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Bücher veröffentlicht von Diwan Press

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  • - The Wird and the Qasidas
    von Muhammad Ibn Al-Habib
    40,00 €

    The Diwan - Bughyat al-Murideen as-Saa'ireen wa Tuhfat as-Salikeen al-'Arifeen -The Desire of Journeying Murids and the Gift to Wayfaring GnosticsThe Diwan of the Shaykh and Gnostic of Allah Sayyidi Muhammad ibn al-Habib al-Amghari al-Idrisi al-Hasani, in this Arabic-English edition, contains his Wird and Qasidas. It is 21.6cm by 14cm (5.5 by 8.5 inches), 248 pages and in a sturdy casebound binding. The Diwan of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib has long been famous among the Sufis for its balance between poems expressing direct spiritual experience and those in instruction on travelling the path.This compact edition contains the Wird, Qasidas including one by Shaykh Ahmad al-Badawi and another on the Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah, the Salat al-Mashishiyya, and the Diwan of Shaykh al-Fayturi.Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib, may Allah be pleased with him, was born circa 1290/1871 in Fez. He received a traditional education in fiqh and the sciences of Islam, Iman and Ihsan. He was Maliki in fiqh, Ash'ari in 'aqida and Darqawi-Shadhili in tariqa. Describing himself, he said:"Allah, may He be exalted said: 'As for the blessing of your Lord - declare it.' So let Muhammad ibn al-Habib, al-Amghari al-Hasani by lineage, dwelling in Fez, the poor slave of his Master, yet enriched by Him with other-than-Him, declare, in speaking of Allah's blessing, that idhn (authorisation) has come to him from Allah and the Messenger of Allah and all the awliya' of Allah, and that Allah has singled him out with sciences and secrets which only the unique man of Muhammad possesses."He died, may Allah have mercy on him, in 1391/1972 while on the way to Hajj, and is buried in his zawiya in Meknes.

  • - Summary on 'Ibadat according to the School of Imam Malik
    von 'abd Ar-Rahman Al-Akhdari
    16,00 €

    "The prayer has an immense light by which the hearts of those who pray shine, and is only obtained by those who have inner humility."When you go to the prayer, you should empty your heart of this world and what it contains and occupy yourself with watchfulness of our Master for whose sake you pray."This text is widely regarded as the basic entry point to Maliki fiqh.Its author was 'Abd ar-Rahman al-Akhdari (920/1514 - 953/1546) from Algeria.

  • - The General Judgments of the Qur'an and Clarification of what it contains of the Sunnah and āyahs of Discrimination
    von Abu 'abdullah Muhammad Al-Qurtubi
    38,00 €

    The tafs¿r of al-Qur¿ub¿ is perhaps one of the most compendious of them all and is certainly among the most famous. As its title, al-J¿mi' li A¿k¿m al-Qur'¿n - The General Judgments of the Qur'an, suggests, its main focus is on the rulings and judgments to be found in the Qur'¿n. However, in the course of doing that, al-Qur¿ub¿ examines all the relevant sciences necessary, such as the ¿ad¿th pertaining to the ¿yahs, events in the s¿rah, what the Companions, their Followers and other noted people of knowledge said about the ¿yahs, essential aspects of Arabic etymology, syntax and usage, copiously illustrated by examples, and much more.In this introduction, the author lays out some of the key themes of the Qur'an: Its virtues and the reciter's; how to recite it; cautioning against showing off; what the one who knows the Qur'an must do and not neglect to do; learning its syntax; the excellence of tafs¿r; the excellence of the bearer of the Qur'an; the respect and esteem mandatory for the Qur'an; threats against engaging in tafs¿r by means of opinion (ra'y); the Book being explained by the Sunnah; how to learn and understand the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet s; that it used to be easier to act by it than to memorise it; the words of the Prophet s; "The Qur'an was revealed in seven äruf (dialects/modes)"; the seven readings; the collection of the Qur'an; the memorisation of the Qur'an by the Companions at the time of the Prophet s; the order of the s¿rahs and ¿yahs of the Qur'an; the meaning of the words s¿rah, ¿yah, kalimah (word) and ¿arf (letter); non-Arabic words in the Qur'an; the inimitability of the Qur'an; hadiths forged about the excellence of the s¿rahs of the Qur'an; refutation of those who attack the Qur'an; the Seeking Refuge with Allah from Shay¿¿n and the Basmalah.Diwan Press will be publishing the entire tafs¿r in 30 volumes along with the Introduction.Ab¿ Müammad ibn A¿mad ibn Ab¿ Bakr ibn Far¿ al-An¿¿r¿ al-Khazraj¿ al-Andalus¿ al-Qur¿ub¿ (610-11 AH/1214 CE - 671 AH/1273 CE) was born in Cordoba in Spain, but moved in 1236 to Cairo in Egypt, where he lived until his death. He was M¿lik¿ in fiqh, and although he composed other works, he is most famous for this tafs¿r.Aisha Bewley is the translator of a large number of classical works of Islam and Sufism, often in collaboration with Abdalhaqq Bewley, notably The Noble Qur'an - a New Rendering of Its Meanings in English; Muhammad, Messenger of Allah - the translation of Q¿¿¿ 'Iy¿¿'s ash-Shif¿'; the Muwä¿a' of Imam M¿lik ibn Anas; and Imam an-Nawaw¿'s Riy¿¿ ä-¿¿li¿¿n.

  • - The General Judgments of the Qur'an and Clarification of what it contains of the Sunnah and Āyahs of Discrimination
    von Abu 'abdullah Muhammad Al-Qurtubi
    22,00 €

    The tafsir of al-Qur¿ubi is perhaps one of the most compendious of them all and is certainly among the most famous. As its title, al-Jami' li A¿kam al-Qur'an - The General Judgments of the Qur'an, suggests, its main focus is on the rulings and judgments to be found in the Qur'an. However, in the course of doing that, al-Qur¿ubi examines all the relevant sciences necessary, such as the ¿adith pertaining to the ayahs, events in the sirah, what the Companions, their Followers and other noted people of knowledge said about the ayahs, essential aspects of Arabic etymology, syntax and usage, copiously illustrated by examples, and much more.In this introduction, the author lays out some of the key themes of the Qur'an: Its virtues and the reciter's; how to recite it; cautioning against showing off; what the one who knows the Qur'an must do and not neglect to do; learning its syntax; the excellence of tafsir; the excellence of the bearer of the Qur'an; the respect and esteem mandatory for the Qur'an; threats against engaging in tafsir by means of opinion (ra'y); the Book being explained by the Sunnah; how to learn and understand the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet s; that it used to be easier to act by it than to memorise it; the words of the Prophet s; "The Qur'an was revealed in seven äruf (dialects/modes)"; the seven readings; the collection of the Qur'an; the memorisation of the Qur'an by the Companions at the time of the Prophet s; the order of the surahs and ayahs of the Qur'an; the meaning of the words surah, ayah, kalimah (word) and ¿arf (letter); non-Arabic words in the Qur'an; the inimitability of the Qur'an; hadiths forged about the excellence of the surahs of the Qur'an; refutation of those who attack the Qur'an; the Seeking Refuge with Allah from Shay¿an and the Basmalah.Diwan Press will be publishing the entire tafsir in 30 volumes along with the Introduction.Abu Müammad ibn A¿mad ibn Abi Bakr ibn Far¿ al-An¿ari al-Khazraji al-Andalusi al-Qur¿ubi (610-11 AH/1214 CE - 671 AH/1273 CE) was born in Cordoba in Spain, but moved in 1236 to Cairo in Egypt, where he lived until his death. He was Maliki in fiqh, and although he composed other works, he is most famous for this tafsir.Aisha Bewley is the translator of a large number of classical works of Islam and Sufism, often in collaboration with Abdalhaqq Bewley, notably The Noble Qur'an - a New Rendering of Its Meanings in English; Muhammad, Messenger of Allah - the translation of Qäi 'Iyä's ash-Shifa'; the Muwä¿a' of Imam Malik ibn Anas; and Imam an-Nawawi's Riyä ä-¿ali¿in.

  • - Islams faldne sojle
    von Abdalhaqq Bewley
    19,00 €

    Zakat, islams faldne søjle"Med hensyn til zakat: Den er taget fra ham med magt, hvis han nægter at give den. Hvis han forsøger at stoppe det, vil han blive overmandet og tvunget til at gøre det. Hvis han har en hær, bekæmper man ham, indtil enten han giver den eller den er taget fra ham. Muslimer er forpligtet til at føre krig mod ham under lederen."Sådan er den strenghed hvormed den berømte videnskabsmand og forfatter Qadi 'Iyad taler om afvisning af at betale zakat. Med dette i tankerne er det så meget desto mere bemærkelsesværdigt, at så mange muslimer tager denne sag så let som blot at forvise zakat til at være en frivillige sadaqa, prisværdig som dette jo er i sin egen ret.Denne bog forklarer kortfattet nødvendigheden for korrekt indsamling og distribution af zakat. Samtidig bliver søjlen skitseret på en måde, der giver mening i det nuværende økonomiske miljø.Shaykh Abdalhaqq BewleyShaykh Abdalhaqq accepterede Islam i 1968 og tilbragte nogle år i Marokko for at lære om islam. Siden da har han arbejdet på at etablere islam og muslimske samfund. Dette bragte ham til at bo og undervise i Nigeria, USA, Tjekkoslovakiet, Tyskland, Spanien, Caribien og Storbritannien. Han er forfatter af Islam, its Basic Practices and Beliefs og er med sin kone Aisha Bewley oversætter af The Noble Qur'an, a New Rendering of its Meanings in English. I øjeblikket bor han i Norwich hvor han også underviser.

  • - of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib
    von Muhammad Ibn Al-Habib
    51,00 €

  • von Malik Ibn Anas
    98,00 €

  • von Muhammad Ibn Nasir
    13,00 €

  • von Mahmud Shabistari
    17,00 €

  • von Abdassamad (Dean of the Muslim Faculty of Advanced Studies) Clarke
    19,00 €

  • von Abdalhaqq Bewley
    16,00 €

  • von Aziz El Kobaiti Idrissi
    19,00 €

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