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  • von Dilbar Ibragimova
    34,00 €

    Kosmonimlarni chog¿ishtirma tahlil qilish masalalari ustida ilmiy izlanishlar olib borish, ingliz, rus va özbek tillarining öziga xos xususiyatlaridan kelib chiqib, uslub va ayni paytda mahoratini talab etadigan dinamik talqindagi tizimli modellarini yaratgan holda örganish masalasi öziga xos ahamiyatga egadir. O¿tgan davr mobaynida mazkur yönalish muayyan darajada örganilgan bölsa-da, lekin ularning milliy va umumbashariy omillari, falsafiy xususiyatlari ilmiy-nazariy tizim asosida qiyosiy tadqiq qilinmagan. Monografiya mavzusining dolzarbligi, bugungi ingliz, rus va özbek tillari terminalogiyasidagi kosmonimlarning tutadigan örni va ahamiyati mana shu tadqiqot natijasida namoyon böladi.

  • von Nikolett Ágnes Tóth
    49,00 €

    Sports administration is a specific legislative and judicial field that is a special part of administrative law, sport-related tasks are implemented by the state through sports administration, so it can be called a kind of policy. A specific part of sports administration is sports policing. This narrower area can be clearly defined as professional policing, a series of laws regulate everything related to sports policing, supplemented by regulations of the trade federations, which also serve as guidelines for keeping sports police records and ensuring sports events. The research contributes to the creation of the conceptual system of sports policing and to the systematization of legislation related to the provision of sports events. The issues related to the safe conduct of sporting events raise social, legal, law enforcement and moral problems. In the study, I also sought to answer the question of the causes of football hooliganism, and what antecedents, tragic events and stadium disasters have occurred in recent decades, which drew the attention of those involved in event insurance to the need to change the established practice and the creation of new legal norms.

  • von Shokhislombek Sharobiddinov
    34,00 €

    The management of the quality of human resources in political management is effective to the extent that the employees of the country and non-governmental organizations successfully use their capabilities to organize the organization's goals. So there is a lot of work to be done for both managers and employees. For managers, it will consist, first of all, of studying the world experience of personnel management. Many, without knowing this experience, deny the possibility of using it, referring to the specific characteristics of the existing organization.There are two management models in the world: Western (USA) and Eastern (Japan). The interaction and interaction of these models began a quarter of a century ago. Now we can talk about some universal features of the personnel management model, which includes Western and Eastern elements. Naturally, the use of certain management methods, regardless of their origin, requires changes, adaptation to the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the country.

  • von Koncsik Tamás
    29,00 €

    A fordítás nehéz szakterület, de egyszersmind szép, m¿vészi, kreativitást igényl¿ hivatás, épp annyira, mint egy szépirodalmi, vagy épp filmm¿vészeti alkotás létrehozása. Kutatásomban egy szerteágazó, rejtélyes és izgalmas témát szeretnék feltárni egy olyan jelenség vizsgálatával, amely végigkíséri életünket, mindenhol ott van, mégis kevés figyelmet szentelünk neki ¿még a tudományok is, holott a nyelvészet, a pszichológia és sok más tudományág foglalkozhatna vele. Talán azért nem teszik, mert senki sem veszi komolyan, és ezzel le is írtam e jelenséget. Kutatásom f¿ témája a humor, és annak fordítása. Megkísérlek választ adni a kérdésre, egyáltalán lefordítható-e a humor. Definiálom a humort és típusait, és értekezek afordításról általában a humor fordítása során fennálló nehézségekr¿l és a lehetséges módszerekr¿l. A kutatást a fordíthatóság és fordíthatatlanság kérdésére, az ekvivalenciára helyezem, mint alapfeltétel a fordításban. A humor fordítását gyakorlatban a népszer¿ amerikai vígjátéksorozaból, az Agymen¿kb¿l (Big Bang Theory) kiemelt példákkal mutatom be. Ezenkívül a humor pragmatikai vonatkozására is keresek példákat.

  • von Tán Ferenc Gerg¿
    29,00 €

    Kutatásomban a korai ómagyar kor szótagszerkezeti típusaival és ezek változásaival foglalkozom. A szótagszerkezet alakulását a korai ómagyar korra vonatkozóan többféle szempontból közelítettem meg. Vizsgálataimhoz forrásul a korai ómagyar szórványemlékeinek a magyar nyelv¿ helyet jelöl¿ elemeit (helynévi és közszói adatait) használom fel. Munkám els¿ részében, több fejezeten keresztül a korai ómagyar kori szórványemlékekben el¿forduló helyjelöl¿ elemek tulajdonnévi lexémáinak szótagszerkezeti vizsgálataira vállalkozom. Vizsgálataim kiterjednek a szótagszám szerinti szerkezettípusokra, a jellegzetesebb szótagszerkezetek jellemz¿ire, továbbá a tulajdonnévi lexémákban található mássalhangzó-kapcsolatok kérdésére is. Egyes jelenségeket kronológiai szempontból is bemutatok, s kitérek arra is, hogy bizonyos szótagszerkezetek kronológiai jellemz¿i mögött maguk a nyelvi változások miképpen húzódhatnak meg. A tulajdonnévi elemek e sajátosságait ugyanakkor komplex módon csak abban az esetben tudjuk értékelni, ha tulajdonnévi lexémákat összevetjük a korszak forrásaiban fellelhet¿ köznévi lexémákkal, de a szisztematikus bemutatás helyett itt az összevetés szempontjaira helyezem a hangsúlyt.

  • von Qurbonov Shoxrux
    34,00 €

    Hozirgi ilmiy-texnik taraqqiyotning rivojlanayotgan bosqichida axborotlarning keskin ortib borayotganligi va ulardan o¿qitish jarayonida foydalanish uchun vaqtning chegaralanganligi, shuningdek, o¿quvchilarni kasbiy faoliyatga mukammal tayyorlash talablari tälim tizimiga zamonaviy texnologiyalarni joriy etishni taqozo etmoqda. Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanmada yoshlar faolligini oshirishda axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalardan foydalanish masalalariga e'tibor qaratilgan

  • von Hamroyeva Nafisa Nizomiddinovna
    51,00 €

    Ushbu monografiya «Sotsiolingvistika», «Pragmalingvistika», «Psixolingvistika» va «Tilshunoslikning yangi yönalishlari» kabi maxsus kurslarni öqishda hamda muloqotning shaxs kamolotidagi örni haqida va pragmalingvistika yönalishidagi tadqiqotlarning yuzaga kelishida ilmiy-nazariy manbalardan biri sifatida xizmat qiladi. Fatik muloqotning bir turi bölgan iltifot ¿ nutq odobining alohida kommunikativ darajasidir. Nutq aktining murakkab, ammo qiziqarli va samarali elementlaridan biri bölgan iltifot (kompliment) sof pragmatik xarakterdaligi bilan ahamiyatlidir. Zamonaviy lingvistik tadqiqotlarning antroposentrik yönalishda ekanligi, dialogik diskurs, fatik muloqot va tilning fatik funksiyasi, iltifot, mulozamat kabi masalalarga oid yangicha yondashuvlarni yoritishga alohida e¿tibor qaratilmoqda.

  • von Arnab Bandyopadhyay
    67,00 €

    Our purpose in writing this book titled ¿Introductory Business Statistics¿ is to provide a clear, accessible treatment of Statistics for students studying graduate or post graduate courses in Statistics, Mathematics and Engineering. It focuses on the interpretation of statistical results, especially in real world settings, and assumes that students have an understanding of intermediate algebra. In addition to end of section practice and homework sets, examples of each topic are explained step-by-step throughout the text and followed by a problem that is designed as extra practice for students. This book also includes collaborative exercises and statistics labs designed to give students the opportunity to work together and explore key concepts. While the book has been built so that each chapter builds on the previous, it can be rearranged to accommodate any instructor¿s particular needs. The emphasis of this text is on the practice of regression and analysis of variance. The objective is to learn what methods are available and more importantly, when they should be applied.

  • von Gullola Jumamurodova
    34,00 €

    Today, the education, study, and research of our youth determine the future of our country. Because young people are the foundation of the future. This collection was named "Youth Foundation of the Future" precisely because of the creative works of such enthusiastic young people. We hope you will enjoy this book¿

  • von Mehrara Akanchi
    51,00 €

    Cancer is not just a disease. There are different types of cancer. Cancer can start from lung, breast, colon or even blood. But each of its types has a different speed of growth and expansion. Each of the cells of the body has a specific responsibility. When the growth and division of cells go out of the normal state. Today, research on stem cells has become an advanced knowledge that is considered effective not only in scientific life, but also in the economic dimension. For years, this thought has been formed in the minds of scientists that considering the possibility of cell division, can treatment be based on these cells. This thinking and research is gradually being pushed towards a new medicine, which is called reparative (regenerative) medicine. It is clear that in order to achieve this goal, a complete understanding of cell biology and the nature of stem cells is of particular importance. Especially, despite extensive research, there are still many uncertainties about how stem cells work.

  • von Boltayeva Mohichexra
    46,00 €

    Mazkur monografiyada bölg¿usi öqituvchilarda umummadaniy kompetentlikni tarixiy ideallar asosida rivojlantirishning ijtimoiy-pedagogik zarurati, mazmun-mohiyati va ahamiyatli jihatlari tahlil qilinadi. Buning uchun eng avvalo kompetensiya, kompetentlik va umummadaniy kompetentlik uning tarkibiy tuzilishini körib chiqish, tahlil etish maqsadga muvofiq ish böladi. Monografiyada turli olimlar tomonida kompetensiya va kompetentlik masalari talqini ham ko'rib chiqilgan.

  • von Sevara Jabborova
    34,00 €

    This monograph describes in detail the principles of resolving political conflicts, trends in taking the necessary measures, as well as what game technologies exist in resolving political conflicts, the role of international organizations in resolving emerging international conflicts.Mazkur monografiyada Siyosiy konfliktni hal qilish tamoyillari, zarur choralar ko'rish tendensiyalari, shuningdek, siyosiy konfliktlarni hal qilishda qanday o'yin texnologiyalari mavjudligi, yuzaga kelgan Xalqaro konfliktlarni hal etishda Xalqaro tashkilotlarning roli haqida batafsil mälumot berilgan.

  • von Irodaxon Anarboyeva
    46,00 €

    Mazkur monografiya fransuz va o¿ zbek tillarida so¿z semantik tuzilshi jahon tilshunosligida nazariy va amaliy jihatdan puxta o¿rganilgan, lekin turli tizimga oid fransuz va o¿zbek tillari qiyosiy planida yetarlicha o¿rganilmagan qiyosiy jihatlari yoritilgan. Mazkur monografiya tilshunoslik sohasi mutaxassislariga, tadqiqotchilariga, magistrantlar hamda oliy o¿quv yurtlarining fransuz tili va adabiyoti tälim yo¿nalishi talabalariga mo¿ljallangan bo¿lib, undan qiyosiy tilshunoslik sohasiga qiziquvchilar ham foydalanishlari mumkin.

  • von Mohammad Ali Chaldavi
    51,00 €

    In different societies, many people are studying in education and in addition, there is a traditional and possibly negative attitude towards learning and applying mathematics. This problem is more prominent and serious, especially in mathematics. Therefore, a measure should be thought out to make maximum use of the benefits and importance of this lesson and make the path to success smoother. The model of problem-solving strategies is a method that will be used according to the experiments and research done in this field. The study of human performance in problem-solving is not a new issue, the first experimental researches in this regard are at least 90 years ago. However, the study of problem-solving in specific fields such as mathematical problems, solving physical problems, etc. is a newer research tradition. Especially since in the last decade, the purpose of teaching mathematics in elementary school has completely changed. The four main operations are no longer emphasized because calculators do this. Also, the goal is not only to educate elites and those interested in mathematics or special people who want to continue mathematics at the university level.

  • von Timothy Erinosho
    51,00 €

    The book encapsulates the encounter between the Egba and British in the pre-colonial era covering the period, 1842-1914. It sheds light on the Egba relocation to Abeokuta, their new capital, from the interior of Yorubaland, a development that offered the people ample opportunities to have direct contact with British agents ¿ missionaries, traders and explorers turned administrators based in Lagos. This was facilitated by the rapid growth of the new settlement which developed into a composite town and the open-door policy of its military and civilian leaders led by Seriki Shodeke, a military veteran who led the people to Abeokuta c. 1830. The socio-cultural, economic, and politico-diplomatic between the two parties, and the impact of those interactions are brought to the fore in this book. The work showcases the diplomatic acumen and the haggling prowess of the Egba in their negotiations with the British. It is a testimony of the people¿s resilience and political doggedness to foreign imperial agents which saved the Egba Kingdom from falling into the hands of British imperial grandmasters and their first soldiers at the early stage of the scramble for and partition of Africa.

  • von Mozhgan Hosseini
    46,00 €

    Inlay or carving on wood is one of the oldest handicrafts in the world. The art of inlay, this cultural heritage, has a very high place in the history of art and handicrafts of Iran, which is one of the works left during different historical eras of Iran and the world. You can understand the importance of this issue. Cultural heritage is the expression of traditions, beliefs and achievements of a country and its people. Preservation of this historical, cultural and artistic heritage is of global importance and belongs to all people on earth, regardless of race, religion and nationality, which today is possible through registration in the UNESCO World Organization. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the dimensions of globalization of the Abadeh carving and its economic and cultural consequences on the carver community, which has been completed through a descriptive-analytical method and relying on field studies, participatory observation and attendance at the relevant centers.

  • von Ion Slisarenco
    51,00 €

    The present didactic-scientific material, as well as the course itself, are addressed to the students who have studied the elements of the General and Special Parts of the Criminal Law and who have certain knowledge in the field, being destined to the formation and accumulation of some special competences that would concern the knowledge, the application and the integration of the qualification of crimes¿ procedures.

  • von Mahliyo Rakhimboyeva
    34,00 €

    Nature in the interpretation of Rauf Parfi-this monograph is useful all of them. For example, students and teachers. So, all nature objects performance in Rauf Parfi's lyrics. For instance, wind, rain, dawn, ice, river and other nature events.. So I named it that way this book. Rauf Parfi (September 27, 1943) was an Uzbek poet. His father, Parfi Muhammadamin was literate and came to Shoralisoy from Vadil village of Fergana region due to the the explosion of the Shuras.

  • von Mutabarkhon Soibjonova
    34,00 €

    Ushbu majmua özbek she¿riyatining yirik namoyondasi Rauf Parfi ijodi asosida yaratilgan. Mazkur qöllanmada ijodkor lirikasining öziga xos xususiyatlari, Rauf Parfining ¿Yomg¿ir yog¿ar, shig¿alab yog¿ar¿ she¿ri matnshunoslik faoliyati asoslari va she¿rning pragmatik tahlili, "Yana qaytib keldim. Chang tözgan¿ she¿rining matnshunoslik faoliyati asoslari va she¿rning pragmatik tahlili, ¿Luis Moran¿ she¿rining matnshunoslik faoliyati asoslari hamda she¿rning pragmatik tahlilini ko'rib chiqishingiz mumkin.Qöllanma bakalavr va magistratura talabalari, shuningdek, mustaqil tadqiqotchilar uchun möljallangan.Rauf Parfi ijodi ijtimoiy muhit va davr manzaralariga keng örin berilgan holda yaratilgan. Undagi har bir yaratiq öz mazmun-mohiyati nuqtayi nazari bilan hamma davrlar uchun ham qadrli va azizdir.

  • von Normat Meliqulov
    63,00 €

    O¿quv qo¿llanma tashqi kuchlar täsirida materiallar qarshiligining tajriba natijalari bilan tasdiqlangan qonunlarini nazariy keltirib chiqarishni o¿z ichiga oladi.O¿quv qo¿llanmada materialllar qarshiligining asosiy muammolari, fan va texnikaning hozirgi kun talablari darajasida yoritilgan. Cho¿zilish (siqilish), siljish, tekis kesim yuzalarining geometrik tavsiflari, buralish va egilish bo¿limlarini o¿zlashtirib olish uchun etarli darajada, qulay chizmada mukammal bayon mukammal bayon qilingan. Uning har bir bobida masalalar echib ko¿rsatilgan va mustaqil echish uchun topshiriqlar, tayanch iboralar va nazorat savollari va topshiriqlar keltiril¿¿¿.O¿quv qo¿llanma O¿zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o¿rta maxsus tälim vazirligi tomonidan tasdiqlangan namunaviy dasturi asosida, 5340200-Bino va inshoot qurilishi tälim yo¿nalishi bo¿yicha talabalari uchun mo¿ljallangan. Shuningdek, o¿quv qo¿llanmadan soha mutaxassislari va izlanuvchilar ham foydalanishlari mumkin.

  • von Nodirjon Khaydarov
    46,00 €

    Stroke has been a major medical and social problem for many years. According to the World Health Organization data, only half of patients with stroke survives and functional activities of body are capable. Cognitive disorders of various degrees occur in a significant number of patients who suffers from acute cerebrovascular accident and slow down the process of functional recovery, increase the risk of recurrent stroke and death. In the recovery period of a stroke, both regression and a significant increase in cognitive deficit are possible. The main aim of this monograph is to develop and improve differential diagnostic criteria, rehabilitation and recovery measures for patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. The monograph is intended for general practitioners, neurologists, pathophysiologists, masters, clinical residents and students of medical institutes.

  • von Yo¿ldosheva Sh.
    63,00 €

    Monografiyada boshlang¿ich sinflarda ingliz tili o¿qitish metodikasining nazariy asoslari va innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalari yoritilgan bo¿lib, u 5112200- ¿Maktabgacha va boshlang¿ich tälimda xorijiy til (tillar bo¿yicha)¿, 5111400-¿Xorijiy til va adabiyoti (tillar bo¿yicha)¿, 5120100-¿Filologiya va tillarni o¿qitish (tillar bo¿yicha)¿ bakalavriat tälim yo¿nalishining ¿Boshlang¿ich sinflarda ingliz tili o¿qitish¿ fanidan adabiyot sifatida tavsiya etiladi.

  • von Mercy Gakii
    34,00 €

    Jane Wawira Mugoh is the most recognisable spy in Africa. She has worked for many years in collaboration with various police organs like the flying squad and a number of police stations. She has handled hundreds of cases touching on government agencies, children, parastatais and private clients most of which are criminal cases.She has armed herself for her career with the top of the range skills by getting training with international private agencies and has studied Criminology and Leadership.It is Jane's passion for justice and to help the downtrodden that has seen her deliver on hundreds of complicated cases, from fa,ily wrangles, love triangles, corruption, human rights and defending children. In her biography, Jane tells her memorable adventures within and outside Kenya, her dalliance in love, the hope to settle down in marriage and how she finally made peace with herself, going on to enjoy life as it comes.Detective Jane Mugoh was awarded an honorary Doctorate degree in Himane Letters ny Breakthrough International Bible University from Los Angeles USA in Thika on Friday the 3rd December 2021.

  • von A. G¿Ulomov
    77,00 €

    O¿quv qo¿llanmada umumiy o¿rta tälim maktablarida «O¿zbek tili»ni o¿qitish sohasida yuz bergan yangiliklar va o¿zgarishlar hisobga olingan holda, mazkur fanni o¿qitishning metodik jihatlari bayon qilingan. Shu bilan birga, ilmiy-nazariy mälumotlarni amaliyotga tatbiq etish usullari yoritib berilgan.Har bir fan tajriba va izlanishlar asosida rivojlanib borgani kabi O¿zbek tilini o¿qitish metodikasi ham ilg¿or tajribalar, turli fikr-mulohazalar asosida taraqqiy etib boradi. Maktabda ona tili o¿qitish usullariga doir barcha masalalarni birgina ishda qamrab olish qiyin bo¿lgani uchun o¿qituvchilar maktabda ona tilini o¿qitishga ijodiy yondashib, sinfdagi mavjud sharoit va holatni hisobga olgan holda, bayon etilgan fikrlarni to¿ldirib boradilar, degan umiddamiz.O¿quv qo¿llanma oliy o¿quv yurtlarining o¿zbek filologiyasi fakultetlari talabalari uchun mo¿ljallangan.

  • von Gulxumor Yusupova
    34,00 €

    Mazkur uslubiy qöllanma Xorijiy filologiya fakulteti tarjima nazariyasi va amaliyoti va gid hamrohligi va tarjimonlik faoliyati yönalishi talabalari va barcha tarjimonlik faoliyatiga qiziquvchilar uchun yaratilgan bölib, unda tarjimonlikni endi boshlagan yosh tarjimonga tarjima turlari, ilk tarjimonlar, tarjimonlar turlari va tarjimonga qöyilgan talablar tartibi mazmunli ifodalangan.

  • von Nigora Tashlanova
    46,00 €

    This monograph is devoted to the study of the semantic and structural features of the vocabulary of color terms. The relevance of this work is due, on the one hand, to the great interest in the topic "Semantic and structural features of the vocabulary of color terms" in modern science, on the other hand, its insufficient development. Consideration of issues related to this topic has both theoretical and practical significance. The study of the vocabulary of color terms is explained not only by their wide use in everyday life, but also by the fact that they are expressive, figurative, clearly reflect the peculiarities of the spiritual and material life of the people. The study of the mechanisms of the emergence and use of vocabulary of color terms in English, Uzbek and Russian helps to identify the features of verbal thinking of native speakers.

  • von Mirazam Meliboyev
    51,00 €

    Qishloq xo¿jaligi va oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qayta ishlash (quritish) ning energiyatejamkor texnika-texnologiyalardan foydalanish va quritish texnologiyasini maqbul rejim va parametrlarini yaratish hamda innovatsion g¿oyalarni amaliyotga joriy etish orqali quritilgan mahsulotlarning shakli, kimyoviy tarkibi va organoleptik ko¿rsatkichlarini tahlil qilish. Monografiyada hozirgi kundagi dunyoning quritish korxonalarida mikroto¿lqinlarni issiqlik manbai sifatida samarali ishlatilmoqda, chunki u mahsulotlarning ion o¿tkazuvchanligi orqali tez ichki isitish orqali namlikni tez bug¿latilishini täminlaydi. Monografiyada mavjud quritish qurilmalarining turlari, usullari, yutuq va kamchiliklari, texnologiyadagi jarayonlar to¿g¿risida hamda bugungi kundagi quritish texnologiyasining rivojlanishi to¿g¿risida keng mälumotlar yoritilgan. Ushbu monografiya Oziq-ovqat texnologiyasi tälim yo¿nalishida ilmiy tadqiqotlar o¿tkazayotgan bakalavr, magistrant va boshqa ilmiy tadqiqotchilar foydalanishi uchun mo¿ljallangan.

  • von Ranjit Kumar Elamadurthi
    51,00 €

    The research aims to analyze the hidden themes in the select novels of Shashi Deshpande, a prominent Indian author. While Deshpande is considered a feminist writer, the researcher emphasizes that she does not adhere to an unjustified stance and neither supports the male perspective nor the extreme feminist ideology. Deshpande's analysis of women's portrayal in her works is regarded as interesting due to her own perspective as a woman. Modern women strive to carve their own paths, yet society often views their self-confidence and economic independence cynically. In India, where women have long been restricted by taboos and limitations, the media, education, employment opportunities, and increasing awareness among Indian women have contributed to their liberation from stereotypical roles. The research specifically concentrates on the themes present in five popular novels. The work aims to understand and appreciate the trials and tribulations faced by Deshpande's women protagonists under the conflicting influences of tradition and modernity. It critically analyzes their responses to emerging situations and their attempts to fit into contemporary society.

  • von Qademay Usanova
    34,00 €

    Bu kitobda o¿zbek, rus va qoraqalpoq tillarida ot so¿z turkumi, otlarning turlanishi, jonli va jonsiz otlar qiyosi, otlarda rod va son kategoriyalari, otlarda kelishik formalarining mänolari, har 3 tildagi kelishiklar qiyosi, otlarning egalik kategoriyalari qiyosi, otlarning morfologik sintaktik usullarda yasalishi va ularning qiyosi, o¿xshash va farqli tomonlari, o¿rganishdagi qiyinchiliklari haqida batafsil keltirib o¿tilgan.

  • von Nilufar Abduraxmonova
    46,00 €

    Ushbu monografiyada ontologik bilimlar bazasini yaratish böyicha xorijda va respublikamizda olib borilgan tadqiqotlarning tahliliy masalalari, ontologik elektron lug¿atlarning yaratilishi korpus texnologiyasidan foydalanishda semantik munosabatlar tadqiqi masalalari tahlilga tortilgan. Shuningdek, ontologik bilimlar bazasini yaratishda konsept va semantik munosabatlar alohida örganilib, tibbiyot terminlari misolida terminologik tizimda iyerarxik tasnifi, semantik maydonlari Protege dasturi orqali bazaga joylashtirilgan. Qolaversa, özbek tilidagi tibbiy leksik birliklarning paradigmatik, sintagmatik munosabatlari böyicha lingvistik tahlil amalga oshirilgan. Lingvistik platformada terminologik ontologik bilimlar bazasini yaratish bosqichlari, lug¿at sörovini yaratishda elektron lug¿at interfeysini loyihalashning nazariy va amaliy jihatlari ilmiy asoslangan. Ushbu monografiyadan kompyuter leksikografiyasi, kompyuter lingvistikasi, ontologiya va semantik texnologiyalar, amaliy tilshunoslik fanlarini öqitishda, shuningdek, professor öqituvchilar, doktorantlar, mustaqil izlanuvchilar, magistrantlar hamda bakalavr talabalari foydalanishlari mumkin.

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