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Bücher veröffentlicht von Dr. Robertino Bedenian

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  • von Robertino Bedenian
    18,00 €

    If you want to know how to prevent and manage diabetes type 1 and type 2 while others have already accepted their fate as irreversible, read on...Do you really want to be dependent on the next insulin shot that fools you into believing this is the only way of having an ostensibly "normal" life?Have you been told that researchers at the Diabetes Research Institute are currently working on ways to manage diabetes successfully so patients can live healthy lives without the use of medication?Did you know that there is a biological therapy that enables the body to produce insulin again, bringing blood sugar levels to normal levels without further complications?Do you feel helpless watching your life energy and vitality cease every year due to the dramatic impact of diabetes?Did you know that Diabetes affected 34,2 million adults in the United States in 2024 accounting for almost 10% of the population and that more than one-fourth of them were not even aware of it?Have you been told that the complications of diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 differ dramatically and that you NEED to know the difference?If so, "Diabetes - How to Help: Everything You Need to Know About Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2" is for YOU because it is published by a fitness instructor who is accredited by the German Olympic Committee who knows exactly the dramatic impact of metabolism change due to diabetes and what to do about it.Imagine you can restore and even scale your physical activity and health again while others keep losing their vitality and zest for life due to the limitations of living a life with diabetes! Why This Book is Different! This book is different because it is easy to read, practical, concise, easy to understand, and even easier to follow by describing the causes, preventing measures, and managing tools of diabetes while providing promising research studies that help manage diabetes in the long run. By the way, with the purchase of the book, you will also get a BONUS book for FREE that could easily be sold for the same price as this book and that will help you manage diabetes even more successfully! You'll soon discover...that it's not "bad luck" but that there is a reason why so many people suffer from diabetes and what you can do about it with tools and ideas covered in this book.that diabetes is sometimes due to factors that you would never consider relevant and how to avoid these traps.that there is a way to manage diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 successfully and how YOU can benefit from the conclusion of the current research to restore your life energy while others have already accepted their fate as irreversible.the most delicious recipes and crucial diet tips that are perfectly tailored for people who suffer from diabetes....and a lot more!If you want to know how to prevent and manage diabetes type 1 and type 2 while others have already accepted their fate as irreversible, this book is for You!

  • von Robertino Bedenian
    19,00 €

    If you have ever wondered if there is a way to lose weight naturally and get finally in shape without being overwhelmed and if you have ever wished for a kind of "navigation system" to take you to your destination without stepping in all the traps that many others fall into, please read on... Have you always wanted to manage your weight naturally and get finally in shape without being completely overwhelmed?Do you wish to have a clear diet and workout planner that will take you by the hand so that you can reach your goal with confidence?Have you ever wished to learn about the many nutrition myths that many others still believe and therefore give up after just a few weeks?Did you know that the combination of proper nutrition and a tailor-made workout planner are the ideal way to pursue a healthy and vital life?Have you ever thought about how your quality of life, your sense of life and self-esteem will dramatically improve if you are slim and, above all, in great shape at the same time?If you answered "yes" to even one of these questions, then this book is for YOU because this book has been written by a fitness coach licensed by the German Olympic Committee, which does not only provide an excellent tour of the world of nutrition and nutrition myths, but also takes you by the hand by showing you many practical exercises that you can immediately implement in your everyday life to get in shape as quickly as possible. Imagine for a brief moment how much your quality of life will improve because it will not only significantly improve your state of health, but also give you much more zest and energy for life to do the things you had to do without for a long time! Why this book is different! This book is different because it has only one goal: To help you manage your weight naturally and get you in shape in the shortest time possible by giving you the best nutritional advice to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle without overwhelming you. In this book you will learn...that the combination of proper nutrition and a tailor-made workout planner is the only way to achieve your goal of managing your weight naturally and get in shape, while many people still fall for nutrition myths and therefore give up after only a few weeks.that it is never too late to change your life in such a way that you regain your zest and energy for life.that some nutrition recommendations are just pure propaganda to save a billion-dollar industry from bankruptcy, and that unfortunately a lot of people still fall for this bad mistake.which mental attitude you must have in order not to be discouraged by occasional setbacks.that it is worthwhile to manage your weight and get in shape because this will create the health conditions for you to lead a productive, creative and thus fulfilling life....and much more!If you have ever wondered if there is a way to manage your weight naturally and finally get in shape without being overwhelmed and if you have ever wished for a kind of "navigation system" to take you to your destination without stepping in all the traps that many others fall into, then this book is for you!

  • von Robertino Bedenian
    18,00 €

    If you have ever wanted to learn about the causes, treatment options, and chances of success for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders without having to read through a medical tome, please read on...Did you know that sleep apnea is one of the most underrated "diseases"?Have you been aware that millions of adults suffer from sleep apnea and don't even know it?Did you know that there are typical symptoms of sleep apnea, but that most people would never associate those symptoms with sleep apnea?Have you been aware that sleep apnea could be treated quite effectively and that there is a highly effective form of therapy you need to apply?Has it ever occurred to you that there is an almost causal relationship between sleep disorders, sleep apnea, and snoring?Just imagine for a moment what joy of life and energy you would gain if you finally solved the "sleep apnea issue" because then you would wake up every morning refreshed and in a good mood, and you would finally no longer have to worry about how to get through the day.Why This Book Is Different!This book is different because it is written in a simple, informative, coherent, pragmatic, and, above all, practical way, in which the promising and less promising therapy options are discussed, without concealing their side effects.In this book, you will learn...what sleep apnea is all about and what causes it, while millions of adults do not even know that they suffer from this "disease".what signs and symptoms point to sleep apnea that most people would never associate with sleep apnea.which form of diagnosis is best to diagnose sleep apnea.which form of therapy works, which doesn't, and what side effects you should expect.which abnormalities in children point to sleep apnea!...and much more!If you have ever wanted to learn about the causes, treatment options, and chances of success for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders without having to read through a medical tome, then this book is for you!

  • von Robertino Bedenian
    19,00 €

    If You Have Ever Wanted to Know How to Prevent Any Gut Disease or How to Restore Your Gut Health And Keep It Healthy From The Inside Out While Others Have No Idea Why Their Life Energy Has Totally Extinguished, Read On...Have you ever thought about the consequences that our diet and food items that we consume nowadays are entirely different from the diet our ancestors used to have?Did you realize that there is a reason why nowadays so many people suffer dramatically from gut diseases and that half of these diseases could be prevented if we improved our gut health?Have you ever heard about the gut microbiome and why it's essential to keep it in balance if you want to live a healthy and rewarding life?Did you know that it's impossible to cure a disturbed gut without recognizing the role of the gut-brain-connection?Do you feel helpless watching your life energy and vitality cease every year due to the dramatic impact of an unhealthy gut?If so, "Your Super Gut Feeling Restored - How to Restore Your Life Energy and Overall Health from The Inside Out" is for YOU because it is published by a nutrition expert and fitness instructor accredited by the German Olympic Committee who knows what causes dramatic gut diseases and what to do to restore gut health in less than 4-weeks. Imagine you can restore and even scale your physical activity and health again while others keep losing their vitality and zest for life due to the limitations of living a life with gut issues! Why This Book is Different! This book is different because it is very informative, concise, and easy to understand by describing the causes, preventing measures, and healing tools of a super gut by providing a 4-week gut restoration plan to restore gut health and keep it healthy in the long run. By purchasing the book, you will also get the AUDIOBOOK FOR FREE as a bonus gift for putting your trust in me! You'll soon discover...that there is a reason why so many people suffer from gut issues and how you can avoid these issues and restore your gut health in less than 4 weeks if you stick to the gut restoration plan at the end of the book.that the gut is the "second brain" and therefore it MUST be healthy to have a healthy body.that the secret of having a healthy gut is not just about taking probiotics and avoiding to restore and even scale your life energy and health again while others have already accepted their fate as irreversible.the most delicious recipes and crucial diet tips that are perfectly tailored to restore your gut health for good....and a lot more! If You Have Ever Wanted to Know How to Prevent Any Gut Disease or How to Restore Your Gut Health And Keep It Healthy From The Inside Out While Others Have No Idea Why Their Life Energy Has Extinguished, This Book Is For YOU!

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