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  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    16,00 €

    Le système Perfecting Your Inner Parenting est un système psychologique innovant qui nous aide à découvrir lesquelles de nos approches habituelles pour gérer les conflits intérieurs et extérieurs sont inefficaces et nous oriente vers des choix plus appropriés et fonctionnels.Ce volume complémentaire sera utilisé avec le livre d'introduction de Perfecting Your Inner Parenting et le livre de 48 images et descriptions de cartes.En regardant les images, dans ce livre, qui peuvent être facilement découpées en 48 cartes individuelles, nous pouvons mieux percevoir les stratégies d'auto-parentage et d'adaptation externe réelles et potentielles.La lecture et la réflexion sur les messages donnés ici aideront le chercheur à intégrer et à accéder aux éléments intérieurs de l'archétype parental qu'il souhaite compléter ses choix disponibles.Ainsi, il développera de plus en plus de possibilités stratégiques de réussite pour surmonter les défis internes et externes de la vie.

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    17,00 €

    Bilangue/ ZweisprachigAllemand/ Français Deutsch / FranzösischC'était un matin clair de printempsEs war ein klarer Frühlingsmorgen.Tanguant joyeusement entre la neige et la glace, était une grande feuille de chêne dorée.Fröhlich zwischen Schnee und Eis taumelnd, war ein großes, goldenes Eichenblatt.Une très grande feuille, en effet.Ein sehr großes Blatt, tatsächlich.Une paire de mains vert pâle apparut et attrapa les côtés de la feuilleEin Paar blassgrüne Hände erschienen und griffen nach den Seiten des Blattes....suivie d'une tête assortie....gefolgt von einem passenden Kopf.Et comme ça, un petit lutin, qui s'appelle Lucien, est arrivé dans la forêt.Und so kam es, dass ein kleiner Kobold, der Peter heißt, in den Wald kam.Dans ce premier livre de la série, Lucien apprend sa première leçon de générosité. In diesem ersten Buch der Reihe lernt Peter seine erste Lektion in Sachen Großzügigkeit. (Free to access Youtube English animation).

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    20,00 €

    Voici le troisième livre de la série "Vivre en harmonie avec le monde réel".Faire face à la perte et le deuil est une processus très personnel. Chaque culture, religion, groupe, famille et personne, doit trouver sa propre voie lorsqu'elle est confrontée à ces défis très importants.Ce livre vous aidera à vous guider le long de votre propre voyage personnel vers l'auto guérison et le soutien de ceux qui souffrent autour de vous. Nous regarderons comment les autres font face à ces étapes et à ces approches standard. Cependant, la force et la différence de ce livre est que nous regardons qui vous êtes, qui ou ce que vous avez perdu. De votre relation honnête-avec-ce-qui-est-disparu, et enfin, les voies et moyens qui seraient les mieux adapté à votre situation pour s'en sortir.

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    17,00 €

    Bilingual / Bilangue English / FrançaisIt was a bright, warm spring morningC'était une matinée de printemps chaude et lumineuse.Bobbing gaily in the river was a large golden oak leaf, a very large leaf.Tanguant joyeusement avec le courant naviguait une grande feuille de chêne dorée, une très grande feuille en fait.After some moments, a pair of pale green hands appeared and grabbed the sides of the leaf.Après quelques instants, deux petites mains vert pâle apparurent et attrapèrent les côtés de la feuille.And then there followed a head to match...Suivies aussitôt par une tête assortie.And so, a little Pixie, by the name of Peter arrived at the forest.Et comme ça, un petit lutin, qui s'appelle Lucien, est arrivé dans la forêt.In this, the opening book of the series, Peter learns his very first lesson about giving.Dans ce premier livre de la série, Lucien apprend sa première leçon de générosité. (Free to access Youtube English animation).In addition to being an amusing and interesting story, in itself, these tales also integrate a rich learning system.¿¿En plus d'être une histoire amusante et intéressante en soi, ces contes intègrent également un riche système d'apprentissage.Firstly, most of the stories incorporate an educational or moral theme or message that can be reflected on with your child.Tout d'abord, la plupart des histoires comportent un thème ou un message éducatif ou moral sur lequel votre enfant peut réfléchir avecvous.Secondly; each story exists in five levels of difficulty; 'I Can Colour', 'I Can Read', 'I Am Reading', 'I Read Alone', and 'Read To Me'.They each contain the same images and the same text, with increasing levels of simplification.Deuxièmement, chaque histoire existe en cinq niveaux de difficulté : "Je sais colorier", "Je sais lire", "Je lis", "Je lis tout seul" et "Lis-moi".Elles contiennent toutes les mêmes images et le même texte, avec des niveaux de simplification croissants.Finally; for each 'I Can Read' language version, there will exist a free-to-access (YouTube) animated video of the story.Enfin, pour chaque version linguistique de "Je sais lire", il existera une video animée de l'histoire en accès libre (YouTube).

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    15,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    16,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    24,00 €

    Augmented Hypnosis is: "A form of hypnosis or trance state, induced and, or reinforced by any external aid or device, other than the voice of the hypnotist."It is NOT new, it is, in fact the oldest form of trance induction and reinforcement.However, few therapists actively think about or use this in their practice.In this book that covers the basics of hypnosis, the history of hypnosis and a wide variety of uses of augmented hypnosis, the author demonstrates the interest in reflecting on how one uses hypnosis in one's daily practice.The author has more than twnty as practice as a family therapist, hypnotherapist and group leader. The also has professional qualifications as an Equine Assisted Therapist

  • von Rohan Gedall & Gary Edward Gedall
    11,00 €

    Johnny, twelve, and his fourteen-year-old sister Jane, have run away from their abusive foster parents.They are found, wondering in the woods by the formidable Mrs. Marsh who insists that they return home with her, until she can contact the constable and send them back home.Will they be forced to return to their foster parents?Will they manage to escape a second time?And exactly who is the mysterious Captain Marsh?

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    11,00 €

    If you had a magic box, into which you could bury all your negative thoughts and feelings, wouldn't that be wonderful?The young princess Pandora had such a box, but was it to be a blessing or a curse?Remember or forget? The choice is not as obvious as it might seem.

  • von Rohan Gedall
    14,00 €

    "You'll see, it'll be … better." The piercing, green eyes of the witch, crinkled in an all too infrequent smile. The little hunched person looked up from serving breakfast."Yes, of course, you're totally right." Clearly not having the slightest idea of what she was referring to."Those humans have become so boring." Carefully sliding her long, black nails between the handle and the teacup. "Since they all declared peace and became reasonable. They do nothing but go to work, do their sport and sleep. Oh God, give me a break!" To make the world less boring; she chooses random people, from all walks of life, from different countries, and gives them a 'power'.Patricia; a Parisian, data-entry clerk, that dreams of wealth, finds that she can turn things into gold.Miss Thatcher; a self-important, teacher from Manchester, England, wishes that people would do as they are told, now they do.Hans; works in a watch factory in Zurich, Switzerland, who doesn't have enough time to do all that he might wish to do. Well, now he does.Danny Trump; an American, who works as a fast-food children's clown, lives a daily lie. How would it be if people were forced to tell the truth? He's about to find out.Caleb Walker; a tour guide in Valdez, Alaska, is bored with all the white that surrounds his world, if only he had the power to change the colour of things, that would be so cool. The Bureau Of Regional & Internationally Negotiated Governmental policy, (B.O.R.I.N.G.) located in Strasbourg is concerned, people are popping up having strange powers.And worst of all:'THE BIG BOSS IS NOT HAPPY'…

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    17,00 - 19,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    14,00 - 18,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    24,00 €

    Faron, our anti-hero, finds himself transported into the body of Sir Lancelot, at the court of King Arthur.He is on the quest to heal his self-esteem, but the knight, although noble and brave, is also a flawed human-being.One person that avoids emotional conflicts but cannot escape his passion for Guinevere.The knight has lost his memory, so he cannot remember how or why he has come to this point in his history.And who is Al, his faithful squire who has helped him steal a magical sceptre from his supposed best friend, King Galahaut?Follow Lancelot through his tortured romantic journey, in a world of court intrigue, magic and heroism.

  • - Stories and poems for self-help and self- development
    von Gary Edward Gedall
    24,00 €

    Dusk falls, the world shrinks little by little into a smaller and smaller circle as the light continues to diminish. The centre of this world is illuminated by a small, crackling sun; the flames dance, and the rough faces of the people gathered there are lit by the fire of their expectations. The old man will begin to speak, he will explain to them how the world is, how it was, how it was created. He will help them understand how things have a sense, an order, a way that they need to be. He will clarify the sources of un-wellness and unhappiness, what is sickness, where it comes from, how to notice it and... how to heal it. To heal the sick, he will call forth the forces of the invisible realms, maybe he will sing, certainly he will talk, and talk, and talk. Since the beginning of time we have gathered round those who can bring us the answers to our questions and the means to alleviate our sufferings. This practice has not fundamentally changed since the earliest times; in every era, continent and culture we have found and continue to find these experiences. Gary Edward Gedall is a state-registered psychologist and psychotherapist, trained in Ericksonian hypnosis. However, his first love is, and always has been story telling. In this, amongst the oldest of the healing traditions, he has succeeded to meld modern therapy theories and techniques with stories and poems of the highest quality. With much humanity, clinical vignettes, common sense and lots of humour, the reader is gently carried from situation to situation. Whether the problems described concern you directly, indirectly or not at all, you will surely find interest and benefits from the wealth of insights and advice contained within and conscious or unconscious positive changes through reading the stories and poems.

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    23,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall & Greco Arts
    16,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    14,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    25,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    16,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    14,00 €

  • von Gary Gary Gedall
    24,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    16,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    19,00 €

    An Anthology of prose, poetry, short stories and songs. Rich in humour, romance, and the personal history of the author.From a treasure trove of nearly 50 years of writing material, Gary Edward Gedall has selected a rich selection, 'To and from the Heart'.Each section is prefixed by a short explanation of how, when, and often even why he wrote the piece.To not only have the fruits of his creativity, but also to take a glimpse into the mind and the history of such an imaginative artist, offers a truly unique experience.

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    24,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Edward Gedall
    14,00 €

  • von Gary Edward Gedall
    17,00 €

    We spend most of our adult life at work.We will all have colleagues, bosses, and often subordinates.Hopefully, these people will be polite and professional.Some of them won't.This book will help you: Choose the best type of job for you Reflect on how much to invest How to approach a new jobAnd How to deal with difficult colleagues, bosses, and subordinates.Gary Edward Gedall, systemic psychologist, psychotherapist, with also a BSc (with Honours), in Management Sciences, has considerable experience both in direct work experience and as a psychotherapist.His light and accessible style makes his deep and penetrating insights, easy to capture and to understand.Useful, practical and a joy to read.

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