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  • von Michael Skyner
    21,00 €

    Follow the adventures of the crew of the Southern Belle as they attempt to rescue the fiery princess from the emperor's clutches. Their quest takes them to many strange planets and the beings that live on them. Surviving sabotage and encounters with giant boxing marsupials, frontier gargoyles and border patrols, the crew manage to track the princess to the planet Festus. A foul and desolate wasteland of a planet.'I have the greatest mind in the Universe and still I cannot prevent what is happening. I mean, how can an emperor be an emperor, if he is unable to maim, slaughter and annihilate, Mm, answer me that?'The young emperor of the Evilonian Empire is in trouble, and he knows it. To survive he must consider the unthinkable, marriage to an evil sorceress and the kidnapping of a pain-in-the-butt princess. Life in the Galaxy will never be the same again.Can it get any worse?

  • von Phil Parker
    20,00 €

    Girl with Fan' is the first collection of short stories by Phil Parker. Ranging in focus from the dying days of Roman rule in Britain, via 14th century Norfolk after the Black Death, 19th century artistic Paris and turn of the 20th century Russia, to the Britain of today, these stories explore themes of identity, memory, shame, gender conflict, creativity, faith and the inescapable force, both for good and ill, of love. It is divided into three sections: 'The Self and Others'; 'The Arts Pages'; 'Amor Vicit Omnia - mostly...'. Among the stories in this collection, 'Girl with Fan' is a fictional take on the back story behind a sequence of paintings by Renoir, as told from the perspective of Alphonsine Fournaise, the sitter. The constraints of growing up in a small Norfolk village are explored in the prize-winning story 'Ayesha'. In 'Interludes' a chance encounter on a train journey leads David to review his past, while making a shocking discovery about the present. A daughter discovers animal corpses in her ageing mother's freezer in 'In the Deep Freeze'. In 'Remember Me' a gentleman's companion helps his actor lover to stage one final performance. The collection concludes with 'The Night Shift', in which a newly-married couple argue about what to wear on their wedding night.

    35,00 €

    This book discusses a Star seeds deciphering of information & Consciousness Awakening on Planet Gaia, an introduction to your Pineal Gland activated by your Kundalini energy system, and how to fully activate your Pineal Gland Chakra Antennas. Also discussed is the Heart the beginning of Life & the link between the Heart & Geometries, & the Scientific Process of Cellular Transmutation of the natural biological Star Gate Passage of Ascension via Celestalline Light Waves. Also discussed is manifesting control of the mind by creating a bridge between the Conscious & Subconscious mind, & the science of the geometric structure of the super advanced biotechnology of DNA & the Blueprint Design of the Angelic Human & its symbiotic relationship to the essence of Spirit & the Merkaba light body. Also discussed is the Psychic child's connection to their Star family & downloaded data they receive, & the evolution of humanity.

    26,00 €

    This book discusses the Intentional Orchestrated Mass Invasion of Foreign Enemy Combative Violent Fear Dubh Rapist Fighting aged Migrant Men from War Zones into Irish Communities, by the corrupt Criminal Enemy Irish Ministers working for the EU, UN, WEF, Illuminati & Anunnaki Hidden Hand Elites. That are Intentionally flooding extremely Violent Terrorist Fear Dubh Rapists into Europe & Ireland to Purposely Mentally & Physically Scar & Break the Will & Spirit of the Native populations. With Preplanned funding for Rape Crisis Centres all in place to prepare for the Rape Pandemic that they have Planned to Destroy Local Communities. Also discussed is the civil discord in communities across Ireland, with protests by women, parents, and their whole communities standing up in peaceful protests against the illegal mass invasion of violent combatant foreign migrant men that are raping women in their communities, and harassing, and attacking all citizens on the streets in their locale communities. Also discussed is the Weapon of Rape used as Programming & Indoctrination, & the effects of Rape Trauma Syndrome & PTSD & how to overcome trauma to start the healing processes. With Self Defense Strike Techniques of Dim Mak Death Touch Martial Arts, for Women & Teenagers being Targeted, Stalked, Accosted & Attacked by Aggressive Violent Fear Dubh Migrant Rapists. Also a range of legal weapons that can be used for Personal Protection.

  • von Sally Ann East
    19,00 €

    A little girl wants a pet, but nothing fluffy. What does she get, and what happens when the family go on a journey and she smuggles it along?

  • von Ricky James Rogers
    24,00 €

    Fresh to the gay scene, Oliver Edwards arrives in town searching for a new life. Perhaps here in this dazzling new place he will find himself, his happiness, maybe even love. But behind every shining light is energy powerful enough to kill; behind every costume is a charlatan with a scheme; and in Divas Cabaret Bar, the town's brightest drag queen venue, it's not just those on stage who are wearing masks. Watch your back, sharpen your mind, dust away your paranoia. Everyone at Divas has something to hide, but what happens when the makeup washes off, the truth comes tumbling out, and the only thing left is cold, harsh reality? Welcome to the darkness.Your secrets are safe... for now.

  • von Colin Cossor
    20,00 €

    22,00 €

    The Biology and Chemistry Fraud Exposed & The Truth of Bacteria and Viruses and Alkalised Healing Of The Biological Avatar Body, meaning the Fall of the Pharmaceutical Industry, the whole Medical Basis of Teaching Standard Will Collapse as well as all Universities and Education Systems. Also information of the introduction to grow your eternal light body via your schematic blueprint instructions in your DNA and general information on physical and mental well being to run at your biological and chemical and electrical optimal levels to access your eternal light body and then able to access the hyper-dimensional matrix of creation in its entirety all dimensions of The Brahman, The Whole, The Creation and the eternal realms the kingdom of light that resides outside time and space by lovelifelee.

    26,00 €

    This book discusses the fundamental Cosmic foundation of the true reality of what a woman is, that forms one of the two essential components of the essential system and structure of all physical animated Universal Cosmic life, and the Divine Feminine is discussed from histories ancient forms of the Great Mother Goddess.Also discussed is what it is to be a woman who gives birth to the miracle of life for us eternal Spiritual light beings from the Oneness ultra violet energetic Source field of Consciousness, to manifest into physical avatars for experience and Spiritual growth. The biology of a woman is also discussed including the female anatomy and the birthing process. Also discussed is the fundamental Universal law of the two only genders of female and male. Also discussed is the Mental Illness of Gender Identity Disorder now know as Gender Dysphoria, which is being forcefully promoted by Western Governments and forced onto society and onto minor children. With the Western Governments and their pedophile politicians criminally sexualising minors which is grooming minors which is promoting sodomy and pedophilia, under the false guise of transgenderism which is a Mental Illness.Also Individualism vs Collectivism Societies is discussed, along with an introduction to the DNA schematic blueprint of instructions to grow your Merkaba field, which is your eternal human light body.

  • von Father Spyridon Bailey
    23,00 €

  • von P J Abberton
    34,00 €

    Whilst the madness of the Popish Plot raged across England, terrible events unravelled in the village of Hulster in Yorkshire in the autumn of 1678. Five people died in singular circumstances. But all debate was suppressed by the authorities. They dreaded the consequences for the security of England if certain aspects became known. Indeed, they feared for the very future of Christian Civilisation. Fifty years later, Erasmus Penn is summoned by the Lord Chancellor. He is instructed to tell the extraordinary story of how Isaac, the most famous natural philosopher of the age, used his remarkable intellect to solve the mystery of the 'Hulster Secret'.

  • von Roy Grantham
    23,00 €

    Little BeechdownThis is a novel about a village and a village is its people and their goings on. Little Beechdown has its pub, the Cheesemans Arms, its church with new vicar Scott Mayfield, its village shop run by the local gossip Mrs. Batchelor, a village green and the school with its dedicated teachers and of course the caring local doctor Tim Gosforth who lost his wife some years ago. Add to the mix the local formers, their farm workers and their families and the local characters such as Madeliene Springfield (Maddy) a lady with a history as well as barmaids, a couple of happy lesbians, a retired sea captain and his Chinese wife Mai Lu and then people who just live in the village because they love it and you have the makings of a story. The novel covers a the joys and tribulations of several of the villagers such as those of teacher Elizabeth Holroyd, recently freed from her life of toil looking after her mother who has now died. Ted Johnson,out of step with the age and now guilty of rape, the young farmer's daughter, Rachel, victim of the crime, Mark Gosforth back from South Africa falling for the Cullthorpe's daughter Christine over from France, the tragic Mai Lu mysteriously dying of what she perceives as betrayal.Then onto the scene comes Roger Hanbury buying the dilapidated Ullacome Manor, saving the local shop and giving the local youths something to do. The Standishes, newcomers to the village have their own domestic problems while troubled partners, the Trylans also face their demons. The very attractive local barmaid with her affair with local garage owner Paul Skipton and the minor criminal Billy Fuller add to the kaleidoscope which makes up village society.

  • von Judith Arnopp
    21,00 €

    A Matter of FaithThe Days of the PhoenixBook Two of The Henrician ChronicleFinally free of Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII is now married to Anne Boleyn, and eagerly awaits the birth of his son. In a court still reeling from the royal divorce and amid growing resentment against church reform, Henry must negotiate widespread resentment toward Anne. But his lifelong dreams of a son to cement his Tudor bloodline are shattered when Anne is delivered of a daughter.Burying his disappointment, Henry focuses on getting her with child again, but their marriage is volatile and, as Henry faces personal bereavement and discord at court, Anne's enemies are gathering. When the queen miscarries of a son, and Henry suffers a life-threatening accident, his need for an heir becomes vital. Waiting in the wings is Jane Seymour, a lady-in-waiting, who offers the king respite from Anne's fiery passions.But, when Anne falls foul of her former ally, Thomas Cromwell, and the king is persuaded that Anne has made him a cuckold, Henry strikes out and the queen falls beneath the executioner's sword, taking key players in Henry's household with her. Jane Seymour, stepping up to replace the fallen queen, quickly becomes pregnant. Delighted with his dull but fertile wife, Henry's spirits rise even further when the prince is born safely. At last, Henry has all he desires, but even as he celebrates, fate is preparing to deliver one more staggering blow. The virile young prince is now a damaged middle-aged man, disappointed in those around him but most of all in himself. As the king's optimism diminishes, his intractability increases, and soon the wounded lion will begin to roar.

    30,00 €

    This book discusses the Hidden Knowledge of Manifesting a New Mindset With the Eight Fundamental Principles of Geomancy, of the Creation, of Life, that come from Cosmic Universal Natural Law. Also discussed is the Great Work, the Introduction to the Angelic Human Eternal Light Body, that is accessed via higher states of Consciousness & by accessing your Schematic Blueprint within your DNA. There are many types of Meditation Practices in this book, of Ancient Wisdom & Knowledge from Worldwide Cultures, & gained in my own Meditation Practices, & from my Shamanic Ceremonies, & via Plant Medicines like Ayahuasca. There is focus on attention of the Unconscious Mind & Conscious Mind & their relationship, a concentration on Breath Work, & accessing your Light Body via your DNA Blueprint the Schematics to your Eternal Rainbow Light Body, accessed via Meditation, Breath, Diet, and your Consciousness. Allowing you to access & travel in the Cosmos, in the Creation, in the Whole HyperDimensional Templar Light Time Matrix. Because we are Eternal Inter-dimensional Divine Light beings of Ultra Violet energetic Source Consciousness, we are the Christos Collective Cosmic Guardian's of the Creation.

  • von Dennis Roy Grantham
    22,00 €

    Sam is the story of a young girl growing up with loving parents but then setting sail on a sea of turmoil involving various partners and births all of which she survives intact after an interesting journey through life. A precocious young girl jourmeys through childhood, university, relationships, motherhood and a career in social services while maintaining her personal integrity throughout.

    38,00 €

    A book of a jungle journey to Santuario Hushtin Ayahuasca retreat in Peru South America, to heal from plant medicines, in nature, connecting with Spirit, travelling through portholes of the Universe, entering the Spirit world. An epic journey of soul searching, cleansing the body of toxins. A book about the Mother Spirit of Ayahuasca medicine, the journey of Shamanic healing in the rainforest, the mechanical sciences, medicinal properties & Spirits behind Ayahuasca medicine & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix of the Creation built with the Advanced Biotechnology of DNA operated by Ultra Violet Energetic Eternal Spirit Consciousness. Also discussed are other practices of Munay-ki ceremonies, Tambo retreats in solace, in the jungle, connecting to plant spirits, to find clarity in silence in nature, awakening another layer of consciousness, my thoughts on Ayahuasca ceremonies & experiences with light Beings & Spirits, & plant medicines I ingested, there healing & effects on the mind & body. Discussed is the Luminous blue print within our DNA, our Light body. The science behind the building blocks of life, that build the scaffolding of life of our avatars & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix, & discussed are the eternal realms where Spirit resides until becoming animated in this Creation of Advanced DNA Biotechnology. Magical in nature is the Creation, with multiple densities for us Spirits to Manifest into for experience, for growth, raising consciousness, raising our avatars frequency to Ascend, embodied but able to transverse the Matrix in its entirety, in your eternal light body. No space crafts needed. With History of Geomancy & of the Universe.

  • von Paul Burns
    30,00 €

  • von Andrzej Griffith
    22,00 €

  • von Sam Denniss
    27,00 €

  • von Melusine Draco
    20,00 €

    'Magic and scent were conceptually linked in antiquity. Ancient authors sometimes treated magic as a type of smell; at other times odors were treated as a medium through which magic worked. Some authors compare the effect of smells to magic; others described scent and magic as different things but impossible to distinguish. Magicians used incenses and perfumes liberally to set the scene for their rituals and please the gods, as demonstrated by the corpus of spell books that survive from Greco-Roman Egypt; meanwhile, ancient deities signaled their presence by their divine fragrance.' So writes Britta Ager in her academic paper for Penn State University, Magic Perfumes and Deadly Herbs: The Scent of Witches' Magic in Classical Literature.

  • von Michael Skyner
    21,00 €

    SPACE NUTZ - Interstellar Best Seller For young adults and above. What do a neurotic boy emperor, a crumbling empire, a cross-dressing space trooper called Brenda; a fat buddha who thinks he is a wizard; a giant space hippo, and something that goes: phut, phut, phut, have in common? The answer lies in Marriage Proposals: the first of the endless trilogy which is Space Nutz. 'I have the greatest mind in the Universe and still I cannot prevent what is happening. I mean, how can an emperor be an emperor, if he is unable to maim, slaughter and annihilate, Mm, answer me that?' The young emperor of the Evilonian Empire is in trouble, and he knows it. To survive he must consider the unthinkable, marriage to an evil sorceress and the kidnapping of a pain-in-the-butt princess. Life in the Galaxy will never be the same again. Can it get any worse? Buy or order your copy here.

  • von Father Spyridon Bailey
    24,00 €

    When Second World War pilots described seeing small globes flying outside their bombers, military leaders began what would become decades of research, cover-up and misinformation. Father Spyridon explores the key players in this strange phenomenon, identifying how movies, technology and philosophy have been used to guide public perception of what is happening. But as a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, he demonstrates a much longer history that lies behind it, and how a terrible deception is at work.

  • von Melusine Draco
    20,00 €

    Since antiquity, varieties of quartz have been the most commonly used minerals in the making of jewellery and hard-stone carvings, while in the metaphysical world even the smallest piece is imbued with powerful properties that enable the bearer to cross the boundaries between the worlds. Archaeologists are now finding more and more evidence that quartz played an important part in the ritual and burial customs of our Ancestors.In truth, as Dr Meriem Clay-Egerton asserted some forty years ago, the use of quartz in prehistoric stone-working traditions was a worldwide phenomenon. For archaeologists, however, quartz was often misidentified, or ignored. Indeed, well into the 20th-century, quartz artefacts were routinely discarded during excavations. A new study reveals how Stonehenge has stood the test of time so successfully: The quartz crystals that make up the sarsens form an interlocking structure that makes the boulders nearly indestructible.

  • von Robert Brightwell
    26,00 €

  • von Father Spyridon Bailey
    24,00 €

  • von Father Spyridon Bailey
    25,00 €

  • von Father Spyridon Bailey
    23,00 €

    17,00 €

    This book has the truth behind the psychological warfare conducted on worldwide citizens, and the truth of biological weapon vaccines, the people behind the vaccines and their agendas and their intentions, from the elites cult, the fallen collectives, a cult of blood sacrifice. The truth that the vaccines are not just to cull and mass murder humanity, but to put nano technologies in your body to delete your ancestral information, and rewrite your DNA, via your RNA building blocks of DNA, then you are not the original DNA strain of human on Planet Earth, the fallen angel bloodlines corporations then can patent and own you. Their main agenda is to stop you and humanities future children from accessing your schematic blueprint within your DNA, that allows you to open and access your eternal light body, allowing you to stop the cycles of life and death, and allowing you to ascend, and transcend the Templar Light Time Hyper-dimensional Matrix, of Creation. This means you can be fully embodied living on a 4th/5th dimensional Planet Earth but able to travel in the Stars, the Cosmos, in the Hyper-dimensional Matrix at will via instant teleportation, and by opening a sixty foot field of light around your body and travelling through the Sun filaments from Solar System to Solar System. Vaccines are biological weapons of war, that are used against you and your children, against humanity, against us the Christos Collectives manifesting on the Planet, us eternal light being Angels, manifesting onto Planet Earth to effect change while having a human experience. This book explains our human cells & their functions & relationship to poisons, and this book has an introduction to the DNA Blueprint of instructions to grow your Light Body.

    20,00 €

    This book natural plant medicines and potions with magical healing properties has many plants species foods and remedies and their healing properties and their uses for many ailments, we live on a world, planet Gaia our mother earth, Pachamama she is full of natural medicines, there for us to heal our selfs, plants are high vibrational foods that feed and heal the cells of the body that are built via sacred geometric structure, the corners of the sacred geometric structure, the corners the only solid of the structure of the dodecahedrons and tetrahedrons that are the building blocks of the cells that when unified create the scaffolding of life, the avatar biological form, the body, the dodecahedrons corners feed on the twenty amino acids from plants and the tetrahedrons corners feed on proteins, so it is vital we eat plants, they are hight vibrational so with this diet change you will raise your consciousness, allowing access to your light body thats coded within your DNA in a blue print schematics, so we list plants in all their varieties and forms and there uses and benefits and some we discuss which part of the body they go to and purpose. namaste lovelifelee

    19,00 €

    This vegan recipe book has many recipes from plants, plants are medicine for the Avatar the human biological body system, your body is build by the way of THE SCAFFOLDING OF LIFE via the building blocks geometric matter, down past the level of the cells, that we nourish with nutrients, at the micron levels of the cells the sacred geometry shapes that are the building blocks of your body, your cells are built with DODECAHEDRONS, and the corners on the Dodecahedron are the only solid mass, the corners relate to amino acids in food, they the amino acids feed the corners of the dodecahedron. Then we come the TETRAHEDRON which can spin in a hundred and twenty different patterns to create a hundred and twenty different types of protein, and the tetrahedron is spinning inside the dodecahedron.

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