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  • von Yin Wu
    41,00 €

    This book is a selection of the most crucial papers of a Chinese expert on Japanese studies. The papers cover many topics involving politics, economy, culture, diplomacy and other aspects. It has a high academic value. Researcher Wu Yin, the author, has been devoted to the study of Japanese issues for a long time, from the early study of the history of China-Japan relations to the later study of contemporary Japanese international relations. Her study covers the China-Japan relations in various historical periods and involves various fields of contemporary Japanese political culture. Her discussion from the perspectives of "Emperor politics" (Tennō) and "concept of family-country" (kazoku kokka) can be regarded as the key to Japan's political culture. However, the proposition of the view of "equal imbalance" in today's China-Japan relations is of great enlightening significance to people's deep understanding of the essence of China-Japan relations under the cover of various complicated appearances. There are many similar highlights in the manuscript, so I will not list them. I believe that with one volume in hand, readers will be able to understand the context of China-Japan relations. It is worth noting that the manuscript is not only academic but also highly readable due to the author's fluent writing. It is not only of reference value to professional Japanese researchers, but also suitable for general readers to read. In addition, in the interview record of a Japanese researcher's path, the author deeply reviewed the footprints of his own academic path, in which the spirit of academic research revealed can also give the later generations of scholars extraordinary incentives.

  • - Structure and Changes
    von Mingyuan Liu
    34,00 €

  • - A Normative and Empirical Study - Vol. 2
    von Enfu Cheng
    28,00 €

  • - A Normative and Empirical Study - Vol. 1
    von Enfu Cheng
    34,00 €

  • - The Political Economy of Chinese Television Advertising
    von Zixu Liu
    23,00 €

    In this well-written and engaging book, the author begins with a meticulous investigation of the basic facts of the television advertising industry in China: its institutional lay out, content, and audience. The author Liu Zixu, the deputy editorial director of International Critical Thought, from a Marxian viewpoint and sharp critical eyes, draws upon the distinction made in Chinese television advertising between the working class and what could be called the “watching class,” and suggests that the advertising in contemporary China is fundamentally an ideological apparatus, which educates not only for new life styles but also for a new social order. For that reason, it must be treated as an act of the political—a concept that has not been clearly defined in the existing literature of political economy of communication. The author has carefully reviewed numerous scholarly works both from China and West, when developing his analyses. Shifting the focus towards the very existence of advertising, Liu Zixu discusses the political and ideological conditions and background that have made advertising possible in contemporary China, and look at advertising as a field of ideological and political contention in which socialism and capitalism are in constant struggles. In fact, what the products of the Chinese television advertising industry reveals is the process in which a socialist system hosts capitalism and by so doing becomes its hostage, and in which critical intervention becomes necessary in order to bring socialist relations of production back to the discussion. Liu Zixu, suggests: in this sense, the banal and self-deceptive critique of China’s “communist” authoritarianism as suggested by some domestic and foreign studies doesn’t hold water, while in the meantime we must be cautious about the critique of China’s capitalism, which easily misses the struggles against capitalism by various political forces in China at the state, collective and individual level.

  • - Research by Chinese and Japanese Scholars
    von Dongmin Sun
    36,00 €

    The China-Japan Association for the Promotion of Journalism in Beijing has initiated, arranged and presided over the compilation of this book.The year 2012 marked the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. The China-Japan relations should have been further deepened in this memorable year. However, Japan's unlawful "purchase" of the Diaoyu Islands and "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands severely infringes upon China's territorial sovereignty and greatly hurt the Chinese people's feelings, which has resulted in the unprecedented grim situation of China-Japan relations. Moreover, far-sighted people from the two countries have been more and more anxious about this issue.As we all know, the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China's sacred territory since ancient times. This is supported by historical facts and jurisprudential evidence. The Diaoyu Islands were first discovered, named and exploited by the Chinese people. Since the Ming Dynasty, the Diaoyu Islands have been put under the jurisdiction of China's naval defense. The waters surrounding Diaoyu Island are traditionally Chinese fishing ground. Although the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are uninhabited, they have never been "terra nullius". China is the indisputable owner of the Diaoyu Islands.As an inherent territory of China, the Diaoyu Islands shouldn't be a problem. Japan's illegal seizure and occupation of the Diaoyu islands in 1895 has caused the current dispute. During the Sino-Japanese War, taking advantage of the Qing government's undoubted failure, Japan incorporated the islands under the administration of Okinawa secretly. Then, Japan seized the islands for a long term by signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. After the end of World Anti-Fascist War, Japan surrendered unconditionally and accepted the Potsdam Declaration that determined that all territories, including the Diaoyu Islands, occupied by Japan during its invasion of China be returned to China. However, the US and Japan had underhand secret dealings. In December, 1953, the US Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands expanded its jurisdiction to the Diaoyu Islands without any form of jurisprudential justification. On June 17th, 1971, Japan and the United States signed Okinawa Reversion Agreement in order to hand over Okinawa to Japan, and the Diaoyu Islands were mapped into the handover area. Chinese government solemnly declared that such a move was flagrant, totally illegal and invalid; it couldn't change China's territorial sovereignty over the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands.

  • - Conception of Political Thought Trends and Their Regularities
    von Bingquan Wang
    33,00 €

    The book is authored by Wang Bingquan, one of the most renown scholars specialized in the research of political thought trends, he gave a meticulous energy to understand the development laws of political thought trends and make breakthroughs in this area. Men are in interaction with all kinds of political thought trends, how they emerge, develop, transform, vanish and re-emerge in a different historical era, how they embrace and mobilize millions for certain goals, is a vast scientific question. The book investigates this question from a Marxist view and methodology, besides other convenient methods of research. The first part of the book deals to build a systematic conception to answer this question. The second part of the book, investigates into the 3 major political thought trends which most vigorously affect contemporary China: nationalism, civil society, universal values. Wang Bingquan argues that these 3 trends represent a positive effect upon the spiritual production of Chinese people. With the deepening of reform and opening up and the socialist market economy, China's economic and social structures, patterns of employment and interest relations and distribution mode have become more and more diversified. And the spiritual life of people has become more complex, and the differentiation and diversity between various social consciousness forms have become more obvious, which to a large extent demonstrated by various political thought trends. In China the leading party reproduces and innovates the dominant ideology of socialist core values to support the social system and to achieve a healthy progress towards a comprehensively prosperous socialism. Numerous political trends, have complex relations with the dominant ideology, thus the catchword “guiding social thought trends with socialist core values” is the task and  ”showing tolerance and respect for differences and diversity” is the dealing principle set by the leading party to enable a benign atmosphere in the ideological field. The conclusion part of the book discusses the issues of “guiding social thought trends with socialist core values.” We hope the readers will find abundant thought provoking material and information in this book.

  • - A Historical and Realistic Analysis
    von Hailiang Gu
    45,00 €

    As for the main contents and opinions, this monograph has formed a relatively reasonable structure and frame of Stalin’s socialism thought studies.Firstly, in the beginning chapter of this book, the development of Stalin’s thought on socialism was divided into four stages according to great historical events and the evolution of Stalin’s socialism thought. The first stage is the 20 years before the October Revolution, during which Stalin as a professional revolutionary, had researched on and thought about the theories of Russian proletarian revolution and Marxism. Although at this stage, the socialism thought had not been really formed, his basic values on Marxist that were formed in this stage had an important influence on the formation and development of his socialism thought later. The second stage is from the victory of the October Revolution to the year of 1924 when Lenin died and Stalin became the leader of both the party and the nation of Soviet Union, which is the period of tentative exploration of Stalin’s socialism thought. The third stage is from 1924 to 1936 when Stalin announced that he had completed the socialist transformation and the Soviet Union had entered into the era of socialist society. This is the stage that Stalin’s socialism thought wasformed. The fourth stage is from 1936 to 1953 when Stalin died, which is also the period when the Soviet Union went through the Second World War and the post-war reconstruction. This is the developing stage of Stalin’s socialism thought. The latter two stages are the main periods for the evolution of Stalin’s socialism thought, which are also the focal point of the study in this book.Secondly, on the basis of generally summarizing Stalin’s socialism thought, in the second and third chapters, this book has made a special effort to study on the philosophy grounds of Stalin’s socialism thought and his general idea of socialism. Stalin’s philosophic thinking is an important part of Stalin’s socialism thought and the grounds of its world view and methodology. Understanding of Stalin’s philosophic thinking and his general idea of socialism should be the logical starting point of the study on Stalin’s socialism thought.Furthermore, in this book, the study of Stalin’s socialism thought has mainly focused on his though of the economic, political and cultural development. With an emphasis on the mode and system of socialist economy, plan and market, economic growth and development, political system, class and class struggle, construction of the party, development of nations, cultural education and ideology, this book has drafted the basic contents and the main features of Stalin’s socialism thought, which are also the contents from Chapter 4 to Chapter 11, the main part of this book.Lastly, this book has also spent some effortsabout Stalin’s theories on the relations between the world economy and politics, international communist movements and practice, which are the contents of Chapter 12 and 13.It has to be pointed out that Stalin’s socialist thought is part of the study of Stalin’s thought, even the most important part, but it does not cover all. As a result, other Stalin’s important thoughts are not included in the final product of this study.For the further academic research, the last two appendixes are the comments on the studies on Stalin’s thought (mainly his socialism thought) done by scholars both home and abroad.

  • von Dai Gao
    27,00 €

    The book in your hands, the fourth part of the "International Relations Volumes" series probes into the analysis of the relations between North and South since the formation of this division. The North-South relationship as one product of North-South division is not only the product of contemporary world society, but also a product of relatively gradual historical course closely related with European colonial expansion. The book categorizes European metropolitan states, including the US and Japan, into the scope of the North, while refer to those Asian, African and Latin American colonies and semi-colonies as the South, preferring the terminology and conception of Humanities instead of Economics. Scholars home and abroad understand colonial expansion and the formation and development of the North-South relationship basically in the same way. That is, the world was composed of regions far apart which tended to develop their economies independently till the 16th century. But it was since this period that Europeans cleared away territorial borders, broke through geographical barriers, and unite Asia, Africa, Latin America, some of the Pacific islands, and European countries into a whole by means of their advanced navigation technology, ever-increasing military power, economic power which took shape in this period, and colonial expansion throughout the world. As a result, the former mutually divided world was transformed into a world system dominated by Europe (including the U.S. after the WW II). Scholars home and abroad, however, differ in their view on the formation and development of the North-South relationship within this system. Researchers in Europe and the U.S., from the classical economists in the 19th century to contemporary scholars, believe there exists a mutually beneficial relationship, especially in the economic field, between countries and regions of "the North" which are in the core and their counterparts of "the South" in the periphery within the world system because an open world market benefits both parties. In order to fully discuss and elaborate on colonial expansion and the course of the North-South relationship, we have made new explorations into the style and structure of the whole book. The whole book is divided into two parts. The first part covers chapter I to chapter IV and the second part from chapter V to chapter IX.Part I of the book mainly includes an overall and theoretical description of the process of colonial expansion before the WWII and the development of the North-South relationship. It points out that since the 15th and 16th century with the development of capitalism in Western Europe and the great geographical discovery, colonial expansion has become an important instrument of primitive accumulation of capital by numerous colonial countries of the North, while coercing these countries and regions into an asymmetrical world political and economic system.Part II of the book discusses systematically the development of the North-South relationship after the WW II by tracing the postwar development of international relations. After a relatively clear exposition on some major events and key points in the development process of the North-South relationship, it points out the postwar North-South relationship has undergone a process of dialogue, confrontation, and co-operation and the South-South co-operation after the war plays an increasingly important role in contemporary international relations.

  • von Nan Jiang, Hai Jin & Rongyao Zhou
    27,00 €

    This book is 27th Volume of Comprehensive World History Series book project by the World History Institute of CASS, which was started in 2000s, which comprises 39 volumes altogether. The book is co-written by renowned scholars Zhou Rongyao, Jiang Nan, Jin Hai, who are researchers of Institute of World History attached to Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Comprehensive World History Series is a pioneering project, which demonstrates the theoretical achievements of China’s world history studies, and will certainly contribute to the international history academy.The book series is published by Jiangxi Publishing House, in Nanchang. We have started our publishing plan with the volume “The History of Western Alliance After the World War II-1945-2005” and the “International Relations Volumes” include 8 books.The reason to begin the International Relations Volumes with the “Western alliance” is because the author suggests that the world, its order and structure in the Post-War period (WW II) were maintained by various alliance systems. And during this era, the post-War Western alliance has been the most central and complete reflection of the relations between Western countries.All the aspects of international relationships are included in the book. The content of the book mainly concentrates on the issues of strategy, security, politics and economy which affect the overall relationship status among the Western powers. Based on a thorough analysis and research on the Western alliance, the book attempts to reveal the basic factors influencing the relationship between major developed countries and points out to those “lasting characteristics” “variations” “similarities” and “particularities” with special attention given to those factors more directly related with the overall situation.

  • - Yellow Book of World Socialism - Vol.II
    38,00 €

  • von Zhichao Tang
    27,00 €

    This meticulous book is authored by Tang Zhichao, a renowned expert on the Kurdish issue, who has been passionately studying the issue for more than 15 years—currently, director at the Chinese think-tank, the Institute of West Asian and African Studies attached to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The Kurdish issue is one of the most complex, tragic issues of the current world, and of the Middle East, which still remains unresolved. Kurds are the only stateless nation in the region, longing for independence and political freedom. They have suffered greatly from colonialism, from pan-nationalisms, faced with betrayals and the self-centeredness of world’s big powers since the WWI. The book studies the Kurdish issue in each 4 country separately and focuses on the issues most central to explain and grasp, why the Kurdish issue is not resolved for nearly a century. Tang Zhichao underlines the long course that Kurdish national movement needs to consummate before an ultimate favorable solution can be achieved. This is mainly due to external interventions and uncertainties, surrounding the issue: “although the Kurds have not yet fully controlled their own destiny, their capacity to control their fate is is growing gradually and there exists great possibility for them to do so. However, for achieving their long-cherished national aspirations, Kurds do not only need to develop and expand their own strengths, their achievements will also depend on the progress of modernization, democratization and policy adjustments of the relevant countries in the region, the changes in the international and regional patterns, as well as the Kurds’ relations with the outside world.”

  • - Yellow Book of World Socialism - Year 2013
    27,00 €

  • von Hong Zhou & Yunling (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences China) Zhang
    27,00 €

  • von Yibing Zhang
    32,00 €

    This book mainly reads the three works of early Baudrillard, and challenges the current research findings on his philosophical journey. Zhang Yibing also reads Baudrillard''s other works to fully situate him theoretically. He asserts that Baudrillard''s texts cannot be classified as postmodernist or neo-Marxist in any period. Zhang belongs to the third generation of Marxist philosophers in China and is renowned for his textological researches, having developed a unique reading methodology. Since the end of 1960s, Baudrillard wrote three important works: For a Critique of Political Economy of the Sign, The Mirror of Production and Symbolic Exchange and Death, which furiously attacked Marx, aiming to refute historical materialism and deconstruct Marx''s theory of labour value. The Mirror of Production in particular was intended to demolish the logic of Marxist theories from within, by deconstructing and disordering them. This was ignored by many Marxist researchers. What was real thinking behind, and historical context of, the shift in his critique, and how was symbolic exchange combined with death? The author with his sharp insight shows that the Early Baudrillard''s thought is trapped in the logic of symbolic exchange, based on the grassroots'' romanticism (radicalism) of Mauss-Bataille. He then keenly follows the secret of Baudrillard''s transformation process in his critical logic, his passage from the dissolution of the ideographic material to the symbolic value of coding structure, then to quasi-real existence without a model, until finally his symbolic miscoding of death becomes a hopeless waiting for Baudrillard''s tentative salvation of the world. This is indeed a death trilogy, which occurs in Baudrillard''s academic scenery and in which the real existence is murdered. The thinking of late Baudrillard is a discourse like virus and paranoia. This kind of logical violence of theoretical terrorism has become an absurd modern academic caricature of excessive rational interpretation. In this book the reader will also find Zhang''s innovative interpretation and updating of Marx''s historical materialism.

  • - The Horizon of Post-Subjectivity Philosophy
    von Wang Nanshi & Xie Yongkang
    26,00 €

    In mainland China, in the recent decades, once discarded Western Marxism studies have reached a peak. To study humanism, alienation, subjectivity and practical materialism, epistemology and aesthetics, interchange and social ontology as well as cultural philosophy, existential philosophy, philosophy of daily life, has entered into the scope. Wang Nanshi and Xie Yongkang, in this book on practical materialism, have succeeded a comprehensive study to reflect the major aspects and theoretical bases of this philosophy. Marxist philosophical theoretical research had not been so successful for some time. This has been fairly evaluated and investigated in this book to open a new scope, revealing the past theoretical regress. On the one shore was dialectical and historical materialism theory of Marxist philosophy propagated in college text books which was scientist, and naturalist and on the other shore was critical historical materialism of Young Lukacs and Korsch, which put the subject- proletarian practice in the center, to solve the problem of unity between subject and object isomorphic with the unity of nature and history. The issue put by the former was the existence of general principles applicable to both spheres. The latter had centered the issue on the existence of natural being opposite to social history. Lukacs'' gave a negative answer to these two issues. As to history, general principles would be abstract and Lukacs had viewed the nature as a "socio-historical category". Although both schools led their own journey, both had failed to grasp the real essence of Marx''s philosophical theories on materialism, metaphysics, dialectic and complex human practice. The essence of the philosophical revolution achieved by Marx, which makes him an outstanding modern philosopher, was his practical materialist theory and his view on the relation between practice and theory. Readers will surely find a thought provoking debate and vision in the book.CONTENT OF MAIN PARTSTHEORETICAL PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHYConceptual Study of Theory and Practice Differentiation and Evolution of Theoretical Philosophy andPractical Philosophy Marx''s Philosophy Is a Modern Practical PhilosophyMATERIALISM AND MODERN MATERIALISMGeneral Meaning and History of MaterialismPractice and Marx''s Modern MaterialismModern Materialism is Historical MaterialismDIALECTIC AS PRACTICAL WISDOMConcept and History of DialecticMarxist Practical DialecticPICTURE OF THE LIFE-WORLD OF FINITE SUBJECTMarx''s Two Propositions about ManMaterial World and Human ActivitySocial Life and Human EssencePRACTICE ANd HUMAN KNOWLEDGEEpistemological Issues and Their Way outQuasi-Epistemological View of TruthHISTORY AND HUMAN IDEALContradictoriness of Human ExistenceHistory and IdealLooking into Marx''s Realm of Ideal from the Angle of Real History

  • - Classics, Innovations and the Communist Party of China
    von Wu Meihua
    23,00 €

    This book is from Chinese academy, which studies the most delicate subject of politics -party theory-; rarely studied as part of the academy. Marxist parties pursuing power for a new society have a long history since 1847 and have encountered many changes since then. Today, the societal and political conditions in some regions have radically changed presenting new challenges for Marxist parties. Inner-party or extra-party coalitions with progressive left-wing forces are full in debate and this imposes them new trials. And, as the argument on the disintegration of proletariat spreads wider Marx''s emphasis: "education of the educators" again poses an urgency and adds to the topicality of Marxist party building theories. After radical changes in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, it has been proved true that the Marxist party is a key link in building the desired socialist society-the emancipation of the proletariat and humans transcending capitalist society-. Often, many defects of post-capitalist societies were attributed to ruling Marxist parties, their rigid structures, bureaucratization, over-centralization and false interpretation of Marx''s relevant ideas , after him . Grave policy mistakes or loss of belief were also considered as part of structural degeneration and distorted class links. This book offers a realistic approach to the problems in the history of Marxist parties; the historical development of ideas on Marxist party. The book was written by scholars from Renmin University-China, debating problems with their societal and historical environment ; suggesting courageous trials, innovations, institutionalization, transparency,inner-party democracy, empowerment of members and supervision from outside the Marxist party. And the book is unique as it studies the concept of the ruling Marxist party more comprehensively,and delves into the less debated parts of the party building theory: party''s work style and ideological line concepts.

  • - Post-Marxism, Eco-Marxism, Post-modernism, Future Socialism, Market Socialism, New Imperialism, Radical Democracy, Post-modern Feminism, Baudrillard's Political Economy
    von Zeng Zhisheng
    26,00 €

  • - Reviewing Chinese and Global Studies 1940-2007
    von Yang Fengcheng
    32,00 €

    This book is a reference book for students learning Mao Zedong Thought in universities and colleges in China and for theoreticians and researchers studying it in Party schools, theoretical publicity bodies and academic research institutes from Mainland China. It offers an objective, equitable, and comprehensive introduction and assessments on the past and latest achievements in the study of Mao Zedong Thought in China and foreign countries and on the controversial issues in the study. When deciding on the English edition of this book, we have aimed to deliver the global reader a complete picture on how Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong''s ideology is evaluated and studied in today''s China. It is a representative book of its kind and also reflects how the mainland Chinese scholars have evaluated foreign studies on Mao Zedong. Thus we hope the book will encourage more exchanges on Mao Zedong studies worldwide. The book also offers a comprehensive and systematic study material and factual information for those interested in the history of Marxism in China. The book was written by a team work and young and middle-aged scholars teaching and studying Mao Zedong Thought and the history of the Communist Party of China at the Department of History of the Communist Party of China in Renmin University of China, have contributed to it.Mao Zedong one of the most charismatic Marxist political leaders of the world, has affected the path of China, region and the world. As a large country with an unimaginable population China had been an important object of world politics, then it became a subject acting for itself this was mainly initiated by two persons and two parties, Sun-Yat-Sen and KMT; Mao and CPC. But, Sun-Yat-Sen was an unfortunate man, he could not see his ideals being realized for his people and country and the party he had established -KMT remains as one of the capitalist ruling parties in Taiwan Island. Mao Zedong could also not see all what he desired. The Cultural Revolution had proceeded in a totally different direction. Some of his ideals would not fit the practice of today''s Chinese socialism.Yang Fengcheng, the compiler of this comprehensive book offers enough evidence that studies in China over Mao Zedong himself and his ideology has remarkably improved and being institutionalized after that evaluation and in 1990s. Yang Fengcheng and his colleagues have presented a large catalogue of new research findings and debates among scholars and experts studying in this sphere. These abundant and thought provoking materials surely offer a broad vision for a wide range of related people including scholars, politicians and activists. It will be impossible to understand today''s and future China without understanding Mao Zedong and the CPC. Mao Zedong had made the deepest effect in China''s life and readers may find solid evidence that this will be valid for a long time to come. Mao Zedong, was the first man who had seen the major future trend of socialist movement in the world, that it should be firmly rooted in a country''s soil and integrated with the people''s practice in that country. But this new idea in a certain period of time in the history had caused a big turbulence and sharp conflicts in the socialist movement and was of a great political significance. Being a part of the conflict hurts every side and confuses people and sometimes conflicts become unavoidable. The book also offers some material how this issue was later evaluated and reviewed and set in the right direction by the CPC.Study of main trends, ideas and leaders are important component of country studies. As the root ideology of China''s Marxism, which leads the country, the new trends in Mao Zedong Thought studies will remain to be important. This book offers a rare opportunity, as it is the first English published book by authoritative Chinese authors on this subject with the newest information.

  • - Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts. From Adorno to Zizek
    von Zhang Yibing
    29,00 €

    The post-Marxian philosophy boasts of its historical transcendence over the basic framework of Marxism, which is not different from the post-modern Marxism in terms of historical ontology: they are built on the transcendence of the modern by the post-modern. The post-Marxian philosophers believe that the foundation of social history, on which Marxism is built, will be inevitably reduced to the residue of history. An entirely new social civilization is supposed to come up with a heterogeneous reality for this radical criticism. Therefore, most of the post-Marxian thinkers criticize Marx from a certain perspective while constructing their own critical platform, for example, Baudrillard, with his Mirror of Production and For a Critique of Political Economy of Sign published in the 1970s. As a student of Lefebvre, Baudrillard is also influenced by Roland Barthes and Guy Debord In Society of Spectacle, Debord rewrites the beginning of Marx''s Capital, in which "an immense accumulation of spectacle" replaces Marx''s "immense accumulation of commodities." From the Society of Spectacle to The Consumer Society, the commodity exchange of Marx is turned into the exchange of signs. The mirror of production on which Marx relies is broken while the fantasy of post-modern media becomes the real ruler in today''s capitalist society. In addition, Baudrillard declares the death of modernity and industry (the mode of material production), which also accounts for his refutations of Marxism. The latest events include Mark Poster''s replacement of Marx''s mode of production with his mode of information and Zizek''s adoption of the Lacanian symptoms in place of Marx''s material relations. In general, the post-Marxian philosophy attempts to stride beyond the old Marxist domain, which is a significant heterogeneity in theory.This book is the second volume of the two volume book written by Zhang Yibing; the first volume includes classical Western Marxism texts, and this second includes what he calls "post-Marxian" texts. Born in 1956, he belongs to the second generation of scholars studying "Western Marxism" philosophy in the Mainland China. His first article was published in 1982 and in the second half of 80''ies, he started his books. Zhang Yibing, has chosen a brand new method for China -textual studies- which was very rarely applied. With his sharp critical reflections, and deep background investigation on how those thinkers have developed their ideas, he is one of the outstanding names in that generation. His influential books include, Back to Marx: The Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics; Back to Lenin---A Post-textological Reading on Philosophical Notes; The Impossible Truth of Being: Imago of Lacanian Philosophy; Symptom Reading and Ideology: A Textological Reading of Althusser; The Subjective Dimension of Marxian Historical Dialectics ;Atonal Dialectical Imagination: The Textual Reading of Adorno''s Negative Dialectics; and Against Baudrillard- Deconstruction of a Post-modern Academic Mythos.

  • - A Marxist Update on Its Revolution
    von Zhang Tongyu & Ding Weinin
    26,00 €

    Capitalism research has been a constant research subject of critical thought in the world. Marxists and left activists are the irreplaceable actors for that critic. And, generally Marx''s Capital has been the basis of all debates and controversies. And we cannot ignore those several arguments holding the view that Marx''s capital and capitalism and class analysis have proved invalid throughout the contemporary history. Another view holds that capitalism and capitalist society is faced by a disastrous regress to barbarism. As capital and capitalism develops forward these debates will never end , but revival and creative progress of Marxist tenets on the issue based on the recent facts of the era has long called Marxists on this task. Due to several historical reasons and internal problems several basic tenets of Marxist capitalism and capital analysis was damaged remarkably. We have chosen this book from Chinese scholars who have paid a valuable effort to revive those tenets together with a comprehensive analysis on contemporary developments. Our title seems too radical, we agree that capitalism has not entered into a brand new stage recently; though it has gained many new features with corporate capital and internationalization. We simply preferred to re-underline the state monopoly capitalism already long on the stage but shadowed by ideology or new facts. As capitalism and capital was developed in the womb of the old society, socialism and social capital is dialectically developed in capitalism every hour and every day; this is the realistic basis of all the practice to deepen and accelerate this process. This is another way of saying socialism opposes private capitalist property and capitalism but is inherently combined and related with them in several patterns dialectically in the process of opposition. This is one of the main aspects in this book inherited and revived creatively from Marx''s work.Originally, one of the aims of this scholarly book was to offer further research material for higher education in political or social economics in Mainland China. Their counterparts living in the same world can also find abundant material and different aspects in this book and especially on the globalism process.This work was finally compiled by the Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" Thought Research Center in China. The task of this research book was to find a proper method for "understanding the historical process of capitalist development". A research team mainly composed of instructors engaged in teaching and researchers studying on modern capitalist economy for many years and also some doctors have contributed to the main effort for this book . A draft was produced on the basis of earnest discussions held for more than several times, and we have solicited opinions of the leaders of the Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" Thought Research Center as well as the China Renmin University Press throughout the process of writing. We have then made further revisions on the manuscripts collecting valuable opinions raised by the experts. The work presented to the reader now is accomplished by relevant scholars through joint efforts.

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