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Bücher veröffentlicht von Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency

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  • von Amanda Ashley
    18,00 €

  • von Small Bertrice Small
    18,00 €

  • von Small Bertrice Small
    18,00 €

  • von Small Bertrice Small
    18,00 €

  • von Small Bertrice Small
    18,00 €

  • von Small Bertrice Small
    18,00 €

  • von Small Bertrice Small
    18,00 €

  • von Scully Chris Scully
    19,00 €

  • von Ashley Amanda Ashley
    18,00 €

  • von Norton Andre Norton & Smith Sherwood Smith
    17,00 €

  • von Andre Norton & Sherwood Smith
    16,00 €

  • von Norton Andre Norton & Smith Sherwood Smith
    18,00 €

  • von Mike Cox
    18,00 €

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    16,00 €

    Lobo Riler, one of the last of the mountain men, comes down from the Medicine Bow range to the town of Wild Horses on the Overland Trail, hoping to sell furs for supplies from his old friend Seth Topper.What he finds is a recipe for trouble -- a dozen rough and ruthless hide hunters led by a man named Kelleren and a pretty blonde prostitute named Rose working at the brothel called The Regret. Rose is the kind of woman that men want so badly they will fight and even die for her.And men do die, in a battle that spreads from the brothel into the street. Topper is one of those killed while Riler is gravely wounded. Kelleren and his crew ride out of Wild Horses with Rose as their captive. But they make one big mistake. If you shoot a mountain man you better make sure he's dead. Because if he isn't he will come for you -- all of you. Nothing -- not hell or high water or the United States army will keep Lobo Riler from a reckoning.

  • von James Daniel James
    17,00 €

    Isaac Reid, a former professional thief, has just finished a ten-year stint in prison for a botched job turned bloodbath. Now all he wants is to go straight and make amends with his wife and young son. On his first night of freedom his loved ones are brutally slain by a bitter enemy. Surviving the encounter, Isaac struggles with his choices: do right by his late family's wishes and abide by the law, or seek vengeance. But he'll need to decide quickly, as another mysterious force from his past is now in play: a cold killer wearing a wolf mask, leading a band of pig-masked assassins. To Isaac, these men are strangers, but they're prepared to kill any who get between them and him.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    17,00 €

    Wanted for a murder he didn't commit, Gordon Hawkes has spent more than thirty years as a fugitive in his mountain refuge. Hardened by time and grief-stricken over the death of his wife, Hawkes has one joy left in life: his daughter Grace, the recent bride of Captain Brand Gunnison of the Colorado Volunteers. When the army orders Gunnison to establish an outpost in hostile Cheyenne country, it puts Gordon's last surviving family member in grave peril. The legendary mountain man knows that the only way to ensure his daughter's safety is to join the campaign, even while he loathes the army's brutal and sometimes senseless dealings with the "Indian scourge". But the army had badly underestimated their Cheyenne foes, and as a whirlwind of bloody conflict descends upon the plains, Gordon Hawkes is faced with a grim choice: fight for what he knows is right, or for the life of his daughter! THE SIXTH AND FINAL ENTRY IN THE EPIC MOUNTAIN MAN SERIES BY JASON MANNING, WHICH INCLUDES MOUNTAIN PASSAGE, MOUNTAIN MASSACRE, MOUNTAIN COURAGE, MOUNTAIN VENGEANCE AND MOUNTAIN HONOR.

  • von Costanzo Marc Costanzo
    17,00 €

    Outnumbered. Defenseless. Surrounded on all sides. Only one thing will keep her alive:Persistence.Celia Miller is the Ravencourt PD's only female officer. When she's not contending with the latest in a long line of lowlife drug abusers and wife beaters who pay more attention to her body than her badge, she has to put up with a police force that refuses to respect her.But Celia has a job to do, and for months her middle-of-nowhere desert town has been victimized by an increasingly violent gang dubbed "The Illegals". The alien masks they wear have made them an urban legend, but Celia's off-the-books investigation has uncovered the true scope of their criminal operation.It all comes to a head one blazing hot day when Celia responds to an emergency call - and finds herself ambushed by the very gang she's been investigating. As she takes refuge in a souped-up squad car, all that stands between Celia and certain oblivion is her cunning, her grit, and her fierce determination that if she can survive this day she will bring down The Illegals - no matter the cost.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    16,00 €

    THE TEXAS FRONTIER-A WILD COUNTRY RULED BY THE FAST GUN AND THE QUICK BLADETrue Bowen was out hunting when the Comanche warriors attacked. Quicker than death they killed his folks, burned their West Texas homestead, and kidnapped his sister. With every shovelful of rich red earth he threw on the shallow graves of his folks, Bowen swore he would get her back and make the savages pay for their murderous ways. Armed with an old Hawken single-shot rifle and a belly full of bitter hate, the son of a sodbuster heads west on a vengeance trail. Tracking the war party by the bloody string of massacres they leave behind, Bowen ends up in an old Spanish mission turned trading post that Texans call Helltown. Run by the ruthless Comanchero leader Rodrigo Shay, life was as cheap as rotgut whiskey there, and the closest thing to law was how fast a man could kill another. Backed by a trail-tough gang of frontier mustangers with their own score to settle, Bowen takes on Shay and his Comancheros, hungry for payback, and with just one chance to save his sister-or die in the bloody streets of the Texas Helltown.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    16,00 €

    SOME SAID HE WAS A BAD MAN, SOME SAID HE WAS A GOOD MAN, BUT ONE THING WAS CERTAIN-HE WAS THE LAST MAN YOU WANTED TO CHALLENGE.The first shots of the Civil War echoed opportunity to young Ben Thompson. The same traits that had earned him notoriety as a civilian-steady nerves and deadly aim-could win him respect as a soldier. For a while he found it, riding with the famous Second Regiment, Texas Mounted Rifles. But it was in the murderous gambling dens south of the Rio Grande that Ben Thompson made his reputation. That reputation would follow him for the rest of his life: as he stared down Wild Bill Hickok in the saloons of Abilene, Kansas; as he battled for control of Colorado's railroads alongside Bat Masterson; and as he cleaned up Austin's streets as a tough-as-nails lawman. He only wanted respect for himself and his family, but it seemed that every cowboy seeking to make a name for himself would go looking for Ben Thompson...and all those names ended up marking fresh graves. BASED ON THE TRUE STORY OF ONE OF THE GREATEST GUNFIGHTERS IN THE OLD WEST, PART OF THE WESTERNERS TRILOGY THAT INCLUDES GUN JUSTICE AND THE OUTLAW TRAIL.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    17,00 €

    IT IS A SOLDIER'S DUTY TO FOLLOW ORDERS, EVEN IF HE QUESTIONS THEM...He had earned a hero's reputation in young America's early wars. Timothy Barlow fought with Andrew Jackson against the Creek and Seminole Indians and was instrumental in keeping the Cherokees allied with the American cause during the conflict. But now President Jackson needs to forge alliances with the leaders of the Southern states and agrees to sign a bill declaring that all Cherokee land in Georgia-land on which gold has been found-no longer belongs to the Indians. Morally opposed to this course of action, Barlow struggles with his honor and his conscience. He must obey his commander-in-chief and attempt to persuade his Cherokee friends to abandon their land peacefully-or face extinction. But violence is bound to break out, and Timothy Barlow will be forced to choose sides. THE SECOND IN THE POPULAR TIMOTHY BARLOW TRILOGY THAT INCLUDES THE LONG HUNTERS AND WAR LOVERS BY THE AUTHOR OF SUCH CLASSICS AS FALCONER'S LAW AND APACHE SHADOW.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    16,00 €

    Sam Bass is one of the largest outlaw legends of the Old West, an orphan turned wily criminal who has managed to elude Pinkerton detectives, U.S. marshals, and a special task force of manhunters led by the famous Captain June Peak. A Midwestern farm boy who lit out for Texas with dreams of becoming a cowboy, Bass ends up in Deadwood, South Dakota, a place that can turn even the best man bad. Once Sam Bass picked up a gun and robbed a stagecoach, there was no turning back. The law wanted him dead, fate wanted him in Texas, and the outlaw trail lay between. Bass tells one man the real story of his legendary life, a tale of lost dreams and dashed hopes, of how a good man ended up on the wrong side of the law-and now lies dying with a bullet in the back. THE TRUE STORY OF A TEXAS LEGEND, AND ONE OF THE BESTSELLING BOOKS IN THE WESTERNERS TRILOGY, ALSO FEATURING GUN JUSTICE AND GUNMASTER.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    17,00 €

    THE DREAM OF WEALTH AND ADVENTURE COMES AT A HIGH COST...The recklessness of youth and the bravery of California Gold Rush dreams fueled the determination of Ethan Payne and his best friend Gil Stark to find wealth and glory out west. But somewhere on a journey that took them down the Missouri, across the Gulf of Mexico, and through the jungles of Panama, the two young men began to change. Ethan learned he had the heart of an outlaw. By the time they reached California, both had left their innocence and friendship behind-but they were destined to come face to face again.This saga of an authentic frontier adventurer vividly captures the life and times of a young man coming of age in a harsh world of unlimited possibility and swift, savage death. For Ethan Payne, the untamed West gave him a place to make a stand-with a gun, a fierce heart, and a dream that wouldn't die. THE FIRST NOVEL IN A GREAT NEW WESTERN TRILOGY BY THE AUTHOR OF SUCH BESTSELLING BOOKS AS PROMISED LAND, MOUNTAIN HONOR, AND WAR LOVERS.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    17,00 €

    THE NOVEL THAT LAUNCHED ONE OF THE GREATEST MOUNTAIN MAN SERIESThe American West. A land wild and free and dangerous. Only a brave man dared accept the challenge of a harsh and unforgiving frontier. Gordon Hawkes was such a man. A man of courage. A man of strong will. A mountain man. This is his story.The promise of a new life draws Hawkes and his parents away from Ireland to seek a new beginning. But the sea claims his folks and leaves him alone to stake his claim. Befriended by a Scots adventurer, Hawkes heads west. But trouble has a way of finding him.Accused of murder in New Orleans and chased by bounty hunters in St. Louis, he is confronted with one harsh test of survival after another. In spite of the obstacles, he finds his true calling in the untamed western mountains. And it is here that his greatest adventure of all begins.THE FIRST OF SIX BESTSELLING NOVELS IN THE CLASSIC MOUNTAIN MAN SERIES BY THE POPULAR WESTERN WRITER WHO ALSO PENNED HIGH COUNTRY AND GREEN RIVER RENDEZVOUS.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    17,00 €

    The Revolutionary War is over and the fledgling United States is struggling to survive. With the turn of a new century, settlers are poised to continue their westward move through the dark and bloody killing grounds of Kentucky. In their path stand the British military's might and an even more menacing foe-the brave and brilliant Shawnee war leader, Tecumseh. Now the War of 1812 is about to break out, and the future of the new republic rests in the hands of American heroes like "Mad" Anthony Wayne, William Henry Harrison, the trigger fingers of a buckskin-clad army of undaunted conscripts, and in the courage, daring and determination of frontiersman Nathaniel "Flintlock" Jones. History is to be made, a wilderness to be won, and a spellbinding saga of the early American frontier is to be brought to pulse-pounding, unforgettable life.THE BORDER CAPTAINS IS THE SECOND EPIC HISTORICAL NOVEL OF THE FLINTLOCK TRILOGY BY THE ACCLAIMED AUTHOR OF THE HIGH COUNTRY SERIES.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    17,00 €

    An American saga of danger, daring, passion and betrayal.A wet-behind-the-ears youngster when he came west with the Rocky Mountain Fur Company, Zach Hannah will become a legend of courage, skill and honesty among other mountain men. To the Crow Indians he is a trusted friend and ally. To the Blackfoot he is their most hated foe. And to former friend Sean Devlin, who lusts after Zach's beloved wife Morning Sky, he is a rival to be destroyed.The American Fur Company seeks to destroy the Rocky Mountain trappers who stand in the way of its scheme to monopolize the fur trade. With a hardbitten crew under his command and treacherous enemies shadowing his every move, Zach faces the most brutal brigade of hostile trappers ever to make the high country a killing ground.THE SECOND IN THE MAGNIFICENT MOUNTAIN MAN SERIES THAT BEGAN WITH HIGH COUNTRY AND CONCLUDES WITH BATTLE OF THE TETON BASIN.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    18,00 €

    A FRONTIER HERO FIRES THE OPENING SALVO OF THE TEXAS REVOLUTION... Drummed out of West Point, Christopher Groves goes home to Kentucky in disgrace, only to walk right into a feud with the murderous Vickers brothers. Now wanted by the law, Christopher heads for Texas, where American emigrants are chafing under the yoke of Mexican rule and are poised to fight for their independence. Flintlock Jones is an old man now, but Christopher is kin and he won't let his grandson make the long and perilous trek alone. Together, the two men get more action that they'd bargained for, running afoul of kidnappers, river pirates and bounty hunters. But that's nothing compared to the full-blown war that erupts between Texicans and their Mexican overlords, a war in which the legendary Flintlock Jones strikes one last blow for liberty.THE FINAL EXCITING ENTRY IN THE ACCLAIMED TRILOGY THAT BRINGS THE COURAGE AND CONFLICT OF THE EARLY AMERICAN FRONTIER TO LIFE, WHICH BEGAN WITH FLINTLOCK AND THE BORDER CAPTAINS.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    16,00 €

    THE TOUGHEST CATTLE BARON IN TEXAS FACES THE TOUGHEST CHALLENGES.... A legendary figure of the Old West, indelibly etched into its history as one of its toughest heroes, "Texas" John Slaughter is a lawman and cattle rancher with bravery to burn and the smarts to come out on top, even when the odds were stacked against him. As lethal as he was with a gun, Texas John never asked for trouble. But somehow, trouble always had a way of finding him...Grazing cattle is where the money is, and Slaughter is determined to carve out his own piece of paradise on a San Bernardino ranch. But along the way he will have to fight for what's rightfully his, from his run-ins with clans of greedy rustlers to his time as Tombstone's tin star and his deadly showdown with the notorious Apache Kid. And in the end, when the dust has settled, they will all learn the same hard lesson: no one walks away from a shootout with Texas John Slaughter. BASED ON A TRUE STORY, THIS RIVETING NOVEL IS PART OF THE WESTERNERS TRILOGY THAT INCLUDES GUNMASTER AND THE OUTLAW TRAIL BY THE ACCLAIMED AUTHOR OF CLASSIC WESTERNS LIKE REVENGE IN LITTLE TEXAS AND APACHE STORM!

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    17,00 €

    A legendary band of Texas heroes rides to war one last time.They built a new republic with their blood and courage. But with the battle for Texas independence fought and won, and the Union being torn apart by civil war, a new threat has arisen on the bloody border between Mexico and the Republic of Texas. John Henry McAllen, who formed the Black Jacks to fight alongside Sam Houston to defeat Santa Anna a quarter of a century earlier, hoped his fighting days are over. But when the corrupt sheriff of Brownsville is gunned down by a Mexican ex-soldier, Houston-now the Texas governor-declares martial law. A volunteer force called the Brownsville Tigers is mustered to battle fierce raiders led by the Mexican patriot named Caldero. Yet another war is about to erupt over the disputed southern border of Texas and McAllen's son Gideon, a Brownsville Tiger recruit, is in the middle of it. When Gideon is taken captive, McAllen, followed by his legendary Black Jack fighters, crosses the Rio Grande into a storm of blood and fire, determined to save his boy-or die trying. THE ACCLAIMED AUTHOR OF THE BLACK JACKS AND TEXAS BOUND GIVES US AN AUTHENTIC, ACTION-PACKED NOVEL OF WAR, HONOR AND BETRAYAL BASED ON ACTUAL EVENTS.

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    17,00 €

    Falsely branded an outlaw, mountain man Gordon Hawkes has spent years hiding out in the Colorado Rockies with his wife and daughter. But suddenly he finds his peace disturbed by old enemies and new dangers. There's trouble brewing between the United States Army and his friends, the Cheyenne. The white man has broken one treaty after another and the Cheyenne have finally had enough and are preparing themselves for war. Approached by the man who first forced him to become a fugitive, Hawkes agrees to serve as peacemaker between the two warring nations-until he realizes that the Army high command has no intention of stopping short of total extermination, and his Indian friends are going to be led to slaughter! It's a situation complicated by the love affair between the mountain man's daughter and a young, brave and principled army lieutenant. Now Hawkes has to pit his daughter's happiness and his freedom, if not his life, in a desperate effort to save his Cheyenne friends-and restore his honor. THE FIFTH EXCITING ENTRY IN JASON MANNING'S POPULAR SIX-BOOK MOUNTAIN MAN EPIC!

  • von Manning Jason Manning
    16,00 €

    Blood on the RangeLow-life rustlers like Rafe Yellen and his gang steered clear of Big Sam McKeller's Cyclone Ranch. Riding the rancher's line looking for strays meant getting a face full of double-ought buck as sure as Texas was big. But now Ol' Sam is gone and his soldier son Cale is back from the Indian Wars to run the spread. The rustlers figure they can return to cow-stealing, since no one could fill Sam McKeller's boots.Outgunned and losing ground every day, it looks like Cale is done for-until rawhide-tough frontiersman Wolfhunter Geddes rides in off the Staked Plains, offering his man-hunting skills. Hellbent on settling an old score with Yellen, the legendary killer leaves a trail of cold blood, and Cale begins to realize that the cost of hiring Geddes could be his own life. ONE OF THE EARLY WESTERN CLASSICS BY JASON MANNING, AUTHOR OF THE BESTSELLING FRONTIER NOVELS HIGH COUNTRY AND APACHE STORM.

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