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Bücher veröffentlicht von Dennis Vogel

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  • von Rennie W. Doane
    17,00 €

    THE subject of preventive medicine is one that is attracting world-wide attention to-day. We can hardly pick up a newspaper or magazine without seeing the subject discussed in some of its phases, and during the last few years several books have appeared devoted wholly or in part to the ways of preventing rather than curing many of our ills. Looking over the titles of these articles and books the reader will at once be impressed with the importance that is being given to the subject of the relation of insects to some of our common diseases. As many of these maladies are caused by minute parasites or microbes the zoölogists, biologists and physicians are studying with untiring zeal to learn what they can in regard to the development and habits of these organisms, and the entomologists are doing their part by studying in minute detail the structure and life-history of the insects that are concerned. Thus many important facts are being learned, many important observations made. The results of the best of these investigations are always published in technical magazines or papers that are usually accessible only to the specialist. This little book is an attempt to bring together and place in untechnical form the most important of these facts gathered from sources many of which are at present inaccessible to the general reader, perhaps even to many physicians and entomologists.

  • von Mayton Clarence Hillick
    21,00 €

    In many of its elementary principles the art of carriage and wagon painting as at present exemplified does not materially differ from the art as it was interpreted in the remote past. Processes and systems have changed and adapted themselves to the swifter modes of life, but not a few of the paint materials, especially those used in the foundation and surfacing coats, remain practically the same as used in former times. The P. W. F.'s, as surfacing agents expected to take the place of white lead and oil and their assistant pigments, tossed merrily upon the topmost wave of favor for a brief period some two decades ago, but the fiat of their decline went forth and at the present time the great majority of carriage and wagon paintersstill adhere to white lead, raw linseed oil, ochres, and regulation roughstuff pigments for their foundation materials, as did their instructors andpredecessors.

  • von Leonard Haseman
    15,00 €

    This guide combines readable text, representative photographs, and explanatory illustrations to highlight key features of body shape, life cycle, and behavior.Combining current insect identification, insect biology, and insect evolution, this biology text provides you with a comprehensive introduction to the study of insects. Numerous figures, bullets, easily understood diagrams, and numbered lists throughout the text help you grasp the material.

  • von John George Bourinot
    14,00 €

    This monograph on the intellectual development of the Dominion was delivered in substance as the presidential address to the Royal Society ofCanada at its May meeting of 1893, in Ottawa. Since then the author has given the whole subject a careful revision, and added a number ofbibliographical and other literary notes which could not conveniently appear in the text of the address, but are likely to interest those who wish tonfollow more closely the progress of culture in a country still struggling with the difficulties of the material development of half a continent. This littlevolume, as the title page shows, is intended as the commencement of a series of historical and other essays which will be periodically reproduced,in this more convenient form for the general reader, from the large quarto volumes of the Royal Society of Canada, where they first appear.

  • von Ali Nomad
    17,00 €

    A New and Startling Interpretation of the Meaning, Scope and Function of Sex as Seen and Interpreted From the Inner or Cosmic Standpoint. A Work That Should Revolutionize the Thought of Today in its Relation to the Vital Mystery of Sex in All its Aspects. It Presents a Practical Solution to the Sex Problems of Everyday Life. This volume is not a romance, a fairy tale nor a dream intended to entertain or amuse, but a scientific instruction which will elevate the individual and the race, develop self respect, self control, morality and love. If the propositions presented by the author are correct-let the standards be changed; if the propositions are incorrect, they will not disturb the standards of today.

  • von Sara Cone Bryant
    16,00 €

    This little book came into being at the instance of my teaching friends. Their requests for more stories of the kind which were given in How to TellStories to Children, and especially their urging that the stories they liked, in my telling, should be set down in print, seemed to justify the hope that the collection would be genuinely useful to them. That it may be, is the earnest desire with which it is offered. I hope it will be found to contain some stories which are new to the teachers and friends of little children, and some which are familiar, but in an easier form for telling than is usual. And I shall indeed be content if its value to those who read it is proportionate to the pleasure and mental stimulus which has come to me in the work among pupils and teachers which accompanied its preparation.

  • von David C. Taylor
    18,00 €

    A PECULIAR gap exists between the accepted theoretical basis of instruction in singing and the actual methods of vocal teachers. Judging by the number of scientific treatises on the voice, the academic observer would be led to believe that a coherent Science of Voice Culture has been evolved. Modern methods of instruction in singing are presumed to embody a system of exact and infallible rules for the management of the voice. Teachers of singing in all the musical centers of Europe and America claim to follow a definite plan in the training of voices, based on established scientific principles. But a practical acquaintance with the modern art of Voice Culture reveals the fact that the laws of tone-production deduced from the scientific investigation of the voice do not furnish a satisfactory basis for a method of training voices. Throughout the entire vocal profession, among singers, teachers, and students alike, there is a general feeling of the insufficiency of present knowledge of the voice. The problem of the correct management of the vocal organs has not been finally and definitely solved. Voice Culture has not been reduced to an exact science. Vocal teachers are not in possession of an infallible method of training voices. Students of singing find great difficulty in learning how to use their voices. Voice Culture is generally recognized as entitled to a position among the exact sciences; but something remains to be done before it can assume that position.

  • von Reuben Briggs Davenport
    17,00 €

    This book has been written in extreme haste. It does not pretend to literary style. But it pretends to absolute truthfulness and a reverent regard for justice. Its sole value is its character as a contribution to the real history of Spiritualism. As such, it is unquestionably of great importance, greater even than any work of the kind that has been published since the beginning of modern Spiritualism. It is, in fact, what its title sets forth-"THEDEATH-BLOW TO SPIRITUALISM." No one who does not love illusion for illusion's sake-better, in other words, than he loves the truth-can, after reading this volume, remain a follower of Spiritualism and its hypocritical apostles.

  • von Maurice Alpheus Bigelow
    19,00 €

    Sex-education in its largest sense includes all scientific, ethical, social, and religious instruction and influence which directly and indirectly mayhelp young people prepare to solve for themselves the problems of sex that inevitably come in some form into the life of every normal humanindividual. Note the carefully guarded phrase "help young people prepare to solve for themselves the problems of sex", for, like education in general,special sex-education cannot possibly do more than help the individual prepare to face the problems of life.

  • von Robert T. Browne
    21,00 €

    Mathematics is the biometer of intellectual evolution. Hence, the determination of the status quo of the intellect at any time can be accomplished most satisfactorily by applying to it the rigorous measure of the mathematical method. The intellect has but one true divining rod and that is mathematics. By day and by night it points the way unerringly, so long as it leads through materiality; but, falteringly, blindly, fatally, whenthat way veers into the territory of vitality and spirituality.

  • von William I. Thomas
    17,00 €

    These studies have been published in various journals at different times. They are reprinted together because there is some demand for them, and they are not easily accessible. In preparing them for publication in the present form, some of them have been expanded and all of them have been revised. While each study is complete in itself, the general thesis running through all of them is the same-that the differences in bodily habit between men and women, particularly the greater strength, restlessness, and motor aptitude of man, and the more stationary condition of woman, have had an important influence on social forms and activities, and on the character and mind of the two sexes.

  • von White Mountain Freezer
    13,00 €

    Updated for modern kitchens, this vintage book of ice cream recipes offers a mouthwatering selection of frozen treats that's sureto include something for everyone. In addition to dozens of different types of ice cream and sherbet, the recipes cover frozen puddings, soufflés, parfaits, and mousses as well as tasty toppings. Numerous dairy-free options include sorbets, Italian ices, and fruit ices.Easy-to-find ingredients range from a variety of fruits and nuts to the traditional flavors of chocolate and vanilla. Brief explanations identify the differences between ices, sorbet, and sherbet and offer general instructions for making frozen desserts.

  • von Tiziano Pirlo
    17,00 €

    Italy is a very known country in preparation of a big number of delicious dishes and foods. In fact, many restaurants around the world either small, medium or big, usually use Italian recipes offering to their clients hot and tasteful foods with an amazing stylish look, which they enjoy sharing with their friends and family. Not only that, but also many people are learning everyday how to cook Italian foods, they really enjoy trying various recipes in their kitchen doing so, each day with passion and love, because that makes them happy and feeling the challenge of the day-to-day cooking.

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