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Bücher veröffentlicht von Compass - finances God's way

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  • von Peter J. Briscoe
    18,00 €

    This book aims to give you many talking points to start your money conversations. It will help you unlock the currency of conversation and lead you to realise that money matters in marriage! The book aims to foster open and constructive discussions about finances within marriage, helping couples build stronger connections and shared financial strategies.It does not try to offer a comprehensive manual on money in marriage but seeks to provide highlights to facilitate talking about important issues, helping couples build stronger connections and shared financial strategies. Money Matters in Marriage tackles issues such as managing conflict or crises, understanding different money personalities, financial planning, raising children and preparing for major changes in life.

  • von Peter J. Briscoe
    18,00 €

    Managing money is not just a technical exercise, but a spiritual discipline. There is an active power behind money which Jesus unmasked and called 'mammon.' He told his followers in strong terms that, "You cannot serve both God and Mammon."We all manage money on a daily basis. Jesus is saying that mammon is a power behind money which wants to lead us away from God's ways of handling money. How does mammon affect our financial decisions? How can the influence of mammon be overcome? How can we use our money in a way that God would want us to?This book is all about managing our money wisely. The monkey is 'mammon,' a tricky, unruly creature who is constantly seeking to destroy our relationship with God and our neighbour!Money, mammon & the monkey uses the parable of Jesus, told in Luke, chapter 16 and verses 1 to 15, called in many translations 'The Unjust Steward.' This book will explain how his master called the steward 'shrewd,' and how we can deal 'shrewdly' with money in all our daily affairs.

  • von Peter J. Briscoe
    21,00 €

  • von Howard Dayton
    19,00 €

    Ce livre tranformera votre vir en vos finances ... parce que vous saurez ce que Dieu dit au sujet de la "manipulation" et de la gestion de l'argent. Que vous essayiez de joindre les deux bouts ou de déterminer ce qu'il vous faut faire dans votre vie à ce propos, vous aurez avec ce livre une compréhension claire de ce que Dieu attend de vous afin que vous puissiez savoir comment gérer l'argent avec son regard.En appliquant ces principes, vous allez jouir de davantage de santé financière, de liberté et de satisfaction.Beaucoup de chrétiens ont une conception erronée de l'argent, certains prônant l'évangile de la prospérité et d'autres celui de la pauvreté. Pourtant, si la Bible parle autant de l'argent c'est parce que Dieu veut que nous soyons les bons gestionnaires de ce qu'il nous a confié. Dieu ne veut pas que nous soyons endettés ou que nous ayons peur de manquer.Le thème de l'argent est abordé plus de 2000 fois dans la Bible ! Il est donc important d'être bien enseigné sur cette question.Ce livre a été écrit par le fondateur de "Compass" et aborde le sujet tabou des finances à la lumière d'une perspective biblique.

  • von Howard Dayton
    17,00 €

    THIS BOOK WILL TRANSFORM YOUR LIFEAND YOUR FINANCES.... . . because you will be learning what God says about handling money.Whether you are trying to make ends meet, or determine what to do with any excess, this book gives a clear understanding of what God wants you to know about handling money. And, as you apply these principles, you'll enjoy more financial health, freedom and contentment.With over 600,000 in print, many have discovered that the Bible has a lot to say about money through Your Money Counts. Revised and expanded, this timeless resource will help you discover what the Bible has to say about spending, saving, giving, investing,

  • von Howard Dayton
    18,00 €

    This study will improve your business and your finances . . .. . . because you will be learning what God says about operating a businessand handling money. Business God's Way is for everyone in business leadership- the CEO or manager of a department, small business or large, whether the business is a start up or well established. Amazingly, the Bible has hundreds of verses to equip us to operate a business and more than 2,350 verses dealing with finances.If you are starting or growing a business, you'll discover that Business God's Way will give you the confidence and courage to make great decisions. This book about running a business is straight from the ultimate book of wisdom, the Bible.

  • von Peter J. Briscoe
    17,00 €

  • von Peter J Briscoe
    20,00 €

  • - Fulfilling God's purpose for your life
    von Bruce R Witt
    17,00 €

    This book strives to help followers of Jesus to do well in difficult times in their lives, and strikes a good balance between the importance of being and doing. Being is inwardly focussed and concerns our thinking, attitudes and motivations. Doing concerns taking action. If we want to fllourish in troubling times, we need to make sure that our actions flow from a right frame of mind.Both being and doing are essential, but what we do grows out of what we are.After Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee, he asked the disciples, “where is your faith?”  He knew that the answer to flourishing in the midts of the storm was faith in Him!In this book, Bruce helps you navigate the storms of life with both timeless principles and practical action.

  • - Learning to live and work out of God's Economy
    von Peter J Briscoe
    18,00 €

  • - The Parable Of The Shrewd Manager
    von Peter J Briscoe
    20,00 €

    Managing money is not just a technical exercise, but a spiritual discipline. There is an active power behind money which Jesus unmasked. He stated that "you cannot serve both God and Mammon."Monkey Business is all about managing our money wisely. The monkey is 'mammon' who is constantly seeking to destroy our relationship with God and our neighbour!This book uses the parable of Jesus, told in Luke, chapter 16 and verses 1 to 15, called in many translations 'The Unjust Steward.' This book will explan how his master called the steward 'shrewd,' and how we can deal 'shrewdly' with money in all our daily affairs.Peter describes how the clever monkey tries to trick us in ignoring Gods ways and in using people instead of serving them. He gives very practical ways in which to become shrewd managers of Gods resources, using money to benefit people, helping them to enjoy Gods Kingdom. How does mammon affect our financial decisions? How can the influence of mammon be overcome? How can we use our money in a way that God would want us to?How does mammon affect our financial decisions? How can the influence of mammon be overcome? How can we use our money in a way that God would want us to? This book will challenge your thinking about handling money as a faithful steward of what God has entrusted us with.

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