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  • von David Michie
    20,00 €

    As kittens we feel it often. All it takes is a wind-blown feather, an unexpected delicacy, or the alluring rush of water and instantly we are caught up in it: Wonderment. Enchantment. Being fully absorbed in the here and now.By the time we reach senior status, way beyond the point of being impressed by such trivia, we have become knowing and indifferent.  But we have lost something, have we not?  Which begs answers to some intriguing questions. Is it possible to recover the unaffected zest for life which once came to us so naturally? To become un-blas├⌐? Can you and I, dear reader, awaken the kitten within?The Dalai Lama''s Cat is confronted by a most unpleasant truth: she is getting old.A routine visit to the vet confirms this. But is a future of decrepitude and senior cat biscuits inevitably a cause for despair? As it happens, she soon finds that a startling reminder of life''s transience is exactly what''s needed to renew our gratitude for life. To lighten up, accept ourselves, and value what truly matters.With irrepressible mischief, the Dalai Lama''s Cat explores the intriguing insight that reality is a projection of our mind. In so doing, she comes to discover that awakening the kitten within is not just possible - it is our purpose! For when we do so with a particular wisdom, we catch a glimpse of our own sublime nature. With a benevolent energy that reaches from the pages, this is the Dalai Lama''s Cat at her most tender, irreverent, joyful best.

  • von David Michie
    18,00 €

    The Dalai Lama regarded their flushed, animated faces, his forehead wrinkling. "The materialist approach," he nodded. "Seeking to change what you believe to be entirely outside you. It has many problems. For example, why must you constantly postpone your happiness?" India's Top Ten Social Influencers Under 30 were taken aback by this question. Staring at him, their eyes filled with consternation. Postponing happiness was something they most definitely wanted no part of."For example, if our happiness depends on having the new diamante sunglasses," he chuckled. "Or the perfect boyfriend," he beamed from the girl dressed in crimson to the one in emerald green. "Or having ten million followers," he nodded at the woman in the yellow sari. "What do we do until then? If we are constantly yearning for material things that we don't have yet, then our happiness is always around the corner. Or at the top of the next mountain. Why do you not wish to be happy here and now? Without needing anything else. Happy as I am?"In a chance encounter with India's Top Ten Social Influencers, the Dalai Lama is asked to how to use the 'law of attraction' to manifest abundance. He points out that material wellbeing was never the goal of such practices as he begins to explain their true purpose.It is a purpose that His Holiness's Cat goes on to explore with her usual warm-hearted and wonky-legged aplomb. Is the world much more a projection of our mind than we suspect? Can a few, precious insights transform our reality? In a drama of intimate revelations as well as panoramic visions, of encounters with much-loved friends along with intriguing newcomers, the Dalai Lama's Cat comes to discover that The Claw of Attraction holds the key to a more sublime transcendence than she ever believed possible. Stretch out your own talons, dear reader, and you may too!

  • von David Michie
    23,00 €

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