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Bücher veröffentlicht von Dalcassian Publishing Company

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  • von St. Aileran the Wise
    12,00 €

    This is the companion piece to an earlier work of St. Aileran, the Mystical Interpretation. In this work, St. Aileran discusses the names of the ancestors of Christ and how they relate directly to the the technique of Christian morality. This is usually achieved through various scriptural quotations. However, this text is incomplete. It was either unfinished or lost sometime deep in antiquity.

  • von Theodore Abu Qurrah
    13,00 €

    Theodore (¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿) appears to have composed this treatise in defense of the Christian faith against the political and intellectual attacks many many of of his Jewish and Islamic contemporaries. He is also deeply concerned with the question of Christological Orthodoxy, defending the doctrines of the Council of Chalcedon against the Nestorian polemicists who seek to battle with Theodore's own West Syriac orthodoxy. His apologetic work would be preserved for some centuries with the aid of the Byzantine Church.

  • von Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph I Habsburg
    21,00 €

    This is a collection of three books containing the correspondence of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph I. Most of his letters are composed to other vassals within the realm, but much of it has to do with the ecclesiastial affairs of the empires, his political dealings with Roman Papacy, international relationships relating to the state and to the Holy Land. Rudolph's work would help transition Germany out of the Medieval period, and he would be a forerunner for the coming Habsburg dynasty of Europe, which would come to sit upon the thrones of most of Western Europe. This work is an unparalleled glimpse into his thoughts and courtly behaviors.

  • von James the Deacon
    13,00 €

    St. Pelagia was a Syriac Christian saint and hermit in the 4th and 5th century. In her lifetime she was known for her extreme asceticism, renouncing various indulgences for the sake of Christ. Today, she is regarded as a saint by every apostolic church for her piety and charity.

  • von Koriun the Iberian
    21,00 €

    The Armenian saint, Mesrop Mashtots, is perhaps one of the most esteemed churchman in Armenian history. As an early church intellectual and inventor of the Armenian alphabet he continues to hold a place of certain distinction in the annals of Armenian history. This is his biography, as assembled and composed by his disciple Koriun, who would later go on to led the Georgian church as its Catholicos. This work of hagiography is perhaps one of the most important Armenian church documents to sruvive from great antiquity.

  • von St. Palladius of Galatia
    17,00 €

    The Lausiac History is a seminal work archiving the Desert Fathers of Egypt, written around the year 419-420 by St. Palladius of Galatia, at the request of Lausus the Eunuch, chamberlain at the court of the Eastern Roman Empire Emperor Theodosius II. It is broken down by each chapter, giving the hagiographical account of each monk. During the height of the medieval period it was an extremely popular Christian text in both the East and West, and remains a significant part of the Eastern Orthodox Liturgy.

  • von Heraclides of Alexandria
    17,00 €

    The Paradise of Heraclides is a a long hagiographical collection composed the the 4th-5th century grammarian. His is addressing his work to Lausus, who may be the same as Lausus the Eunuch, courtier to the Emperor Theodosius II. His work mostly dealings with the works and charity of various Egyptians saints, and their relationship to the establishment of local Coptic churches. While this is a work out of the Alexandrian church, Heraclides appears to have composed this work in Latin, rather than the lingua franca of Greek, or the more parochial Coptic tongue.

  • von St. Aldhelm of Malmesbury
    13,00 €

    The Eight Principal Vices' is one of the various Latin prose composed by the 7th century Anglo-Saxon saint, Aldhelm. It deals with the subject of morality and cautions against the sundry vices that might pose a threat to a Christian's soul. It is similar in its composition to work by Eutropius, Aldhelm's Visigothic contemporary. This work includes both the original Latin text as well as the English translation.

  • von Isidore of Kiev
    13,00 €

    This volume contains six letters from the late Byzantine bishop, Isidore of Kiev, who was a prominent figure in the later Imperial church, and would become a Cardinal-bishop within the Catholic Church following the demise of the Empire. Composed from Venetian Crete, these letters chronicle the aftermath of the fall of the eternal city to the Turkish sultan and the political and ecclesiastical chaos that took place subsequent to its capture.

  • von Ceolfridus of Wiremouth
    12,00 €

    This is a text that is looking to reconcile the Celtic Church to that of the Roman tradition. This was particularly salient with the two titular issues, as the early Celtic church observed both a different date for East (separate from the Greek) and maintained a different style of monastic tonsure. These issue would come to a head at the Synod of Whitby in 664 AD, when formal reconciliation was suppose to have taken place.

  • von Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne
    13,00 €

    The Italian Diplomas is a collection of three documents from the reign of the Emperor Charlemagne that deal with churches in the former Lombard kingdom, their preservation and protection under the law. These documents are also co-signed by the local patriarch, granting them the weight of both civil and ecclesiastical authority. This text included by the English translation, as well as the original Latin document as well.

  • von Theodore of Taursus
    13,00 €

    Despite its title, this work by Theodore of Tarsus has more to do with the inter-workings of the Anglo-Saxon Church in the 7th century than it does with any notion of sacramental penance. Theodore is helped to shape the relatively young Anglo-Saxon church, by helping to define its sacramental life. Many of his ideas have been brought with him from his previous ecclesiastical work in Asia Minor and in Rome itself.

    17,00 €

    This four part volume is taken from Ethiopian texts regarding the life and journeys of St. Thomas the Apostle. It recounts his encounter with the Indo-Parthian king, Gondaphares, and his various travels through what is now Afghanistan. It parallels other related texts, such as the various hagiographies of St. Thomas and his various journeys. This translation by M.R. James is the most extent of any such text relating to the apostle's life and ultimate fate.

  • von St. John Chrysostom
    11,00 €

    John Chrysostom (c. 347-407, Greek: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿), Archbishop of Constantinople, was an important Early Church Father. His work here focuses on St. Paul's letter to Philemon. His exegesis would prove to be influential to all future Christian writers who have sought to interpret the text.

  • von Origen of Alexandria
    12,00 €

    Origen writes that prayer is the way in which humans can know and have discourse with God. He notes the many ways prayer is depicted in the Bible, and then tackles the argument that prayer is superfluous. He describes the four purposes of prayer: requests, prayers (praise), intercessions, and thanksgivings.

  • von Sulpitius Severus
    10,00 €

    The chief work of Severus is the Sacred History a summary of sacred history from the beginning of the world to his own times, with the omission of the events recorded in the Gospels and the Acts, "lest the form of his brief work should detract from the honour due to those events". It is a source of primary importance for the history of Priscillianism and contains considerable information respecting the Arian controversy. The book was a textbook, and was used as such in the schools of Europe for about a century and a half after the editio princeps was published by Flacius Illyricus in 1556.

    15,00 €

    The Jacobite Arab Synaxarium is a hagiographical volume on the life of the saints of the Jacobite church. This is commonly a collection of the saints that would be venerated in the Arabic or West Syriac churches, traditionally part of the Syriac Orthodox Church. This synaxarium stands apart from other calendars of saints, as it is composed specifically for this church tradition, and has not previously been available in the English language. This third volume consists of the second month of the Coptic calendar- Hathor, corresponding roughly to the month of November.

    17,00 €

    The Jacobite Arab Synaxarium is a hagiographical volume on the life of the saints of the Jacobite church. This is commonly a collection of the saints that would be venerated in the Arabic or West Syriac churches, traditionally part of the Syriac Orthodox Church. This synaxarium stands apart from other calendars of saints, as it is composed specifically for this church tradition, and has not previously been available in the English language. This first volume consists of the first month of the Coptic calendar- Thout, corresponding roughly to the month of September.

    16,00 €

    The Jacobite Arab Synaxarium is a hagiographical volume on the life of the saints of the Jacobite church. This is commonly a collection of the saints that would be venerated in the Arabic or West Syriac churches, traditionally part of the Syriac Orthodox Church. This synaxarium stands apart from other calendars of saints, as it is composed specifically for this church tradition, and has not previously been available in the English language. This second volume consists of the second month of the Coptic calendar- Paopi, corresponding roughly to the month of October.

  • von D. P. Curtin
    19,00 €

    This is a collection of the five primary and canonical councils that were held by the Church of the East in Sassanian Mesopotamia in an effort to establish the Christology of the church, as well as its relationship to the Church of the Roman Empire. There are five councils in total, all presides over by the reigning patriarch at the time. These doctrines include the consolidation of power at the capital at Seleucia-Ctesiphon, creating uniformity of the bishops of the church, and establishing the episcopal autonomy of the church from its western counterpart.

  • von Origen of Alexandria
    25,00 €

    On First Principles is the most important surviving text written by third-century Church father, Origen. Origen wrote in a time when fundamental doctrines had not yet been fully articulated by the Church, and contributed to the very formation of Christianity.

  • von Procopius Of Caesarea
    13,00 €

    The Secret History of the Court of the emperor Justinian by Procopius is a detailed description of the drama and various shady business of the royal notables of Byzantine Emperor Justinian's court.

  • von St. John Chrysostom
    12,00 €

    John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, was an important Early Church Father. He is known for his preaching and public speaking, his denunciation of abuse of authority by both ecclesiastical and political leaders, the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, and his ascetic sensibilities.

  • von Licinianus of Carthage
    12,00 €

    Licinianus, one of the last bishops of Byzantine Africa offers his pastoral advise to his peer, and African deacon, as well as to Pope Gregory I in Rome. Much of his interest appears to be in discussing the nature of the soul, philosophical concerning relating to the material world, as well episcopal issues such as ordination.

  • von Origen of Alexandria
    16,00 €

    On First Principles is the most important surviving text written by third-century Church father, Origen. Origen wrote in a time when fundamental doctrines had not yet been fully articulated by the Church, and contributed to the very formation of Christianity.

  • von St. Hilary of Poitiers
    10,00 €

    Hilary of Poitiers was Bishop of Poitiers and a Doctor of the Church. He was sometimes referred to as the "Hammer of the Arians" (Malleus Arianorum) and the "Athanasius of the West", His name comes from the Latin word for happy or cheerful. In addition to his important work as Bishop, Hilary was married and the father of Abra of Poitiers, a nun and saint who became known for her charity.

  • von Geoffrey Chaucer
    11,00 €

    The House of Fame is a Middle English poem by Geoffrey Chaucer, probably written between 1374 and 1385, making it one of his earlier works. It was most likely written after The Book of the Duchess, but its chronological relation to Chaucer's other early poems is uncertain.

  • von Martin Luther
    10,00 €

    Luther first focuses on the freedom of the inner man, "that we may see by what means a man becomes justified, free, and a true Christian; that is, a spiritual, new, and inward man." The soul's freedom is not tied to external factors that affect the body, for "what harm can ill health, bondage, hunger, thirst, or any other outward evil do to the soul?" Instead, "one thing, and one alone, is necessary for life, justification, and Christian liberty, and that is the most holy word of God, the gospel of Christ.

  • von Thomas Malory
    11,00 €

    The story of Balin is recounted in the Old French Suite du Merlin and in Malory's Morte d'Arthur. Balin and Balan are the tragic brothers who, despite their nobility, wind up killing each other. Balin in particular seems cursed by fate.

  • von Anonymous
    13,00 €

    Barlaam and Josaphat, also known as Bilawhar and Budhasaf, are legendaryChristian saints. Their life story was based on the life of the Gautama Buddha, and tells of the conversion of Josaphat to Christianity. According to the legend, an Indian king persecuted the Christian Church in his realm. After astrologers predicted that his own son would some day become a Christian, the king imprisoned the young prince Josaphat, who nevertheless met the hermit Saint Barlaam and converted to Christianity. After much tribulation the young prince's father accepted the Christian faith, turned over his throne to Josaphat, and retired to the desert to become a hermit. Josaphat himself later abdicated and went into seclusion with his old teacher Barlaam.

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