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Bücher veröffentlicht von CONCORDIA PUB HOUSE

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  • von Gene Edward Veith
    29,00 €

    Churches across America are constantly updating their culture to accord with the secular culture. But Authentic Christianity offers another idea: that the Lutheran tradition embodies a framework of Christianity that uniquely addresses the postmodern condition. It does so not by being "emergent" or by making up a new approach to church or to the Christian life. Rather, it does so in an unexpected way: by being confessional, sacramental, and vocational. Authentic Christianity is a collaboration between an academic of the Boomer generation and a young Millennial pastor. Coming from two very different places - different generations, different vocations, different entries into Lutheranism - authors Gene Veith and Trevor Sutton offer their unique perspectives on how Lutheran theology engages contemporary life.

  • von Sharla Fritz
    31,00 €

    How does God measure success?In the Bible, you'll find no lack of sinfulness, shortcomings, rejections, and broken people. People like Joseph, Rahab, David, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, The Samaritan Woman, Peter, and Paul. Yet, we don't think of these people as failures. Rather, we see them as people God transformed, turning their lack into faithfulness for His good.Study these eight biblical figures to see that God does the same for you. He takes what you or society perceives as failure and transforms you for His plan. God does not judge based on earthly standards. No blunder is too big for him. No mess-up is beyond repair. His goodness goes beyond and turns your missteps into miracles.

  • von Concordia Publsihing House
    30,00 €

    Life can be grueling. Long days at work and damaged relationships can push you into stress and anxiety. Where do you turn when life gets hectic? Who is your rock and your comfort?52 different women share 52 different devotions to wrap you in God's refuge. Their words will help you see how He guides you through even the most difficult times in your life. Following the words of Psalm 91, each individual author brings their unique voice and perspective to their inspiriting devotions. These devotions are perfect for individual reflection, an introdution to Bible studies, or as a shared women's devotional time.When life is hostile, hunker down in the words of peace and protection you are given in Psalm 91.From the Introduction"When the world rages and we need to take cover, God provides a safe place. When we are weary or frightened, God wraps us in His care. When we feel fretful, apprehensive, discomforted, our heavenly Father comforts us, calms us, and reassures us. And when we are feeling strong and brave, rejoicing in all the good things life can offer, our Lord is with us then, too, with the perfect grace and love that only He can provide."Contributing AuthorsDonna Snow ¿ Deb Burma ¿ Rebekah Curtis ¿ Caitlin May Dinger ¿ Molly Dixon ¿ Sharla Fritz ¿ Perla Gil de Rodriguez ¿ Christina Hergenrader ¿ Martha Streufert Jander ¿ Darcy Paape ¿ Kristina Paul ¿ Sarah Schultz ¿ Alli Bauck ¿ Terri Bentley ¿ Amy Bird ¿ Elizabeth Bruick ¿ Faith Doerr ¿ Margo Heath-Dupre ¿ Wendysue Fluegge ¿ Angie Goeke ¿ Heidi Goehmann ¿ Hannah Hansen ¿ Lindsay Hausch ¿ Sarah Holtan ¿ Haleh Kersten ¿ Pat Maier ¿ Cassie Moore ¿ Raquel A. Rojas ¿ Heather Ruesch ¿ Hannah Van Dellen ¿ Rosie Adle ¿ Janine Bolling ¿ Jessica Bordeleau ¿ Jessica Brashear ¿ Connie Denninger ¿ Carol Fedewa ¿ Noemi Guerra ¿ Sarah Gulseth ¿ Rehema Kavugha ¿ Katie Koplin ¿ Courtney Limmer ¿ Megan Mertz ¿ Kathy Pingel ¿ Barbara Shippy ¿ Rachel Bomberger ¿ Heather Choate Davis ¿ Michelle Diercks ¿ Catherine Duerr ¿ Pa Her ¿ Molly Lackey ¿ Tiffany Manor ¿ Julianna Shults

  • von Concordia Publishing House
    38,00 €

  • von Concordia Publishing House
    14,00 €

    "This is an expanded version of The Lutheran Confessions written by John Theodore Mueller in 1953. It provides brief introductions to each of the Lutheran Confessions, addressing what they are, why they were and are still needed, and how they express God's divine truths. The original text will be supplemented with new content pulled from various resources, such as Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, Luther's Works, and Gerhard's Theological Commonplaces. The booklet will include various quotes from the Confessions and Church Fathers, along with additional information on the historical context. The following texts are discussed: the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed, Luther's Small Catechism, Luther's Large Catechism, the Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, and the Formula of Concord"--

  • von Shawn Kumm
    17,00 €

    Lutheranism 101: The Course works closely with Lutheranism 101 to take the reader deeper into the teaching, doctrine, or practice being presented. Sometimes that means digging into the text of Lutheranism 101 and exploring connections that are being made. Other times it means working with Scripture or some of the primary Lutheran resources for doctrine and practice.The Course can be used by groups, families, and individuals who want to dig deeper into what it means to be Lutheran. After reading a chapter in Lutheranism 101, turn to the corresponding chapter in The Course and work through the questions.

  • von Kenneth C Wagener
    23,00 €

    This revised and expanded study offers a 13-session examination of the Augsburg Confession and Its Apology as found in Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. Leaders notes for The Augsburg Confession and Its Aplogy are available in the Leader Guide.Each session highlights the Law and Gospel and helps participants grow in their knowledge and understanding of the teachings of the Lutheran Church and its relevance to everyday life. This study can be used by groups or for individual study.More about the Lutheran Confessions seriesThe Lutheran Confession series presents a comprehensive introduction to major Lutheran writings. It is designed to be a convenient study for use by more advanced students, or small groups who want to take an in-depth look at the teachings of the Lutheran Church. For ease of use and study, each book in this series includes excerpts from the relevant confessional document. These is no need for students--or instructors--to purchase a complete set of catechisms, or copies of the Augsburg Confessions or Book of Concord in order to enjoy and benefit from these studies.

  • von Martin Luther
    39,00 €

    Lutero consideró La voluntad determinada como una de sus mejores obras. Es una respuesta y refutación de la disquisición de Erasmo: Sobre el libre albedrío. Señala las diferencias teológicas entre los reformadores luteranos y los humanistas, y es un recurso imprescindible para los que estudian a Lutero y la Reforma.On the Bondage of the Will was considered by Luther himself as one of his best writings. This treatise is a reply to Erasmus's work On the Freedom of the Will. It highlights the theological differences between Lutheran reformers and humanists, and is an indispensable resource for students of Luther and the Reformation.

  • von Allan Hart Jahsmann
    35,00 €

    For generations this classic has nurtured children's faith and sown seeds that enrich lives for years to come. Updated to reflect today's varied family situations, these devotions help children not only learn about God, but also to love and trust in Him.

  • von Sally Beck
    29,00 €

    This collection of 58 original designs combines calligraphy and images that allow banner makers to artistically illustrate favorite Bible verses.Included are fabric suggestions, color schemes, and construction techniques appropriate for the beginning and experienced banner maker.These designs also work well for bulletin boards, worship folders, greeting cards, needlework, wall hangings, and more.

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