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  • von Michael Skyner
    19,00 €

    The "Human Beings" are in trouble. Faced with the threat of losing their natural habitat the last remaining wolf pack in the tundra is struggling to survive.

  • von Michael Skyner
    20,00 €

    Follow the adventures of the crew of the Southern Belle as they attempt to rescue the fiery princess from the emperor's clutches. Their quest takes them to many strange planets and the beings that live on them. Surviving sabotage and encounters with giant boxing marsupials, frontier gargoyles and border patrols, the crew manage to track the princess to the planet Festus. A foul and desolate wasteland of a planet.'I have the greatest mind in the Universe and still I cannot prevent what is happening. I mean, how can an emperor be an emperor, if he is unable to maim, slaughter and annihilate, Mm, answer me that?'The young emperor of the Evilonian Empire is in trouble, and he knows it. To survive he must consider the unthinkable, marriage to an evil sorceress and the kidnapping of a pain-in-the-butt princess. Life in the Galaxy will never be the same again.Can it get any worse?

  • von Michael Youngman
    31,00 €

    A Military hardened soldier a beast of a man 7ft tall built like bull, a trained killer. Disappointed in his skinny frail son he resents him, the son is desperate to earn love from his father. The family are transferred to a Military base deep in Malayan Jungle in the year 1960 the son, "Joe" falls in love with an Oriental beauty called "Bright Moon".Joe's father Larry a Captain is brow beaten by a man a rank higher, but he is incompetent. Shortly after they meet, he dies horribly by a deadly spider sting.The local Mafia kidnap Joe which leads to man hunt through the jungle

  • von J A Peto
    20,00 €

    The seventh book of short horror and science fiction from J A Peto. Including tales of weight loss plans that kill, government experiments, houses with their own minds, nature's revenge and many more.

  • von J A Peto
    20,00 €

    The fifth book of short stories by Julie Peto. In this collection are Vampires, Musicians, Easter Bunnies and, as usual, those with murderous intent. Old fashioned horror with a modern brush.

  • von Colin Knight
    10,00 €

    Warrior Rules written more than 2,500 years ago. The book encorporates The Art of War by Sun Tzu and has been used for both military and for personal and business approaches over centuries. Edited version by Colin Knight.

  • von J A Peto
    18,00 €

    The second book of short stories by Julie Peto. This set includes Tattoos, Horoscopes, Telephones and more. Not Gore but an old fashioned horror story book.

  • von J A Peto
    18,00 €

    The fourth book of short stories by Julie Peto. This collection contains Space travel, Time Travel, Zombies (sort of), Little Old Ladies, Space Maggots, Therapy sessions and the End of the World. As usual a mix of good old fasion horror, murder and mayhem

  • von John Knight
    20,00 €

    Street Fighting Man' is the 7th novel in the 1960s Jimmy Mack series and the second novel in the 1968 trilogy. The 1968 trilogy follows the 1967 trilogy. 'Alice', a parallel story, is also part of the series. The series follows the rise of James 'Mack' MacKinnon, a young Mod, to top London fashion photographer. Mack shares his love with three young women who live with him in Chelsea. Effy is his fiancée, and she has succeeded as a fashion designer. Angie and Joy are fashion models. The three young women are close friends as well as his lovers. This three-way romance challenges the conventional boy-girl, man-woman romances. The Jimmy Mack series celebrates the swinging Sixties, with a detailed look at life in 1960s Britain. Set in the fashion industry of the time, it explores the impact that it had on life. Multi-faceted themes explore societal change, politics, the power of the establishment, the class divide, the sexual revolution, religion, crime, and much more through an existentialist eye. As in all the previous novels, there is a soundtrack. Each chapter is prefaced with a recording that lends itself thematically to the written words and acts as a backdrop to the content.

  • von J A Peto
    18,00 €

    The ninth book by J A Peto explores different subject including Art, Space Travel, Physical Fitness, Environmental Issues and Romance and Sex. As always there is an under current of Science Fiction and/or Horror. Some are sad, some happy and some just plain weird, but there is always something for everyone. Can be read cover to cover or in any order. Can be read in one go or picked up and put down, it's up to you.

  • von J A Peto
    20,00 €

    The third set of Horror stories by Julie Peto. Featuring idyllic islands, holidays, Tarot Cards, and moreThe island was to be our new home, away from the trials of civilisation. To be truthful, Jessie and I had both shared a sense of excitement in the beginning. Being told in our normal bedrooms, in a relatively normal house, that we would be giving up all ties to live on a desert island seemed too surreal and unbelievable to conjure any doubts for us.

  • von E. L. Hicks
    21,00 €

    Locked up in a mental facility for the umpteenth time, eighteen-year-old Blaire executes her escape plan, jumping over the wall in the darkness of night. She discovers a beautiful place, empty and isolated - just like her. She meets a strange boy who doesn't seem afraid of her. He doesn't treat her like a wild animal like everybody else does. While navigating this new double life, Blaire battles between feelings of abandonment from her parents, confusing lust for her young psychiatrist, who seems a bit too keen to have a private session with her, and keeping her new secret from her best friend in the facility. But above all this, Blaire is being pulled by her growing curiosity towards Chet, the stranger from the field. Why does he feel safe? Why is he not scared of her? How can a stranger be the only one to make her feel like she's not destined for destruction? Mum says don't trust strangers, trust those you know. But who can really be trusted, the people who are meant to be looking after her or the stranger she's falling for? With her discharge day fast approaching, things just might be about to get a whole lot worse for Blaire.

  • von J A Peto
    20,00 €

    The eighth set of short Horror and Science Fiction stories contains tales of Stoned ants, A Tattoo machine with a mind of its own, A modern computerised home, Lions, Elephants (although not actually) statues an the horror of the Job Club.Although many themes are visited in other books, these are all new stories with even a homage to the old fashioned text adventure. Some very short, some slightly longer, read from cover to cover or have a dip.

  • von Margaret Gumble
    28,00 €

    This novel starts in the late 17 hundred's; it follows the lives of one barge family. Bill Verne rules his boys in the manner of the time with a horsewhip. One night he is taken by a press gang. His wife, Flo, is strong-willed, determined to keep her children and the business safe. She makes a bold decision to run the business herself. There are many dangers ahead for the female barge operator. Her children don't make life easy for her as they grow.

  • von Margaret Gumble
    23,00 €

    Ruth has lived a life no one would envy. Abuse at the hands of those who should have cherished her. Horrific acts of violence lead to her life spiralling out of control and on a path of self destruction. Forced by circumstances and trapped by the most sadistic man in London. She discovers by chance her daughter is being used to make porn films and dashes to save her. The consequences are horrific. Ruth reaps murderous revenge.

  • von Margaret Gumble
    24,00 €

    John Verne and his sister Molly grew up in the confines of a barge, but their upbringing was definitely not the same. Their Mother, Martha, gave all her heart to her husband, Joe and held little affection for her children. When she attempted to dominate and control John, he retaliated with a burning contempt. John became openly sexually active at ten years old. When Ainsley got into John's bed, John discovered a side of life that didn't include women. Their affair lasted beyond childhood. John grew into a highly intelligent, strong-minded man. He travelled the globe with a dream to build an exclusive place where homosexuals could be themselves away from belligerent eyes. Using his acquired wealth, PARADISE VALLEY was born.

  • von Margaret Gumble
    28,00 €

    Set against the backdrop of the aftermath of World War I.'Molly Verne has a dogged determination and a steadfast desire to have a life beyond her mother's unrelenting criticisms and the harsh reality of a world filled with brutality, lies, deception and crushing poverty. Molly and countless others of a 'lesser class' are nothing more than prey to deviants who roam society in search of their next victim. Molly protects her young brother from parental abuse and finds the courage to change her and John's life for the better.

  • von Margaret Gumble
    31,00 €

    Annie Verne, a widow, is left with six children to support the family's only income from her late husband's barge business. The barge is fraudulently claimed by Annie's cousin, who almost leaves them destitute and homeless. Her eldest daughter Sally takes on the family's role as provider and mainstay by operating the barge in a male-dominated business. No one expected a slip of a girl to run the business herself. When it became evident this was her intention. Sally faced; threats, vile insults, and harassment. Thirteen-year-old Sally is made of sterner stuff and leaves them in doubt that she's there to stay.

  • von Ricky James Rogers
    20,00 €

    At the other end of town, a new drag queen cabaret bar has opened. Filled with beautiful gay men, special guest stars, and drag queens galore, the place is heaving from corner to corset.But when the past comes haunting, when a stranger sits and waits, and when a person disappears, what evil is lurking in the wings this time?And as the winds of change blow through and the darkness slowly falls, who will be spared, who will abandon all hope, and who will be crowned the queen of broken hearts?Stick or twist? You lose! Now prepare to be dragged to your hell.

  • von Ginny And Peter Hajdukiewicz
    30,00 €

    Ginny Hajdukiewicz was not the stereotypical girl whose enthusiasm for horses waned after a few years. At twenty-three she had achieved her ambition to have her own riding centre, and in 1982 she moved to Wales with her 'misfit' horses and set up a trekking centre.Always deeply concerned regarding the welfare of horses and ponies, and distraught at the treatment of the 'wild' ponies that were sold at market, in 1985 she formed The Lluest Horse and Pony Trust.Ginny often wrote about her life and work - sometimes on scraps of paper. Her lively accounts collected here feature not only her horses and ponies, but also her beloved dogs, cats, chickens and even Herbie the crow. And, of course, they include many of the people she met over her short life, which she sadly lost to cancer when she was only thirty-eight.Have the box of tissues at the ready, and prepare to both laugh and cry as you read.Ginny would be proud that the Trust continues its work, rescuing and rehabilitating horses, ponies and donkeys. The proceeds from this book will go to the Trust, as she would have wished.Collected and edited, and with an introduction and additional material, by Barbara Metcalfe & Stella Gratrix.

  • von Phil Parker
    18,00 €

    Girl with Fan' is the first collection of short stories by Phil Parker. Ranging in focus from the dying days of Roman rule in Britain, via 14th century Norfolk after the Black Death, 19th century artistic Paris and turn of the 20th century Russia, to the Britain of today, these stories explore themes of identity, memory, shame, gender conflict, creativity, faith and the inescapable force, both for good and ill, of love. It is divided into three sections: 'The Self and Others'; 'The Arts Pages'; 'Amor Vicit Omnia - mostly...'. Among the stories in this collection, 'Girl with Fan' is a fictional take on the back story behind a sequence of paintings by Renoir, as told from the perspective of Alphonsine Fournaise, the sitter. The constraints of growing up in a small Norfolk village are explored in the prize-winning story 'Ayesha'. In 'Interludes' a chance encounter on a train journey leads David to review his past, while making a shocking discovery about the present. A daughter discovers animal corpses in her ageing mother's freezer in 'In the Deep Freeze'. In 'Remember Me' a gentleman's companion helps his actor lover to stage one final performance. The collection concludes with 'The Night Shift', in which a newly-married couple argue about what to wear on their wedding night.

    19,00 €

    The time of ascension is upon us, portholes are activating around the planet and in the either, learn to access your light body to evolve, metamorphosis, transcend to ascend, after your daily disciplines are in place of meditation, strict plant diet, and other energy flow arts and disciplines, you need to raise the human avatar biological bodies vibration so it can conduct and hold higher electrical circuitry, to access your Merkaba field, so your can aline your frequencies to the natural star gates frequencies, and you need to know how your Merkaba field works and the star gates fields, to access them, travel through them, and where to go what destiny and experience you wish to choose, all is possible, namaste.

  • von B S Bhamra
    18,00 €

    THIS SPIRIT FIVE STORY dark rain by b s Bhamra is one of my better story's in the spirit five collection the ideas for this story same to me as i wrote although i had the idea s before i wrote it in a few places the dark rain is simple the stories title and it is mentioned through out the stories as the characters Oxbridge gets a mention and my new super villain is the so called bank manager who is also the look alike our hero Lucy in the SPIRIT FIVE team as for this so called super villain he who is really a she is called the die crow seventy this make was going to be a character in another novel that i was going to write i was going to her as a super villain small character a hit man instead i put that idea a side and decided to put the character in to my spirit five collection of bad guys. as for the stories same scenario Benjamin and Lucy with the hitman and the oxygen battling it out for the future of the planet earth. they always seem to lose for some reason ha ha.

    32,00 €

    This book discusses a Star seeds deciphering of information & Consciousness Awakening on Planet Gaia, an introduction to your Pineal Gland activated by your Kundalini energy system, and how to fully activate your Pineal Gland Chakra Antennas. Also discussed is the Heart the beginning of Life & the link between the Heart & Geometries, & the Scientific Process of Cellular Transmutation of the natural biological Star Gate Passage of Ascension via Celestalline Light Waves. Also discussed is manifesting control of the mind by creating a bridge between the Conscious & Subconscious mind, & the science of the geometric structure of the super advanced biotechnology of DNA & the Blueprint Design of the Angelic Human & its symbiotic relationship to the essence of Spirit & the Merkaba light body. Also discussed is the Psychic child's connection to their Star family & downloaded data they receive, & the evolution of humanity.

  • von Graham Hofmann
    27,00 €

    After having a house as a holiday escape for many years, Graham eventually moved from his native Yorkshire, England, to Umbria, the Green Heart of Italy, in 2015. He knew, with absolute certainty, that he had fallen in love with this boot shaped country. Alongside the personal tale of his life in Umbria, told with light-hearted humour, Graham also digs into what makes Italy, Italia. He questions the truth of some stereotypes, whilst finding ample evidence to support many. Cultural attitudes and behaviours are unpicked, the politics of Italy explained. An attempt is even made to wade through a bewildering bureaucracy that often leaves him completely baffled. And a taste is given of what it's like to live in a country where the ground literally moves beneath your feet.Graham asks questions that many tourists never think to ask, opening doors that they never think to look behind. He also uncovers Italy's darker side, delving into its bloated criminal underbelly - the mafia. Italy Unpacked and Unwrapped takes you way beyond the experiences of a tourist and part time visitor. Inevitably the book has its serious moments. Graham moved to live in Italy before Brexit, Trump and the general rise of nationalism. What appeared to be rational politics completely sent tumbling out of balance. And then, the totally unexpected and unpredictable happened, a worldwide pandemic in the form of Covid-19.Graham continues to be intoxicated by this Mediterranean country. As for La Dolce Vita, is it a reality or a dream? The telling of his life in Italy is told with amusing detail, with just the occasional moment of genuine sadness. At times his analysis of the country and its people, verging on the forensic. Follow his journey, you could be surprised by what you discover.

    23,00 €

    This book discusses the Intentional Orchestrated Mass Invasion of Foreign Enemy Combative Violent Fear Dubh Rapist Fighting aged Migrant Men from War Zones into Irish Communities, by the corrupt Criminal Enemy Irish Ministers working for the EU, UN, WEF, Illuminati & Anunnaki Hidden Hand Elites. That are Intentionally flooding extremely Violent Terrorist Fear Dubh Rapists into Europe & Ireland to Purposely Mentally & Physically Scar & Break the Will & Spirit of the Native populations. With Preplanned funding for Rape Crisis Centres all in place to prepare for the Rape Pandemic that they have Planned to Destroy Local Communities. Also discussed is the civil discord in communities across Ireland, with protests by women, parents, and their whole communities standing up in peaceful protests against the illegal mass invasion of violent combatant foreign migrant men that are raping women in their communities, and harassing, and attacking all citizens on the streets in their locale communities. Also discussed is the Weapon of Rape used as Programming & Indoctrination, & the effects of Rape Trauma Syndrome & PTSD & how to overcome trauma to start the healing processes. With Self Defense Strike Techniques of Dim Mak Death Touch Martial Arts, for Women & Teenagers being Targeted, Stalked, Accosted & Attacked by Aggressive Violent Fear Dubh Migrant Rapists. Also a range of legal weapons that can be used for Personal Protection.

  • von Sally Ann East
    18,00 €

    A little girl wants a pet, but nothing fluffy. What does she get, and what happens when the family go on a journey and she smuggles it along?

  • von Margaret Gumble
    31,00 €

    Carla's lower leg had to be amputated due to an accident. Her dreams of being a prima ballerina crashed; all she had to cling to was the love of her ambitious dancing partner, Eric. Carla's misery was compounded when Eric announced he had no use for a cripple and walked out of her life. Although fitted with a prosthetic limb, Carla is determined to return to the spotlight again.

  • von Paul Bristow
    20,00 €

    1969/70. Peter Toms comes to Cambridge to study archaeology at Radnor College. The experience of his first year is like that of so many freshers - an eventful social life running in parallel with a demanding programme of study. But developments in the wider world make their mark in Cambridge as well. The colonels' junta ruling Greece seeks to improve its image across Europe by PR campaigns, and this includes a "Greek Week" in Cambridge in February 1970. Student protests against the campaign reach boiling-point in the so-called "Garden House Riot". Among the students arrested and later put on trial is one of Toms' college friends. At the end of the academic year, Michael Rubiner, Professor of Archaeology, arranges an excavation of the Iron Age hill-fort at Wooderidge, on Salisbury Plain. Deputy director of the dig is Dr Helmut Raabe, an archaeologist based at the University of Maiblingen in Germany. Toms volunteers to take part, along with ten other students. It is Raabe who guides the team's efforts towards unearthing evidence of the hill-fort's original purpose. Raabe has a hidden interest in the much more recent history of the site, and its secret use by the military at the end of the Second World War. His ultimate allegiance is to his paymasters in the East German Ministry for State Security. Past and present collide as the dig becomes a nightmare. Wooderidge's nickname - Madman's Hill - proves all too true. None of those involved in the excavation will escape its malign influence

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