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Bücher veröffentlicht von Fireship Press

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  • - A Tale of Ancient Egypt
    von George A Henty
    24,00 €

    With 40 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. The Cat of Bubastes is the earliest book in the Henty chronology. It is set in 1450 BC, about the midpoint of the reign of the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III. During this period, Egypt experienced unprecedented growth, with Thutmose leading his armies in no fewer than 17 military campaigns, from Syria in the north to Nubia in the south. Amuba is a young prince of a tribe called the Rebu. When his land is attacked by the Egyptians, he is captured and, along with his chariot driver Jethro, sent back to Egypt as slaves. Amuba is placed in service to Chebron, the son of the high priest. One day, by accident, Chebron kills the sacred cat of the City of Bubastes. The penalty for this act is death, which sets up a variety of harrowing adventures as they attempt to escape back to Amuba''s native land. Besides being a terrific adventure, Henty gives the reader an encyclopedic insight into the culture, religion, and everyday life of ancient Egypt. Henty''s History Series - Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

  • von Terry Mort
    19,00 €

    The best baseball novel of the season - ANY season. No fans are more perpetually disappointed than those of the Chicago Cubs-a team that has not won a World Series since 1908.  And chief among the forlorn is Jack Frost. From his assigned seat in the cafeteria at the Bide Awhile Rest Home, Jack reads the sports pages every day and checks out the standings.  In the middle of June, the Cubs are already thirteen and a half games out.  Last place again-or rather, still. Into this sea of depression drops one Clarence Beazely, a new resident at the home and a baseball fan.  But Beazely is not your everyday fan, nor is he your everyday rest home resident.  He has extraordinary powers, and in a very friendly way he offers Jack a tantalizing deal.  Of course it comes at a cost, but if the price seems a little steep, does it really matter as long as the Cubs might have a chance to be... WORLD CHAMPIONS? "Mort makes a fascinating read out of every subject he takes up." The Associated Press. "If one test of [Mort's] skill is to keep the reader turning pages after he guesses the ending, the acid test is to get a reader hooked even though he knows what happens before he opens the book. The Washington Times

  • - A Story Of The Days Of Nelson
    von George A Henty
    24,00 €

    With 78 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. Great Britain is an island nation, which means it is critical that it control the waters around it in order to keep invasions at bay. In the last book published before his death, George Henty takes us to several of the key sea battles of the Napoleonic Wars-battles that kept those kinds of sea-based invasions from happening. Will Gilmore is a young man from a small village called Scarcombe, a place whose primary industries are fishing and smuggling. Rather than pursue either career, he joins the Royal Navy as a ship''s boy. His rise in the navy begins rather quickly when he distinguishes himself in a battle against the French, and he is promoted to midshipman. This promotion begins a career which includes battles with pirates, being captured and escaping from the enemy no less than three times, and participation in both the Battle of Cape St. Vincent and the Battle of Camperdown. His final adventure involves him with none other than Admiral Horatio Nelson, where his resolve and persistence pay off. Henty''s History Series - Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

  • - A Story of 1812
    von Steven E. Maffeo
    24,00 €

    December 29, 1812 - The date of one of the most dramatic sea battles in naval history. HMS Java and the USS Constitution (the famous "Old Ironsides") face off in the War of 1812's most spectacular blue-water frigate action. Their separate stories begin in August 1812-one in England and the other in New England. Then, the tension and suspense rise, week-by-week, as the ships cruise the Atlantic, slowly and inevitably coming together for the final life-and-death climax. The Perfect Wreck is not only the first full-length book ever written about the battle between the USS Constitution and HMS Java, it is a gem of Creative Nonfiction. It has the exhaustive research of a scholarly history book; but it is beautifully presented in the form of a novel. "A highly recommended must-read for every naval enthusiast-indeed, for every American!" - Stephen Coonts - NY Times best-selling author

  • von Art McGrath
    22,00 €

  • von Thomas Hoover
    22,00 €

  • - Vol IV - Fiction - Ebers to Grant
    22,00 €

    A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the book's plot or content, and then decide. Each summary reads like a short story. The series will include: Fiction, Lives and Letters, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern History, Religion and Philosophy, Philosophy and Economics, Science, Travel and Adventure, and more. VOLUME IV - FICTION - Ebers to Grant EBERS, GEORG - An Egyptian Princess EDGEWORTH, MARIE - Belinda - Castle Rackrent ELIOT, GEORGE - Adam Bede - Felix Holt - Romola - Silas Marner - The Mill on the Floss ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN - Waterloo FEUILLET, OCTAVE - Romance of a Poor Young Man FIELDING, HENRY - Amelia - Jonathan Wild - Joseph Andrews - Tom Jones FLAMMARION, CAMILLE - Urania FOUQUE, DE LA MOTTE - Undine GABORIAU, EMILE - File No. 113 GALT, JOHN - Annals of the Parish GASKELL, MRS. - Cranford - Mary Barton GODWIN, WILLIAM - Caleb Williams GOETHE - Sorrows of Young Werther - Wilhelm Meister GOLDSMITH, OLIVER - Vicar of Wakefield GONCOURT, EDMOND AND JULES - Renee Mauperin GRANT, JAMES - Bothwell

  • - Vol VIII - Fiction - Scott to Zola
    22,00 €

  • - Vol VII - Fiction - Peacock to Scott
    22,00 €

  • - 100 Famous People Who Were Once Notable Athletes
    von Jr E.W. Smith
    20,00 €

    It has long been thought that there was a connection between athletics and success in later life. But nowhere is that connection brought home more dramatically than in this book. Presented are 100 people who were once notable athletes, and who went on to lead even more notable lives in fields as diverse as entertainment, politics, the military, and the arts. Everyone knows that Dwight David Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States; but did you know that he once tacked the legendary Jim Thorpe in a football game? Millions of people have laughed at the antics of the comedy team of Abbot and Costello; but did you know that the roly-poly Lou Costello was once a professional boxer? How about the famous General George S. Patton? Did you know he was in the 1912 Olympics? Or that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, was once a wrestling champion? Or that Robert Stack, before he became a famous actor, was a national champion competitive skeet shooter, with two world records to his name. Athletes Once is a fascinating glimpse into the lives of the rich and famous-before they became either.

  • - Vol VI - Fiction - LeFanu to Payn
    22,00 €

    A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the book''s plot or content, and then decide. Each summary reads like a short story. The series will include: Fiction, Lives and Letters, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern History, Religion and Philosophy, Philosophy and Economics, Science, Travel and Adventure, and more. VOLUME 6 - FICTION - Le Fanu to PaynLE FANU, SHERIDAN - Uncle Silas LESAGE, RENE - Gil Blas LEVER, CHARLES - Charles O''Malley - Tom Burke of Ours LEWIS, M.G. - Ambrosio, or the Monk LINTON, MRS. LYNN - Joshua Davidson LOVER, SAMUEL - Handy Andy LYTTON, EDWARD BULWER - Eugene Aram - Last Days of Pompeii - The Last of the Barons MACKENZIE, HENRY - Man of Feeling MAISTRE, COUNT XAVIER DE - A Journey Round my Room MALORY, SIR THOMAS - Morte d''Arthur MANNING, ANNE - Household of Sir Thomas More MANZONI, ALESSANDRO - The Betrothed MARRYAT, CAPT - Mr. Midshipman Easy - Peter Simple MATURIN, CHARLES - Melmoth the Wanderer MENDOZA, DIEGO DE - Lazarillo de Tonnes MEREJOWSKI, DMITRI - Death of the Gods MERIMEE, PROSPER - Carmen MITFORD, MARY RUSSELL - Our Village MOIR, DAVID - Mansie Wauch MORIER, JAMES - Hajji Baba MURRAY, DAVID CHRISTIE - Way of the World NORRIS, FRANK - The Pit OHNET, GEORGES - The Ironmaster OUIDA - Under Two Flags PAYN, JAMES - Lost Sir Massingberd

  • - Vol V - Fiction - Gray to Kingsley
    21,00 €

    A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the book''s plot or content, and then decide. Each summary reads like a short story. The series will include: Fiction, Lives and Letters, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern History, Religion and Philosophy, Philosophy and Economics, Science, Travel and Adventure, and more. VOLUME 5 - FICTION - Gray to KingsleyGRAY, MAXWELL - Silence of Dean Maitland GRIFFIN, GERALD - The Collegians HABBERTON, JOHN - Helen''s Babies HALEVY, LUDOVIC - Abbe Constantin HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - The Scarlet Letter - House of the Seven Gables HICHENS, ROBERT - The Garden of Allah HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - Elsie Venner HUGHES, THOMAS - Tom Brown''s Schooldays - Tom Brown at Oxford HUGO, VICTOR - Les Miserables - Notre Dame de Paris - The Toilers of the Sea - The Man Who Laughs INCHBALD, ELIZABETH - A Simple Story JAMES, G.P.R. - Henry Masterton JOHNSON, SAMUEL - Rasselas JOKAI, MAURICE - Timar''s Two Worlds KERNAHAN, COULSON - A Dead Man''s Diary KINGSLEY, CHARLES - Alton Locke - Hereward the Wake - Hypatia - Two Years Ago - Water-Babies - Westward Ho! KINGSLEY, HENRY - Geoffry Hamlyn - Ravenshoe

  • - Vol III - Fiction - Daudet to Dumas
    22,00 €

    A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the book''s plot or content, and then decide. Each summary reads like a short story. The series will include: Fiction, Lives and Letters, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern History, Religion and Philosophy, Philosophy and Economics, Science, Travel and Adventure, and more. VOLUME III - FICTION - Daudet to Dumas DAUDET, ALPHONSE - Tartarin of Tarascon DAY, THOMAS - Sandford and Merton DEFOE, DANIEL - Robinson Crusoe - Captain Singleton DICKENS, CHARLES - Barnaby Rudge - Bleak House - David Copperfield - Dombey and Son - Great Expectations - Hard Times - Little Dorrit - Martin Chuzzlewit - Nicholas Nickleby - Oliver Twist - Old Curiosity Shop - Our Mutual Friend - Pickwick Papers - Tale of Two Cities DISRAELI, BENJAMIN - Coningsby - Sybil, or The Two Nations - Tancred, or The New Crusade DUMAS, ALEXANDER - Marguerite de Valois - Black Tulip - Corsican Brothers - Count of Monte Cristo - The Three Musketeers - Twenty Years After

  • - Vol II - Fiction - Borrow to Dana
    22,00 €

    A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the book''s plot or content, and then decide. Each summary reads like a short story. The series will include: Fiction, Lives and Letters, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern History, Religion and Philosophy, Philosophy and Economics, Science, Travel and Adventure, and more. VOLUME II - FICTION - Borrow to Dana BORROW, GEORGE - Lavengro - Romany Rye BRADDON, M.E. - Lady Audley''s Secret BRADLEY, EDWARD ("COTHBERT BEDE") - Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green BRONTE, CHARLOTTE - Jane Eyre - Shirley - Villette BRONTE, EMILY - Wuthering Heights BUCHANAN, ROBERT - Shadow of the Sword BUNYAN, JOHN - Holy War - Pilgrim''s Progress BURNEY, FANNY - Evelina CARLETON, WILLIAM - The Black Prophet CARROLL, LEWIS - Alice''s Adventures in Wonderland CERVANTES - Don Quixote CHAMISSO, ADALBERT VON - Peter Schlemihl, the Shadowless Man CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCOIS - Atala CHERBULIEZ, CHARLES VICTOR - Samuel Brohl & Co. COLLINS, WILKIE - No Name - The Woman in White CONWAY, HUGH - Called Back COOPER, FENIMORE - Last of the Mohicans - The Spy CRAIK, MRS. - John Halifax, Gentleman CROLY, GEORGE - Salathiel, or Tarry Thou Till I Come DANA, RICHARD HENRY - Two Years before the Mast

  • - Vol I - Fiction - About to Boccaccio
    22,00 €

    A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the book''s plot or content, and then decide. Each summary reads like a short story. The series will include: Fiction, Lives and Letters, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern History, Religion and Philosophy, Philosophy and Economics, Science, Travel and Adventure, and more. VOLUME I - FICTION - About to Boccaccio ABOUT, EDMOND - King of the Mountains AINSWORTH, HARRISON - Tower of London ANDERSEN, HANS - Improvisatore APULEIUS - The Golden Ass ARABIAN NIGHTS AUCASSIN AND NICOLETTE AUERBACH, BERTHOLD - On the Height AUSTEN, JANE - Sense and Sensibility - Pride and Prejudice - Northanger Abbey - Mansfield Park - Emma - Persuasion BALZAC, HONORE DE - Eugenie Grandet - Old Goriot - Magic Skin - Quest of the Absolute BECKFORD, WILLIAM - History of the Caliph Vathek BEHN, APHRA - Oroonoko BERGERAC, CYRANO DE - Voyage to the Moon BJOERNSON BJOERNSTJERNE - Arne - In God''s Way BLACK, WILLIAM - Daughter of Heth BLACKMORE, R.D. - Lorna Doone BOCCACCIO - Decameron

  • von Frank Payton
    24,00 €

  • - 1793-1812 - Volume I
    von Alfred Thayer Mahan
    22,00 €

  • - A Novel of the Loyalists in the American War of Independence
    von George Henty
    24,00 €

    With 59 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. It is hardly necessary to point out the significance of the American Revolution. Untold nonfiction books have been written about it, and it has been the setting for countless novels. But, how many of those novels are written from a Loyalist standpoint-the point of view of Americans who fought FOR the British during that war? That is exactly what Henty has done in True to the Old Flag. A young man, originally a Bostonian, leaves his life on the frontier to join the American Revolution on the British side. As is typical of Henty books, his path is strewn with numerous action-packed adventures, including the rescue of several distressed damsels, brushes with indians, and numerous other perilous situations. But, at the same time, you are taken step-by-step through the Revolutionary War, from Bunker Hill, to the war in South Carolina. It is George Henty, the novelist and the history teacher, at his best. Henty's History Series - Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

  • - A Story of the Roman Invasion
    von George A Henty
    32,00 €

    With 48 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. Between roughly 43 AD and 410 AD, the Roman Empire had extended itself to Great Britain. The local tribes were no match for disciplined Roman troops, and breaches of the Pax Romana were treated promptly and with ferocity. The Britons were thus under a state of subjugation; but that was not, in all respects, a bad thing. With the law and order that the Romans brought came advances in agriculture, industry and architecture that can still be seen and felt today. In this tale George Henty introduces us to Beric, a young man who fights with the Iceni tribe, led by the Warrior Queen Boadicea, against the Roman occupiers. After their eventual defeat, he leads a guerrilla band against the Romans from the swamplands to the west of the Iceni territory, but is captured and shipped to Rome. There he is trained as a gladiator, gains fame when he defeats a lion single-handed, and winds up serving in the palace of the degenerate emperor, Nero. He journeys back home when Nero dies, but his welcome is not what he expected. This book is an excellent exposure to the Roman conquest of Britain, a chapter in history that is far too often neglected. Henty's History Series Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

  • - A Tale Of The California Gold Fields
    von George A Henty
    22,00 €

    With 32 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. The California Gold Rush began in early 1848 when gold was discovered by James Marshall at Sutter's Mill. In the next few years some 300,000 people flocked to the gold fields to make their fortune; and we think of it as a peculiarly American event. It wasn't. Indeed, the prospectors came from all over the world-the UK, Europe, Australia, Latin America, and China, to name but a few. This book is the story of one of those overseas adventurers. Frank Norris was quietly living in England, an heir to a considerable fortune, when his world was suddenly turned up-side down. His cousin, a rival heir, laid a trap for him, resulting in Frank being accused of theft. To avoid these charges he flees to America, where he begins a cross-country trek to the California gold fields. Despite the arduous journey, he makes it to California only to discover that his difficulties have just begun. As you read along you might be struck by Henty's use of standard western plot fixtures like wagon trains, Indian raids, stagecoach robberies, buffalo hunts, and so forth. You might want to keep in mind, however, that those devices were not copied from others; countless others copied them from him. Henty's History Series - Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

  • - With Cortez in Mexico
    von George A Henty
    33,00 €

    With 67 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. The 16th Century was one of exploration and conquest. Magellan sailed around the world, Coronado searched for the Seven Cities of Gold, and Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama to find the Pacific Ocean on the other side. But none had a greater impact on world history than Hernando Cortez and his conquest of the Aztec Empire. By 1519, when Cortez arrived, the Aztecs had conquered most of what we now call Mexico and established a tribute-based empire head-quartered in Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City). Cortez allied himself with the Aztecs' long-time enemy, the Confederacy of Tlaxcala, eventually defeating the Aztecs and integrating Mexico into the Spanish Empire. Henty's story revolves around a shipwrecked Englishman by the name of Roger Hawkshaw. Based loosely on the real-life adventures of a Francisan friar by the name of Gerónimo de Aguilar, Hawkshaw learns the native languages and culture, and later becomes an invaluable aide to Cortez. By Right of Conquest is a fascinating story in which Henty has no qualms about describing the barbarity of both the Aztecs and the Spaniards. Henty's History Series Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

  • - A Tale of the White Hoods of Paris
    von George A Henty
    22,00 €

    With 36 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. Agincourt is the quintessential English battle. Outnumbered English forces meet the French on the battlefield, and through courage, tenacity, (and a wicked Welsh weapon called a longbow), they win the day. While Henry V was triumphant, and was immortalized by Shakespeare for his victory, his gains were later squandered by his son, Henry VI, so ultimately not much was accomplished. In this Henty book, Guy Aylmer is an English squire and the son of a knight. He travels to Villeroy, in France, where his lord has a castle, but is swept up in it's defense when it is attacked by Orleanist forces. He winds-up as a prisoner in Paris where he and his charges are assaulted by the White Hoods-the butchers of Paris. After several adventures and escapes he later returns to France with King Henry V and fights in the Battle of Agincourt. Henty's History Series Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

  • von Gary Inbinder
    21,00 €

  • von Tom Grundner
    22,00 €

  • - More Heroes of a Small Town
    von Bill Hayes
    21,00 €

  • von Jason Vail
    22,00 €

  • - The Journal of a Prisoner of War in the War of 1812
    von Benjamin Waterhouse
    22,00 €

  • von David Glenn
    20,00 €

  • von David Glenn
    20,00 €

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