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Bücher veröffentlicht von Fairleigh Dickinson University Press

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  • von E. D. Blodgett
    29,00 €

    "What interests me in poetry is the interplay of language, the page, and silence. Heaven falls out of words because possibility is in the page, another kind of heaven; I wonder if that's the only heaven we are given to know in life." -- Edward Dickinson (Ted) BlodgettE.D. Blodgett's final volume of poems, Walking Into God, is the culmination of the poet's lifelong devotion to a poetry and poetics of the sacred. His mastery of craft, including cadence and sustained musicality, is unsurpassed in Canadian literature. Though this volume is divided into two parts (or sequences), these compressed poems present as a single long poem that explores the processes of walking, moving, changing, and evolving within a unified field.

    137,00 €

    Contending with Codes in a World of Difference presents a new set of original, fieldwork-based case studies that examine speech codes in on- and offline settings around the world. The book culminates with a newly updated, expanded, and reenergized version of speech codes theory, well-suited to the contemporary study of communication and culture.

    130,00 €

    The Yearbook of Transnational History is dedicated to disseminating pioneering research in the field of transnational history. The ten chapters of this volume explore topics and themes of heritage creation from the Crusades to the Apollo space flights.

  • von Anna Camaiti Hostert
    124,00 €

    Trump and Mussolini: Images, Fake News, and Mass Media as Weapons in the Hands of Two Populists compares two historic men of power and influence, Donald Trump and Benito Mussolini, to analyze the commonality of practices and mannerisms between the two. From rhetoric to body language, to their control over oral and written communication and analogous power strategies, they both possess an unusual talent for new technologies which they utilize to their advantage in unique moments in history. Mussolini lived at the beginning of mass society, Trump at the height of social media, both controversial leaders finding means to utilize these periods of time and the tools surrounding them to further their own agendas and influence society, culture, and authority. The authors examine a plethora of topics and themes such as outward personalities and consuming charisma, means and tools of communication and propaganda, and treatment of women, just to name a few, in order to define the relationship and similarities between these two controversial figures. This book was written before the Capitol Hill assault on January 6th 2021. Mussolini in November 1922 in front of the Parliament said: ';I could have made a bivouac of this gloomy gray hall: I could have shut down the Parliament and formed a Government exclusively of Fascists; I could have done so, but I did not wish to do so, at least not at this moment.' Trump, however never said anything like this, but indeed, tried to do it.

  • von Cristina Perissinotto
    113,00 €

    Marco Paolini: A Deep Map is a theoretical analysis of eight iconic Marco Paolini's monologues. The book presents Marco Paolini's dramaturgy and his narrative theater between the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st Century.

  • von Lea Puljcan Juric
    64,00 €

    Illyria in Shakespeare's England studies the eastern Adriatic region known as "Illyria" in five plays by Shakespeare and other early modern English writing. It examines the origins and features of past discourses on the area, expanding our knowledge of the ways in which England and other polities negotiated their position in the early modern world.

  • - Images from Literature and Visual Arts
    58,00 €

    Utopia and Dystopia in the Age of Trump focuses on utopias and dystopias that either prefigure or suggest alternatives to the rise of individuals such as Donald J. Trump and the changing conditions of America we now see around us. These topical studies provide compelling reading for both the general reader and the specialist.

  • - Protection or Free Trade
    124,00 €

    Protection or Free Trade, Volume IV of The Annotated Works of Henry George, argues the benefits of free trade and the harm that restrictive trade practices do to human welfare. Scholars will find this volume a convenient starting point for researching free trade, protectionism, and the tariff debates in the nineteenth century.

  • - Philosophical Horror and the Mystical Text
    von Brad Baumgartner
    130,00 €

    Weird Mysticism: Philosophical Horror and the Mystical Text examines the nature of modern mystical writing and explains the interconnections among horror fiction, philosophy, and apophatic mysticism.

  • - Literature, Race, and National Identity in Nineteenth-Century Cuba and the United States
    von Karen Ruth Kornweibel
    130,00 €

    Writing for Inclusion examines four nineteenth-century Afro-Cuban and African American writers-Juan Francisco Manzano, Frederick Douglass, Martin Morua Delgado, and Charles W. Chesnutt-whose works provide examples of self-emancipation, interrogate the terms of exclusion from the nation, and argue for inclusive visions of national identity.

  • von Richard F. Hardin
    131,00 €

    This book shows the impact of the 1428 rediscovery of Plautus's plays on the theory and composition of comedy, and sets Plautus's reception apart from that of the quite different dramatist Terence. The latter half takes up the Plautine traits that appear in the practice of English comic dramatists ca. 1500-1640.

  • - A Study of the Treatment of Dissenters in Time of War
    von Thomas J. Reed
    74,00 - 187,00 €

    America's Two Constitutions examines the history of treatment of antiwar dissenters from the American Revolution by the government and by vigilantes down to post-9/11, concluding that the United States has two constitutions, one for peacetime and another in time of war.

  • - A Feminist Translation
    von Rosalia de Castro
    68,00 €

    This book presents the first complete English translation of En las orillas del Sar, the final volume of poetry by Spanish nineteenth-century writer Rosalia de Castro. Using a framework grounded in socio-historical contextualization and feminist translation theory, this book analyzes poems' themes.

  • - "Pragmatism Not Idealism"
    von Phil Rose
    64,00 €

    Radiohead and the Global Movement for Change examines the work of the British group Radiohead, focusing particularly on their landmark recording OK Computer (1997). This book studies the band's exploration of the crucial issues surrounding contemporary technological development and 'musical hermeneutics' with the media ecology perspective.

  • - Texts and Contexts
    von Naomi Milthorpe
    143,00 €

    Evelyn Waugh (19031966) is one of the twentieth century's great prose stylists and the author of a suite of devastating satires on modern English life, from his first unforgettably funny novel Decline and Fall, to his last work of fiction, ';Basil Seal Rides Again.' Evelyn Waugh's Satire: Texts and Contexts renews scholarly debates central to Waugh's work: the forms of his satire, his attitudes towards modernity and modernism, his place in the literary culture of the interwar period, and his pugnacious (mis)reading of literary and other texts. This study offers new exegetical accounts of the forms and figures of Waugh's satire, linking original readings of Waugh's texts to the literary-historical contexts that informed them. Posing fresh readings of familiar works and affording attention to more neglected texts, Evelyn Waugh's Satire: Texts and Contexts offers readers and scholars a timely opportunity to return to the rich, dark art of this master of prose satire.

  • - The Trial of John Wilkes Booth's Accomplices
    von Thomas J. Reed
    72,00 - 127,00 €

    Avenging Lincoln's Death: The Trial of John Wilkes Booth's Accomplices is an examination of the 1865 military commission trial of eight alleged accomplices of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin who murdered President Abraham Lincoln. The book analyzes the trial transcript and other relevant evidence relating to the guilt of Booth's alleged accomplices, as well as a careful application of basic constitutional law principles to the jurisdiction of the military commission and the fundamental fairness of the trial. The author found that the military commission trial was unconstitutional and unfair because Congress never authorized trial by military commission for these eight civilians. President Johnson exceeded the scope of his authority as commander in chief by ordering the accomplices to be tried by military commission. He failed to follow the Habeas Corpus Act of 1863 that required him to turn over the alleged accomplices to civilian authorities for prosecution. The accomplices were convicted on perjured testimony and the Government was allowed to drag in unrelated evidence of Confederate atrocities to poison the minds of the panel of officers.

  • - The Concept Albums
    von Phil Rose
    68,00 €

    Beyond its elucidation and critique of traditional ';notation-centric' musicology, this books primary emphasis is on the negotiation and construction of meaning within the extended musical multimedia works of the classic British group Pink Floyd. Encompassing the concept albums that the group released from 1973 to 1983, during Roger Waters' final period with the band, chapters are devoted to Dark Side of the Moon (1973), Wish You Were Here (1975), Animals (1977), The Wall (1979) and The Final Cut (1983), along with Waters' third solo album Amused to Death (1993). This books analysis of album covers, lyrics, music and film makes use of techniques of literary and film criticism, while employing the combined lenses of musical hermeneutics and discourse analysis, so as to illustrate how sonic and musical information contribute to listeners' interpretations of the discerning messages of these monumental musical artifacts. Ultimately, it demonstrates how their words, sounds, and images work together in order to communicate one fundamental concern, whichto paraphrase the music journalist Karl Dallasis to affirm human values against everything in life that should conspire against them.

  • - Bridled, Curbed, and Tamed
    von Kevin De Ornellas
    128,00 €

    Kevin De Ornellas argues that in Renaissance England the relationship between horse and rider works as an unambiguous symbol of domination by the strong over the weak. There was little sentimental concern for animal welfare, leading to the routine abuse of the material animal. This unproblematic, practical exploitation of the horse led to the currency of the horse/rider relationship as a trope or symbol of exploitation in the literature of the period. Engaging with fiction, plays, poems, and non-fictional prose works of late Tudor and early Stuart England, De Ornellas demonstrates that the horsea bridled, unwilling slavebecomes a yardstick against which the oppression of England's poor, women, increasingly uninfluential clergyman, and deluded gamblers is measured. The status of the bitted, harnessed horse was a low one in early modern Englandto be compared to such a beast is a demonstration of inferiority and subjugation. To think anything else is to be nave about the realities of horse management in the period and is to be nave about the realities of the exploitation of horses and other mammals in the present-day world.

  • - Negotiating Place and Identity
    von Ellen Rees
    125,00 €

    This book examines the significance of cabins and other temporary seasonal dwellings as important symbols in modern Norwegian cultural and literary history. The author uses Michel Foucault's notion of the ';heterotopia'an actual place that also functions imaginatively as a kind of real-world utopiato examine how cabins have signified differently during successive periods, from an Enlightenment trope of simplicity and moderation, through the rise of tourism, into a period of increasing individualism and alienation from nature. For each period discussed, the author relates a widely recognized real world cabin to a cluster of thematically related literary texts from a wide variety of genres. Cabins in Modern Norwegian Literature considers both central canonical works, such as Camilla Collett's The District Governor's Daughters, Bjrnstjerne Bjrnson's Synnve Solbakken, Henrik Ibsen's When We Dead Awaken, and Knut Hamsun's The Growth of the Soil, as well as less widely known literary works and texts from marginal genres such as hunting narratives and crime fiction. In addition, the book contains analyses of a few key films from the contemporary period that also activate the cabin as a motif. The central argument is that while Norwegians today tend to think of cabin culture as essentially unchanging over a long span of time, it has in fact changed dramatically over the past two hundred years, and that it is an extremely rich and complex cultural phenomenon deeply imbedded in the construction of national identity.

  • - Communication, Animals, and the Cultural-Historical Experience of Zoos
    von Erik A. Garrett
    72,00 €

    Despite hundreds of millions of visitors each year, zoos have remained outside of the realm of philosophical analysis. This lack of theoretical examination is interesting considering the paradoxical position within which a zoo is situated, being a space of animal confinement as well as a site that provides valuable tools for species conservation, public education, and entertainment. Why Do We Go to the Zoo? argues that the zoo is a legitimate space of academic inquiry. The modes of communication taking place at the zoo that keep drawing us back time and time again beg for a careful investigation. In this book, the meaning of the zoo as communicative space is explored.This book relies on the phenomenological method from Edmund Husserl and a rhetorical approach to examine the interaction between people and animals in the zoo space. Phenomenology, the philosophy of examining the engaged everyday lived experience, is a natural method to use in the project. Despite its rich history and tradition it is interesting that there are very few books explaining ';how to do' phenomenology. Why Do We Go to the Zoo? provides a detailed account of how to actually conduct a phenomenological analysis.The author spent thousands of hours in zoos watching people and animals interact as well as talking with people both formally and informally. This book asks readers to bracket their preconceptions of what goes on in the zoo and, instead, to explore the meaning of powerful zoo experiences while reminding us of the troubled history of zoos.

  • - Congressional Trailblazer
    von David L. Porter
    133,00 €

    Mary Norton of New Jersey: Congressional Trailblazer tells the compelling story of Mary Norton, who served in the United States House of Representatives for 13 terms from 1925 to 1951, featuring her significant role as a congressional pioneer for women and American workers. The daughter of Irish immigrants, Norton grew up in a Roman Catholic, working-class family and was prodded to enter politics by Jersey City mayor Frank Hague. One of the first five women elected to the United States Congress, she cut a fresh path for women of ordinary means as the first female elected to the House from the Democratic Party, an eastern state, or urban center east of the Mississippi River.Norton's political career paralleled mayor Hague's tight control of Jersey City and president Franklin Roosevelt's national leadership during the Depression and World War II. Norton's connection with Hague's Jersey City Democratic Party political machine clouded her career, but Hague seldom tried to influence her legislative behavior. Norton, the first woman to chair four House committees including a major committee, consistently supported legislation helping economically disadvantaged Americans and encouraged women to enter politics. At the helm of the District of Columbia Committee from 1931 to 1937, she served as unofficial mayor of Washington, D.C. and helped enact long-needed political, economic, and social legislation for its citizens. Her most valuable work came as head of the powerful Labor Committee from 1937 to 1947. Norton helped secure House passage of the landmark Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, establishing a national minimum hourly wage and maximum workweek. She sought to improve working conditions for America's newly industrialized workers and defended the Wagner Act of 1935, allowing employees to bargain collectively for the value of their work. Norton also helped secure federal funding for several Hudson County projects benefitting her Irish, Roman Catholic, working-class constituents. The expansion of mayor Hague's gargantuan Medical Center Complex and the construction of Roosevelt Stadium provided numerous jobs for unemployed Hudson County residents. Norton, who never lost an election and was reelected by decisive margins, was the first woman elected as a freeholder in New Jersey and to direct a state Democratic Party.

  • - Hymnody of the Counter-Reformation in Germany
    von Richard D. Wetzel & Erika Heitmeyer
    86,00 €

    Geistliche Lieder und Psalmen, 1567, was compiled and published by Johann Leisentrit, a Roman Catholic priest who from 1559 to the time of his death in 1586, was Dean at the Cathedral of St. Peter's in Bautzen, a town in southeastern Germany. His hymnbook appeared in three complete editions (1567, 1573, 1584), and in abridged editions in 1575, 1576, and 1589. By adapting the vernacular hymn, a genre created by Protestant reformers, Leisentrit hoped to bring back to the ';true church' (wahrglaubiger Christlicher Kirchen) those who had defected to Lutheranism. This was a formidable ambition because his diocese was located adjacent to the Moravian-Bohemian regions where the Protestant movement was born and remained vital. Containing approximately 260 texts set to 175 notated melodies, many borrowed from Protestant sources and adapted to serve Roman Catholic objectives, Leisentrit's book was the second Catholic hymnbook to be published in the sixteenth century. It surpassed its Protestant and Catholic precursors in scope and provided a model for the profusion of hymnbooks of numerous confessions that appeared in Germany in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries .Wetzel and Heitmeyer present their study in two parts: The first comprises six contextual chapters that survey earlier German achievements in hymnody, provide analyses of the texts and music in Leisentrit's book, and assess his achievement within the volatile environment of the Counter Reformation. The second gives the melodies in modern notation along with the first stanzas of the texts; provides detailed concordances and references to sources that identify textual and musical provenances; and concludes with six appendixes to facilitate scholarly cross-references. Fourteen of the seventy wood engravings from Leisentrit's book, many of which are visual representations of the prevailing confessional conflicts, are given in enlarged reproductions.The authors provide the only comprehensive study in English of a unique religious figure and his efforts to achieve confessional reconciliation in the decades following the Council of Trent. They add to a more accurate interpretation of the relationship between Lutherans and Catholics in the sixteenth century and support the hypothesis that some Lutherans remained more liturgically formal than their Catholic contemporaries.

  • von Philip Dalton & Eric Mark Kramer
    63,00 - 133,00 €

    Public expression in the United States has become increasingly coarse. Whether it's stupid, rude, base, or anti-intellectual talk, it surrounds us. Popular television, film, music, art, and even some elements of religion have become as coarse, we argue, as our often-disparaged political dialogue. This book's contention is that the U.S. semantic environment is governed by tactics, not tact. We craft messages that workthat perform their desired function. We are instrumental, strategic communicators. As such, entertainment and journalism that draw an audience, for instance, are ';good.' This follows the logic that the marketplace, an aggregate of hedonically motivated individuals, decides what's good. Market logic, when unencumbered by what some characterize as quaint human sentimentalities, liberates us to cynically communicate whatever and however we want. Whatever improves ratings, web traffic, ticket sales, concession sales, repeat purchases, and earnings is good. Embracing this communicative paradigm more fully necessitates the culture's abandonment of collective notions of both taste and veracity, thus weakening the forces that keep individual desires in check. Our present communication environment is one that invites the hypertrophic expression of the ego, enabling elites to erode public communication standards and repeal laws and regulations resulting in immeasurable individual fortunes. Meanwhile, perpetual plutocratic rule is made even more certain by the cacophonous public noise the rest of us are busy making, leaving us incapable, disinterested, and unwilling to listen to one another.

  • von Jolanta Artiz & Robyn C. Walker
    149,00 €

    Discourse Perspectives in Organizational Communication brings together researchers from the social sciences and humanities to look at discourse and how it shapes organizations and their social actors. Unlike others in the field, this book assumes that language creates and constitutes reality, rather than simply mirroring or describing it. This collection illustrates the variety of organizational phenomena that might be studied and the range of epistemological and methodological approaches that might be used in discourse analysis techniques.

  • von Marouf A. Hasian
    135,00 €

    This book provides readers with a critical study of the challenges that confronted Namibian activists who tried to sue Germany for genocidal acts that were committed during the German South West Africa (GSWA) years.

  • - (2018)
    151,00 €

    This is the inaugural volume of the Yearbook of Transnational History-the worldwide only periodical dedicated to the publication of research in the field of transnational history.

    172,00 €

    Thomas Carlyle and the Idea of Influence positions Carlyle as an ideal representative figure through which to study that complex interplay between past and present most commonly referred to as influence.

  • - Making Lives and Making Meaning
    86,00 €

    This book showcases ways in which the theory of Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) has been applied in a variety of settings. The title reflects the three sections of the book in which CMM is used with individuals and groups toward making meaning together in constructive and generative ways to make better social worlds through communication.

  • - Diversity in College Fraternities and Sororities
    157,00 €

    This volume draws from a variety of disciplines in an attempt to provide a holistic analysis of diversity within collegiate fraternal life. It also brings a wide range of scholarly approaches to the inquiry of diversity within college fraternities and sororities. It explores not only from whence these groups have come but where they are currently situated and what issues arise as they progress.

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