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Bücher veröffentlicht von Globeedit

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  • von László Molnár
    51,00 €

    This is your passport to the cutting-edge world of neuromarketing. This insightful book seamlessly guides readers from the evolutionary foundations of this revolutionary discipline to its practical applications and the use of state-of-the-art tools. Unveiling the secrets behind consumer behavior, the book explores the neurological landscape, providing marketers with a strategic roadmap to enhance their campaigns. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the field, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in the dynamic landscape of modern marketing. Join the revolution and unlock the power of the mind in shaping consumer decisions.

  • von Sebestyén Miklós
    34,00 €

    A vizsgálat célja, indoklás Napjainkban egyre több és egyre fiatalabb korosztályokban jelennek meg mentális problémák, amelyek sok esetben párosulnak valamilyen magatartászavarral. A vizsgálatom célja felmérni, hogy a küzd¿sport miként befolyásolja az agresszió megjelenésének és a stressz kialakulásának mértékét. A vizsgálat kiterjedt arra is, hogy a közoktatásban megvalósul-e az önvédelmi- és küzd¿sportok oktatása. A vizsgálati anyag és módszer Primer kutatásomat középiskolás tanulók körében végeztem (N= 229). Az agresszivitás mértékét a BPAQ, a stressz szintjét a PSS kérd¿ívek segítségével mértem. A tanároknak szóló kérd¿ívem saját szerkesztés¿, melyek középpontjában az önvédelmi- és küzd¿sortok oktatása áll. Eredmények, következtetés Eredményeim egybevágóak korábbi kutatások eredményivel. Bizonyosságot nyert a sport, illetve azon belül a küzd¿sport preventív szerepe, amely szignifikánsan csökkenti a stressz és az agresszió kialakulásának valószín¿ségét. Igazolást nyert továbbá, hogy habár megjelenik a testnevelés órákon az önvédelmi- és küzd¿sport oktatása, a testnevel¿ tanárok többsége még sincs birtokában a megfelel¿ tudásnak a témával kapcsolatban.

  • von Akhmatjon Abdurakhmanov
    63,00 €

    60730000 ¿ arxitektura va qurilish "ta'lim yo'nalishi": 60730100 ¿ arxitektura, 60730300 ¿ qurilish muxandisligi:bino va inshootlarni loyixalash,qurish,60730300 ¿ qurilish muxandisligi: qurilish materiallari, buyumlari va konstruktsiyalarini ishlab chiqarish,60730900 ¿ Gidrotexnika qurilish (turlari bo'yicha) yo'nalishlarida taxsil olayotgan bakalavrlar, magistrlar xamda shu fan soxasida faoliyat ko'rsatayotgan va ayni soxaga qiziqqan yosh o'qituvchilar foydalanishlari uchun ushbu qo'llanmani tuzdi.

  • von Tayyebeh Khairandish
    46,00 €

    With the arrival of the era of new communication technologies and its comprehensive expansion, which brought along new concepts such as virtual reality, cyber space, etc.; There were many changes in human life and we faced a new world. A world where we think differently, write, read, communicate and generally live differently. Basically, technology has always changed people's way of life. The use of technology does not simply lead to the simplification of tasks, but it affects the way of thinking and the nature of the work done, the effects which are mostly huge and unanticipated. The invention of line, printing technology, telegraph, telephone and computer technology can be evaluated in the same direction; Because each of them in turn caused a change in human life with the changes they brought. The new information media, especially the Internet, is the reason for the modernization of social processes. This technology has overshadowed all aspects of people's lives. More importantly, it is necessary for all those who enter the world of work to have wise opinions about the Internet.

  • von Dobos Kristóf Maximilián
    34,00 €

    Szakdolgozati témám során feldolgozásra kerül Churchill második világháborús szerepe, személye és a róla kialakított képünk is. Fény derül a függ¿ségeire, illetve, hogy valójában mennyi szivart és alkoholt fogyaszthatott napi szinten, illetve az ezekr¿l kialakult tévhitekre is fény derül kutatásom során.A különböz¿ fejezetekben leírásra kerül Churchill nyilvános profilja, illetve a magánszemélyként történ¿ megjelenése is. Hitlerrel történ¿ párhuzamba vonása fontos szempont, hogy a második világháború két fontos alakját közelebbr¿l is megismerjük, illetve a két ellenséges országban kialakult szerepüket megvizsgálhassuk.Kutatásom során igénybe vettem jelent¿s mennyiség¿ kép- és videó illusztrációt, melyb¿l következtetéseket vontam le. Továbbá, számos, angol nyelv¿ szakirodalmat használtam fel.

  • von Mamadaliyeva E'Tibor
    34,00 €

    Monografiya tibbiyot oliy öquv yurtlarining tibbiy biologiya fakulteti 1-kurs talabalari uchun tibbiy biologiya va genetika fani öquv rejasiga muvofiq kredit modul tizimi asosida tuzilgan bölib, amaliy-laboratoriya mashg¿ulotlari uchun ¿Hujayra membranasining ultrastrukturaviy tuzilishi va moddalarning hujayraga kirish yo'llari¿ mavzusi böyicha talabalarga mustaqil tayyorlanishi uchun tavsiya etilgan nazariy savollarni, glossariy, mavzuga oid ilmiy atamalarni, vaziyatga doir masalalarni va ochiq va yopiq testlarni öz ichiga oladi. Shuningdek, talabalarga laboratoriya mashg¿ulotida amaliy könikmalarni shakllantirish uchun har xil biologik ob¿yektlarda vaqtinchalik preparatlar tayyorlash va ularni mikroskopning kichik va kata kattalashtiruvchi obyektivlarida tahlil qilish uchun topshiriqlar ham berilgan.

  • von Nargiza Hakimova
    59,00 €

    Mazkur monografiya tarbiya darsida zamonaviy yondashuvlardan foydalanishning dolzarbligi, tälim metodlarini to¿g¿ri tanlash va ularni dars jarayonida maqsadli qo¿llash natijasida o¿quvchilarda ijtimoiy-huquqiy kompetensiyalarni shakllantirish yo¿llari hamda tälim jarayoni mazmuniga bevosita va bilvosita aloqador subyektlarning o¿zaro hamkorlik faoliyati asosida innovatsion tälim metodlarini tatbiq etish mazmuni yoritilgan. Monografiya 60110500 ¿ Boshlang¿ich tälim, yo¿nalishi talabalari hamda umumtälim maktablari boshlang¿ich sinf o¿qituvchilariga mo¿ljallangan.

  • von Prasun Patra
    34,00 €

    Nanotechnology, a rapidly expanding field, showcases diverse applications across disciplines. Platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) are a focal point in scientific exploration, offering non-toxicity and stability, especially in bioengineering. This concise review surveys global research on PtNPs, covering synthesis methods (Physical, Chemical, and Biological), along with in-vivo and in-vitro analyses. Nanometrological techniques for characterization are explored, aiding in understanding their physical and chemical attributes. The book extends to recent advancements in PtNP functionalization for biomedical purposes, including nanomedicine, combination therapy, cancer treatment, and antibacterial applications. The structured framework of the book comprises sections on Introduction, Platinum Nanoparticles, Synthesis, Characterization, Toxicology, Biomedical Industry, Antibacterial Applications, and a concluding perspective.

  • von Xayrullayeva Dilnoza
    46,00 €

    Sinfda o¿qish ¿ hayotga tayyorlash vositasi, sinfdan tashqari o¿qish esa hayotning o¿zi demakdir. Sinfdan tashqari o¿qishning maqsadi ¿o¿qish malakalarini takomillashtirish, kitob tanlay oladigan, muntazam kitobo¿qiydigan, kitobni to¿g¿ri baholaydigan ongli kitobxonni tarbiyalashdan iboratdir. Mazkur monografiya ¿Sinfdan tashqari o¿qish mashg¿ulotlarini tashkil etish metodikasi¿deb nomlangan bo¿lib, unda sinfdan tashqari o¿qish mashg¿ulotlariga mälum bir o¿zgartirishlar kiritish hamda noan¿anaviy tälim texnologiyalaridan foydalanishning samarali usullari yuzasidan taklif va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqilgan. Monografiyada yosh avlod ongiga boshlang¿ich sinflardan boshlab, kitobxonlikni o¿stirish uchun sinfdan tashqari o¿qish mashg¿ulotlariga oid metodik ko¿rsatmalar berilgan. Monografiya 60110500 ¿ Boshlang¿ich tälim, yo¿nalishi talabalari hamda umumtälim maktablari boshlang¿ich sinf o¿qituvchilariga mo¿ljallangan.

  • von Nargiza Inag¿omova
    59,00 €

    ¿O¿zbek tilining sohada qo¿llanishi¿ o¿quv qo¿llanmasi O¿zbekiston Milliy universiteti tavsiya etgan Fan dastur asosida yaratildi. Qo¿llanmada Fan dasturiga kiritilgan mavzular qamrab olingan. O¿quv qo¿llanma turli sohalarga oid ilmiy, ilmiy-ommabop matnlar, nazariy mälumotlar, mavzularni mustahkamlash uchun mashq va topshiriqlar, bo¿lajak mutaxassislarning og¿zaki nutqini o¿stirishga qaratilgan materiallar, nutq uslublari ustida ishlashga doir topshiriqlar, mustaqil tälim mavzulari va ularning bzgarilishi yuzasidan ko¿rsatmalar, glossariy hamda lug¿atlar bilan boyitilgan. Mazkur o¿quv qo¿llanma OTM barcha bakalavriat tälim bosqichi talabalari uchun mo¿ljallangan.¿O¿zbek tilining sohada qo¿llanishi¿. O¿quv qo¿llanma (N.Inag¿omova). O¿zbekiston Milliy universiteti, 2023-yil. 168 bet.

  • von John Haughton
    32,00 €

    This short story, ¿Alexandra David Neels¿ is the fourth in this writer¿s series of short stories about great women in history. The previous short stories now in published form, were; the story of Sophie (Mary) Pierce (Lady Heath) ¿ in the publication ¿The Silver Lining¿, ¿Tina Turner¿, ¿Sinead O¿Connor¿ (Sinead).This story is primarily about Alexandra, as she was the inspirational influence as a result of which I set out to write her story. However, when travelling in her footsteps the writer discovered many other ¿treasures¿ in the form of indigenous beliefs, major religions and their motivations designed by wise men and women in order to make matters of life and death more meaningful and lifestyles more perfect. This writer has included aspects of these so that the reader can be better informed with regard to the beliefs and the aspirations not only of Alexandra but also of those that she encountered and studied. The research involved, led to the outlining, and summarising of, some very complex belief systems. Alexandräs personal journey and mission focused mainly on the Indian subcontinent and the Himalayan region.

  • von Sarimsakov Maksudkhon
    51,00 €

    Monografiya Respublikamizning sug¿oriladigan, o¿rta va yengil qumoq mexanik tarkibli tipik va och tusli bo¿z, o¿tloqi-bo¿z hamda o¿tloqi allyuvial tuproqlari tarqalgan hududlari (Andijon, Farg¿ona, Namangan, Toshkent, Samarqand, Jizzax, Qashqadaryo va Surxondaryo viloyatlari)da o¿rta tolali g¿o¿za navlarini parvarishlashda o¿simlikning biologik talabi hamda tuproq turi va mexanik tarkibi, shuningdek, hududning geologik va gidrogeologik joylanishiga asoslangan sug¿orish usuli, me¿yor va muddatlarini belgilash, shuningdek, irrigatsiya eroziyasiga moyil tuproqlar sharoitidagi paxta maydonlarida g¿o¿zani sug¿orishda irrigatsiya eroziyasi jarayonlariga qarshi kurashish chora-tadbirlarini ishlab chiqishga bag¿ishlangan.Monografiya qishloq va suv xo¿jaligi sohalarida taxsil olayotgan bakalavrlar, magistrlar, mustaqil izlanuvchilar, klasterlar, dehqon va fermer xo¿jaliklari raxbar va mutaxassislari hamda ilmiy xodimlar, sug¿orma dehqonchilik va melioratsiya sohasi hamda suv tejamkor texnologiyalarni tadqiq etuvchi mutaxassislarga mo¿ljallangan. Monografiyada keltirilgan barcha mälumotlar ilmiy izlanishlar, tahlillar, dala hamda laboratoriya tajribalari natijalariga asoslangan.

  • von Xolmurot Raximov
    46,00 €

    Ush monografiyada axborot ta'lim muhiti komputerning kognetentligini ta'minlashni ta'minlash kabi imkoniyatlarni rivojlantirish.Tadqiqot jarayonida ¿kompetensiyä tushunchasining umume¿tirof etilgan mohiyati va kompetensiyalarning yagona tasnifi mavjud emasligi aniqlandi. Shu bilan birga, tahlil natijalari chet el va milliy pedagogikada muammoga doir yondashuvlarning umumiyligi va shaxs kompetentligining akmeologik yo¿nalganligi haqida fikr yuritish imkonini beradi. Mazkur ilmiy tadqiqotda ko¿pchilik mualliflarning fikrlariga qo¿shilgan holda umumiy, shaxs bilan bog¿liq bo¿lmagan va mälum bir faoliyat turini egallash bo¿yicha shaxsiy tajriba sifatida ¿kompetensiyä va ¿kompetentlik¿ kategoriyalari farqlandi.Ushbu manografiya ¿TIQXMMI¿ MTUning Qarshi irrigatsiya va agrotexnologiyalar instituti Uslubiy kengashning 2023-yil 27-oktyabrdagi bayonnomasida chopishga taqdim etildi.

  • von G. X. Suyunova
    59,00 €

    This guide is aimed at teaching English to students of 60711300-Metrology, standardization and product quality management education, bachelors, masters and other humanitarian and social sciences. The collection of common terms in each chapter and the acquisition of different study guide material from these terms will expand the professional English vocabulary, meets the grammatical requirements and norms of modern English, both reading and speaking, develops skills, conducts discussions and presentations in English, allows students to improve their knowledge.

  • von Sarvinoz Abdujalolova
    34,00 €

    Ushbu kitobda maktabgacha ta'limda bolalarning yoshi, xususiyatlari, o'ziga xos xususiyatlari keltirib o'tilgan. Deyarli ko'pchilik yosh bolalarning psixologiyasini o'rganish murakkab jarayondir. Jumladan, ularning xarakterlari, psixikasi, yashash xususiyatlari aynan shu kitobda keltirib o'tilgan. Ularni psixikasini yaxshilash, meyorda ushlash uchun ushbu kitobda amaliy va nazaroy metodlar keltirib o'tilgan.

  • von R. Ne¿matova
    34,00 €

    Ushbu uslubiy tavsiya matematika fanini chuqur o¿rganuvchi maktab, akademik litsey va oily tälim yo¿nalishida tälim olayotgan o¿quvchilar foydalanishlari uchun mo¿ljallangan. Uslubiy tavsiyada algebra fanining ayrim misol va masalalarini Geometriya fani yordamida yechish usullari ko¿rsatilgan. Fanlarni bir-biriga bog¿lab mashg¿ulotlar olib borish, o¿quvchilarda fikrlash, tasavvur qilish hamda tatbiq qilish kabi bir qator inson omillarining shakllanishida yordam beradi. Qolaversa, bu kabi masalalar o¿quvchilarni matematika olimpiadalariga tayyorlashda qo¿l keladi.

  • von Shoxruxbek Uralov
    34,00 €

    Bu risolamiz turizm sohasining speleoturizm yo¿nalishiga bag¿ishlangan bo¿lib, risola orqali siz speleturizm haqida mälumotlarga ega bo¿lishingiz, g¿orlar haqida mälumotlar, uning tuzilishi, foydalilik jihati haqida bilishingiz mumkin bo¿ladi. Bunda siz speleoturizm bo¿yicha o¿z bilimingiz orttirishingiz va yurtimizda mavjud bo¿lgan obyektlar bilan tanishishingiz imkoniga ega bo¿lasiz. Risolamiz kichik hajmda bo¿lib, beshta mavzudan iboratdir.

  • von D'Örd' Shimon
    77,00 €

    Sbornik soderzhit tematicheskie issledowaniq po sowremennomu razwitiü pqti stran Jugo-Vostochnoj Azii. Iz ätih stran Indoneziq, Malajziq i Tailand narqdu s Filippinami whodqt w gruppu t.n. «nowyh aziatskih tigrow». Kambodzha i M'qnma (Birma) qwlqütsq menee razwitymi, no obladaüt dostatochnym potencialom dlq dinamichnogo äkonomicheskogo rosta. Sootwetstwuüschij äkonometricheskij analiz baziruetsq, w perwuü ochered', na ändogennoj modeli rosta so wstroennym mehanizmom tehnicheskogo progressa, uchitywaüschej ne tol'ko fizicheskij i chelowecheskij kapital, no i wremq w roli sobytijnogo prostranstwa kreatiwnoj äkonomicheskoj deqtel'nosti. Proizwodstwennaq funkciq ätoj modeli daöt wozmozhnost' srawniwat' obschuü faktornuü äffektiwnost' s mirowym urownem. V eö ramkah äkonomicheskij rost analiziruetsq ne tol'ko na makrourowne, no i w obrabatywaüschej promyshlennosti. V sbornike rassmatriwaütsq takzhe problemy razwitiq sel'skogo hozqjstwa i äkonomicheskaq rol' prqmyh inostrannyh inwesticij.

  • von Melika Ghassemi
    51,00 €

    Quality has many definitions, but the important point in the discussion of quality is its measurement or measurement, which is very difficult for health care users due to the subjective quality of care. Because the service users determine the quality based on various factors, including their perception of the skills of the service providers, their own knowledge, previous experiences of using the service, the experiences of friends and acquaintances, their perceptions of the care environment and atmosphere, and personal values. Quality of health care is a degree of service provided to individuals and communities that increases the likelihood of favorable outcomes and is consistent with current professional knowledge. Crosby, one of the theorists of quality, says: Quality is free, what costs money is low quality. Quality is determined by the customers of an organization. The concept of quality is rooted in the work of industrial experts. The importance of quality was noticed from 1950 onwards. The initial effort was focused on the manufacturing sector and later included service sectors as well.

  • von Anvar Gafurov
    46,00 €

    Iqtisodiyotning yangi taraqqiy bosqichida globallashuv jaroyonida boshqaruv asoslarini makro va mikroiqtisodiy darajada o¿rgatish, korxonalarda boshqaruvni tashkil etish bosqichlari, boshqaruv va tashkiliy munosabatlarni yo¿lga qo¿yish, hamda bozor faoliyatini o¿rganish, uning qonuniyatlari va tamoyillarini o¿rganish bo¿yicha nazariy-amaliy bilimlarni shakllantirish tälim tizimining muhim vazifalaridan hisoblanadi.Zamonaviy bozor sharoitida respublikamiz tälim tizimi o¿zining barqarorligi, moslashuvchanlik, ijtimoiy o¿zgarishlarga bardoshliligini namoyon etishi yuqori cho¿qqilarga chiqib bormoqda. Shuning uchun ham hozirgi talaba bo¿lajak rahbar boshqaruvchanlik qobiliyatiga, jamoalarni boshqara olish bilan jamoadagi muhitni va nizolarni hal qila olish kabi hislatlariga ega bo¿lmog¿i kerakdir. Shu nuqtai nazardan mazkur uslubiy qo¿llanma amaliy xislatlarini qamrab olishga qaratilgan.Ushbu uslubiy qo¿llanmada keltirilgan testlar, keys, interaktiv mashqalar va nazorat savollari Menejment fani bo¿yicha bilimlarni mustahkamlashga amaliy yordam beradi.

  • von ¿. ¿. Rahmonqulov
    46,00 €

    Hozirgi paytgacha polimer materiallar uchun issiqlik o¿tkazuvchanlikning yagona nazariyasi yaratilgan emas. Polimerlarda yagona issiqlik o¿tkazuvchanlik nazariyasining majud emasligi uchun ham yangi yaratilgan polimer materiallarning issiqlik fizikasini tahlil etishda qator qiyinchiliklar tug¿ilmoqda. Shuning uchun ham polimerlarda va ular asosidagi kompozitsiyali materiallarda issiqlik o¿tkazuvchanlik jarayonlarini eksperimental o¿rganish dolzarb masalalardan biri bo¿lib hisoblanadi.O¿zaro tabiati va tuzilishi jihatdan turli xil bo¿lgan polimerlar va to¿ldiruvchi moddalarni o¿zaro täsirlarini tahlil etishda eksperimental natijalarning keng spektrlarda amalga oshirilishi ularda issiqlik o¿tkazuvchanlik nazariyasining yaratilishiga zamin bo¿lib xizmat qilishi mumkin. Ushbu monografiyada polimerlarning issiqlik xossalarini eksperimental o¿rganish va nazariy tahlil etish yo¿llari keltirilgan.

  • von Hodosán Dávid
    24,00 €

    Vizsgálatomban arra keresem a választ, hogy a csoportos órákon belül, együttes foglalkoztatási forma keretében is hatékonyan tudjuk az órán résztvev¿ket foglalkoztatni.A csoportos fitnesz foglalkozásokon az egyéni sajátosságokat figyelembe nem vev¿ óra csak kis mértékben fogja elérni a kit¿zött profil célját, lesznek olyan személyek, akiknél nem fogja a kívánt edzéshatást elérni, míg másoknál többlet terhelés alakulhat ki.Szakdolgozatomban áttekintettem a fitnesz irányzatokat és azon belül a High Intensity Intervall Training (HIIT) hatását a szervezetünkre nézve. Insanity edzés keretein belül méréseket végeztem a laktát,- pulzus értékekre vonatkozólag, melyek el¿tt elvégeztünk egy állapotfelmérést. Összehasonlítást végeztem, azon részt vev¿k között, akik heti 3 illetve csak heti 1 alkalommal végeznek magas intenzitású interval edzést.A csoportos órán belül, célirányosan az egyén pulzusértékének megfelel¿en tartottam a második edzést, mely során elértem a kit¿zött célt. Megfelel¿ differenciálással, biztonságosan és eredményesen lehet csoportos fitnesz foglalkozásokon is edzeni az órán résztvev¿ket.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    46,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. The United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalization era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets for cultural events. The need for a book on Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets from Arabic into English and vice versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets for various cultural events.

  • von Alliyar Naurizbaev
    46,00 €

    Ushbu monografiya yerlarga ekish oldidan ishlov berishda traktor g¿ildiraklaridan hosil bölgan izlarni yumshatish uchun keng qamrovli mola-tekislagichga iz yumshatkich ishlab chiqish va uni amalda sinab körish, uning parametrlarini asoslash, tajriba nusxasini tayyorlash, uning agrotexnik, energetik va ekspluatatsion körsatkishlarini aniqlash böyicha ötkazilgan tadqiqotlarning natijalari bayon etilgan.Monografiya talabalar, magistrlar, tayanch doktorantlar va doktorantlar, ilmiy-pedagogik xodimlar va konstruktorlar uchun möljallangan.

  • von Oleh Mykhailychenko
    51,00 €

    The essays deal with the emergence and development of the process of musical and aesthetic education of children and youth in the territory of Ukraine in the second hlf of the 19th ¿ at the beginning of the 20th century. The activities of public and musical societies, amateur organizations, educational and art institutions, individual prominent Ukrainian figures who contributed to the development of national culture and self-awareness of the Ukrainian people are discussed.For teachers, students, scientists studying the history of Ukrainian culture.

  • von Gulchiroj Kamolowa
    46,00 €

    V memuarnyh proizwedeniqh «nowoj prozy» V.P. Kataew prakticheski absolütno oswoil semanticheskij potencial form organizacii powestwowaniq i hronotopa. Tak prostranstwo i wremq w soznanii geroq obraschaütsq w formy wyrazheniq swoego sostoqniq i perezhiwaniq. Roman «Almaznyj moj wenec», kak znachimoe qwlenie iskusstwa, obladaet osoboj änergiej ästeticheskogo wozdejstwiq, poskol'ku stil' romana harakterizuetsq bol'shoj wnutrennej ömkost'ü, sposobnost'ü okazywat' wliqnie na chitatelej ne tol'ko nashego wremeni, no i posleduüschih äpoh. Duhownye kontakty awtora romana s chitatelqmi ¿ äto tot pobuditel'nyj stimul, kotoryj okazywaet ogromnoe wliqnie na strukturu proizwedeniq, na ego stil'. Ponqtno zhelanie hudozhnika wyrazit' idei i obrazy, kotorye wolnuüt ego. I äto zhelanie, my polagaem, neotdelimo u V.P. Kataewa ot stremleniq ubedit' chitatelq w zhiznennoj, ästeticheskoj znachimosti sozdawaemyh im obrazow, uwlech' chitatelq wsem stroem powestwowaniq, razwitiem süzheta.

  • von Indira Rakhimova
    34,00 €

    This methodical guide is dedicated to psychodiagnostic methods provided for practical training of students of higher educational institutions in general psychodiagnostics.Also, some theoretical information about the problems of psychodiagnostics of addictive behavior and the history of diagnostic questionnaires related to them is given in the methodological manual.This methodological guide is intended for use by teachers and students in general psychodiagnostic training.

  • von Molnár Andrea
    63,00 €

    Irásom többféle témát megjelenít a biztonságpolitikai tartalmú eszmefutamoktól kezdve a vallástudományt érint¿ reflexiókon át egészen az irodalomtörténeti elmélkedésig, melyet ad absurdum egy soá novella, és egy önéletrajzi ihletés¿ elmélkedés követ, történeti h¿séggel írva le életutam szakmai állomásait. Az elmúlt 30 évben ''elkövetett'' irományaim esszenciája ez a könyv, a szívemnek legkedvesebb témafelvetések ''csokra'' mely rávilágít egy alapvet¿ jellemvonásomra: kissé fura szerzet vagyok a gondolkodási sémáimat illet¿en.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    46,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. The United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalization era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing community events. The need for a book on Leaflets has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing flyers, brochures and leaflets from Arabic into English and vice versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English leaflets for various community events.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    46,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. The United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalization era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing various brochures including educational, religious, cultural events and festivals. The need for a book on Brochures has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing Brochures from Arabic into English and vice versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English brochures including educational, religious, cultural events and festivals.

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