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Bücher veröffentlicht von Domingo Gonzalez

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  • von Domingo Jr. González
    13,00 €

    Crecí en la iglesia pentecostal donde si te medio retuerces la gente ya crees que te tomó el espíritu o estás ungido, luego pasé a la iglesia libre o carismática como le dicen en otros países donde el evangelio emocional que usan los pentecostales lo educaron y lo perfeccionaron, llenándolo además de manipulación emocional bien estudiada y ejecutada a la perfección para dominar a los creyentes.He visto gente siendo manipulada por más de 30 años, creyendo mentiras que son demasiado evidentes, algunos cegados, otros sencillamente no quieren ver la verdad y se cierran a ella porque aman la mentira.Por tal experiencia de vida me siento con la responsabilidad y el deber de escribir este libro.Mis libros son para abrir los ojos a los ciegos, pero a los ciegos que quieren ver. Si eres uno de los ciegos que no quieren ver este libro no es para ti.Es interesante que en una oportunidad Jesús Vio a un hombre evidentemente y con una enfermedad y le preguntó ¿Quieres ser sano? Y aunque la pregunta dada las evidencias parecería fuera de lugar porque era obvia la necesidad de aquel hombre, debemos estar conscientes que hay enfermos que no quieren ser sanados, sobre todo los enfermos del alma, porque hay enfermedades del alma que hacen sentir bien a las personas. En este libro trataré el tema de las emociones en el mundo y en la iglesia, tratando de ser lo más centrado posible porque ambos extremos en esta área llevan a un tipo de evangelio equivocado.

  • von Domingo Jr. González
    13,00 €

    I grew up in the Pentecostal church where if you half squirm people already believe that the spirit has taken you or you are anointed, then I moved to the free or charismatic church as they call it in other countries where they educated and perfected the emotional gospel that the Pentecostals use. , also filling it with well-studied and perfectly executed emotional manipulation to dominate believers.I have seen people being manipulated for more than 30 years, believing lies that are too obvious, some blinded, others simply do not want to see the truth and close themselves to it because they love the lie.Because of such a life experience, I feel with the responsibility and duty to write this book.My books are to open the eyes of the blind, but the blind who want to see. If you are one of the blind people who don't want to see, this book is not for you.It is interesting that on one occasion Jesus saw a man obviously with an illness and asked him, Do you want to be healthy? And although the question given the evidence would seem out of place because the man's need was obvious, we must be aware that there are sick people who do not want to be healed, especially those who are sick of the soul, because there are diseases of the soul that make people feel good. people.In this book I will address the topic of emotions in the world and in the church, trying to be as focused as possible because both extremes in this area lead to the wrong type of gospel.

  • von Domingo Gonzalez
    14,00 €

    Many years ago Leonard Ravenhill stated that in recent times it would be chaos because everyone would claim to have the truth, that time has already arrived and we can see hundreds of pastors claiming to have the true gospel. If you are one of the people who is really interested in knowing the true gospel, with this short book I hope to help you in the midst of this chaos. If you are a Christian who does not want to live a mediocre Christian life, but rather seeks the truth and desires to live a life that pleases God, then this Book is for you.

  • von Domingo Gonzalez
    16,00 €

    O livro Esqueletos no Armário: Memórias de um Filho de Pastor 2º. Edição. Mostra a verdadeira história dos sofrimentos do filho de um pastor cristão cujo orgulho e arrogância o fizeram se tornar um ser indesejável dentro de sua família, mas amado por todos os demais. Este livro não é um livro de crítica e sim um livro para que a igreja e a liderança se conscientizem e possam ajudar os pastores para que não cheguem a tal nível de arrogância e não menosprezem esses chamados. filhos de pastores que, embora pareçam ter uma família perfeita, "Há Esqueletos no Armário"

  • von Alias Martín Garcia
    16,00 €

    El libro Esqueletos en el Closet: Memorias de un hijo de Pastor 2 edición(revisada,corregida, mejorada y ampliada) muestra la historia real de los sufrimientos de un hijo de pastor cristiano a quien el orgullo y la altivez lo hicieron convertirse en un ser indeseable dentro de su familia pero amados por todo el resto que no conocía su verdadera cara.. Este libro no es un libro de critica sino un libro para que la iglesia y el liderazgo tome conciencia y pueda ser de ayuda a los pastores para que no lleguen a tal nivel de soberbia y tampoco menosprecien esas llamadas de auxilio de los hijos de pastores que aunque parezcan tener una familia perfecta "Hay Esqueletos en el Closet"

  • von Domingo Gonzalez
    14,00 €

    Ya hace muchos años Leonard Ravenhill afirmó que en los últimos tiempos sería un caos porque todos afirmarían tener la verdad, ese tiempo ya llegó y podemos ver cientos de pastores afirmando tener el evangelio verdadero. Si eres una de las personas que realmente está interesada en conocer el evangelio verdadero, con este breve libro espero poder ayudarte en medio de este caos. Si eres un cristiano que no quieren vivir una vida cristiana mediocre, sino que buscas la verdad y deseas vivir una vida que agrada a Dios, entonces, este Libro es para ti.

  • von Alias Martín Garcia
    16,00 €

    The book "The Skeletons in the Closet: Memoirs of a Pastor's Son 2nd. Edition. (Revised, Corrected, Improved, Expanded,Renewed)" shows the true story of the sufferings of a Christian pastor's son whose pride and arrogance made him become an undesirable being within his family but loved by everyone else. that he did not know his true face. This book is not a book of criticism but a book so that the church and the leadership become aware and can be of help to pastors so that they do not reach such a level of arrogance and do not belittle those calls. to help the children of pastors who, although they seem to have a perfect family, "There are Skeletons in the Closet"

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