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Bücher veröffentlicht von Editorial a Contracorriente

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  • von Robert Alan McNutt
    36,00 €

    In nearly every medical-decision-making encounter, the physician is at the center of the discussion, with the patient the recipient of the physician's decisions. Dr. Robert Alan McNutt starts from a very different premise: the patient should be at the center. McNutt challenges the physician-directed, medical-expertise model of making decisions, presenting a practical approach augmented by formal exercises designed to give patients the tools and confidence to compare and contrast their health-care options so they can make their own choices. He addresses a number of scenarios, including heart disease, breast cancer, and prostate cancer?conditions that pose a range of choices that patients may face about diagnoses and treatments.After providing a clear explanation of what is the highest quality medical-decision-making information, McNutt teaches patients to use that information to weigh the harms and benefits of their treatment options, empowering them to ask critical questions as they take a stronger hand in their own care. Your Health, Your Decisions moves from specific scenarios that commonly baffle patients to a systematic exploration of how to make medical decisions. By offering patients the tools they need to be full partners in their own health care, McNutt demystifies what can be a bewildering and even terrifying process.

  • von Juan Carlos Grijalva
    44,00 €

    La invisibilizacion de la mujer decimononica en el Ecuador puede entenderse como el resultado de lo que llamo en este libro la imaginacion patriarcal: un orden dominante de exclusiones y formas de disciplinamiento, control, censura, borradura, moralizacion y silenciamiento masculinos que naturalizaron y normalizaron la supuesta inferioridad femenina, haciendola formar parte del mismo sentido comun de la epoca.En este estudio analizo como, hacia el ultimo cuarto del siglo XIX, un grupo heterogeneo de mujeres escritoras nacionales y extranjeras, muchas de ellas librepensadoras catolicas, empezaron a participar de forma progresiva en la prensa ecuatoriana, desnaturalizaron su invisibilidad en el orden de la cultura letrada y cuestionaron abiertamente, en ciertos casos, las mismas desigualdades y exclusiones de genero existentes. La emergencia y participacion publica de estas mujeres educadas e intelectuales puede considerarse como un hito en la historia cultural del pais, no solo porque esta fue la primera generacion de escritoras que intervinieron en la prensa nacional, sino porque su presencia inusitada tuvo consecuencias significativas en la defensa de sus derechos educativos, sociales y politicos.

  • von Michael Graff
    35,00 €

    In November 2018, Baptist preacher Mark Harris beat the odds, narrowly fending off a blue wave in the sprawling Ninth District of North Carolina. But word soon got around that something fishy was going on in rural Bladen County. At the center of the mess was a local political operative named McCrae Dowless. Dowless had learned the ins and outs of the absentee ballot system from Democrats before switching over to the Republican Party. Bladen County's vote-collecting cottage industry made national headlines, led to multiple election fraud indictments, toppled North Carolina GOP leadership, and left hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians without congressional representation for nearly a year.In The Vote Collectors, Michael Graff and Nick Ochsner tell the story of the political shenanigans in Bladen County, exposing the shocking vulnerability of local elections and explaining why our present systems are powerless to monitor and prevent fraud. In their hands, this tale of rural corruption becomes a fascinating narrative of the long clash of racism and electioneering?and a larger story about the challenges to democracy in the rural South.In their preface to this second edition, Graff and Ochsner bring the story up to date, as accusations of voter fraud continue to pervade our national discourse. The Vote Collectors shows the reality of election stealing in one southern county, where democracy was undermined the old-fashioned way: one absentee ballot at a time.

  • von Verdis Levar Robinson
    41,00 €

    In the early seventeenth century, Virginia's Chesapeake region saw the emergence of a multiracial society centered around the profitable tobacco industry. While Native Americans, free and enslaved Africans, and Europeans coexisted and interacted, a hierarchical order formed with a small elite planting class, led by Governor William Berkeley, wielding power over land, labor, and governance. Seeking to form a coalition of dissatisfied elites and marginalized individuals, Nathaniel Bacon, a newcomer to the Virginia colony, led a rebellion against Berkeley and his supporters.In this game, students assume the roles of the elite loyalists to Governor Berkeley and the rebellious supporters of Nathaniel Bacon. Engaging in debates, conspiracies, and simulated acts of resistance, students will strive to shape the future governance of the Virginia colony, determining which group emerges as the ruling class and which group will be relegated to the lower rungs of colonial society.

  • von Caroline E Janney
    46,00 €

    "This collection of original essays reveals the richness and dynamism of contemporary scholarship on the Civil War era. Inspired by the lines of inquiry that animated the writings of the influential historian Gary W. Gallagher, this volume includes nine essays by leading scholars in the field who explore a broad range of themes and participants in the nation's greatest conflict, from Indigenous communities navigating the dangerous shoals of the secession winter to Confederate guerrillas caught in the legal snares of the Union's hard war to African Americans pursuing landownership in the postwar years. Essayists also explore how people contested and shaped the memory of the conflict, from outright silences and evasions to the use of formal historical writing. Other contributors use comparative and transnational history to rethink key aspects of the conflict. The result is a thorough examination of Gallagher's scholarly legacy and an assessment of the present and future of the Civil War history field. Contributors are William A. Blair, Peter S. Carmichael, Andre M. Fleche, Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh, Caroline E. Janney, Peter C. Luebke, Cynthia Nicoletti, Aaron Sheehan-Dean, and Kathryn J. Shively"--

  • von Lois Benjamin
    37,00 €

    In this masterful work of family-focused sociology, Lois Benjamin considers the lives of Pennie and Roscoe James and their children, revealing how a large, close-knit African American family with humble origins in a small town of North Carolina is shaped by the contours of its religious and ethical value system. Despite the challenges of daily experiences, the James elders transmitted values to their children that provided them with the resources to thrive and the resilience to meet adversity. The James children recount their personal, unique perspectives on how faith, familial solidarity, and savvy entrepreneurship led to their continued generational success. Benjamin uses a blend of ethnographic and qualitative methods to place the James family's experiences in broader historical context. In doing so, she shows that the family's values of compassion, empathy, and communitarian and enterprising spirit offer hope in this polarized society.

  • von Michael Ramos
    30,00 €

    When Michael Ramos enlisted in the Navy and was assigned to serve as a chaplain's bodyguard thirteen days before 9/11, he had no idea he would soon be sent to Iraq. But he embraced the posting, combat service, and career for a decade, until, at age thirty-four, the military told him his skill set was no longer relevant. Through divorce and remarriage, his son's choice to enlist in the Marines, the loss of friends to war and suicide, and his inability to sleep or rest, Michael struggled with the return to civilian life, and particularly with civilian attitudes toward veterans.In twenty-four concussive, embodied, and nonlinear essays, Michael creates a challenging and complex portrait of what it means to be a warrior, civilian, veteran, father, husband, and teacher?for he ultimately uses the skills he developed in the military to help others find meaning in their lives. While this may sound like a redemption story, it is instead a brutally honest portrayal that refuses easy answers and seeks to help other war veterans realize they're not alone as they search for their place in the world.

  • von Shelby Johnson
    46,00 €

    In this theory-rich study, Shelby Johnson analyzes the works of Black and Indigenous writers in the Atlantic World, examining how their literary production informs "modes of being" that confronted violent colonial times. Johnson particularly assesses how these authors connected to places-whether real or imagined-and how those connections enabled them to make worlds in spite of the violence of slavery and settler colonialism. Johnson engages with works written in a period engulfed by the extraordinary political and social upheavals of the Age of Revolution and Indian Removal, and these texts-which include not only sermons, life writing, and periodicals but also descriptions of embodied and oral knowledge, as well as material objects-register defiance to land removal and other forms of violence.In studying writers of color during this era, Johnson probes the histories of their lived environment and of the earth itself-its limits, its finite resources, and its metaphoric mortality-in a way that offers new insights on what it means to imagine sustainable connections to the ground on which we walk.

  • von Magdalena Perkowska & Werner Mackenbach
    43,00 €

  • von Federico Pous
    43,00 €

  • - Cultura impresa, educacion militante y practicas politicas (Mexico, 1930-1940)
    von Sebastian Rivera Mir
    43,00 €

    Para muchos militantes de la izquierda parte importante de sus actividades se desarrollan en torno a la edicion. Aprender a utilizar el mimeografo, repartir libros, escribir articulos, vender folletos, distribuir hojas sueltas, entre muchas otras practicas, han acompanado a la izquierda a lo largo de su historia.

    43,00 €

    Este libro reune la colaboracion de tres importantes escritores, asi como la de dieciseis destacados investigadores, en torno a la obra del escritor mexicano Mario Bellatin.

  • - Un homenaje a Hernan Loyola
    42,00 €

    Con estos ensayos de los mas nombrados criticos de la obra de Pablo Neruda aqui reunidos, este libro pretende rindirle homenaje al gran critico de la obra del Premio Nobel chileno, Hernan Loyola.

  • - Tributo a John Beverley
    43,00 €

    Un libro colectivo escrito al calor de los desafios que la actual reconfiguracion mundial le esta planteando al latinoamericanismo, empujandolo a incorporarse en el horizonte de lo que ya es un mundo conflictivamente globalizado y desentendido de las fracturas que el mismo genera.

  • - los textos literarios y testimoniales del movimiento armado en MA (c)xico
    44,00 €

    A partir de los ejes centrales, memoria y violencia, el libro traza un recorrido por los textos literarios y testimoniales publicados por exmilitantes del movimiento armado socialista en Mexico, desde fines de la decada de los setenta hasta nuestros dias.

  • von Ariel Goldstein
    44,00 €

    En este libro, el autor vuelca los resultados de su investigacion de cinco anos sobre las posiciones politicas de la prensa tradicional en Brasil frente a los dos lideres populares mas importantes de su historia: Getulio Vargas y Lula da Silva.

  • von Adrian Scribano
    36,00 €

    Sociologia de las emociones en Carlos Marx tiene por objetivo hacer explicita la existencia de una sociologia de las emociones en la obra de Marx y presentar a partir de ello una perspectiva mas compleja e indeterminada de su vision teorica y epistemica.

  • von Dave Oliphant
    42,00 €

    Hallazgo y traduccion de poesia chilena es una coleccion de escrituras que traza mas de cincuenta anos de la carrera de Dave Oliphant, aficionado y traductor de la gran tradicion de la poesia de Chile.

    43,00 €

    La estrategia critica del presente libro disena e introduce una compleja red de lecturas que lleva la "absoluta modernidad" del poeta chileno Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948) hasta el horizonte de su absoluta futuridad.

  • - Nuevas lecturas sobre la obra de Maria Rosa Lojo
    42,00 €

    Este volumen, compuesto por ocho ensayos y una suerte de epilogo dialogado con la escritora Maria Rosa Lojo.

  • von Pedro P. Salas Camus
    42,00 €

    Es 2666 de Roberto Bolano una novela total? Pueden coexistir fragmentos y totalidades en un mismo libro? Hay una columna vertebral que estructure la multitud de espacios, personajes y temas representados en 2666? Estas y otras preguntas son el objeto de estudio del presente libro.

  • - Nuevas Identidades en la Frontera sur de California (Testimonios)
    37,00 €

    La configuracion de nuevas identidades en la frontera sur de California resulta un tema urgente y relevante a causa de los numerosos conflictos sociales que presupone. Estos conflictos se hallan exacerbados a raiz de la notable crisis economica que atraviesa la region. Este hundimiento en un deterioro tanto economico como moral sequira aqudizandose y realzando, por lo tanto, la importancia dde escuchar a las voces que "normalmente" son excluidas de los discursos sociales hegemonicos. Estas historias minimas, suceden, en su gran mayoria en Latinoamerica; pero claramente, revelan como la vida cotidiana en "Nuestra America" se encuentra retorcida por el peso del Imperio.Tal vez en el entretejido de estas Otras voces pueda encontrarse algun rastro de explicacion para la ruina que contamina a gran parte de los segmentos de la vida social de la frontera sur Californiana. Por otra parte en el desplegarse de estas Otras voces oimos y visualizamos las experiencias vitales de aquellas identidades que entran en conflicto con los modelos delineados por las industrias culturales y la publicidad. Leer sus testimonios es percibir el eco de las voces que mas profundamente configuran nuestras identidades sociales fronterizas; aquellas que la omnipresente industria massmediatica desdibuja y distorsiona.

  • - La Representacion del Tango en Estados Unidos, 1910-1939
    von Andrea Matallana
    37,00 €

    El tango nacio en los arrabales de un Buenos Aires dinamico y en pleno auge economico, entre immigrantes europeos y criollos todavia en busca de una identidad nacional. Este libro, de Andrea Matallana, ofrece un analisis detallado y bien documentado de esa historia fascinante del tango, desde sus humildes inicios en la capital argentina hasta su universalizacion por el cine de Hollywood en el primer tercio del siglo XX.

  • - Releyendo a contraluz
    42,00 €

    Este libro es el primero en rendirle un homenaje al gran critico chileno, Jaime Concha. Reune reflexiones personales de unos amigos academicos; ensayos sobre su docencia en Concepcion y su obra en general; estudios inspirados en los libros de Concha sobre Huidobro, Mistral y Neruda; capitulos dedicados al deber de la critica y la narrativa sobre la dictadura chilena.

  • - The Political-Philosophical Formation of the Zapatista Subcommander
    von Nick Henck
    44,00 €

    For over two decades Subcommander Marcos has acted as military leader and spokesperson of Mexico's Zapatista movement. In doing so he has also become a key figure in the anti-capitalist and anti-globalization movements. This book explores the political-philosophical currents Marcos was exposed in his early years and examines the extent to which these persisted in his thinking in later years.

  • - #YoSoy132, una Opcion Alternativa de Hacer Politica
    von Raul Diego Rivera Hernandez
    42,00 €

    Del Internet a las calles: YoSoy132, una opcion alternativa de hacer politica surge como una necesidad doble: reflexionar sobre el uso y el manejo de las redes sociales en las acciones colectivas planeadas por YoSoy132 y otros movimientos globales, es decir, analizar la relacion y la interdependencia entre el ciberactivismo y el activismo tradicional.

  • - Economia, sociedad y cultura en el Peru, 1919-1930
    43,00 €

    La "Patria Nueva" de Augusto B. Leguia (1919-1930) sigue siendo el gobierno de mayor duracion en la historia republicana peruana. Tambien conocido como el "Oncenio", el periodo constituye un momento clave en el siglo XX. Sin embargo, aunque historiadores y publico en general asi lo reconoce, es poco lo que sabemos sobre aquella coyuntura.

  • - Experiencias de lucha, insercion y organizacion (Volumen 1)
    43,00 €

    El movimiento obrero y las izquierdas son parte de la historia de America Latina. Casi no existen dimensiones de la sociedad, la economia, la politica, la cultura o el campo intelectual de la mayoria de los paises del subcontinente que puedan comprenderse sin la intervencion de alguno de estos dos actores.

  • - El caso que no fue: Chile (1932-1973)
    von Claudio Riveros Ferrada
    44,00 €

    Captures the key points of the precedents governing student rights and responsibilities relating to attendance, speech, expression, religion, discipline, grades, tests, drugs, search and seizure, the emerging law of social media, and the range of procedural due process interests.

  • von Yaneidys Arencibia Coloma
    42,00 €

    Expone la contribucion de Jorge Manach (1898-1961) a la teoria del arte cubano, mediante el examen de Historia y estilo (1944), contentivo de cuatro textos: "La Nacion y la formacion historica", "Esquema historico del pensamiento cubano", "El estilo de la revolucion" y "El estilo en Cuba y su sentido historico".

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