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Bücher veröffentlicht von Coffeetown Press

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  • - Reviews of Eighty-Nine Books about Parkinson's Disease
    von Peter G Beidler
    19,00 €

  • von Clive Rosengren
    18,00 €

    Eddie Collins' part-time actor pursuits take on a new dimension when his ex-wife, Elaine Weddington, turns up dead while filming her latest movie Flames of Desire. The production's insurance company hires Eddie to represent their interests in the Americana Pictures film. Private eye is his main gig now, although he doesn't turn his back on acting jobs when they come his way.Elaine was a star of sorts, though her pictures were B-movies and never up for major awards. Encroaching middle age meant her leading-lady days were numbered, and she worked with a lot of jealous wannabes. Did one of them off her? What about her personal assistant or live-in boyfriend?While searching through Elaine's trailer, Eddie finds a list of initials with corresponding phone numbers. As he gradually ticks off the entries, he begins to form an unwelcome, less idealized version of Elaine. Then an assistant director is killed as she is about to share a damning revelation. The quest to identify one set of initials almost puts him in the hospital. Can Eddie handle the truth? Will it set him free, or kill him?Originally published in 2012, Murder Unscripted was a finalist for the Shamus Award. Book 1 in the Eddie Collins Mystery series. 

  • von Clive Rosengren
    18,00 €

    Hollywood PI, sometime actor Eddie Collins is doing a bit on a sitcom when he receives an SOS from an A-list friend. Mike Ford's Oscar has been stolen during a home invasion and Ford's girlfriend has drowned in the swimming pool. Did she surprise the burglar? Whoever it was left behind threatening letters, and Eddie is hired to see if he can unearth their source.All the dots connect around a movie Ford directed and acted in several years earlier: Red Desert. More than a few people associated with that shoot recall it less than fondly. Is one of them harboring a deadly grudge? Eddie has hired Reggie, an old Army buddy, to do surveillance. Soon Reggie, Eddie's secretary Mavis, and everyone associated with Eddie Collins and Mike Ford seem to be targets. And smoke from the foothills is encroaching on Eddie's Hollywood home/office. Is Eddie's world about to go up in flames?Originally published in 2015, Red Desert was a finalist for the Shamus Award. Book 2 in the Eddie Collins Mystery series. 

  • von David Carlson
    18,00 €

  • von Leta Serafim
    18,00 €

  • von Clive Rosengren
    18,00 €

    For PI Eddie Collins, the moment Carla Rizzoli sashays into his office casts him deliciously into a scene from a classic noir. Only this femme fatale is a sweet ghost from his past, a time when he made his living exclusively as an actor. Then she was a full-time actress too, and they'd dated briefly before an old flame came back into her life. Now she's known as Velvet La Rose and making a steady living as an exotic dancer at the Feline Follies. She needs Eddie's services to find her missing brother Frankie Rizzoli, who sent her a cryptic message warning her to watch her back.Eddie falls hard for Carla, who hasn't given up on acting. In fact, she's about to start work on a B-movie, Festival of Death. Now motivated by more than a paycheck, Eddie searches for Frankie, last seen hiding out among the homeless. Frankie was once a member of the military police, and an old photo identifies an old Army buddy, James Curran, who starts to cross paths with both Eddie and Carla with increasing frequency.What is Frankie mixed up in and why doesn't he want to be found? How does James Curran figure in? As Eddie questions the residents of Skid Row and works undercover as an extra in Festival of Death, he searches in vain for the links between Frankie and James and Carla. He needs answers soon, or Carla may slip through his fingers again, this time into oblivion.Book 3 in the Eddie Collins Mystery series, which began with Murder Unscripted and Red Desert. 

  • - Poems
    von Susan Dworski Nusbaum
    15,00 €

    Moments of attentiveness illuminate our world, interrupting the rush of time to make each flash a revelation. Stopping to see what we may not have noticed, to listen, to feel, to remember past sensations, deepens our insights. This collection of poems examines the art of seeing with all the senses, unveiling the essential realities hidden in common objects and experiences. The attraction of rabbit to ripening pear, the crunch of shells on the beach, connections with strangers, with our families and places from the past, with a fresco, a wood engraving, a Bach oratorio... these small epiphanies are "the lingering strands of light...that bind each morning to the next."

  • von Maureen O'Leary
    18,00 €

  • von Michael Niemann
    18,00 €

    Two poor Kenyan men visiting the U.S. are found dead, one in jail, one on the street. Both used forged UN documents to enter the country. Valentin Vermeulen's superiors have no interest in the plight of undocumented immigrants, but they want him to stop the fraud. The clues take Vermeulen from New York City to Newark, where he riles a woman known as The Broker, then to Vienna.Earle Jackson, a small-time hustler and the last person to speak with one of the dead Kenyans, has taken the man's passport and money. He also finds a note listing an address in Newark, where his efforts to cash in on the situation go awry. Fleeing for his life, Jackson flies to Nairobi using the dead man's passport.Book 2 in the Valentin Vermeulen Thriller series.

  • von Michael Niemann
    18,00 €

    Ritu Roy, a constable with an all-female United Nations peacekeeping unit in Darfur, Sudan, has been shot dead. Her superiors call it a random shooting. Her best friend thinks otherwise. She s found a bullet casing from a sniper s rifle, an uncommon weapon in the refugee camp. The case remains closed until Valentin Vermeulen arrives to conduct a routine audit. As an investigator with the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services, his job is to ferret out fraud. The casing is the first clue that Ritu may have stumbled onto a major criminal operation.Solving the mystery of Ritu s death leads Vermeulen down a perilous path. With the help of journalist Tessa Bishonga, he visits the hidden camp of a notorious rebel leader. On the streets of Port Sudan he dodges a parade of shady characters. In the end, Vermeulen must expose the players in the not so legitimate business of supplying weapons to Sudan before they can hunt him down. Book 1 in the Valentin Vermeulen Thriller series.

  • - Confessions, Insights, and Opinions
    von Laurie K Mischley & Michelle Sexton
    20,00 €

  • von Leta Serafim
    20,00 €

  • - How I Took Sexual Control of a Marriage in Crisis
    von Alex Hathaway
    17,00 €

    A woman's earth-shattering encounter with her best friend's supremely well-hung lover sets her on a quest to reassert her sexual power. But how long will her pliant, poorly endowed husband be willing to go along for the ride? Is it really in his nature to play the willing cuckold or is his resentment building? A portrait of a very modern marriage.

  • - and Other Poems
    von Matthew Freeman
    15,00 €

    Matthew Freeman''s newest poetry collection presents a romantic vision wherein the environment can range from ecstatic to sinister. Steeped in urban shamanism, the poems reflect a desperate search for the American Sublime, the author''s search for the clarity of salvation, his love of language, and his hope that the poor and destitute will not be forgotten.

  • von Leta Serafim
    17,00 €

  • von Susan Dworski Nusbaum
    15,00 €

  • von Leta Serafim
    18,00 €

  • von Jack Remick
    15,00 €

  • - A French Girl Comes of Age in War-Torn Algeria
    von Danielle a Dahl
    18,00 €

    On All Saints Day, 1954, the Algerian War of Independence from France begins, forever changing the lives of ten-year-old Nanna, her family, and a million-and-a-half French settlers. As Arab rebels carry out terrorist acts against civilians, hatred and bloodshed permeate the fabric of European and Muslim lives. A safe bus ride to town means keeping an eye out for stray shopping baskets containing hidden bombs. A day trip to the beach requires the protection of a military convoy. But life goes on, and Nanna''s loving mother, mischievous but good-natured siblings, and kind grandfathers provide plenty of adventure and humor. Nanna worships her Papa, who provides for his family and keeps them safe, but, growing up, she begins to understand that he is also a braggart with unyielding views of right and wrong, who believes that attending a supervised party with boys will compromise a girl''s virtue. Nanna defies him and falls in love, thus setting the stage for an ongoing clash of wills. As Nanna watches her beloved country torn apart by terrorism, she grieves for the French targeted by the fellagha and for the Arabs they slaughter because they are seen as pro-French. Ultimately, Nanna watches in anguish as the French generals, betrayed by De Gaulle, make a last stand for a French Algeria before laying down their arms. In the end Nanna''s family, like all the other French settlers, must choose between the suitcase and the grave.

  • von Claire Gebben
    21,00 €

    Michael Harm is a farmer''s son in the Bavarian Rhineland who dreams of excitement and freedom-the sort of life enjoyed by Uncas, the hero in his favorite novel, The Last of the Mohicans. Every day Michael toils beside his brother in the vineyards wishing he could be a blacksmith, a singer, or an adventurer. One day the Harm family receives a letter from America offering a blacksmithing apprenticeship in a relative''s Cleveland, Ohio wagon-making shop to the eldest son. Michael begs to take his brother''s place, and at age fifteen, leaves his family behind for America. On a storm-tossed Atlantic crossing, he meets Charles Rauch, the son of a Cleveland wagon-maker, his future rival in carriage-making and love. Michael arrives in an America he can barely comprehend, confronting riots in New York, anti-immigrant bigotry in Cleveland, and his uncle, a cruel blacksmith master. Michael struggles through his indenture, inspired by rags-to-riches stories such as that of presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln. He receives his freedom dues just as war threatens to destroy the country he now calls home. It is not the Civil War, but Cleveland''s post-war Gilded Age, that forces Michael to face his greatest challenge-an accelerating machine age destined to wipe out his livelihood forever. Populated by characters both historical and invented, The Last of the Blacksmiths is a tale of the disruption and dispersal of an immigrant family, the twilight of the artisan crafts, and the efforts of each generation to shape its destiny.

  • von Elton Welke & Donald L Dudley
    17,00 €

  • - The Continuing Story of Mannig the Heroine of Between the Two Rivers Following the Armenian Genocide
    von Aida Kouyoumjian
    19,00 €

  • von Jack Remick
    20,00 €

  • von Scott Driscoll
    17,00 €

  • von Ned Randle
    17,00 €

  • von Contributor Peter G (Lehigh University) Beidler
    19,00 €

  • - Stories and Essays from Around the World
    von Patricia Yvette, Renee Ann & Janice Lynne
    18,00 €

    Childfree, childless ... these are the labels society gives to women who do not bear children, due to choice or genetics. Being Fruitful without Multiplying started as one woman''s quest to come to terms with her decision not to bear children. In conversation with Renee and Janice-two close relatives from different generations-Patricia found that they shared another, unexpected bond: each belonged to childless or childfree social networks. All three were weary of questions from well-meaning people who wondered why they had not born children. As they began to reach out to others in earnest, they found that many who belonged to their diverse online communities were eager to share their stories. Some had chosen to be childfree and some were childless because of biological factors but grew to appreciate the advantages. Some of those who chose not to reproduce still decided to become stepparents or adopt. Over sixty women and a few men added their voices to those of the three main authors. The result is this rich and varied anthology, which includes stories from many different countries, cultures and income groups.

  • - The Civil War Letters of William Cross Hazelton of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry Regiment
    von Contributor Peter G Beidler
    19,00 €

    William Cross Hazelton spent four years as a brave and devoted member of the Union cavalry in the Civil War. During that time he corresponded with Fannie Morrill, the young woman who would become his fiancée and eventually his wife. His letters describe the life of an Illinois volunteer in the Army of the Potomac, the military unit that fought Lee''s Army of Northern Virginia in most of the big battles of the Civil War: Williamsburg, Richmond, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. Hazelton describes the battles from the viewpoint of an ordinary cavalryman slogging through the mud, following erratic orders, surviving for days on enemy turf eating nothing but hardtack, and wondering why the Union army, though superior in numbers and supplies, kept losing battles. After Lee surrendered and Lincoln was assassinated, Hazelton became part of the cavalry posse that chased John Wilkes Booth across the Potomac. His letters breathe new life into a war so devastating that it still scars the American psyche, while exhibiting a moral perspective far ahead of its time.

  • von Jack Remick
    22,00 €

    To be a writer in America, you have to bleed. Eddie Iturbi, a young car-thief obsessed with the dark magic of Beat culture in a mythic San Francisco, sets off on a spaced-out crusade to connect with the Beat gods. En route Eddie links up with living legend Leo Franchetti, the last of the Beat poets. Leo sends Eddie to the Buzzard Cult, where a mysterious mentor reveals the writer''s ritual of blood and words. Changed and invigorated and back in the City, Eddie falls in love with a snake dancer at the Feathered Serpent. She can''t save him from Scarred Wanda, jealous bad-girl of literature, whose goal is to destroy Eddie before Jack Kerouac relays all the magical secrets of the literary universe. Immortality is just a book away. Will Eddie live long enough to write it?

  • - Reflections from Inside and Outside the Classroom
    von Contributor Peter G Beidler
    19,00 €

    Must we always teach from the inside of a classroom? Do periodic exams encourage learning as well as daily quizzes do? Do you schedule individual conferences with each student at the start of the term? Is lecturing an effective way to teach? If a student falls in love with you-or vice versa-are you doing something right or something wrong? If you have a pedagogical idea that will probably fail, should you try it anyhow? How do we know when it is time to retire from a profession we love? Such questions may make readers uncomfortable, but they may also lead them to change the way they think about the profession. Teachers may reconsider their methods, causing students to reconsider their attitudes. In choosing the title Risk Teaching, Peter G. Beidler hopes to convey multiple meanings of the word "risk." "Risk" the verb, as in "take a chance on an amazing profession." "Risk" the adjective, as in "risky"-teaching that diverges from the safe and traditional path. "Risk" the noun, as in "teach students to take risks" and learn outside their comfort zones. Beidler''s book, like his teaching, is saucy, innovative, and challenging.

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