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Bücher veröffentlicht von Firdaws Academy Press

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    17,00 €

    This book is the wish of Härat Shaykh Maul¿na Zakariyyah ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ coming to fruition. It was fulfilled by one of his close associates and disciples ¿ärat S¿fi Müammad Iqb¿l ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿, who was requested to abridge Mulla ¿Ali Q¿ri's ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿izbul A¿zam, which unfortunately few people read today due to the length of the original compilation. ¿ärat Shaykh desired that Muslims, especially the people actively involved in deeni works such as those engaged in Tabligh or teaching in madrassahs to be able to spare time daily for du'¿.Rasulullah ¿ has mentioned that du'¿ is the "essence of worship" and encouraged it. He mentioned many virtues and etiquettes of du'¿.Rasulullah ¿ was himself described as one that was constantly in a state of du'¿. That is why we find in the ä¿d¿th collections a huge treasure of du'¿s that Rasulullah ¿ made himself, du'¿s that he taught to his nation or du'¿s narrated from his blessed companions who were blessed with the Prophet's ¿ companionship and who loved every sunnah of Rasulullah ¿.¿ärat S¿fi Iqb¿l has collected and arranged numerous du'¿s, which can be easily incorporated in our daily schedule.

  • von Abu Qasim Qazwini
    19,00 €

    The Branches of ¿m¿n is a translation of Mukhtäar Shübul ¿m¿n by Im¿m Qazw¿ni . It is an abridgement of the Branches of ¿m¿n by Im¿m Bayhaqi which in reality is a commentary of a single ¿ad¿th of Rasulull¿h ¿ in which he taught that "¿m¿n has sixty-odd, or seventy-odd branches, the highest and best of which is to declare that there is no one worthy of worship except All¿h, and the lowest of which is to remove something harmful from the path. And that modesty is a branch of ¿m¿n."Rasulullah ¿ captured and placed in the heart of his ummah the beauty of ¿m¿n. There are high branches and low branches. He mentioned three in the ¿ad¿th but indicated that there are many more.Im¿m Bayhaqi endeavoured to compile all the narrations related to ¿m¿n and its branches. This compilation reached six volumes and out of the grasp of the layman and more suited to the research scholars. Imam Qazw¿ni abridged the original into the short treatise before you which is accessible to all.When a Muslim strives to become a true and complete Mümin, then he must learn and recognise within himself the signs of ¿m¿n or the lack thereof. All¿h Tä¿la and his Messenger ¿ has told us these signs so we can struggle and pray that he blesses us with a perfect faith before we die.Branches of ¿m¿n is also a presentation of the fundamental beliefs of Isl¿m and can be utilised for teaching Aq¿da without resorting to historical polemical debates.Finally, Im¿m Qazw¿ni masterfully quotes from the greatest ¿¿li¿¿n of this ummah where required to show the spiritual significance of these branches.

    18,00 €

    Before you is a translation of Shaykh Qudd¿mi'sbooklet on the mas¿il of worship. He was an authorityon the ¿anbali madhhab at the end of the 19th andbeginning of the 20th century. He was a mufassir, amüaddith, a jurist and grammarian.In the Syrian print of this book, he is referred to as"the author of this book the renown virtuous teacher,Shaykh M¿sa Effendi Al-Qudd¿mi Al-Nabulsi AlHanbali…"The mas¿il in this book are presented in a simplelanguage and a question-and-answer format. This isan educational or teaching text and will greatlybenefit as a q¿¿ida or primer to other texts of the¿anbali madhhab such as Dal¿lut Talib or Z¿d ulMustaqni¿, InshaAll¿h.

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