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Bücher veröffentlicht von Duncker & Humblot GmbH

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  • von Mats Andresen
    89,90 €

    »Bodily Self-Determination. The Protection of Bodily Autonomy under German Fundamental Rights in the Light of >Human Enhancement

  • von Sophie Kargruber
    79,90 €

    »Animal Dignity. A Constitutional Repositioning of Animals as Legal Subjects Illustrated by the Necessity of a Minimum Level of Protection under Criminal Law«: This work contains a comprehensive new draft regarding the legal status of animals, both at the constitutional level and through the subsequent development of a minimum level of protection for animals under criminal law. The aim of this work is to create a consistent framework for the recognition of animals as legal subjects. To this end, the concept of dignity is used in the course of this study to address fundamental questions of philosophy, constitutional law, and criminal law.

  • von Isabella Sieber
    69,90 €

    »Does Ignorance not Prevent Self-Incrimination? On the Duty of Instruction on the Voluntary Nature of Breath Alcohol Measurement and the Consequences of its Violation«: Every day, police officers carry out countless voluntary breathalyser tests. Problems arise when the subject is not aware of the voluntary nature of the test. This work answers the questions of whether the affected person must be informed about the voluntary nature and what consequences a breach of the duty to inform has. For this purpose, the author examines the conflicting judgments and the different views expressed by the literature.

  • von Katharina Schwengel
    99,90 €

    »Special Features of Legislative Rules of Procedure: A Comparative Analysis of the German Bundestag and Bundesrat with a Special Emphasis on Deviation Authority«: The subject of this work revolves around central problem areas of the self-organization rights of the German Bundestag and Bundesrat. This thesis critically examines the ascribed special characteristics of the rules of procedure of the Bundestag, with a specific focus on the deviation authority. Simultaneously, it questions whether these characteristics can be transferred to the Bundesrat, thereby revealing common features of legislative rules of procedure.

  • von Matthias Geuder
    89,90 €

    »Criminal Asset Recovery as a Template for Antitrust Law«: The author examines current antitrust civil and civil procedural law and comes to the conclusion that the existing instruments are not suitable for meeting the expectations placed on antitrust damages proceedings. He therefore advocates adopting the 2017 reform of criminal law confiscation of proceeds of crime into antitrust law. This would result in more effective and efficient compensation for injured parties.

  • von Johannes Carl Höhner
    89,90 €

    Das Recht der Nachrichtendienste enthält die Selbstbeschränkung des Staates, wahre Informationen auch dann nicht zu nutzen, wenn sie dem Betroffenen oder dem Ansehen des Verwaltungsverfahrens schaden. Angelehnt an die strafprozessuale Dogmatik der Beweisverbotslehre belegt die Arbeit die Existenz von Informationsverwendungsverboten im Nachrichtendienstrecht. Dabei wendet sie eine modifizierte Abwägungslösung an, die die Stellung der Nachrichtendienste in der deutschen Sicherheitsarchitektur als Gefahrenabwehrbehörden angemessen berücksichtigt. Im Vergleich zur strafprozessualen Diskussion kommt den absoluten Informationsverwendungsverboten eine ungleich größere Bedeutung zu, weil im Rahmen internationaler Kooperationen die grundrechtlichen Mindeststandards regelmäßig unterlaufen werden. Die hieraus abgeleiteten Änderungsvorschläge berücksichtigen die herausgehobene Stellung der Dienste zum Schutze innerer und äußerer Sicherheit und bringen den Grundrechtsschutz und die Staatsaufgabe Sicherheit in einen schonenden Ausgleich.

  • von Luis Kemter
    99,90 €

    »Criminal Seizure of a Vehicle for Unlawful Use«: The thesis examines the possibilities of German criminal law to confiscate vehicles from offenders. Among other things, it discusses why confiscation is possible in the case of illegal motor racing, but not in the case of other offences, such as drunk driving. It then considers the extent to which the rules on vehicle confiscation need to be revised. The thesis concludes with a concrete recommendation for the legislator.

  • von Annika Sauter
    99,90 €

    »The Established Legal Position as a Benchmark for the Prohibition of Retroactivity«: The dissertation examines for the first time how, based on the three groundbreaking decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court of 7 July 2010 on retroactivity in tax law, a prohibition of retroactivity that can be generalized for all areas of law can be established on the basis of the established legal position. The work is complemented by studies on the subject of law and time, as well as the question of how legal positions develop over time.

  • von Wenzel Kiehne
    89,90 €

    »Agreed Facts in Civil Proceedings. An Analysis of the Procedural Circumvention of Mandatory Substantive Law«: When is a civil court bound by litigants' false assertions of fact? To answer this question, this Ph.D. thesis begins with a case where litigants in a breach of contract action concealed an illegal tax avoidance agreement. The author looks to the evolution of 19th-century statutes and recent EU jurisprudence to provide a new understanding of the rights and obligations of parties who present facts to courts by stressing the underlying role of substantive law in civil procedure.

  • von Philipp Tilk
    109,90 €

    »The Quantification of Trust. An Examination of the Transparency Requirements on Credit Scoring Prior to the Conclusion of Consumer Loan Agreements in Light of Banking Supervisory and Data Protection Law«: The credit score regularly determines the conclusion of credit agreements. It is a method for quantifying trust, as the credit score provides a numerical answer to the »question of trust in lending«. In addition to an interdisciplinary introduction to credit scoring in the age of artificial intelligence and big data, the examination analyses the transparency requirements in relation to credit scoring stated by banking supervisory and data protection law.

  • von Detlev Clemens
    64,90 €

    »On the Nature of Politics and its Forms. Volume 2. On the Writings of Tilo Schabert«: Schabert¿s work presents a theory of governing, models of empirical research on governments, an elucidation of the origin of politics in the bodily existence of humans, a manual for the practice of governing, an introduction to a contemporary political science derived from a diagnosis of modernity. Authors coming from different countries, active in various disciplines, interpret Schabert¿s writings in their own perspectives and in the light of their professional experiences. The insights of Schabert are considered fruitfully in view of different political and cultural realities. A new understanding of >politics< emerges.

  • von Arne le Dandeck
    89,90 €

    »Liquid Shares. Exchange Offers under Takeover Law and the Liquidity of Exchange Shares within the Meaning of Section 31 Para. 2 Sentence 1 WpÜG in the Light of the Biofrontera-Decision«: The liquidity of exchange shares within the meaning of Sec. 31 para. 2 sentence 1 WpÜG is of great practical importance. This study concludes that the future absorptive capacity of the capital market must be examined on a case-by-case basis. This minimizes the occurrence of trade-induced price changes. Subsequently, the criteria that indicate a sufficient absorptive capacity of the capital market are examined and embedded in the BaFin's approval procedure, which is relevant for the takeover practice.

  • von Thomas von der Vring
    24,90 €

    »Macroeconomics on Money - Actual Observations in Eight Lessons«: Using empirical observations in eight lessons, the former founding rector, university lecturer and expert in economics Thomas von der Vring explains in an understandable way how our monetary system works. As a carefully prepared and well-founded introduction to the complex field of macroeconomics, the book is aimed equally at interested laypeople as well as journalists, teachers and students.

  • von Joachim Güntzel
    79,90 €

    »A Compendium of Economics«: This book offers an accessible overview of the core elements of economic theory. Its target groups are primarily students of economic sciences at colleges and universities, as well as interested readers in general. The main focus lies on the basic models of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, and the applicability of these models to economic policy.

  • von Ansgar Lauterbach
    89,90 €

    »Liberal Thinking. The Struggle for Sovereignty of Interpretation. The Political Style of National Liberalists in the Early Bismarckian Empire«: The early Bismarckian era saw one of the great reform phases in modern German history, in which the National Liberals played a major role. The liberal modernization program was supported by a political style that appealed to large sections of the mid-dle classes, but quickly lost its persuasive power. The study examines how promises for the future can make a party great, but also how quickly the influence on interpre-tative sovereignty in politics can be lost.

  • von Thomas Pelikan
    79,90 €

    »Arbitration Commitments in European and German Antitrust Law. The Effective Involvement of Arbitral Tribunals in Merger Control, Antitrust and Abuse of Dominance Proceedings«: This study examines legal issues associated with the use of arbitration commitments, including the (group-wide) civil law binding effect of such commitments and the standard of ordre public review of such arbitral awards, which serves as a corrective to conflicting decisions by the competition authority and arbitral tribunal. In addition, the paper examines why arbitration commitments have not been accepted in Germany and whether such commitments can be imposed by the competition authority.

  • von Joachim Dolezik
    89,90 €

    »The Precarious Connection of Human Rights and Peace. On the Ambivalence of Liberalism and the Patterns of International Law«: Considering world affairs today and the antiliberal currents within western societies (backlash), not to mention the rise of China or Russia's ongoing war of aggression against the Ukraine, it certainly seems misguided to propagate a so-called triumph of Western values or an »end of history« as Fukuyama perceived 1992 the victory of human rights, democracy and of law itself in the course of the fall of the iron curtain. Although, this does not imply the conclusion that the West has given up its claim to a liberal world order (»the great battle for freedom: a battle between democracy and autocracy«). Following Carl Schmitt's dictum »whoever invokes humanity wants to cheat« it thus stands to reason to take a critical look at the postulated universality of liberal values in the context of the highly complex relationship between human rights and peace as well as the ambivalence of liberalism, i.e. its universalist façade with discriminatory and imperialistic practices.

  • von Stefan Kinzel
    49,90 €

    »On the Antinomy of Penal Purposes. A Contribution to the Dogmatics of Sentencing Law«: Due to the essential divergence of preventive and fact-guilt-related considerations, the sentencing process faces the problem of the antinomy of penal purposes, as there are conceivable cases in which preventive and fact-guilt-related considerations prejudge conflicting decisions in sentencing law. As a result, the book demonstrates that the penalty must obligatorily be imposed at the lower end of the culpability range.

  • von Jana-Sophie Enders
    109,90 €

    »Fiscal Purposes within Constitutional Tax Law«: The general fiscal purpose does not justify the restriction of constitutional principles. Nevertheless, courts and literature discuss whether a qualified fiscal purpose can be an appropriate justification. The dissertation analyzes fiscal purposes within constitutional tax law holistically and differentiates various types of fiscal purposes from each other. It proposes an overarching systematization for qualified fiscal purposes and compares the results with EU law and US constitutional tax law.

  • von Simon Lentz
    99,90 €

    »The Loss Carryback in Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax and Trade Tax-System, Constitutional Classification and Reform Proposal«: The thesis addresses the question whether the loss carryback is to be classified as a tax subsidy at the disposition of the law-maker or whether requirements of the constitutional law have to be taken into consideration in the process of its design. It is shown that restrictions on the loss carryback - also in trade tax - require justification regarding the laws of equality and civil liberty. On the basis of the constitutional framework that has been developed, a reform proposal is made, which includes the trade tax.

  • von Stefan Vetter
    99,90 €

    »Advice as an Instrument of Municipal Supervision«: Municipal supervision usually takes place through informal consultation. In this way, the supervisory authorities can provide precautionary support or subsequently encourage self-correction and thus avoid the use of formal, repressive means of supervision. The treatise states, among other things: clarified whether there is a right to advice and how far this may extend. Taking into account the results of an empirical social study, recommendations for action for municipal practitioners are developed.

  • von Wibke Werner
    99,90 €

    »The Commissioner as a Legal Figure. Development, Analysis and Reorganization of the Federal Government Commissioners and Federal Commissioners«: Commissioners are found in both legal and, increasingly, non-legal areas. This paper analyses the role of Federal Government Commissioners and Federal Commissioners. It focuses on their tasks, powers, independence and organisational structures as well as the legal basis for their appointment. It also describes the problems for the democratic rule of law that result from the creation of the Commissioners. The main aim of this thesis is to find out whether the legal basis of the Commissioner should be reformed.

  • von Stefan Jobst
    119,90 €

    »Criticism of the Record Date System in German Stock Corporation Law. The Need for an Effective Reconnection between the Legal Owner of Voting Right and the Interests of the Beneficial Owner as Total Loss Carrier«: The record date system under stock corporation law bears the risk of a separation between the risk of total loss and voting rights. The thesis shows that, according to economic considerations and principles of company law, an effective mechanism is necessary to reconnect the legal owner of the voting right to the interests of the beneficial owner as total loss carrier, but de lege lata no effective mechanism exists.

  • von Jürgen Dendorfer
    89,90 €

    »900 Years City of Freiburg, 500 Years Town Law Reformation. Results, Contexts and Open Questions in the History of Town Law«: The conference proceedings document the public event organised by the Freiburg City Archives, the Chair of Medieval History I and the Department of Regional History at the Department of History of the University of Freiburg and the Institute of Legal History and Comparative Law at the University of Freiburg to mark the simultaneous anniversaries of the 900th anniversary of the city of Freiburg im Breisgau and the 500th anniversary of the modernised town law of the city of Freiburg im Breisgau.

  • von Charlotte Hilliger
    79,90 €

    »Third-Party Protection in Party Financing Law. An Examination of the Origins, Possibilities, Opportunities and Consequences of Third-Party Protection of Simple-Law Regulations in the Area of State Party Financing as a Legal Instrument for Resolving Conflicts Between Political Parties and the State«: This paper answers the question of whether political parties have the subjective right to take legal action to have the Bundestag administration sanction other competing parties under the Political Parties Act or to have the state party funding subsequently corrected to their detriment. To this end, the legal criterion of so-called third-party protection is elaborated from party financing law norms, tested procedurally and examined for legal and actual limits.

  • von David Quack
    89,90 €

    »Risks Associated with Settlements in Mass Proceedings«: Recently, there has been an uptick in mass damage cases. In response, a collective action aimed at achieving a binding determination of common facts, along with an EU representative collective action were amended. Consequently, it is anticipated that there will be an increase in collective settlements. This dissertation aims to outline the risks associated with settlements in mass proceedings and explore potential solutions by comparing the legal frameworks in the USA and the Netherlands.

  • von Leonhard Prange
    89,90 €

    »Constitutional Possibilities and Limitations of Police Data Transmissions to Private Parties«: The transfer of personal data to private parties by the police is of considerable relevance to the fundamental rights of the data subject, as there are hardly any instruments for controlling the further use of the transferred data. The thesis examines whether the current federal and state police laws in Germany meet the resulting constitutional requirements.

  • von Adrian Bromme
    59,90 €

    »Prize Competitions«: Prize competitions are an instrument for the economic procurement of services. The person promising the reward can use prize competitions to call for various services from the participants, but only must pay for the services used. Prize competitions are unilateral legal actions. The participants must participate in the transfer of rights to the competition entry. Prize competition contracts are a response to the functional weaknesses of unilateral prize competitions.

  • von Lena Berg
    99,90 €

    »Systemizing European Civil Procedure Law. Opportunities and Limitation of Consolidating the Core Regulations of European Civil Procedure Law«: The author focuses on the core regulations of European Civil Procedure Law that do not require exequatur, examining possibilities for harmonization in light of their respective underlying concepts for eliminating intermediate procedures. The author analyzes the relationship between the examined regulations, highlighting areas where legal acts complement, refer to or compete with each other. She identifies existing regulatory incongruities, discusses them and develops an alternative solution concept in form of a specific norm proposal.

  • von Eva von Grafenstein
    79,90 €

    »Individual and Spirit: G.W.F. Hegel's Dawn of Modernity«: In the 19th and 20th centuries, renowned thinkers criticized Hegel's philosophical system for fundamentally neglecting the human individual. This criticism remains prevalent to this day. The aim of this study is to examine this criticism with regard to a part of the system that has received little attention in the past: the »Philosophy of Subjective Spirit«. The study will demonstrate that in this section, Hegel delves deeply into the concept of the human individual and assigns it significant importance.

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