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Bücher veröffentlicht von Castle Quay Books

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  • von Paul Copan
    22,00 €

    Until relatively recently, vegetarianism was considered a positive dietary alternative for Christians. Often considered a preference for those seeking better spiritual awareness for a season, biblical tradition still acknowledged that a plant-based diet wasn't any more spiritual or moral than eating meat, therefore meat-eating was considered legitimate for humans; not prohibited and was even blessed by God. But, increasingly, and especially in light of the current Green movement that wants to at least limit the eating of meat, alongside the relentless calls by other secular organizations and activists to end meat-eating altogether, it is now more important than ever for people to know what the Bible and biblical tradition have to say about the subject. Within Christian circles, well-meaning people have been pressuring fellow Christians to turn from eating meat- a practice once historically understood as a Christian freedom- and are now asking them to embrace abstinence, but what many are calling "e;just a new bondage."e; Christian leaders are warning the Christian community not to adopt a false commandment that is mostly based on secular activist's personal convictions. Familiar choruses are now resonating throughout Christian communities: "e;Meat-eating isn't compassionate."e; "e;Animals have rights too."e; "e;Aren't you concerned about animal suffering?"e; "e;We should include animals into the moral community."e; "e;Would you kill and eat your dog Lassie?"e;In response to this clamor, Castle Quay Books has brought together a broad group of scholars who have applied their expertise in a wide range of fields including biblical studies, theology, philosophy, resource management, communication, and generational animal farming, to write an accessible response for all Christians. Contributors to the discussion cover both sides of the debate with their host of important views. Writers include well known authors such as Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Wes Jamison, and Dr. Paul Copan, as well as other well-known authors.

  • von Jessica Posthumus
    21,00 €

    We can talk to God about anything, and we can trust Him to take care of us in everything we do. Follow the adventures of Bella in Bella's Big Day as a little girl and her animal friends discover these important truths. Full-colour, beautifully illustrated with a biblical heart and a book any parent can read to their children.

  • von Stacey Herring
    26,00 €

    The nightmare that every parent dreads came true. Cassie was missing. A fight. A bad decision. Then no way to escape. The Fields of Gomorrah is a riveting account of survival and resilience. In a situationdark and hopeless, can God's voice still be heard? Will anyone answer?

  • von Marina H Hofman
    26,00 €

  • von Tim J Huff
    33,00 €

    The Honour Drum is a uniquely envisioned and crafted project shared between two Canadian friends-an Indigenous woman from the West Coast and a non-Indigenous man from Ontario-to reach children, families and classrooms across Canada and around the world with a message of great beauty and truth that should not be ignored. This vibrant book is an important starting place for learning and insight that is vital and, for many people of all ages, overdue. The Honour Drum is a love letter to the Indigenous people of Canada and a humble bow to Indigenous cultures around the world.

  • von Phil M Wagler
    23,00 €

    A Christian is sent out as an ambassador of Christ. But where? And for what purpose? Live Your Assignment: Being Christ's Ambassador in 7 Spheres of Life unpacks God's highest purpose for the Christian life, which is much more radical and transformative than living a comfortable, spiritual life. This book echoes some of the work of Os Guinness's The Call, and challenges us, as disciple of Jesus, to further awaken ourselves to the tasks as representatives of God himself, and ministers of reconciliation. Phil presents God-given assignments in 7 key spheres of life; the self, creation, household, fellowship, city, nation, and world. It is through these assignments, which God gives to all those who love him, that God is filling the universe with his glory. Phil presents a unique angle on discipleship and life-calling/vocation in this book. He challenges followers of Jesus to apply these principles to their lives, as he has to his own as an individual, son, husband, father, pastor, mission leader, and servant in the wider body of Christ through the EFC and WEA. This book is a great resource for everyone seeking to bring glory to God in the whole of life.

  • von Tom Copland
    24,00 €

    The wise management of our money can seem like an overwhelming topic. Especially in the times we find ourselves in currently with all the increasing stresses on our financial resources. And then, when we add the wise advice of our Bible, with all its formidable principles to the many voices of professional advice, it becomes clear we need some wise, mature, godly and informed advice on the topic, to help us pull it all together. We need look no further! Tom's newest resource in the study of Biblical finances is the crown of his many contributions on the topic. Covering core subjects like the impact of money management on all our relationships, including God, spouse, and eternity, Tom then widens our understanding of this important subject by applying Biblical principles on the impact money management has on family and even our eternity itself. Always applying solid biblical references, Tom lays out the evidence Scriptures provide for personal relationships, responsible stewardship, godly attitudes toward finances, and the ultimate impact on our eternity in heaven as Christians receive rewards, or lack of rewards, at the judgment seat of Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:10). Many Christians are unaware that the way they manage money will have a huge impact on the rewards and the crowns that they receive, or perhaps not receive, in heaven for eternity. Fortunately, Tom deals with this area very thoroughly and biblically.Tom provides us with many real life case-studies that are easy to learn and follow, and simple to apply to our own personal circumstances. This is a must-read for all who want to utilize the resources God has entrusted to them for eternal purposes so that, as Tom says so well, when you leave this earth, you will hear the words we all want to hear from the Lord, "Well done good and faithful servant, you have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things, come and share your master's happiness."

  • von Paul Estabrooks
    23,00 €

    In a day when the polar opposite world views are endlessly hostile, confrontational and seemingly intent on eliminating each other from public dialogue and discourse of each's particular views of life, this is a book on how we Christians should respond to our current world well as to each other - with grace and truth! Carefully and skillfully handling Scripture, culture and history, Paul Estabrooks lays out a map for all Christians on how to maintain a grace-filled approach to what are clearly 'wolves intent on Christian destruction and silence'...while sharing the stories of persecuted Christians elsewhere who exemplify being overcomers.

  • von Tom Copland
    24,00 €

    The most significant financial problem that people face today is the accumulation of debt now gravely aggravated by inflation and high interest rates. Gods word theBible has incredible wisdom on finances, but most people including mostChristians only understand tithing which represents about 3% of the 2300 referencesto money and material things. So theres97% of the Scriptures that most people need to learn!Thisnewest book by Tom Copland, Debt Reduction-BiblicalPrinciples to Deal with Inflation, High Interest Rates, and Eliminating Debt follows on the heels of his first successful books FinancialMoments: Biblical PrinciplesThat Will Transform How You Manage Moneyand Financial Management Gods Way, that taught money management according to Gods instructions inthe Bible,using in-depth biblicalfinancial studies with numerous real-life case studies. This new book focuses onthe issue of debt, its destructive power andprovides God's wisdom of how to get out of debt with real-life practicalapplications.Learning and applying thebiblical financial principles that Tom presents here will equip the readerswith the knowledge and wisdom needed to reduce and eventually totally eliminatedebt, including dealing with inflation andhigh interest rates and experiencing God's peace in the area of finances.

  • von Terry Posthumus
    22,00 €

    Acquainted with Sorrow: WhenYour Life Feels Like the Worst is Yet to Comeiswritten for those who have lost their way or find themselves bogged down inlife. It is for the person who feels hopeless, or at the very least feels as iftheyre a bit off course. Its for those whove lost their footing and findthemselves slipping towards the cliff. The dog-tired dispirited ones. Itswritten for people who cannot see anything good in their present circumstancesor, at the very least, those for whom the big picture is beginning to blur -colours fading and faith waning.This bookcontainsa collection of amazing personal stories that take you behind the scenes of thecomplex life of Terry Posthumus -revealing his secret to hope in some of hislifes darkest and most painful tragic moments. Fromgrowing up as afatherless child to grievingthe loss of his own child, losing the dreamhouse on the hill, or mourning the death of his wife no matter thecircumstance Terry found hope through worship and gratitude. Through it all,he continued to place his confidence in God.Acquainted with Sorrowshows how one manovercame lifes darkest moments and experienced hope despite loss and pain byclinging on to the safetyline that hope in Jesus offers. And now his hopecan be yours.Finalist of the 2021 Word Guild Best New ManuscriptAward

  • von Jack A Taylor
    24,00 €

    Winner of the Word Guild Best NewManuscript Award 2021. Join the excitingand perilous adventures of Nabonidus, the emperors champion gladiator, whofinds Messiah Yeshua then returns to his homeland hoping to find his place in aworld of great warriors. Set in first-century Persia in a chaotic flux ofOrient and Occident, Nabonidus and his wife, Daphne, flee Ephesus to seek outNabonidus roots but their lives are ripped apart. Caught between the Elamiterebels and Parthian Magi, will they survive? Will Daphne ever be reunited withNabonidus? Discover the quests of Nabonidus and Daphne and determine foryourself if Nabonidus is the true Prince of Persia.

  • von Theodore Mistra
    21,00 €

  • von Marie A Miller
    18,00 €

  • von Tim Huff
    22,00 €

  • von Emily Wierenga
    22,00 €

  • von Janet Barr Bayman
    23,00 €

  • von Sandee G Macgregor
    39,00 €

  • von Belma D Vardy
    22,00 €

  • von Kevin John White
    26,00 €

    a) Dancing on a Razor chronicles, through a series of dynamic short personal stories, the life and God's redemption of Kevin John White, son of internationally known author and lecturer Dr. John White. Despite his conversion experience at age fourteen Kevin becomes a hopeless alcoholic, an addict and a wandering minstrel-riding freight trains and hitchhiking coast to coast, singing his own music for forty-five years. But all-the-while he lives this derelict lifestyle Kevin experiences the relentless pursuit and personal revelation of God's love to him. During his rebellious years, despite his fear and rebelliousness against God, the story examines the many astonishing miracles God continued to performed throughout his lifetime to draw him back to Himself. These are the stories of the answered thousands of prayers that went up for Kevin across the globe during this astonishing odyssey of God's unimaginable love. The book is honest, highly humorous, and loaded with astounding stories of miracles. God never gives up!

  • von Larry J McCloskey
    21,00 €

    For 40 years, Larry McCloskey has had the privilege of working with persons with disabilities. He applied for a job, which grew into a profession, which-because of the people-became a welcomed vocation. The people in this account might be regarded as common or even unexceptional by modern celebrity culture, but to the examining mind they are really quite astonishing. Here, Larry reveals that the most spectacular lives, those that can best instruct us on how to live life well, regardless of circumstance, tend to pass quietly and unnoticed by the distracted majority. Inarticulate Speech of the Heart, winner of the Word Guild Best Manuscript Award, exposes the deeper meaning in people's lives beyond the material world restrictions and trendy nihilistic thinking. "e;Character,"e; Larry asserts, "e;is determined by how we play the cards we have been dealt,"e; and in this book he attempts to articulate what can only be characterized as the inarticulate speech of its characters' perfect but wounded hearts. Prepare to be astonished and affected profoundly. "e;Winner of the 2020 Word Guild Best New Manuscript Award"e;

  • von James Beverley
    26,00 €

    Standing in absolute opposition to each other are two distinct groups. One side, who proclaim that he can do nothing right. The other side, who believe he has been particularly selected by God, with a host of unusual skills, for just such a time as this. Both can not be right!And so, a political, moral and spiritual battle is raging in America and around the world about President Donald J. Trump. Quite unknown by most of the general public is the fact that Christian prophets have been claiming for over a decade that Donald Trump is the chosen one, that he is God's man for the White House for this particular hour. In this book, God's Man in the White House, Professor James A. Beverley documents the hundreds of prophecies about Donald Trump that started over 10 years ago, and provides the political and religious context for the ongoing prophecies and controversies about the 45th president. Here is the most complete collection of over 500 prophesies and statements made by more than 100 prophets and top Christian leaders, including: Kim Clement, Mark Taylor, Lance Wallnau, Lana Vawser, Lou Engle, Jeremiah Johnson, Michael Brown, Frank Amedia, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Jr., Paula White, Stephen Strang, Robert Jeffress, Rodney Howard-Browne, Jim Garlow, and James Dobson. Whatever your view- you will benefit greatly from this collection.

  • von Kathy Bousquet
    22,00 €

  • - Wisdom for Family Enterprise Successors
    von David C Bentall
    74,00 €

  • - Finding Joy in the Midst of Loss, Hardship and Suffering
    von Heidi McLaughlin
    25,00 €

  • - In Every Life Experience
    von Karen Y Barnstable
    25,00 €

  • von Angelina Fast-Vlaar
    21,00 €

    Angelina Fast-Vlaar recounts the true story of a dream camping trip through the Australian outback with her husband Peter, which produces an untimely encounter with death, and an adventure more amazing than they could have ever dreamed. We are told that we sometimes entertain angels unaware, but never did Angelina imagine that God would send "e;not one,"e; but seven encounters with "e;angels"e; in the remote outback to help her cope with a drastic turn of events. This amazing "e;trip of a lifetime"e; will leave readers chilled and constantly moving between deep sorrow and bubbling joy. Angelina's gripping account of her personal struggle with lonlieness, depression, and intense grief becomes a major tribute to the grace and love of God. Seven Angels for Seven Days is a must-read for believers. Winner of the 2004 First-time Canadian Christian Author award.

  • - A Championship coach's Formula for Achieving Breakthrough Results
    von Joby Slay
    24,00 €

  • - Exploring Fear and Anxiety with Children
    von Tim Huff & Iona Snair
    21,00 €

  • von James Cantelon
    21,00 €

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