by - at best - incompetence at Leicestershire County Council, Leicestershire Police, and the Crown Prosecution Service.Hundreds of children in the care of the local authority were damaged, and some tragically died.One is suspected, now, of being murdered.At the time Beck was brought to justice for the scandal, allegations that the local MP Greville Janner was also involved were roundly dismissed in the House of Commons, where Janner was supported by his fellow Leicestershire MPs.REVIEWSToday when the pendulum seems to swinging again to start disbelieving claims by survivors that they were sexually abused the republication of a book examining one of the first major child sex scandals is a timely reminder of what victims faced in the 1970s and 1980s.Abuse of Trust looks at the case of the long dead Frank Beck, a charismatic social worker who got away with abusing possibly up to 200 children for two decades before finally being caught and convicted.It is particularly relevant as Alexis Jay's child sex abuse inquiry is planning to resurrect the dire situation in Leicestershire social services at the time with an examination of the role of the then local MP, Greville Janner, who was facing multiple charges of child sexual abuse at the time of his death last year.The book written by two diligent journalists, Mark D'Arcy, a BBC Parliament correspondent and Paul Gosling, an ex Leicester councillor and an experienced freelance journalist...I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to remind themselves about the sheer nastiness, brutality and cover ups that seem to dog this area.- David Hencke, investigative journalist, DavidHencke.comAn important and in-depth analysis of one case among the many... involving members of the 'establishment', where child victims of sexual crime, adult survivors and those professionals supporting them have been silenced and denied justice.- Dr Liz Davies Emeritus Reader in Child Protection London Metropolitan University, Canburypress.comFew books have managed to get to the heart of a story of abuse as thoroughly and accurately as Abuse of Trust... Chilling.- Christian Wolmar Journalist and author,

  • - Introduction by Chris Packham
    von Dominic Dyer
    25,00 €

    'A thriller, whodunnit and impassioned polemic' (Patrick Barkham, Guardian)Dominic Dyer explores the science and electioneering behind Britain's most controversial wildlife policy: the badger cull.He exposes the catastrophic handling of bovine TB by the UKgovernment, the political manoeuvring that led to the cull being devisedin 2010, and the ongoing close relationship between itstwo instigators in Britain -the National Farmers Union and the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).He shines an unflattering spotlight on Cabinet ministers, the veterinary profession, environmental NGOs and the BBC, accusing them of doing too little to protect a protected wild species.Introduction by Chris Packham, naturalist and BBC TVpresenter'For many reasons we had come to love the badger, to cherish and admire it, to protect and celebrate it and of course many still do.'But the reputation of this essential member of the UK's ecology has been targeted by a smear campaign which has been swallowed by the gullible and fuelled by those with vested interests.'(Chris Packham, Introduction)REVIEWS'A thriller, whodunnit and impassioned polemic, this is the inside story of the badger cull.'A vital must-read for anyone concerned about the badger's enduring place in the British countryside.'(Patrick Barkham, nature writer for The Guardian.)It should be read by all those battling against government policies that put money ahead of science and the environment.Our natural world is too important to be over-ridden in this way.Dyer... pays tribute to the 'Badger Army', those many individuals from all walks of life who turned out to protest and importantly, once culling started, to protect the badgers out in the field.Badgered to Death is for them because it tells them just why they must keep fighting the culls. It will convince any reader how very wrong and ineffective the culls will prove to be.(Lesley Docksey, The Ecologist)I enjoyed reading this book and I strongly recommend it to you.If you sign up to the main message of the book, that these culls are a waste of money, a waste of Badgers and at best a partial and inefficient way to reduce bovine TB then you will be hopping mad right now and reading this book won't calm you down, it will energise you.(Mark Avery, vital read for anyone cares about the future of British wildlife

  • - OCD and a Girl Lost in Thought
    von Lily Bailey
    37,00 €

  • - The Inside Story of the Phone Hacking Trial
    von Peter Jukes
    29,00 €

    A factual account of the trial of British newspaper journalists for phone hacking, corruption of officials and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Among the accused were the former News of the World editors Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson. This book covers every twist and turn of the case, which was heard in London in 2013 and 2014.Blow by blow: Crown v Rebekah Brooks & OthersPeter Jukes, an award-winning TV crime writer, starts at the beginning. In October 2013, an eight-month trial starts at the most famous court complex in London, the Old Bailey. It's a showdown that pits tabloid newspaper executives from Rupert Murdoch's News International against the British state.The journalists are accused of phone hacking, corrupting public officials and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. After years of cover up involving News International, the Metropolitan Police and the Government, the judge tells the jury: "e;British justice is on trial"e;.Insight into British journalism and politicsAfter tweeting the first few days, Peter Jukes, the author accidentally becomes the UK's first crowd-funded journalist. New media exposes the old as the trial lays bare the venality and surveillance of the News of the World: its ability to pry into the lives of anyone who matters, at any moment. A Hollywood actress. A missing girl. A Cabinet minister.It's also a battle.Battle of wits between London's top lawyersWith Rupert Murdoch's millions, seven defendants hire London's top QCs. Rebekah Brooks has the 0-a-day silk for corporations, Jonathan Laidlaw. Several times the multi-million pound cases totters on the brink of collapse. Drawing on verbatim court exchanges and exhibits, Jukes reveals the daily reality and grand strategies of a major criminal trial. He gives the secret of Rebekah Brooks' 14 days in the witness box. He explains why during a cigarette break a defence lawyer gave him a wry smile. And he discloses the failings of the Crown Prosecution Service which contribute to the (to some) shocking verdicts.REVIEWSTop court reporting (Nick Davies, The Guardian)Remarkable. I feel I now know all the key players and why some defendants were found guilty and some not, despite never having spent a minute at the trial(Professor Stewart Purvis, former ITN editor)Written in a chatty, gossipy style that brings the courtroom drama alive.(Nigel Pauley, Daily Star journalist)Absorbing and highly revealing... What's striking is how the mass of cash Rupert Murdoch threw at the defence disrupted, disturbed and thwarted the prosecution (Dan Waddell, ex-redtop reporter)This book is that rare beast a ground-breaking volume that's also entertaining and informative... There's a little of Dickens sharp observational eye in his accounts of the David v Goliath battle that took place in Court 12. Naturally, this being the underlings of billionaire Rupert Murdoch versus The Crown, the normal rules were suspended.(Paddy French, Press Gang)A must read for anyone who wants to understand not only our media, but power in Britain(Owen Jones, author The Establishment: And How They Get Away With It)

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