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Bücher veröffentlicht von Glagoslav Publications B.V.

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  • von Dmitry Glukhovsky
    33,00 €

  • - 28 Contemporary Ukrainian Poets: An Anthology (a Bilingual Edition)
    39,00 €

    This anthology reflects a search of the Ukrainian nation for its identity, the roots of which lie deep inside Ukrainian-language poetry. Some of the included poets are well-known locally and internationally; among them are Serhiy Zhadan, Halyna Kruk, Ostap Slyvynsky, Marianna Kijanowska, Oleh Kotsarev, Anna Bagriana and, of course, the living legend of Ukrainian poetry, Vasyl Holoborodko. The next Ukrainian poetic generation also features prominently in the collection. Such poets as Les Beley, Olena Herasymyuk, Myroslav Laiuk, Hanna Malihon, Taras Malkovych, Julia Musakovska, Julia Stahivska and Lyuba Yakimchuk are the ones Ukrainians like to read today, and each of them already has an excellent reputation abroad due to festival appearances and translations to European languages. The work collected here documents poetry in Ukraine responding to challenges of the time by forging a radical new poetic, reconsidering writing techniques and language itself.Edited and translated from the Ukrainian by Anatoly Kudryavitsky.A bilingual edition.

  • - The Essential Poetry
    von Marina Tsvetaeva
    26,98 - 31,00 €

  • von Janko Jesenský
    31,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Hryhoriy Kvitka-Osnovyanenko
    27,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Ivan Franko
    29,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Zinaida Tulub
    35,00 €

  • von Anastasiia Marsiz
    30,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Alexander Korotko
    25,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Mikhail Osorgin
    36,00 - 37,00 €

  • von ¿Udovít ¿Túr
    37,00 €

    'Why do you whimper and wail, O Tatra streams and rivers, who carry your plaintive lament resounding to the sea?' asks the narrator toward the end of The Slovaks, in Ancient Days, and Now. They respond: 'Because our human compatriots do not join together in memory, as we our waters mix with our origin, and because their lives do not resound booming, but roll on unconsciously, like hidden streams, silently to the sea of the life of the nations, young man!' This quotation from the most famous prose work of ¿udovít ¿túr (1815 - 1856) might be set as a motto to the literary career of Slovakia's greatest Romantic poet, publicist, and political activist. For all of ¿túr's writings aim at one goal: the propagation of the national traditions of the Slovaks in an age when their nation was threatened with such repression from the Magyar majority in Hungary, that the complete extinction of the Slovak language and culture was a real possibility. Slavdom: A Selection of his Writings in Prose and Verse, presents the reader with a wide selection of the creative output of a great Slovak writer, and an important Pan-Slav thinker. Divided in three parts: 'Slovakia,' 'Pan-Slavism' and 'Russia,' it reflects the development of ¿túr's thought, from his insistence on the importance of the Slovak past and the quality of Slovak culture, through his attempts to find a modus vivendi within the Austro-Hungarian Empire by uniting all of the Slavic nations of Austria together in a federation under the Habsburg crown (Austro-Slavism) to his arguments for all Slavs to unite under the hegemony of Russia, when the events following the Spring of the Peoples in 1848 proved Austro-Slavism a dead alley. Slavdom offers a generous selection of ¿túr's writings, from Slavic apologetics such as The Contribution of the Slavs to European Civilisation though selections of his poetry, chiefly, the two great chansons de geste centring on the ancient Great Moravian Empire: Svatoboj and Matú¿ of Tren¿ín. A must read for anyone interested in Slovak literature, Pan-Slavism, and European Romanticism in general.This book was published with a financial support from SLOLIA, Centre for Information on Literature in Bratislava.

  • von Leonid Yuzefovich
    39,00 €

    The year is 1871. Prince von Ahrensburg, Austria's military attaché to St. Petersburg, has been killed in his own bed. The murder threatens diplomatic consequences for Russia so dire that they could alter the course of history. Leading the investigation into the high-ranking diplomat's death is Chief Inspector Ivan Putilin, but the Tsar has also called in the notorious Third Department - the much-feared secret police - on the suspicion that the murder is politically motivated. As the clues accumulate, the list of suspects grows longer; there are even rumors of a werewolf at large in the capital.Suspicion falls on the diplomat's lover and her cuckolded husband, as well as Russian, Polish and Italian revolutionaries, not to mention Turkish spies. True to his maxim that "coincidence and passion are the real conspirators," Putilin seeks answers inside the diplomatic circus as well, which leads him to struggles with criminals and with the secret police itself. When the mystery is solved, the only person who saw it coming was Putilin.

  • von Lee Mandel
    44,00 €

    Lee Mandel's historical novel Moryak revolves around the story of Lieutenant Stephen Morrison, a naval officer sent by President Theodore Roosevelt on a top-secret mission in 1905. Morrison's assignment is to work with British agent Sidney Reilly to kidnap Tsar Nicholas II and remove him from Russia before he can sabotage the upcoming Portsmouth Peace conference.The mission goes awry and Morrison is captured and sentenced to death. Through a quirk of fate, he is instead sent to the infamous Russian prison on Solovetsky Island. There, his increasingly violent nature eventually allows him to dominate the camp as "Moryak" (Russian for Sailor). He soon catches the attention of the Bolshevik prisoners and their growing interactions come to have devastating effects on the evolving revolution in Russia, as well as the Allied war effort as the world descends into the chaos of World War I.As events unfold and secrets are unveiled in an uncanny political intrigue, Moryak in fact tells the life story of one man's struggle for acceptance, him finding his place and finding himself.

  • von Eugenia Kononenko
    29,00 €

    He is young, intelligent, well educated, with patriotic sentiments. But certain misunderstandings oblige him to flee from Ukraine. For some reason, everything in his life builds up to a certain Russian scenario. So to what extent should one burden Ukrainians with the outcome of this Russian Story? Finding himself involuntarily identified with Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, the hero of the novel, Eugene Samarsky, becomes a 'superfluous man' in Ukraine. This novel by Eugenia Kononenko deals with love and the quest for one's own identity, with the vaguely remembered circumstances rendering life nonsensical in Ukraine during the last years of the empire and the early years of independence. It considers the possibility of a mid-Atlantic meeting in today's globalised world.

  • von Jan Balabán
    34,00 €

    'Somewhere in the cosmos there are happier places,' muses Martin Vrána, the hero of Jan Balabán's novel Where was the Angel Going?. 'People are transported to the planet Earth for punishment. Part of the punishment is their ignorance of the fact. We've forgotten that we've forgotten.' Yet, as this very reflection implies, in Martin's case, part of his 'punishment' is his ever-present memory of an Eden from which he had been expelled. The prototypical outsider, a member of a minority community within a minority community (a Protestant in the overwhelmingly agnostic Czech Republic), Martin, like the survivor of a shipwreck, strives to shore up his vital resources amidst the billows of an inimical world, which constantly advance and threaten to wash away everything he holds dear. Where was the Angel Going? is a novel made up of forty-six linked stories. As always, Balabán's prose is so vivid that the reader can practically taste the 'honey and dust,' which are the characteristic flavours of Ostrava. And yet, in its lyrical message of love and friendship as basic human needs no less critical than air and water, Where was the Angel Going is nonetheless an eminently universal novel. Everyone will find him or herself in these pages, as we are all of us descended from that first pair of exiles, Adam and Eve. Translation of this book was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Publishers Maxim Hodak & Max Mendor.

  • von Ak Welsapar
    29,00 €

    Moscow, during the collapse of the Soviet system: In a hospital, young people awaiting heart operations and possible death, live just for today with mischief-making and even love affairs, under the stringent gaze of the old matron, Baba Nastya. Here one of the patients, a young Turkmen, meets a Greek Comsomol boy, a Russian Stalinist with a 'robotic' heart, and the lovely but tragic Mary. To whom does the future belong - to the soulless robots or the poetical souls?

  • von Jevgeni Vodolazkin
    35,00 €

    Rusland rond 1500. Grote plagen kondigen het einde van de wereld aan, terwijl grensoverschrijdende ontdekkingen Europa ongedachte perspectieven bieden.Een kruidendokter ervaart zijn eigen machteloosheid en gaat zwerven. Hij wordt een ander mens, meermalen zelfs: als heilige dwaas, pelgrim, monnik en ten slotte kluizenaar voelt hij zijn helende krachten groeien. Zijn naam verandert mee. Gaandeweg beginnen herinneringen, avonturen en visioenen, verleden, heden en toekomst in elkaar over te lopen. Taal en tijd worden vloeibaar. Tot de cirkel zich opent.Taal- en geschiedwetenschapper Jevgeni Vodolazkin speelt in deze "ahistorische roman" een literair spel vol humor en met een vleugje magie.

  • von W¿adys¿aw Reymont
    33,00 €

    Enorme kudden vee zijn onder leiding van de hond Rex in opstand gekomen tegen de heerszuchtige mens. Onafzienbare massa's trekken richting het oosten, de opkomende zon tegemoet, naar een paradijselijk land van vrijheid en geluk, waar geen mens ooit een voet heeft gezet. Onderweg worden ze geconfronteerd met dieren uit de wildernis en overvallen door de meest extreme natuurverschijnselen en weersomstandigheden. Met wreed geweld en mooie beloften wordt het vee door honden en wolven almaar voortgedreven, terwijl de gelederen voortdurend worden uitgedund. Totdat er binnen de opstand een nieuwe opstand uitbreekt.

  • von Tengbergen Maarten
    35,00 - 40,00 €

  • von Ignacy Krasicki
    36,00 €

    International brigades of mice and rats join forces to defend the rodents of Poland, threatened with extermination at the paws of cats favoured by the ancient ruler King Popiel, a sybaritic, cowardly ruler… The Hag of Discord incites a vicious rivalry between monastic orders, which only the good monks' common devotion to… fortified spirits… is able to allay… The present translation of the mock epics of Poland's greatest figure of the Enlightenment, Ignacy Krasicki, brings together the Mouseiad, the Monachomachia, and the Anti-monachomachia - a tongue-in-cheek 'retraction' of the former work by the author, criticised for so roundly (and effectively) satirising the faults of the Church, of which he himself was a prince. Krasicki towers over all forms of eighteenth-century literature in Poland like Voltaire, Swift, Pope, and LaFontaine all rolled into one. While his fables constitute his most well-known works of poetry, in the words of American comparatist Harold Segel, 'the good bishop's mock-epic poems […] are the most impressive examples of his literary gifts.' This English translation by Charles S. Kraszewski is rounded off by one of Krasicki's lesser-known works, The Chocim War, the poet's only foray into the genre of the serious, Vergilian epic.

  • von Tytus Czy¿ewski
    40,00 €

    A Burglar of the Better Sort offers, in the English translation of Charles S. Kraszewski, the entirety of Czy¿ewski's surviving literary output, from surrealistic plays like Donkey and Sun in Metamorphosis and his inimitable 'formistic poems' through the playful Christmas 'pastorals' - which so delighted Czes¿aw Mi¿osz - to his theoretical writings, which form the basis for his radically individual, shamanistic approach to literary creation. A truly global talent, Czy¿ewski belongs to the world, a world which, beyond Poland, finally has the opportunity to get to know him.

  • von Dmitry Glukhovsky
    42,00 €

    Het is 2033. Twintig jaar geleden heeft een atoomoorlog de beschaafde wereld in puin gelegd. In Moskou heeft een klein deel van de bevolking zijn toevlucht gevonden in de grootste atoomvrije schuilkelder op aarde: de metro, ooit gebouwd door Stalin.Hier, diep onder de grond, overleven een paar duizend mensen op enkele tientallen stations, verdeeld over een handvol kleinere en grotere confederaties van verschillende signatuur - communistisch, fascistisch, liberaal-kapitalistisch - die in staat van Koude Oorlog met elkaar verkeren en worden verbonden door gevaarlijke, geheimzinnige metrobuizen. Boven de grond heeft de straling elk menselijk leven onmogelijk gemaakt en nieuwe levensvormen doen ontstaan. Nu dreigen deze onmensen de metro binnen te dringen, om wat resteert van de mensheid te vernietigen.- Meer dan 1.000.000 lezers van de internet editie- 500.000 exemplaren verkocht in Rusland- EUROCON aanmoedigingsprijs van de European Science Fiction Society 2007 voor het meest veelbelovend debuut van het jaar- Bestseller van het jaar 2008 (Time Out Moscow)- 2010 lente, wereld release van het computerspel door THQ gebaseerd op de roman - meer meer dan 1.000.000 exemplaren verkocht.

  • von Ji¿í Kratochvil
    34,00 €

    Can something that exists merely as a literary text, say a story, come about in real life? Can reality, to put it another way, steal something from literature, the same way literature steals from reality? Such is the question that Libor Hrach, the author of The Adventures of the Wise Badger, fields one evening over a hedonistic supper in a tony Brno restaurant from Kamil Modrá¿ek, himself a burrowing animal of sorts, in Ji¿í Kratochvil's novel The Vow.'Quite simply, I said, everything that has been written either has already happened, or is about to. You write a story, and you can never be sure if what you're writing isn't actually taking place two streets away from where you sit...' If this does not send chills down the spine of the reader of The Vow, they have got a high tolerance for the creepy.Set in 1950s Brno, at the height of Gottwald's Stalinist reshaping of Czechoslovakia into a Communist prison, and partially in today's independent Czech Republic, Kratochvil, alternating between the dry Czech humour of Jaroslav Häek and the uncanny, chilling otherworldliness of Edgar Allan Poe, takes the reader on a journey such as they have never been on before: to geographic areas in the beautiful Moravian city where no foot has set since the Middle Ages, and... places deep inside all of us, where most of us would rather never venture...

  • von Mikhail Jelizarov
    36,00 €

    Aleksej Vjazintsev is een 27-jarige man uit Oekraïne met een mislukte artistieke carrière. Na de val van de Sovjet-Unie reist hij af naar een stadje in Rusland om de flat van zijn wijlen oom te verkopen. Al snel komt hij erachter dat oom Maxim de titel van Bibliothecaris had en deel uitmaakte van een duistere, gewelddadige wereld met haar eigen regels, erecodes en Boeken - een wereld waaruit geen weg terug is... Bibliothecaris combineert diepe nostalgie naar de idealen (doch - helaas - niet de realiteit) van de Sovjet-Unie met fantastische, maar steeds menselijke verhaallijnen.

  • von Natalie Shevando
    46,00 €

    Chess is truly an extraordinary game.Today more than 600 million people around the world regularly play chess, and that number gets bigger every year! Why is it so well loved?The book you have in front of you will answer this question, and you will also learn many fascinating facts about chess and its long history.Read on and find out how chess first appeared, and how it changed over time. You will get to know each chess piece, one by one, and understand the idea behind the game, what it's really all about. You will learn about the chessboard, chess rules and tournaments, as well as other games related to chess. We will also share with you some interesting facts about chess life.Chess is certainly a brilliant and beneficial game. It gradually sharpens your mind while fine-tuning your character.

  • von Mima Mihajlovi¿
    30,00 €

    This collection of short writings depicts different aspects of ordinary life: work, love, friends, family, sex, as well as language identity, immigration to the Wonderland, and nostalgia for the lost home. Often ironic about herself and her characters, Mima plays with genres to create a loosely-connected narrative throughout different stories. Her collection of "short" stories about the everyday include horror stories, a turnip tale, and a dictionary of unfamiliar words, among others, and a range of peculiar characters, such as Little Girl, Fear, Titoslav (Tisi, or T.), and Zoka, a boy from the Balkans, which are "probably somewhere in South America." Seasoned with the author's street maxims, the book is about the vicissitudes of life, East meeting West and West meeting East, and the ordinary that is extraordinary.Everyday Stories were first published in Bosnian as Obi¿ne Pri¿e in 2018 by Bratstvo Düa, a well-known underground books and comics publishing house from Zagreb, Croatia, founded and run by the underground legend from ex-Yugoslavia, Zdenko Franji¿. The black-and-white illustrations by Elvis Doli¿ contribute to the book's unique character and indie feel.

  • von Natalia Kulishenko
    37,00 €

    The author traces the Queen Mother's formative years, her family life in the palace environment, her growing adoration and ascension to the British throne, how she arranged aid to Stalingrad and was ultimately named an honorary citizen of that city, and other little-known details from the life of the Queen and her circle.With a foreword by Yuri Fokin, Russia's ambassador to the UK in the period 1997-2000, who was personally acquainted with the Queen Mother, the book will undoubtedly appeal to the British public and to anyone interested in Russian-British relations and the two countries' World War II history. Illustrated with photographs from private collections and from the Battle of Stalingrad Museum, some of which readers will see for the first time.Published with the support of the Institute for Literary Translation, Russia.Translated from the Russian by Christopher Culver. Proofreading by Emma Lockley.

  • von Jan Kochanowski
    33,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Dmitry Glukhovsky
    32,00 €

  • von Sr¿an Srdi¿
    26,00 €

    Sr¿an Srdi¿'s collection of short stories, Combustions, establishes this author's position as one of the best prose writers in Serbia and across the region. This book consists of nine stories in which the author brings the reader face to face with the seamy side of everyday life, where, somewhere in the province, hopelessness and despair of the endless Balkan transition meet one another in the most radical way. Devoid of illusions of social engagement and narrative tricks, Srdi¿ linguistically demolishes the present and its numerous platitudes, either liberal or conservative, with which we have been overwhelmed for years, to the extent that we can no longer discern the depth of the twilight zone in which we live. Srdi¿'s stories are linguistically flawless, authentic and emblematically recognizable. The ironic distance that Srdi¿ uses to talk about his characters, which are often socially marginalized and in disproportion to self-perception, combined with exquisite attention to detail, associativity and a number of intertextual references, makes this collection of short stories a genuine masterpiece, which uncompromisingly brings into light the bizarre quality of contemporary life.

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