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Bücher veröffentlicht von Cascade

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  • - Ordinary Persons in Late Second Temple Israel
    von David A Fiensy
    77,00 €

    Have you ever wondered what it was like to live in the past? Did they experience reality in a much different way than we do now with our media, our fast travel, our fast food, and our leisure? Do you especially think about what it might have been like to have lived in Bible times? What would your childhood have been like? How would you have chosen a marriage partner? How would you probably have made a living? What sort of house would you have lived in? What diseases would have threatened your daily existence? How long would you have lived? How would you have practiced your religion? These are a few of the intriguing questions answered by this study. The book takes you on a journey into the past to view daily life through the lenses of not only texts but archaeological finds. The information from the past is also filtered through ethnographic studies of more contemporaneous, yet traditional, societies in the Middle East. The result is a presentation that may surprise you--even shock you--at times, but always will interest you.

  • - The Plague of Narcissist Pastors and What We Can Do About It
    von Darrell Puls
    35,00 €

    Jesus warned of wolves carefully disguised as shepherds coming into local churches as pastors. It is the perfect disguise for a predator to access and devour the flock one lamb at a time while proclaiming himself as their protector and guardian. The result is spiritual devastation, broken congregations, and even destroyed churches. Darrell Puls attests from experience that the enemy has infiltrated the North American church through pastors with dangerously high levels of narcissism. These pastors hide under layers of the sacred, but it is always an illusion of smoke and mirrors.Puls has experienced this reality from the inside as a staff pastor under a narcissist, and from the outside as a church consultant. He carefully unpacks toxic narcissism in everyday terms, and lets the victims tell their own stories. Let Us Prey, Revised Edition is as real as it gets.

  • - Meditations on Art, Life, and Faith in Japan
    von Roger W Lowther
    16,00 €

    The Broken Leaf invites you to explore the beauty and gospel images found in Japanese art and culture. Through ten short meditations, discover for yourself just how God might be revealing his story in the everyday objects of your life whenever and wherever you may be.

  • - A Child's Grief Journey
    von Corinne M Litzenberg
    23,00 €

    Madison loved the beach, especially making memories with her Granddad. ""Maddie the Mermaid,"" he declared her one summer day. Summers at the beach house were always the best times they shared together. Then one day, Maddie's world changed with the loss of her Granddad. Find out how Maddie begins her grief journey and how her beach walks and her faith in God help her to heal.

  • - Examining the Spiritual and Prophetic Needs of African Americans in a Violent America
    von Danielle J Buhuro
    37,00 €

    Wednesday, November 9, 2016 is the day that changed America. A Republican business mogul and reality television host who once proclaimed that if women didn't accept the intimate advancements of men, then men were could simply grab these women by a particularly sensitive extremity below their stomachs, snatched the electoral collegiate vote and since then has worked tirelessly on reversing President Barack Obama's progressive policies and pushing immigration legislation backwards. This vital resource guide incorporates the basic understandings of spiritual care with the current social, emotional, existential and spiritual needs of African Americans simply surviving in Trump's violent America. It's one-of-a-kind, offering specific spiritual care strategies and interventions for African Americans dealing with particular physical, social and emotional health challenges in the midst of rising statistics of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia leading to violence in the United States.  Intended for anyone in academia or the helping professions, this comprehensive work benefits those seeking to provide spiritual care to African American hospital patients, counseling clients, church congregants and parishioners, military veterans, or returning service members. The contributors to this anthology are experts in their respective fields who offer a new, refreshing, and energizing perspective on important issues impacting African Americans.

  • von Kenneth P Minkema, Adriaan C Neele & Wilson H Stanton
    26,00 €

    This volume contains previously unpublished sermons by Jonathan Edwards on St Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. Edwards preached these sermons during his Northampton pastorate, and repreached some of them between 1728 and 1751. The importance of the Epistle to the Galatians has been recognized throughout the Christian practice of preaching. As such, these sermons have significance for its place in the Protestant tradition since the Reformation, but they also highlight Edwards's thought on the nature of faith and works, flesh and spirit, and Christ and the Holy Spirit. To assist the reader, preceding the sermons are two introductions that describe Edwards's preaching style and method, and provide an historical context for the sermons themselves.

  • - Forty Conundrums Calmly Considered
    von Anthony C Thiselton
    34,00 €

    Few Christian writings have had the world-changing impact of St Paul's epistles to the churches, and yet from the very beginning these works proved themselves to be tricky texts. The Second Letter of Peter, commenting about them, says: "There are some things in them that are hard to understand" (2 Pet 3:16). Indeed! To this day many issues of their interpretation remain highly contested. In this book, Anthony Thiselton grasps the nettle and examines forty puzzling passages from Paul's epistles. He considers the various scholarly proposals about their meaning and offers his own reflections in the hope of dispersing fog and shedding light, and of expounding a coherent and self-consistent Paul.

  • - Restoring Laughter to its Central Role in Christian Spirituality and Theology
    von Brian Edgar
    28,00 €

    Laughter is important because we cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh, and this is true of our relationship with God. Having a sense of humor is essential for maturity in faith and holiness. Unfortunately, humor and the role that laughter plays in life and spirituality have often been neglected and the aim of Laughter and the Grace of God is to restore laughter to its central place in Christian spirituality and theology. It examines the role of laughter in Scripture and finds it in unexpected places including the story of Abraham and the formation of the covenant and the tragedy of Job. There is laughter in the incarnation, the resurrection, and even the crucifixion. Jesus is the great Laugh-maker. Thomas Aquinas spoke of the sin of having too little laughter as well as the danger of having too much, while Martin Luther said, "If you're not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don't want to go there." Laughter is nothing less than a participation in the life and love of God.

  • - Universal Salvation from the Reformation to the Nineteenth Century
    von Robin A Parry & Ilaria L E Ramelli
    35,00 €

    This book aims to uncover and explore the ideas of notable people in the story of Christian universalism from the time of the Reformation until the end of the nineteenth century. It is a story that is largely unknown in both the church and the academy, and the characters that populate it have for the most part passed into obscurity. With carefully located bore holes drilled to release the long-hidden theologies of key people and texts, the volume seeks to display and historically situate the roots, shapes, and diversity of Christian universalism. Here we discover a diverse and motley crew of mystics and scholars, social prophets and end-time sectarians, evangelicals and liberals, orthodox and heretics, Calvinists and Arminians, Puritans, Pietists, and a host of others. The story crisscrosses Continental Europe, Britain, and America, and its reverberations remain with us to this day.

  • - Confronting the Christian Problem with Wealth
    von Kevin (York St John University UK) Hargaden
    34,00 €

    Throughout his ministry, Jesus spoke frequently and unabashedly on the now-taboo subject of money. With nothing good to say to the rich, the New Testament--indeed the entire Bible--is far from positive towards the topic of personal wealth. And yet, we all seek material prosperity and comfort. How are Christians to square the words of their savior with the balances of their bank accounts, or more accurately, with their unquenchable desire for financial security? While the church has developed diverse responses to the problems of poverty, it is often silent on what seems almost as straightforward a biblical principle: that wealth, too, is a problem. By considering the particular context of the recent economic history of Ireland, this book explores how the parables of Jesus can be the key to unlocking what it might mean to follow Christ as wealthy people without diluting our dilemma or denying the tension. Through an engagement with contemporary economic and political thought, aided by the work of Karl Barth and William T. Cavanaugh, this book represents a unique and innovative intervention to a discussion that applies to every Christian in the Western world.

  • von John McNerney
    69,00 €

    Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century initiated a great debate not just about inequality but also regarding the failures found in the economic models used by theoreticians and practitioners alike. Wealth of Persons offers a totally different perspective that challenges the very terms of the debate. The Great Recession reveals a great existential rift at the core of certain economic reflections, thereby showing the real crisis of the crisis of economics. In the human sciences we have created a kind of ""Tower of Babel"" where we cannot understand each other any longer. The ""breakdowns"" occur equally on the personal, social, political, and economic levels. There is a need for an ""about-face"" in method to restore harmony among dissociated disciplines.Wealth of Persons offers a key to such a restoration, applying insights and analysis taken from different economic scholars, schools of thought, philosophical traditions, various disciplines, and charismatic entrepreneurs. Wealth of Persons aims at recapturing an adequate understanding of the acting human person in the economic drama, one that measures up to the reality. The investigation is a passport allowing entry into the land of economic knowledge, properly unfolding the anthropological meaning of the free economy.

  • - A New Covenant Commentary
    von Diane G Chen
    51,00 €

    In this highly readable and engaging commentary on the Gospel of Luke, Diane Chen introduces her readers to the particularities of the world of Jesus, steeped in Jewish history and convictions yet threatened by Roman power and hegemony. In story after story, Chen brings to focus the diligence of a faithful historian, the artistry of a masterful storyteller, and the courage of an insightful theologian behind this well-loved Gospel. In it Luke presents God's plan of salvation in the birth and death, word and deed, and identity and mission of Jesus of Nazareth--a plan that is unapologetically counterintuitive: the proud is humbled and the lowly is lifted up; the ostracized is embraced and the religious elite is rejected. Modern readers will receive more than a lucid explanation of the biblical text; they will be challenged to find their own place in Jesus' story, one that encourages self-reflection and necessitates a personal response.

  • - Putting Right the Lies
    von Richard S Harvey
    27,00 €

    Luther and the Jews: Putting Right the Lies is a timely and important contribution to the debate about the legacy of the Protestant Reformation. It brings together two topics that sit uncomfortably: the life, ministry, and impact of Martin Luther, and the history of Jewish-Christian relations to which he made a profoundly negative contribution. As a Messianic Jew, Richard Harvey considers Luther and his legacy today, and explains how Messianic Jews have a vital role to play in the much-needed reconciliation not only between Protestants and Catholics, but also between Christians and Jews, in order for Luther's vision of the renewal and restoration of the church to be realized. --

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