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Bücher veröffentlicht von Eliva Press

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  • von Yenenesh Yerukneh
    41,00 €

    The integration of reading and writing has received significant attention in the realm of language studies and is a topic of international research. Scholars emphasized its inevitable contribution to the creation of citizens with sharp minds. Reading provides the writer with an understanding of the appearance and feel of reader-based prose. The teaching of one can, therefore, encourage language practices and semantic strategies helpful in the teaching of the other. Students' capacity to produce knowledge grows along with their knowledge and critical thinking skills as a result of reading, so what they learn about written language rules eventually serves as a writing resource (Marhaeni, 2016). The practice of writing is governed by a social constructionist framework in which people (writers) acquire knowledge and skills through extensive practice, high-level thinking, and the sharing of opinions through interactions with friends, family, instructors, and other writers through their written materials in both formal and informal ways. Students are inspired by reading, which helps them learn about important concepts and develop their critical and analytical thinking skills. Writing and reading together give students the chance to expand on their knowledge of language and life while also developing the forms of synthesis and selective attention needed to create fresh frameworks for the meaning of life. To this end, the Extensive Reading Strategy Training (ERST) program had to be feasible in regular practice be practical for teachers to use, and be recognized as a program that matches teachers' curriculum expectations.

  • von Jorge Alberto Bonilla-Cedeno
    46,00 €

    Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de la gestión de bienes con nuestro libro, donde exploramos a fondo estrategias para administrar de manera eficiente los activos de una industria o empresa de servicios. Desde el mantenimiento y manejo de inventarios hasta las decisiones financieras y de producción, ofrecemos una perspectiva combinada que desentraña la complejidad de este ámbito.En estas páginas, descubrirás la interconexión entre la gestión de mantenimiento, la planificación de inversión y la velocidad de reemplazo, factores clave para adaptarse al cambio constante de la industria. Proporcionamos herramientas concretas para evaluar la criticidad de los equipos y utilizar estos indicadores para fortalecer tus planes de mantenimiento. Además, abordamos temas modernos como mantenimientos predictivos y proactivos, realidad extendida, ciencia de datos y KPI, guiándote para integrar estas prácticas en la gestión estratégica de bienes.Exploramos cómo las metodologías como 5S, AI, DL, y EAM se entrelazan para crear un enfoque completo y eficaz. Desglosamos conceptos financieros como CAPEX, TIR, y VAN, brindándote una guía paso a paso para mejorar la gestión de bienes en línea con las teorías modernas. Desde la implementación de herramientas como GMAO/CMMS hasta estrategias como JIT y VSM, te proporcionamos un panorama completo para lograr una gestión eficiente y sostenible.Los resultados obtenidos en nuestra investigación confirman que es posible implementar con éxito esta estrategia integral. Utilizamos diversas herramientas, desde la metodología 5S hasta tecnologías avanzadas como AI y DL. Además, te introducimos en conceptos clave como CAUE, COV, y RAM, proporcionándote una guía práctica para mejorar la gestión de bienes de acuerdo con las últimas tendencias.Este libro se convierte en una lectura esencial para aquellos que buscan no solo comprender, sino también aplicar las mejores prácticas en la gestión de bienes. Transforma tu enfoque, optimiza tus recursos y lleva tu empresa a la vanguardia con las estrategias y herramientas que presentamos. ¡Descubre el potencial de una gestión de bienes eficiente y sostenible en el competitivo mundo empresarial actual!

  • von Carmy Erika Caspillan Bumanlag
    61,00 €

    Delays in court proceedings that result in delayed justice delivery are inevitable realities that are influenced by various factors, including jurisdiction size, docket management, case classification, calendaring, and court practices. Despite the laws and policies that safeguard the rights of Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL) against unjust incrimination and unlawful detention, numerous concerns regarding the lengthy confinement of CICL still persist. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis further compounds the impact of delays on court processes, leading to increased dockets and hearing resets. Therefore, the study aims to assess the effects of delayed court proceedings on the psychosocial development of CICL. A qualitative design and phenomenological approach are employed to explore the experiences and perspectives of the primary participants and key informants to shed light on the outcome of delays. The study focused on the three domains of psychosocial development which are the responsibility domain, temperance domain, and perspective domain. The results show that delays have no direct influence on the resistance or susceptibility of the CICL to peer influence, but it is found to be a contributing factor to establish CICL's identity in their present social context in Bahay Pag-asa. Delays also affect their behavior, potentially leading to impulsivity, aggression, and negative responses to the family court or justice system. It triggers and develops psychological distress and depression. Furthermore, delays can trigger psychological distress and depression, challenging CICL's perception of their rehabilitation and shaping their coping mechanisms.Furthermore, the research presents a comprehensive definition of delay derived from the perspectives of the participants. According to this composite definition 'A delay refers to the postponement, cancellation, and resetting of court proceedings, which is inadvertent in manner and is deemed unjustifiable by the CICL. Delays are granted from either meritorious grounds or unwarranted factors associated with both old and conventional court practices, as well as unprecedented social phenomenon.'

  • von Melvin Hilvano Salazar
    43,00 €

    This study determined the conditions and opportunities offered within the school system along with the performance indicators of the junior high school students of Catbalogan City Division, Province of Samar, Philippines; the level of implementation of the key elements of a sound outcome-based transformational approaches; the dimensions of opportunity and high expectations; the key characteristics of classroom reform approach and transformative tools; and strategic transformative organization leadership transformative tools; and strategic transformative leadership and management. This study utilized the descriptive research method wherein the quantitative data were gathered using a survey questionnaire. Results showed that there was a high incidence of drop-out rate and failure rate; and that the implementation of the results-based transformational tools and approaches on average were satisfactory which led to the development of the strategic management model for junior high schools in Catbalogan City Division, results-oriented transformative leadership. School leaders and teaching force should maximize the use of the developed strategic management model for junior high school students in Catbalogan City Division, results-oriented transformative leadership.

  • von Yuanshan Liu
    35,00 €

    In this comprehensive study on distributed optimization in multiagent systems, the authors present a pioneering approach to managing external disturbances in complex network scenarios. This book addresses the challenges in systems with both fixed and switching topologies, introducing an innovative controller equipped with dynamic triggered mechanisms. These mechanisms are expertly designed to reduce communication resource waste and lower agent energy consumption significantly. Alongside, a novel distributed disturbance observer is developed to accurately estimate external disturbances in the input channels. The authors skillfully derive sufficient conditions for achieving consensus in multiagent systems under diverse network conditions. A key highlight is the successful avoidance of Zeno behaviors by the designed mechanisms, marking a significant advancement in the field. The effectiveness of these groundbreaking algorithms is further underscored through rigorous numerical simulations. This book is a critical resource for anyone interested in the forefront of research in dynamic systems and control theory, offering both theoretical depth and practical insights.

  • von Saïf ed-Dîn Fertahi
    55,00 €

    Explore the exciting frontiers of renewable energy through this innovative work. Following the trajectory laid out by each chapter of "Currents of Progress," university students specializing in fluid mechanics, as well as engineers, will have the opportunity to master specific CFD modeling techniques for the H-Darrieus turbine. These studies offer a deep dive into the theoretical foundation underpinning this modeling, opening a gateway to comprehensive understanding for enthusiasts in the field.As you traverse the text, uncover the performance indicators characterizing the intricate operation of the Darrieus turbine, providing unprecedented insights into essential criteria evaluated in the context of wind energy. Moreover, grasp the various techniques and numerical tools deployed to enhance the aerodynamic contours derived from CFD calculations. This meticulous exploration facilitates a thorough comparison between the diverse modeling techniques of H-Darrieus, whether in 2D, 2.5D, or 3D. "Currents of Progress" becomes more than just reading; it transforms into a comprehensive educational journey for those seeking to grasp the nuances and exciting challenges of the ever-evolving world of sustainable energy technology.

  • von Wiseman Ubochioma
    60,00 €

    Competition law has become an important area of law due to the adoption of economic policies of privatization and liberalization by most countries from early 1980s to date. The core aim of the law is to ensure efficient operation of markets through prevention of practices by undertakings that would lead to monopolization of markets and affect the welfare of consumers. Competition Law and Regulation in Nigeria discusses the legal and institutional frameworks for regulation of competition law in Nigerian markets. The book builds on the rich jurisprudence and regulatory frameworks of countries and regional economic blocs such as the United States, Canada, Australia and the European Union to explain the core principles and concepts of competition law. With the above contents, the book provides a basic and in-depth knowledge of competition law to a broad spectrum of readers such as students, scholars and officers of firms involved in commercial transactions. Finally, the book provides a practical guide to attorneys, competition law agencies, and courts in litigation, investigation and determination of competition law disputes.

  • von Gabriel Ková¿
    73,00 €

    Predkladaná publikácia tvorí doplnok ku kni¿nému vydaniu pod názvom ¿Choroby hovädzieho dobytka". Opiera sa o nov¿ie poznatky z oblasti výskumu hlavne najvýznamnej¿ích porúch zdravotného stavu vysokoú¿itkových dojníc, pri ktorých so zvy¿ujúcou produkciou mlieka, ¿asto nie sú zoh¿adnené narastajúce nároky na metabolizmus a vyús¿ujú do zvy¿ovania % brakovania a úhynov zvierat. V publikácii sme sa zamerali na etiopatogenézu, diagnostiku, terapiu a prevenciu týchto problémov. Cie¿om je zabezpe¿enie bezpe¿ných, zdravotne nezávadných potravín ¿ivöí¿neho pôvodu. Predpokladáme, ¿e bude prínosom pre ¿itate¿ov (¿tudentov veterinárskeho lekárstva a praktických veterinárnych lekárov) a návodom pre profesionálny prístup k rie¿eniu týchto zdravotných a produk¿ných komplikácií.

  • - The case of Indonesia
    von Tulus T H Tambunan
    80,00 €

  • - vyzvy a přilezitosti pro 21. stoleti
    von Sandra Brozova
    80,00 €

    Mezinárodní koordinace sociálního zabezpe¿ení je p¿edpokladem pro plnou realizaci volného pohybu pracovník¿ na dne¿ním vnit¿ním trhu Evropské unie. Volný pohyb osob za ú¿elem pracovních aktivit v dal¿ích unijních ekonomikách mimo stát bydli¿t¿ pracovníka je pilí¿em ekonomických svobod vnit¿ního trhu. Historie mezinárodní spolupráce v oblasti zaji¿t¿ní sociální ochrany migrujících pracovník¿ je v¿ak mnohem del¿í. Je to jeden z tradi¿ních a osv¿d¿ených mechanism¿ kooperace stát¿, zalöených bilaterálními smlouvami uzavíranými ji¿ od 19. století. Dne¿ní Evropská unie disponuje nejpropracovan¿j¿ím systémem koordinace, stojícím na p¿ímo poüitelných näízeních a fungujícím multilateráln¿. Migrace obyvatelstva je ji¿ od pöátku jedním z nejvýrazn¿j¿ích fenomén¿ lidských d¿jin. Praktická aplikace základních zásad koordinace, tj. zásady rovného zacházení, jediného poji¿t¿ní, stejného posuzování skute¿ností, s¿ítání dob poji¿t¿ní a exportu dávek do zahrani¿í p¿iná¿í migrujícím pracovník¿m p¿ístup k sociálním systém¿m b¿hem doby pobytu v zahrani¿í a p¿enesení získaných nárok¿ zp¿t p¿i dal¿í migraci do p¿vodní nebo jiné zem¿. Tato kniha p¿iná¿í analýzu aktuálního vývoje evropské integrace v oblasti sociálního zabezpe¿ení (rozhodovací linie Soudního dvora EU a ustavení nového Evropského orgánu pro pracovní zále¿itosti). Pozornost je v¿nována také soüasným prom¿nám trhu práce, flexibilit¿ forem pracovních úvazk¿ a dopad¿m procesu globalizace. Publikace se také v¿nuje multilaterálním mechanism¿m koordinace mimo rámec soüasné Evropské unie, v¿etn¿ detailní analýzy d¿sledk¿ brexitu, a pr¿b¿¿n¿ uvádí specifické aspekty sociální ochrany osob samostatn¿ výd¿le¿n¿ ¿inných.

  • - The Safety practices, Strategies and Sufferings - Everything you need to know
    von Nishant Rana & Shweta Choudhary
    55,00 €

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