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Bücher veröffentlicht von Clydesdale Books

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  • von Miranda Harris
    32,00 - 34,00 €

  • von Tracilyn George
    29,00 €

    These are poems written while the author was in high school. They cover a variety of subjects from crushes to losses. There are goofy poems, love poems, anger poems. Don't take them very seriously as they are meant to be read in fun.

  • von Miranda Harris
    27,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Tracilyn George
    29,00 €

    In life, we are faced with a variety of situations from sad to silly. Some of us deal with these events in different ways. No one should tell you how to feel or how you should act. These poems explore varying situations we may encounter in our lives.

  • von Tracilyn George
    29,00 €

    Poetry has a way of touching people's souls. It can bring about a range of emotion people rarely face. Poems can reach one's heart and free it to fully heal. Read these lines to enlighten your mind.

  • von Miranda Harris
    26,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    30,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    22,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Tracilyn George
    29,00 €

    These are poems written while the author was in high school. They cover a variety of subjects from crushes to losses. There are goofy poems, love poems, anger poems. Don't take them very seriously as they are meant to be read in fun.

  • von Tracilyn George
    29,00 €

    Poems of darkness and despair. It is the hope of the author that readers understand they are not alone in their sadness. She believes you can pull through for she has done it herself. Keep positive!

  • von Miranda Harris
    27,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    33,00 €

    Do you ever find yourself boiling with frustration, struggling to keep your cool in a world full of challenges and annoyances? If you've ever felt like life's got you backed into a corner, "GRRR: The Pissed Off Files" is your ticket to unleashing the power within, turning your anger into positive change. In this gripping self-help book, author Miranda Harris takes you on a thrilling journey through the art of channeling your anger for personal transformation. Drawing from psychology, philosophy, and real-life stories of triumph, this book will show you how to: With practical exercises and tools for managing your anger, "GRRR: The Pissed Off Files" offers a step-by-step guide to harnessing your inner beast and unlocking the true potential that resides within you. No longer will anger hold you back; instead, it will become your most potent ally on your journey to self-improvement. Don't let anger control you. Take control of your anger, and turn it into a force for change with "GRRR: The Pissed Off Files." It's time to roar into the world and achieve the life you've always dreamed of.

  • von Miranda Harris
    22,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    31,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    22,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    33,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    22,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Tracilyn George
    25,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    33,00 - 41,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    26,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Tracilyn George
    33,00 €

    Gus hated being stuck in a wheelchair. He didn't think it was fair he couldn't play like his friends and family. His mother introduced him to Paralympics and wheelchair racing. She told him about Rick Hansen and his achievements in the Paralympics.

  • von Miranda Harris
    30,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    29,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Miranda Harris
    30,00 €

  • von Tracilyn George
    19,00 €

    Har du eller en du er glad i en psykisk lidelse? Har du noen gang lurt på hva du kan gjøre for å hjelpe? Denne boken er svaret ditt! For å forstå depresjon fullt ut, må du lytte oppmerksomt og oppmerksomt til de av oss som er rammet.Det er viktig for alle med psykiske lidelser å bli behandlet med vennlighet, respekt og verdighet, ikke med stigma, skjevhet og hån, for vi kjemper en kamp utover ens visjon og forståelse. Bare fordi vi ikke ser syke ut, betyr det ikke at vi ikke er det. Hensikten med denne boken er å se på psykiske lidelser fra innsiden og ut fra en overlevendes ståsted.

  • von Tracilyn George
    19,00 €

    Heeft u of een dierbare een psychische aandoening? Heeft u zich ooit afgevraagd wat u kunt doen om te helpen? Dit boek is jouw antwoord! Om depressie volledig te begrijpen, moet u aandachtig en aandachtig luisteren naar degenen onder ons die er last van hebben.Het is belangrijk dat iedereen met een psychische aandoening met vriendelijkheid, respect en waardigheid wordt behandeld, en niet met stigmatisering, vooroordelen en minachting, want we voeren een strijd die iemands visie en begrip te boven gaat. Dat we er niet ziek uitzien, betekent niet dat we dat niet zijn. Het doel van dit boek is om psychische aandoeningen van binnenuit te bekijken, vanuit het perspectief van één overlevende.

  • von Tracilyn George
    21,00 €

    Onko sinulla tai läheiselläsi mielisairaus? Oletko koskaan miettinyt, mitä voit tehdä auttaaksesi? Tämä kirja on vastauksesi! Ymmärtääksesi täysin masennuksen, sinun on kuunneltava tarkasti ja tarkkaavaisesti meitä kärsiviä.On tärkeää, että kaikkia mielenterveysongelmista kärsiviä kohdellaan ystävällisesti, kunnioittavasti ja arvokkaasti, ei leimaamalla, puolueellisella ja halveksuvalla tavalla, sillä käymme taistelua, joka ylittää hänen näkemyksensä ja ymmärryksemme. Se, että emme näytä sairailta, ei tarkoita, ettemmekö olisi. Tämän kirjan tarkoituksena on tarkastella mielisairautta sisältä ulospäin yhden selviytyneen näkökulmasta.

  • von Tracilyn George
    21,00 €

    Você ou um ente querido tem uma doença mental? Você já se perguntou o que pode fazer para ajudar? Este livro é a sua resposta! Para compreender completamente a depressão, você deve ouvir atentamente e com atenção aqueles de nós que sofrem.É importante que qualquer pessoa com doença mental seja tratada com bondade, respeito e dignidade, e não com estigma, preconceito e desprezo, pois estamos a travar uma batalha que vai além da visão e compreensão de cada um. Só porque não parecemos doentes, não significa que não estejamos. O objetivo deste livro é examinar a doença mental de dentro para fora, do ponto de vista de um sobrevivente.

  • von Tracilyn George
    21,00 €

    Har du eller någon närstående en psykisk sjukdom? Har du någonsin undrat vad du kan göra för att hjälpa? Den här boken är ditt svar! För att förstå depression till fullo måste du lyssna uppmärksamt och uppmärksamt på de av oss som lider.Det är viktigt för alla med psykisk ohälsa att bli behandlade med vänlighet, respekt och värdighet, inte med stigmatisering, partiskhet och hån, för vi utkämpar en kamp bortom ens vision och förståelse. Bara för att vi inte ser sjuka ut betyder det inte att vi inte är det. Syftet med den här boken är att se på psykisk ohälsa inifrån och ut ur en överlevandes synvinkel.

  • von Miranda Harris
    25,00 - 29,00 €

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