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  • von B S Bhamra
    25,00 €


  • von Elizabeth Major
    20,00 €

    Following on from Mystica, Making Waves and Seeking Rainbows, this sequel is again set at an unspecified time in the future, after a series of catastrophic happenings which led to a corrupt and cruel governing administration.

  • von Nigel Plane
    33,00 €

  • von John Gradwell
    24,00 €

    A slayer is on the loose and, in typical fashion, comedian Frankie Funnybone has blundered into the killer's sights. It is 1956 and Frankie's stellar career has hit the skids since we last encountered him five years before. The 41-year-old comic has resigned himself to an uneventful summer of shows at the end of the pier in Mellish, a rundown seaside resort on the Lancashire coast. But how wrong can you be! After narrowly escaping becoming the the fiendish Crossword Killer's third victim, Frankie realises the key to the mystery lies in what happened during the war to his cousin's husband Joe Trueman, who is leading the murder inquiry. Will Frankie survive to bring the curtain down on the killer's reign of terror? Or will he die on stage for the very last time?

  • von Margaret Gumble
    26,00 €

    Hordes of children abandoned or separated from their families lived in the forests. Some of these "wolf children" survived, wandering from one town to the next. Germany's many orphans and displaced children battled to survive. This novel follows a group of four German youngsters and shows how the Soviet occupation shaped their personalities. These children overcame horrors no child should endure.

  • von Lorraine O'Byrne
    20,00 €

    "Escaping the Prince" is a charmingly romantic and quirky adventure for young readers of eight onward. It does not follow the conventional route of the romantic tales that we are all familiar with such as Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty etc.

  • von Mathew Taylor
    20,00 €

    Have you ever wondered how jokes work? This book takes apart more than 150 of them, to help you write jokes of your own. And if you don't want to do that, you can just enjoy the jokes. And if you don't enjoy the jokes, give this book as a present to someone you don't like.

  • von Lorraine O'Byrne
    18,00 €

    A story about love, friendship and forgiveness. Meet Seamus the duck, Marty Mouse, Owen and his friend Lilly and many others. This book is sure to delight children of all ages who love nature and animals. Set in the beautiful picturesque Lough Gur, a rural townland in the Irish countryside, Belle the youngest of the swans sits on her eggs out on the lake waiting for her new cygnets to arrive. The story begins with a great hullabaloo as Raymond the rat is caught stealing one of Belle's eggs. Raymond is banished from the lake for his terrible deed and is warned never to return. Meanwhile, the eggs hatch and much to everyone's excitement Poppy is born, along with her two brothers. Unlike her big strong siblings, Poppy emerges from her egg, tiny and very weak. As the days pass, Poppy becomes more afraid of the water and cannot swim. One day a terrible squall erupts upon the lake of Lough Gur. All the swans and ducks scatter to the bank for safety. All except one.Poppy is trapped on a floating plank of timber. Afraid of the icy water and too scared to swim. She calls out in panic but no one can hear her. Time passes and the storm dies down. All the animals return to the water. Belle calls out Poppy's name but after endless hours of searching cannot find her anywhere...

  • von Jay Brett
    19,00 €

    Jay Brett is a transgender woman, who was born in the late 1940's. A very different time to today. She has spent her lifetime trying to understand her issues and this book describes that journey and a twisting and convoluted journey it has been.The book explores the knowledge distilled from her own experiences and the experiences of many others. The book provides valuable insights into transgender issues for; transgender people (more specifically transgender women), friends and family of transgender children, people who may come into contact with transgender people such as; teachers, medical professionals, policy makers, employers, etc. and general members of the public.The aim of this book is to give a balanced insight into transgender issues and to give an informed understanding of the lives and issues around being transgender and is presented as a personal account of one transgender life.

  • von Simon Mapp
    28,00 €

    Delve into a poignant collection of short stories that explore the enduring human themes of aging, loss, nostalgia, and love. Each tale is a delicate weave of emotion and insight, inviting readers to confront the fragility and resilience that define our existence. Journey through a series of lifetimes, each flickering like a brief candle, illuminating the beautiful, often heartbreaking moments that give life its deepest significance. A compelling read that will touch your heart and stir your soul, "Brief Candle" captures the essence of what it means to be human-in all its fleeting glory.

  • von Lorraine Barry
    20,00 €

    KATE THOUGHT SHE would do anything to escape the tedium of her job as a primary schoolteacher in the sleepy Irish village of Ballyvaughan. At thirty-two years old, she has never been daring or seen the world. Her evenings usually begin and end in pyjamas and fluffy slippers with a mug of tea nearby, her faithful dog Bobby her only companion. When the opportunity to teach abroad for six months in the wilds of Kenya presents itself, Kate leaps at the chance, thinking at least she deserves a vacation. Soon Kate and her best friend Suzy are riding down a dusty Kenyan road, making their way toward Kate's new assignment. Upon their arrival, Kate meets the headmaster of her new school, Jack, and slowly, an attraction builds between them. Kate has found what she's looking for the majestic beauty of a foreign land and the allure of a whirling romance. Her boring evenings at home seem light years away. But when Suzy is called home unexpectedly, what began as a fun, carefree adventure takes a dangerous and deadly turn. The local Hun Goon tribe dislikes the foreign influence of the Ramduru settlers, of which Kate is now a member. They will do anything to rid their land of unwanted guests-including employing the ancient dark arts of voodoo to crush anyone in their way. Thrilling and engrossing, The Wrath of Voodoo explores Kate's descent into the heart of darkness, and her desperate attempt to escape it with her life.

  • von Sydney Walter Handy
    15,00 €

    This is the story of the life and times of a remarkable man who,from small begginings aspired to many successes . Throughout his long and productive life he was became an entrepeneur,a seller of farm produce, an egg distributer, a factory sagger maker. an insurance broker, a farmer and landowner to mention but a few of his acheivments None of these things came easy, and everything he had and has was as a result of hard work and sound jugdement. In his late years he has overcome severe illness, and at the time of this book being published, he continues to work on his farm every day and has recently celebrated his 93rd Birhday.

  • von Ricky James Rogers
    22,00 €

    Fresh to the gay scene, Oliver Edwards arrives in town searching for a new life. Perhaps here in this dazzling new place he will find himself, his happiness, maybe even love. But behind every shining light is energy powerful enough to kill; behind every costume is a charlatan with a scheme; and in Divas Cabaret Bar, the town's brightest drag queen venue, it's not just those on stage who are wearing masks. Watch your back, sharpen your mind, dust away your paranoia. Everyone at Divas has something to hide, but what happens when the makeup washes off, the truth comes tumbling out, and the only thing left is cold, harsh reality? Welcome to the darkness.Your secrets are safe... for now.

  • von Colin Cossor
    19,00 - 20,00 €

  • von Ken Jones
    23,00 €

    Armed criminals are hard. Well, not always. When stolen money goes missing three men attempt to balance their lives - mixing humour, a contemplation of suicide, and a desire for a better life with the all-consuming chase to recover the money.Follow the Money is a novel which explores working-class masculinity, the bonds and fallouts of male friendships, and the conflict between greed and family life, as the characters attempt to leave their criminal pasts behind them. Using many of the tropes of crime fiction and 'the buddy story,' the novel is both funny and poignant as the characters struggle to avoid their inevitable fates. Each of the men are brutalised and troubled in their own way, but they also know their salvation rests in traditional family life. They may behave like criminals, but at heart they long for loving family support. They admire women who offer them this, and the strength of the woman in the novel is keenly juxtaposed with masculine fragility. Each character offers their own complexities. HARRISON, an aspiring actor, wants revenge. His security guard father was injured during a bank robbery led by the crime boss, SONNY MCGUIRE. Harrison wheedles his way into the McGuire family, hooking up with Sonny's daughter, RACHEL, who has spent some of the stolen money entrusted to her by her imprisoned father. Harrison offers her a way out of her dilemma as her father's release date looms. He fakes a house robbery, taking what remains of the money, planning to return it later. Harrison buries the money in the woods, but he has an eerie sense that he is being watched. In the morning the money is gone.While Sonny is in prison, his wife, CHERYL, has been having an affair with another member of the robbery gang, GABRIEL. Now Sonny is home she must decide between them. She chooses Gabriel, but everyone's life changes for the worse when NIGEL, the psychopath who shared Sonny's cell, turns up unannounced. Suddenly, too many want a share of the money; Gabriel, Sonny, and the scary Nigel. The hapless Harrison has tracked the re-stolen money to an art gallery in Chester. What he discovers there will shock all of them - the fifty-pound bank notes have been withdrawn from circulation and are worthless. He returns to the McGuire house, intending to tell Sonny, where he is confronted by chaos. Nigel is wielding a gun and demanding all the money but Sonny has other plans. Gabriel realises he is in too deep. He wants a better life. He wants out.The novel conclusion offers different endings for each character. Sonny ends up dead, but he leaves behind a surprising legacy for each of his co-thieves and family members. The psychopathic Nigel walks away with nothing. Gabriel, after the death of his daughter and being dumped by Cheryl, is sectioned into a mental institution. While Harrison receives an offer from Hollywood, making the journey alone.The novel offers an intense exploration of family, friendship, and criminality, as the three men struggle against their working-class identity. Sonny can't escape from the despair of his suicide attempt in prison, Nigel has been brutalised by his criminal lifestyle. Gabriel wants a loving relationship with Cheryl and a stable family life, and Harrison, an unwitting member of the crime family, dreams of an acting career in the spotlight. The novel asks whether escape is possible for any of them. The money, the one thing they have all been striving for, may be safely within their grasp, but in finally getting it, they all lose something more important.

  • von A P Wolf
    21,00 €

    The Queen of Heaven is extraordinarily difficult to find anywhere in history, but miraculously she is still there. As in the Old Testament where the women of the ancient Jewish settlement on Elephantine island in southern Egypt defended their worship of the Queen of Heaven, when they were dramatically confronted by the exiled prophet Jeremiah, for worshipping 'false' gods in the 6th century BCE. (Jeremiah 45:15-21). Who was this ancient 'Queen of Heaven' resident at this remote outpost of the Jewish faith in Elephantine? In this case, it was the goddess 'Anat', who shared the same Jewish temple as Yahweh. Anat was considered his equal - when not superior - by the Jewish worshippers who offered incense and other offerings to both, which they had been doing for over 200 years in peaceful harmony. Compelling links between ancient Egyptian sources and the Old Testament demonstrate that much of what we read in Genesis and Exodus today has been simply 'pasted and copied' from ancient Egyptian texts and legends. Including the 'Ten Commandments' which were - almost word for word - written down in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and known as the 'Declarations of Innocence', many thousands of years before the time of Moses and the Exodus, and then later copied onto the walls of Edfu temple. It is at this very same Edfu temple - where the Jewish mercenaries were often garrisoned - we find astonishing similarities between the festival of the 'Jewish Passover' and the Egyptian 'Festival of the Beautiful Reunion' where the goddess Hathor was reunited with her consort. We also follow some of the most powerful kings of the region whose devotion to Anat - their Queen of Heaven - was so intense that in response to hostile acts directed against her temples or sanctuaries, they and their massive armies trekked thousands of miles across hostile territory to destroy or subjugate those responsible, and then reinstall their beloved Queen, Anat, on the throne of Heaven.

  • von Benjamin Benson Singh Bhamra
    21,00 €

    This is the second part of os5 grind syndicate it is the sequel. The story begins as Benjamin awakes from a deep sleep only to find himself stuck in an experiment. according to his team of scientists he holds the keys of the future within his mind. Lucy is running the experiment and needs to uses Benjamin as they go on the run an adventure with action.

  • von Kitty Cooper
    26,00 €

    Blue Spark is a science fiction murder mystery set in a different galaxy to our own. The story surrounds the death of a doctor from the planet Detharin. Despite being on leave, Blue Guardian Pilih Eipo is sent to investigate when his superior is taken ill. A week later, his sister contacts the guardians stating he has disappeared. The official line is that he cannot be declared missing until he fails to return to work, so two of his friends apply to investigate his disappearance. They are also refused permission to follow it up, so investigate in their own time. When the fourth member of their friendship group arrives home from space duty, he takes over but is only given two weeks to work on the case. So begins the story in two parts. Luapp Nostowe visits the crime scene and then goes to Detharin. With a series of local guardians as guides, he travels to different planets searching for the reason why someone would kill a retired doctor in ill health, and what led to Pilih disappearing. Meanwhile, Pilih wakes up in an undersea dome with no memory of how he got there. When a young woman enters his room, he recognises her as Laleena, the daughter of Charis Bassalli. As he keeps passing out, he remains in the room for the rest of the day. The next day he meets Charis Bassalli who states she brought him to the dome to find out how her daughter escaped, and to prevent her from doing so again. She warns him not to try and escape as there are robotic fish outside who will attack and robotic servers inside who will prevent him from leaving. Pilih is furious about the situation but starts work on the task. While going through various programmes on the computer he discovers the dome is rigged to explode in seventeen days. In the final chapters, Luapp and Pilih finally make telepathic contact when Luapp arrives on the same planet Pilih. Then they work on a plan to get everyone out alive.

  • von S. Green
    31,00 €

    This is a book about you, your relationships, animals and your connection to Pluto. This supposed new planet has more information about you than you think. It has a direct connection to animals which is influencing how we live our lives. Using Chaldean numerology and simple astrology, you will see how your life is pre determined. We shall see how animal cruelty is the main reason why we experience difficulty on earth. This book is an absolute must for anyone who wishes to smash through the barrier of the matrix and live in peace with God, our family and self. Living a cruelty free life is the only way to obtain abundance and love. This book will show you how to find peace in a world that can support you.

  • von Brenda Guiton
    25,00 €

    No ordinary affair. This streamlined new edition of Taking Chances is an action-packed story of infidelity and its shocking repercussions. A stroke of good fortune sees Mike Braedon become a wealthy man overnight. With a future full of promise, he realises his dreams and buys a country manor in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. His wife, a born and bred city girl, has reservations about moving to somewhere as remote as Ascombe. Leaving her hectic lifestyle behind, how will she adjust to a quiet life in the village, no matter how idyllic? Emma, owner of the local gift shop, is a beautiful divorcee who only embarks on safe, casual relationships. When Leo, a dark and brooding playwright, arrives on the scene it seems he has other ideas and escaping his clutches proves harder than she imagined. A chance encounter with Mike Braedon opens the door to temptation. Drawn together by unexpected circumstances, the story moves to Cyprus where they plunge headlong into a passionate affair. Neither is aware of the danger lying in wait back home. A romantic suspense, that culminates in a dramatic finale, leaving the residents of Ascombe reeling with shock.

  • von B S Bhamra
    19,00 €

    as for the story it has been totally made up form scratch its a new idea with Lucy and benjmain totally not knowing what is going on in their life until Benjamin blows his cover after being watched by Lucy who blows her cover a few weeks earlier two cops on the same case getting in the way of each other one disguised as a tramp and well she s a cop. with a little bit of action and romance as they solve the case and bring the bad guys down.

  • von B S Bhamra
    15,00 €

    the play was a good idea it ahs three main characters Lucy Benjamin Dan and a narrator the story is about love it is a love story a play it continues with Benjamin and his best friends Dan who in secret friends Benjamin s girl Lucy who really wants to see the truth in Benjamin as a person as she is thinking about their long term partnership and want to know if his heart is in the right glance before he proposes to her Dan slowly falls for being the fall guy in the first place Lucy knew that they would be calling as they both look the together way leaving Benjamin to figure out what all the controversy is about.

  • - Into the North
    von Rachel E Garcia
    23,00 €

    Into the North: a tale of two peaks, two teams and two tragedies. In an effort to close the fissure, a hideous gaping maw spewing mana wasted demons and fae onto Illthdar's shores, venin, Lerki of Goldbirch has been dispatched to the Northern Mountains to collect deadly boreal poison. His team consists of Tundra, a cryomancer, Nyima, an ice elemental, and Zercey, a part-venin. With surprise attacks, sub-zero temperatures and relationship pitfalls, Lerki will need more than the luck from his tree for everyone to make it there and back in one piece. Meanwhile, Lerki's other teammate, Date Toshiiro, has been "invited" back to his estranged home on Mt Takao. At the behest of his father, Lord Naigubu, and brother, Nobumasa, he goes, taking the remainder of his team, Seth Storm-Bringer and Inari, and from Zercey and Nyima's team: Vyxen Allaway, Scyanatha Dubhgeleach and Sozo Abaddon. Date will have to navigate political intrigue, family backstabbing and a heartbreaking history if he and his friends wish to make it off the mountain.

  • - A Journey towards Reconciliation'
    von Martha Ashwell
    18,00 €

    The early 1940s in Manchester. Martha was the second eldest in a family of four children, all born during the war; a time when rules and boundaries were set aside for who knew what tomorrow might bring. Her childhood was deeply affected by a family secret and the existing tensions around an unhappy marriage. Something was not right; she knew it from an early age but how could she discover the truth? Set in the context of Martha's young life; the teenage years, the dancing, the music and the special friendships, she seeks personal fulfilment and embarks on a course of study. Away from home, she views her situation more objectively. When first revealed, the secret leads to despair rather than resolution and Martha faces some painful issues in her life; mental illness, bereavement, loss of chosen career and, above all, her changed relationship with her much-loved mother.The story analyses the emotional impact of the secret on Martha and other family members and searches for understanding and forgiveness. It seeks reconciliation for the living and for those beyond the grave. As a trained counsellor, Martha writes about the process of counselling; how the counselling relationship, self-knowledge and determination can restore and empower. This is a story of searching and discovery over many years. The structure of the story is clear and progressive taking the reader through the working process of understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. The book ends on a very positive note. Martha knows there are no definitive answers to the challengers we face. Peace, she believes, can only be achieved by knowing that one has done all that is humanly possible to resolve them.

  • von B S Bhamra
    18,00 €

    This great story is a creation of mine my many years ago I believe that I created it a long time ago way back in the end of the ninety's the idea came a English essay for my English lesson the character the dark horse was just a picture then I had no idea of what I was going to write about. on this occasion I have invited my two character Lucy and Benjamin in to the story in my first attempt to create the Dark horse it was just the Dark horse nothing else, This is my second version part two the same idea different story. with a few added extras the raven and its new attitude. in the end all is well.

  • von Nathan McGrath
    21,00 €

    In a world where Magic is terrorism, the last surviving vampires search for the most powerful book of spells ever written. But only two sorcerers can uncover its location. Problem is, Lizzy and Chris have no idea of what they can do, or where the other person is - But the Vampires do.Lizzy just escaped prison and knows she is fated to die within weeks. As for Chris, well he barely has a handle on his powers. His mind is set on getting rich and living the high life.

  • von Benson Singh Bhamra
    17,00 €

    THIS IS SPIRIT FIVE PART FIVE. Benjamin with Lucy are visiting the planet earth again still trying to put the humans inhabitants distruction of the planet earth back in order. benjmain has just settled in only to be settled out. due to the disapprovel of his councillors way back on his planet.

    19,00 €

    This book discusses humanities goal to achieve, also the Aldazani advanced human race in higher dimensions using negative ETs for soul harvesting & running the world. Discussed are the Demonic Dragon families, the Annunaki, Marduk-Satan, Enili-Yahweh, Enki-Lucifer, the Archons & Jinn, also the ET Elites two Covens obsessed with world domination. Also discussed is the twelfth dimension Universal Council that has a manifested Ambassador on Earth to help remove tyrannical forces of darkness from the planet, the Ambassadors missions, discussed are the two Covens, the Hall of Records, the Covenant of Neferitti & Solomon & The Souls DNA Source Code. As well as the new official world military called life enforcement with programs to aid & better humanity, the orchestrated fake scam pandemic release of biological weapon viruses, for negative forces being locked out of the megatron black mirrors system, diminishing the Archon Entities manifested life span. Info on the Dark Universe that's connected to earth by the megatron ethereal field & black mirrors technology allowing the dark prince to dominate earth on behalf of the dark universe that wish to control & dominate the whole multiverse & info on the dark universes manifested creation the science behind its creation, and the understanding of the nature of darkness in this duality reality. Also discussed is The Scaffolding of Life & an introduction to the DNA Blueprint of instructions to grow a light body, & the truth behind Alchemy the connection to DIVOC meaning in Hebrew possession by an evil spirit, reversed meaning Covid, also touched on are the Elite Occult & Predatorial Parasitism.

    20,00 €

    The Biology and Chemistry Fraud Exposed & The Truth of Bacteria and Viruses and Alkalised Healing Of The Biological Avatar Body, meaning the Fall of the Pharmaceutical Industry, the whole Medical Basis of Teaching Standard Will Collapse as well as all Universities and Education Systems. Also information of the introduction to grow your eternal light body via your schematic blueprint instructions in your DNA and general information on physical and mental well being to run at your biological and chemical and electrical optimal levels to access your eternal light body and then able to access the hyper-dimensional matrix of creation in its entirety all dimensions of The Brahman, The Whole, The Creation and the eternal realms the kingdom of light that resides outside time and space by lovelifelee.

  • von Neil Graham Walton
    13,98 €

    Frupp and Riley's Splendiferous Week is set on a village allotment in rural Englend, where Riley discovers some new friends. He gets quite a shock when hemeets Frupp for the first time,as he isn't human, animal or an alien.Frupp's friends are a ilttle on the odd side too. The books charts the last seven days of Riley's summer holiday, during the hottest summer in 'Windowsill Ledge'.There are thrills and spills, a touch of sadness, and a lot of fun and laughter. But, overall it was a splendiferous week.

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