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  • von U N Bhale
    207,00 €

    Successful cultivation of crops is hampered due to the occurrence of several aspects like minerals, fertilizers, water stress, insect pests, diseases, nematodes and others. This is a very multifaceted issue in view of the tropical and sub-tropical climate. Therefore, intensive cultivation of high yields varieties/hybrids under high fertility, off-season production, lack of adequate knowledge on plant nutrition and protection, economic constraints to maximize qualitative returns and inability to afford risk. Many technologies using, micropropogate sets, trap crops, botanicals and bio-controls have been developed in some crops and a few are validated in farmers' field. The information on climatic factors, minerals, mutation breeding, cultivation practices, micropropogation, biochemical marker, pests, diseases and nematodes on crops is very much spread. There is no book at present which comprehensively and exclusively deals with the above aspects on crops. The present book deals with integrated pest, disease, nematode management, regulatory, physical, cultural, chemical, organic amendments, biological, host plant resistance and integrated methods. This book is a useful reference to students, forthcoming researchers, extension workers and policy makers. The book can also be used for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well.

  • von U N Bhale
    207,00 €

    Successful cultivation of crops is hampered due to the occurrence of several aspects like minerals, fertilizers, water stress, insect pests, diseases, nematodes and others. This is a very multifaceted issue in view of the tropical and sub-tropical climate. Therefore, intensive cultivation of high yields varieties/hybrids under high fertility, off-season production, lack of adequate knowledge on plant nutrition and protection, economic constraints to maximize qualitative returns and inability to afford risk. Many technologies using, micropropogate sets, trap crops, botanicals and bio-controls have been developed in some crops and a few are validated in farmers' field. The information on climatic factors, minerals, mutation breeding, cultivation practices, micropropogation, biochemical marker, pests, diseases and nematodes on crops is very much spread. There is no book at present which comprehensively and exclusively deals with the above aspects on crops. The present book deals with integrated pest, disease, nematode management, regulatory, physical, cultural, chemical, organic amendments, biological, host plant resistance and integrated methods. This book is a useful reference to students, forthcoming researchers, extension workers and policy makers. The book can also be used for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well.

  • von N V Prasad
    206,00 €

    Global mapping has recently undergone a transition from discipline oriented technologies, such as geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry and cartography into a methodology oriented integrated discipline of "Geoinformation" based on GPS, remote sensing, digital photography for data acquisition and GIS for data manipulation and data output. Interest in Geoinformation has tremendously grown in recent years in many different ways. This book attempts to present the required basic background for Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, GIS and GPS in the new Geoinformation concept in which the different methodologies must be combined. The fundamentals of these are described in detail, with an emphasis on global, regional and local applications. This book also provides a comprehensive look at the challenges and discoveries made in this emerging field. This book is designed to meet the needs of a professional audience composed of both practitioners and researchers. The concepts and applications of Geoinformation presented in this book will be of benefit to decision makers across a wide range of fields including those working in environmental management, urban planning, tourism industry, in the emergency services, public health and epidemiology, crime mapping, market analysis and e-commerce, or mineral exploration, among many others. This book is also suitable as a reference text for post-graduate/graduate-level teachers and students in Geology, Geoengineering, Forestry, Environmental Science, Geography, Remote Sensing and all engineering fields. This book is the companion for everyone who desires a rich understanding of how Geoinformation is used in the real world.

  • von N V Prasad
    206,00 €

    Global mapping has recently undergone a transition from discipline oriented technologies, such as geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry and cartography into a methodology oriented integrated discipline of "Geoinformation" based on GPS, remote sensing, digital photography for data acquisition and GIS for data manipulation and data output. Interest in Geoinformation has tremendously grown in recent years in many different ways. This book attempts to present the required basic background for Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, GIS and GPS in the new Geoinformation concept in which the different methodologies must be combined. The fundamentals of these are described in detail, with an emphasis on global, regional and local applications. This book also provides a comprehensive look at the challenges and discoveries made in this emerging field. This book is designed to meet the needs of a professional audience composed of both practitioners and researchers. The concepts and applications of Geoinformation presented in this book will be of benefit to decision makers across a wide range of fields including those working in environmental management, urban planning, tourism industry, in the emergency services, public health and epidemiology, crime mapping, market analysis and e-commerce, or mineral exploration, among many others. This book is also suitable as a reference text for post-graduate/graduate-level teachers and students in Geology, Geoengineering, Forestry, Environmental Science, Geography, Remote Sensing and all engineering fields. This book is the companion for everyone who desires a rich understanding of how Geoinformation is used in the real world.

  • von N V Prasad
    206,00 €

    Global mapping has recently undergone a transition from discipline oriented technologies, such as geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry and cartography into a methodology oriented integrated discipline of "Geoinformation" based on GPS, remote sensing, digital photography for data acquisition and GIS for data manipulation and data output. Interest in Geoinformation has tremendously grown in recent years in many different ways. This book attempts to present the required basic background for Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, GIS and GPS in the new Geoinformation concept in which the different methodologies must be combined. The fundamentals of these are described in detail, with an emphasis on global, regional and local applications. This book also provides a comprehensive look at the challenges and discoveries made in this emerging field. This book is designed to meet the needs of a professional audience composed of both practitioners and researchers. The concepts and applications of Geoinformation presented in this book will be of benefit to decision makers across a wide range of fields including those working in environmental management, urban planning, tourism industry, in the emergency services, public health and epidemiology, crime mapping, market analysis and e-commerce, or mineral exploration, among many others. This book is also suitable as a reference text for post-graduate/graduate-level teachers and students in Geology, Geoengineering, Forestry, Environmental Science, Geography, Remote Sensing and all engineering fields. This book is the companion for everyone who desires a rich understanding of how Geoinformation is used in the real world.

  • von K Nirmal Ravi Kumar
    166,00 €

    Having a thorough knowledge on the fundamental aspects of any subject is essential to analyze and understand its advanced versions. The same is conceptualized in this text book entitled, 'Agricultural Production Economics', as it dealt with all the basic economic concepts of agricultural production and thus, explained the related advanced versions in a more analytical manner. Though several books were authored in the field of 'Agricultural Production Economics', this book is relatively a significant achievement, as it offered simple and lucid explanation for different concepts and primarily designed as an aid for those teaching Agricultural Production Economics. This book harbours an up-dated and standard material on the various aspects of Agricultural Production Economics duly covering the latest syllabi, as prescribed by several State Agricultural Universities in India. It covers both fundamental and applied aspects and is intended to serve as a basis for a course in Agricultural Production Economics and attempts at satisfying a need of under-graduate students of agriculture, post-graduate and doctoral students of Agricultural Economics. This book will also be worthwhile to teachers, researchers, professionals, farmers etc. Hope this volume will also be very useful to the students, who desire to be competent enough in various competitive examinations.

  • von K Nirmal Ravi Kumar
    165,98 €

    Having a thorough knowledge on the fundamental aspects of any subject is essential to analyze and understand its advanced versions. The same is conceptualized in this text book entitled, 'Agricultural Production Economics', as it dealt with all the basic economic concepts of agricultural production and thus, explained the related advanced versions in a more analytical manner. Though several books were authored in the field of 'Agricultural Production Economics', this book is relatively a significant achievement, as it offered simple and lucid explanation for different concepts and primarily designed as an aid for those teaching Agricultural Production Economics. This book harbours an up-dated and standard material on the various aspects of Agricultural Production Economics duly covering the latest syllabi, as prescribed by several State Agricultural Universities in India. It covers both fundamental and applied aspects and is intended to serve as a basis for a course in Agricultural Production Economics and attempts at satisfying a need of under-graduate students of agriculture, post-graduate and doctoral students of Agricultural Economics. This book will also be worthwhile to teachers, researchers, professionals, farmers etc. Hope this volume will also be very useful to the students, who desire to be competent enough in various competitive examinations.

  • von Amit Baran Sharangi
    147,00 €

    The book "Encyclopaedia of Horticulture and Allied Terms" is a humble attempt to bring all the important and related terms togeter and to define each term with utmost care, accuracy and completeness to provide a rational understanding which is readily accessible for the students, teachers, amateur gardeners, corporate sectors, and all professionals associated with Horticulture. The book includes the broad and diverse areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Botany, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Genetic Engineering, Soil science, Chemistry, Farm management, Economics, Sociology, Statistics, Medicine, Agricultural Engineering, Agrometorology, etc in general and Pomology, Olericulture, Spices, Tea, Coffee, Rose, Wine, Post Harvest Technology, Processing, Bonsai, Flower arrangement, Pollen/Spore, Pesticides, Manures/Fertilizers, Natural/Synthetic chemicals, Instruments/ Implements/ Tools, Quality management, Water, etc in particular.

  • von Amit Baran Sharangi
    145,00 €

    The book "Encyclopaedia of Horticulture and Allied Terms" is a humble attempt to bring all the important and related terms togeter and to define each term with utmost care, accuracy and completeness to provide a rational understanding which is readily accessible for the students, teachers, amateur gardeners, corporate sectors, and all professionals associated with Horticulture. The book includes the broad and diverse areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, Botany, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Genetic Engineering, Soil science, Chemistry, Farm management, Economics, Sociology, Statistics, Medicine, Agricultural Engineering, Agrometorology, etc in general and Pomology, Olericulture, Spices, Tea, Coffee, Rose, Wine, Post Harvest Technology, Processing, Bonsai, Flower arrangement, Pollen/Spore, Pesticides, Manures/Fertilizers, Natural/Synthetic chemicals, Instruments/ Implements/ Tools, Quality management, Water, etc in particular.

  • von H R Sardana
    218,00 €

    Crop protection is a major sector of agriculture which attempts to reduce the losses due to insect pests, diseases, nematodes and weeds which are a major constraint in the production and productivity of economically important crops. Indiscriminate and injudicious use of chemical pesticides has caused harm to human health and environment. Therefore, ecologically safe option of integrated pest management (IPM) considered as a springboard to sustainable crop management is a present day necessity. This book uniquely combines all major subjects on sustainable crop protection and discusses pest management strategies for major crops of economic importance. Utilisation of parasites, predators, entomopathogens, pheromone technology, maintenance of diversity and sanitary & phytosanitary measures are the major features of this book. In all 38 chapters written by experts in their respective fields have been included. The authors have very ably outlined the issues and problems of plant protection and suggested right blend of improved technologies and effective management options that are being utilized in the present day sustainable crop protection scenario. This book is a timely exercise and likely to be received with interest by researchers, teachers, students, extension workers, master trainers, agribusiness entrepreneurs, farmers and others interested in sustainable crop management.

  • von H R Sardana
    220,00 €

    Crop protection is a major sector of agriculture which attempts to reduce the losses due to insect pests, diseases, nematodes and weeds which are a major constraint in the production and productivity of economically important crops. Indiscriminate and injudicious use of chemical pesticides has caused harm to human health and environment. Therefore, ecologically safe option of integrated pest management (IPM) considered as a springboard to sustainable crop management is a present day necessity. This book uniquely combines all major subjects on sustainable crop protection and discusses pest management strategies for major crops of economic importance. Utilisation of parasites, predators, entomopathogens, pheromone technology, maintenance of diversity and sanitary & phytosanitary measures are the major features of this book. In all 38 chapters written by experts in their respective fields have been included. The authors have very ably outlined the issues and problems of plant protection and suggested right blend of improved technologies and effective management options that are being utilized in the present day sustainable crop protection scenario. This book is a timely exercise and likely to be received with interest by researchers, teachers, students, extension workers, master trainers, agribusiness entrepreneurs, farmers and others interested in sustainable crop management.

  • von D R Khanna
    190,00 €

    This book covers the physico-chemical and biological water quality status of various fresh water resources. It reflects new achievements of researchers in many countries, representing the current international level on water and wastewater treatment technology. This book could probably helpful as a reference guide for students and professional in the wastewater industry. It reflects the latest advances and critical topics in water supply and treatment.

  • von D R Khanna
    189,00 €

    This book covers the physico-chemical and biological water quality status of various fresh water resources. It reflects new achievements of researchers in many countries, representing the current international level on water and wastewater treatment technology. This book could probably helpful as a reference guide for students and professional in the wastewater industry. It reflects the latest advances and critical topics in water supply and treatment.

  • von Khare P Vyas, Paliwal G S & Deepak
    209,00 €

    We are living in the ocean of microbes. These tiny microorganisms are responsible for creating atmosphere for the present day life forms. These microorganisms have immense potential to fulfill the need of the human kind. They can provide us food, fuel, fertilizer. They act as a sequesters, remediators, scavengers, and what not. The recent era is the era of biotechnology once we equipped ourself with the modern technology. It is easy to harness the potential of different microorganisms for the benefit of human kind particularly clean environment, quality food and non fossilized fuel. The judicial exploitation of microorganisms with the help of biotechnological tools not only help us to keep our environment clean, pollution free, but also help us to conserve the diversity and ultimately to protect the planet earth from any undesirable conditions. The present volume is a compendium of wide ranging current topics on microbiology, biotechnology and ecology. It is an assemblage of up to date knowledge of recent advances and development taking place in the field of microbial biotechnology and ecology. The book is a unique compilation of 50 chapters. The book "Microbial biotechnology and ecology grouped in three sections 1- Microbiology, 2-Biotechnology and 3- Ecology. The microbiology section includes about 22 articles on bacteria, cyanobacteria, VAM fungi, mushrooms. The biotechnological section includes biotechnological potential of various microorganisms and plants. In this section overall 16 articles are included. In the ecological section articles based on general ecology, bioindicators, eutropication, aquatic biodiversity, pollution etc. This section comprises of about 12 articles. The book is assemblage of scientific information contributed by eminent scientists of the country in the form of commoration volume, to give a scientific tribute to a great Mycologist and Plant Pathologist late Prof. Dr. K.M. Vyas. Who has devoted his life for the dissemination of science and scientific knowledge particularlyin the field of microbiology and biotechnology.

  • von Khare P Vyas, Paliwal G S & Deepak
    202,00 €

    We are living in the ocean of microbes. These tiny microorganisms are responsible for creating atmosphere for the present day life forms. These microorganisms have immense potential to fulfill the need of the human kind. They can provide us food, fuel, fertilizer. They act as a sequesters, remediators, scavengers, and what not. The recent era is the era of biotechnology once we equipped ourself with the modern technology. It is easy to harness the potential of different microorganisms for the benefit of human kind particularly clean environment, quality food and non fossilized fuel. The judicial exploitation of microorganisms with the help of biotechnological tools not only help us to keep our environment clean, pollution free, but also help us to conserve the diversity and ultimately to protect the planet earth from any undesirable conditions. The present volume is a compendium of wide ranging current topics on microbiology, biotechnology and ecology. It is an assemblage of up to date knowledge of recent advances and development taking place in the field of microbial biotechnology and ecology. The book is a unique compilation of 50 chapters. The book "Microbial biotechnology and ecology grouped in three sections 1- Microbiology, 2-Biotechnology and 3- Ecology. The microbiology section includes about 22 articles on bacteria, cyanobacteria, VAM fungi, mushrooms. The biotechnological section includes biotechnological potential of various microorganisms and plants. In this section overall 16 articles are included. In the ecological section articles based on general ecology, bioindicators, eutropication, aquatic biodiversity, pollution etc. This section comprises of about 12 articles. The book is assemblage of scientific information contributed by eminent scientists of the country in the form of commoration volume, to give a scientific tribute to a great Mycologist and Plant Pathologist late Prof. Dr. K.M. Vyas. Who has devoted his life for the dissemination of science and scientific knowledge particularlyin the field of microbiology and biotechnology.

  • von K N Ravi Kumar
    196,98 €

    Having a thorough knowledge on the fundamental aspects of any subject is essential to analyze and understand its advanced versions. The same is conceptualized in this text book entitled, 'Microeconomic analysis in Agriculture', as it dealt all the basic concepts of Microeconomics and thus explained the related advanced versions in a more analytical manner. Though several books were authored in the context of explaining microeconomic aspects, this book is relatively a significant achievement, as it offered an analytical background considering examples from the micro-level aspects of agriculture to the extent possible. This is the first of its kind and the style of presentation is very simple and easy to understand for the student community. The important concepts of modern microeconomics like Game theory, Theory of Contestable Markets, Fixation of Minimum wages to labour etc., were also dealt in this book in a simplified manner. In this perspective, this book is extremely useful for all the students, who wish to pursue their career majoring in Economics in general and Agricultural Economics in particular. Further, it contains an up-dated and standard material on the various aspects of Micro-economics duly covering the latest syllabi as prescribed by the several universities in India, thereby, it helps the Academicians for better explanation of the concepts to the student community. The concepts are illustrated with neat graphical representations wherever necessary and they are well-explained to suit the requirements of student community. This book is very useful for the students pursuing B.Sc. (Agriculture), M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics), Ph.D (Agricultural Economics), BA, MA, B.Com, M.Com, JRF, NET, ARS, IAS, IFS and other competitive examinations.

  • von K N Ravi Kumar
    196,98 €

    Having a thorough knowledge on the fundamental aspects of any subject is essential to analyze and understand its advanced versions. The same is conceptualized in this text book entitled, 'Microeconomic analysis in Agriculture', as it dealt all the basic concepts of Microeconomics and thus explained the related advanced versions in a more analytical manner. Though several books were authored in the context of explaining microeconomic aspects, this book is relatively a significant achievement, as it offered an analytical background considering examples from the micro-level aspects of agriculture to the extent possible. This is the first of its kind and the style of presentation is very simple and easy to understand for the student community. The important concepts of modern microeconomics like Game theory, Theory of Contestable Markets, Fixation of Minimum wages to labour etc., were also dealt in this book in a simplified manner. In this perspective, this book is extremely useful for all the students, who wish to pursue their career majoring in Economics in general and Agricultural Economics in particular. Further, it contains an up-dated and standard material on the various aspects of Micro-economics duly covering the latest syllabi as prescribed by the several universities in India, thereby, it helps the Academicians for better explanation of the concepts to the student community. The concepts are illustrated with neat graphical representations wherever necessary and they are well-explained to suit the requirements of student community. This book is very useful for the students pursuing B.Sc. (Agriculture), M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics), Ph.D (Agricultural Economics), BA, MA, B.Com, M.Com, JRF, NET, ARS, IAS, IFS and other competitive examinations.

  • von K L Chadha
    196,00 €

    This book is a consolidation of the scattered information available in the form of research or review papers which has been suitably compiled and edited in a lucid and easily understandable format with adoptable recommendation for the benefit of all the stakeholders. The book is divided into three volumes with sub-titles of 1) General Issues, 2) Fruit Crops and 3) Vegetables, Flowers & Plantation Crops. Eminent research workers who have been engaged in the area of Postharvest Management in the NARS have contributed chapters on various subjects. Efforts have been made to incorporate information on status of cultivation, cultivars, association between pre-harvest crop management practices and quality after harvest, pack-house operations, storage and marketing for domestic and export trade. The book is also suitably illustrated with colour photographs, wherever necessary. Important references to each subject have been cited for detailed reading. It is hoped that this publication will be of immense value to all the stakeholders viz., horticultural entrepreneurs, retailers, wholesalers and exporters engaged in the supply chain of perishable horticultural produce, research scholars engaged in development of postharvest management technology and others in view of the objectives for which it has been written, i.e., reducing postharvest losses and delivering quality produce both in domestic and international market.

  • von K L Chadha
    207,00 €

    This book is a consolidation of the scattered information available in the form of research or review papers which has been suitably compiled and edited in a lucid and easily understandable format with adoptable recommendation for the benefit of all the stakeholders. The book is divided into three volumes with sub-titles of 1) General Issues, 2) Fruit Crops and 3) Vegetables, Flowers & Plantation Crops. Eminent research workers who have been engaged in the area of Postharvest Management in the NARS have contributed chapters on various subjects. Efforts have been made to incorporate information on status of cultivation, cultivars, association between pre-harvest crop management practices and quality after harvest, pack-house operations, storage and marketing for domestic and export trade. The book is also suitably illustrated with colour photographs, wherever necessary. Important references to each subject have been cited for detailed reading. It is hoped that this publication will be of immense value to all the stakeholders viz., horticultural entrepreneurs, retailers, wholesalers and exporters engaged in the supply chain of perishable horticultural produce, research scholars engaged in development of postharvest management technology and others in view of the objectives for which it has been written, i.e., reducing postharvest losses and delivering quality produce both in domestic and international market.

  • von K L Chadha
    196,00 €

    This book is a consolidation of the scattered information available in the form of research or review papers which has been suitably compiled and edited in a lucid and easily understandable format with adoptable recommendation for the benefit of all the stakeholders. The book is divided into three volumes with sub-titles of 1) General Issues, 2) Fruit Crops and 3) Vegetables, Flowers & Plantation Crops. Eminent research workers who have been engaged in the area of Postharvest Management in the NARS have contributed chapters on various subjects. Efforts have been made to incorporate information on status of cultivation, cultivars, association between pre-harvest crop management practices and quality after harvest, pack-house operations, storage and marketing for domestic and export trade. The book is also suitably illustrated with colour photographs, wherever necessary. Important references to each subject have been cited for detailed reading. It is hoped that this publication will be of immense value to all the stakeholders viz., horticultural entrepreneurs, retailers, wholesalers and exporters engaged in the supply chain of perishable horticultural produce, research scholars engaged in development of postharvest management technology and others in view of the objectives for which it has been written, i.e., reducing postharvest losses and delivering quality produce both in domestic and international market.

  • von K N Ravi Kumar Kumar
    247,98 €

    Having a thorough knowledge on the fundamental aspects of any subject is essential to analyze and understand its advanced versions. The same is conceptualized in this text book entitled, 'Agricultural Marketing', as it dealt all the basic concepts of marketing of agricultural produce in India and thus, explained the related advanced versions in a more analytical manner. Though several books were authored in the field of agricultural marketing, this book is relatively a significant achievement, as it offered simple and lucid explanation for different concepts and primarily designed as an aid for those teaching agricultural marketing. This material is relevant to undergraduate and postgraduate students pursuing Agricultural Marketing Management, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Management etc. This book harbours an up-dated and standard material on the various aspects of Agricultural Marketing duly covering the latest syllabi as prescribed by the several State Agricultural Universities in India. Hope this volume will also be very useful to the students, who desire to be competent enough in various competitive examinations.

  • von K N Ravi Kumar Kumar
    247,98 €

    Having a thorough knowledge on the fundamental aspects of any subject is essential to analyze and understand its advanced versions. The same is conceptualized in this text book entitled, 'Agricultural Marketing', as it dealt all the basic concepts of marketing of agricultural produce in India and thus, explained the related advanced versions in a more analytical manner. Though several books were authored in the field of agricultural marketing, this book is relatively a significant achievement, as it offered simple and lucid explanation for different concepts and primarily designed as an aid for those teaching agricultural marketing. This material is relevant to undergraduate and postgraduate students pursuing Agricultural Marketing Management, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Management etc. This book harbours an up-dated and standard material on the various aspects of Agricultural Marketing duly covering the latest syllabi as prescribed by the several State Agricultural Universities in India. Hope this volume will also be very useful to the students, who desire to be competent enough in various competitive examinations.

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