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  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    Nestled within the golden sands and ancient landscapes of the Arabian Peninsula lie treasures that transcend time¿stories etched in stone, culture woven into the fabric of existence, and legacies standing as testament to humanity's enduring journey. In "Pillars of History and Echoes of Antiquity: UNESCO's Legacy in the Arabian Peninsula," we embark on a captivating expedition through the revered UNESCO World Heritage Sites of this storied region. The book is a celebration of resilience, preservation, and the profound significance of these sites. From the majestic archaeological wonders to the natural marvels, each chapter unravels the tapestry of history, offering glimpses into civilizations long past, traditions upheld through generations, and the natural beauty that continues to awe and inspire. It's an invitation to wander through time, to explore the echoes of ancient footsteps, and to marvel at the architectural marvels that stand as testaments to human ingenuity. Join us on this immersive journey as we traverse the landscapes of the Arabian Peninsula and unearth the rich tapestry of its UNESCO-listed World Heritage Sites. The book is a humble ode to the guardians of Heritage.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    Egyptian literature, spanning across centuries, has been an evocative testament to the complexities of human existence, culture, and societal evolution. This book seeks to delve into the rich tapestry of Egypt's literary heritage, exploring the diverse voices, themes, and profound narratives that have shaped the country's literary landscape. Through the lenses of remarkable literary figures such as Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti, Dr. Ahmed Amin, Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad, Ibrahim Abdul Qader Al-Mazni, Ahmed Hassan Al-Zayat, and Dr. Sohair Qalamaawi, this collection journeys through an array of literary expressions that range from introspective reflections on life's lessons to poignant critiques of societal norms. Each chapter illuminates a different facet of Egyptian literature, uncovering the nuanced interplay between humanism, religion, art, and personal philosophies. We traverse the realms of human experience, witnessing the echoes of past civilizations and the contemporary dilemmas through the eyes of these literary luminaries. This book aims to be an exploration, an invitation to explore the realms where Egyptian literary masterpieces breathe life into narratives and philosophies.

  • von Qodirov Jumanazar
    46,00 €

    Mazkur monografiyada elektrlashgan temir yo¿llar elektr täminoti sohasida elektr tortish tarmog¿ining o¿tkazish qobiliyatini yaxshilash usullari, ushbu sohada energiya tejamkor texnologiyalarni qo¿llashda jahon tajribalaridan foydalanish ko¿zda tutilgan. Bu esa tog¿li hududlarda elektrovozlarning sifatli va uzluksiz elektr energiya bilan tänimlash va shu bilan birgalida iqtisodiy samaradorlikka erishishdir.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    This book provides an overview of the Arwi and Jawi scripts, which are Arabic-influenced writing systems used by the Tamil Muslim community in Tamil Nadu, India, and the Malay Muslim community in Southeast Asia, respectively. Arwi is a dialect of the Tamil language written with an extension of the Arabic alphabet, while Jawi is a modified version of the Arabic script used to write the Malay language. Both scripts have historical and cultural significance in their respective regions, serving as a medium for the preservation and dissemination of Islamic knowledge and the expression of local languages. However, with the advent of modern education and the dominance of English, the usage and recognition of Arwi and Jawi have declined. To revitalize these scripts, suggestions include reprinting existing books, introducing them in Madrasahs and Pesantren (Islamic schools), making them a part of the school curriculum, promoting their use in daily life, and encouraging the publication of periodicals and magazines. By implementing these measures, it is hoped that a renaissance of Arwi and Jawi literatures can be achieved, preserving the cultural heritage and facilitating Islamic culture.

  • von László Berényi
    51,00 €

    Quality terminology and application is a continually renewing area of management. An alignment with the changing social, business, and technological environment has become its premise. Until the age of mass production, personal commitment and responsibility were determinative. Skills were the guarantee for consumer satisfaction. During mass production, statistical methods offered new solutions in a cost-effective manner. Nevertheless, that is no longer enough. Along with the appreciation of the services, rebuilding the personal orientation was urgent. This monograph is based on the experience of a long education and research activity. It summarizes the author¿s concept of quality and shows how to understand and incorporate a quality approach in some areas. Sustainability, workplace development, and project management are emphasized in the book.

  • von Alexandr Vasil'ewich Tolmachöw
    46,00 €

    Samoorganizaciq cheloweka predpolagaet ne tol'ko samoissledowanie lichnoj duhownoj äwolücii i wsego zhiwogo mira, no i formirowanie razlichnyh tehnologij lichnostnogo rosta. Odnoj iz takih tehnologij, kotoraq pomogaet sformirowat' lichnost' cheloweka qwlqetsq teologiq. Awtor predlagaet opyt sobstwennoj duhownoj äwolücii, ispol'zuq moschnye tehnologii lichnostnogo rosta: filosofii i teologii. Takie tehnologii pogruzhaüt cheloweka w miry wysokogo intellekta i duhownyh otkrytij, miry wysshego religioznogo, misticheskogo, filosofskogo sluzheniq. Nastoqschij sbornik mozhet ukazat' puti razmyshlenij nad segodnqshnimi tehnologiqmi lichnostnogo rosta, wklüchaq sil'nejshuü iz wseh ¿ teologiü. Sbornik statej mozhet byt' polezen dlq filosofow, teologow, religiowedow, psihologow, pedagogow i wseh myslqschih lüdej, interesuüschihsq tehnologiqmi lichnostnogo rosta.

  • von Bahtiyor Qosimov
    59,00 €

    Ushbu o¿quv qo¿llanma 50711401-¿Avtomobil transportiga texnik xizmat ko¿rsatish va tämirlash¿ ixtisosligining o¿quv yo¿nalishi talabalari uchun tayyorlangan. Qo'llanmada avtomobil materiallarini olish, ishlab chiqarish, ajratish va ulardan foydalanish va neft mahsulotlarini avtomobil sanoatida qo'llash bo'yicha ma'lumotlar berilgan bo'lib, bu talabalarning ma'ruza va amaliy mashg'ulotlarda oladigan bilimlarini yaxshilashga yordam beradi.

  • von Szögi-Homor Lilla
    46,00 €

    Könyvemben bemutatom a személyes és társas kapcsolati kompetenciafejlesztés lehet¿ségeit a hazai földrajzoktatásban. A kutatásom célja az volt, hogy a diákok el¿bb említett kompetenciáját fejlesszem a tananyagba beépített feladatok tudatos alkalmazásával. Végeztem két kérd¿íves felmérést, amivel a Budapest XXII. kerületi iskolák e kompetencia fejlesztéséhez f¿z¿d¿ viszonyulását mutatom be. Az egyik célcsoportot a kerület földrajztanárai alkották, akik megosztották velem véleményüket és módszereiket a diákok személyes és társas kapcsolati kompetenciafejlesztésér¿l. A másik célcsoport a kerület 8-os diákjai voltak, ¿ket arról kérdeztem, hogy mennyire érzik az említett kompetencia fejlesztésének megvalósulását a földrajzórákon. A kérd¿ív segítségével válaszokat kaptam arra, hogy a metodikai problémafelvetésem valóban helytálló-e, miszerint a személyes és társas kapcsolati kompetencia fejlesztése kevéssé valósul meg a jelenlegi földrajzoktatásban. A kérd¿ív kiértékelése után megfogalmaztam egy ¿ a hetedikes tananyaghoz kapcsolódó ¿ fejlesztési tervet és feladatgy¿jteményt, illetve reflektáltam azokra a feladatokra, amelyeket a fejlesztésben részt vev¿ osztállyal ki tudtam próbálni.

  • von Ra¿no Ibragimova
    46,00 €

    Ushbu monografiya Istiqlol davrida Qoraqalpog¿istonda o¿zbek adabiy muhiti rivojalnishi va o¿ziga xos xususiyatlarini yoritib berishga xizmat qiladi. Istiqlol davrida juda ko¿plab ikki tilda birdek ijod qilib kelayotgan ijodkorlar adabiyotning turli janrlarida faol qalam tebratganining guvohi bo¿lamiz. Monografiyada ilgari faqat publitsistikada o¿zini ko¿rsatayotgan qalamkashlar ijodida tub burilish bo¿lgani, bu davr adabiyotining ko¿zga ko¿ringan vakillarining ijodiy faoliyati tahlil qilinadi. Bu davr adabiyotining mavzu va mazmun rang-baragligi, muammolarning yangilanishi, Qoraqalpog¿iston adabiy muhitining e¿tiborli jihatlari haqida so¿z yuritiladi.Uslubiy-shakliy izlanishlar tabiatidagi dinamik o¿zgarishlar, adabiy täsir va ijodiy aloqa jarayoni, badiiy-estetik tafakkur tabiati hamda poetik mahorat sabab bir-birini taqozo etishi; milliy mental mushtaraklik, milliy idrok jamiyat g¿oyaviy-badiiy tematikasiga uzviy täsir o¿tkazganligi bo¿lsa, ijtimoiy ongning muhim qirrasi sifatida badiiy adabiyotda realistik tasvir yo¿sini teranlashganligi, ifoda tabiatiga daxldor folklorizm, mifopoetika va stilizatsiya o¿ziga xoslikni tavsiflaganligi dalillangan.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    This book explores the methodology of ICT-enabled Arabic teaching as an innovative approach to facilitate the learning and teaching of the Arabic language. With the widespread availability of technology, ICT offers a simple and attractive method for learners to engage with the language. The paper focuses on the Indian context, where Arabic language learning has gained significant momentum, and the demand for Arabic language skills has increased. The adoption of ICT in Arabic language teaching is supported by the Indian government and institutions such as the UAE Ministry of Education and the Saudi Arabian Government's Ministry of Higher Education. By incorporating multimedia technologies, web applications, and virtual classrooms, ICT-enabled Arabic teaching provides learners with flexible and accessible learning environments. The paper emphasizes the importance of integrating technology into language instruction to enhance communication skills and improve pedagogy. The positive impact of ICT on Arabic language teaching is demonstrated through the success of various institutions and centers of Arabic learning in India and other countries.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    Welcome to "Worked-out Exercises for Academic Events: Poster Presentations." This book is an embodiment of the dedication and commitment to advancing academic prowess through practical demonstrations. It aims to serve as a comprehensive resource for educators, students, and enthusiasts seeking to enhance their understanding and proficiency in various subjects. Within these pages, you'll find a curated collection of meticulously worked-out exercises, meticulously crafted to illuminate the practical applications of theoretical concepts. Each exercise serves as a testament to the synergy between theoretical knowledge and real-world problem-solving skills, offering a bridge between classroom learning and practical implementation. Our goal is to inspire a deeper comprehension of academic subjects and foster an environment where learning extends beyond theoretical frameworks. Whether you're an educator looking for innovative teaching methods or a student eager to grasp the practical implications of your studies, this book intends to be your companion in the journey toward academic excellence. We hope these showcased exercises ignite your curiosity and encourage active engagement.

  • von Badari Boglárka
    34,00 €

    Könyvemben az ösztönz¿ eszközök és azok alkalmazási lehet¿ségét vizsgáltuk egy multinacionális vállalatnál. Arra a kérdésre kerestük a választ, hogy a rendelkezésre álló juttatási eszközök hogyan hatnak egy vállalat különböz¿ szinten dolgozóira, a korosztályokra. Melyek azok az eszközök, amelyek a jelenlegi munkaer¿piacon résztvev¿ket jobb munkára motiválják. Változik-e a motiváló, jutalmazó eszközök iránt az igény?Az elméleti része szekunder kutatásokra épült. A rendelkezésünkre álló szakirodalom alapján vizsgáltam a motiváció elméleti hátterét.A kvalitatív kutatás mélyinterjú formájában történt, 23 dolgozót kérdeztem meg és mondták el véleményüket. Mindez több mint 350 perc hanganyagot jelent.A kérd¿ívet 101 f¿ töltötte ki, ami a teljes magyarországi létszám 10%-a. Könnyen elérhet¿ dolgozókat kérdeztem meg arról, hogy mennyire tartják fontosnak a vállalatjuttatási elemeit, azok mennyire elégítik ki igényeiket.A jelenlegi vírus okozta helyzet megnehezíti a dolgozók és munkavállalók dolgát egyaránt. Az otthoni munkavégzés els¿re kecsegtet¿, de hosszútávon fárasztó. Ez egy új kihívás a vállalatnak és dolgozóknak is.

  • von Mingboyev Ulug'bek
    46,00 €

    Ushbu monografiya umumiy o¿rta tälim maktablari o¿quvchilarida kommunikativ ko¿nikmalarni shakllantirish hamda informatika va axborot texnologiyalari darslarining sifat-samaradorligini oshirishga yordam berish maqsadida yozildi. Unda informatika va axborot texnologiyalari darslarida qo¿lanilishi lozim bo¿lgan interfaol metodlar, didaktik o¿yinlar, keyslar to¿plami va o¿quvchilarning kommunikativ ko¿nikmalarini shakllantirishga yo¿naltirilgan mashqlar tizimi o¿rin olgan.Monografiya tälim muassasalarining informatika va axborot texnologiyalari fani o¿qituvchilari, o¿quvchilar, ota-onalar, shuningdek, tayanch doktorantlar va tadqiqotchilar uchun mo¿ljallangan.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    Welcome to a journey through the heart of the Arab world-a tapestry woven with the vibrant threads of culinary heritage, intricate crafts, and enduring traditions. This book is an invitation to explore the richness of Arab culture, embodied in its diverse cuisines, masterful crafts, and time-honored rituals. Savoring Culinary Traditions: Embark on a flavorsome expedition across the lands where spices dance, and aromas linger in bustling markets and intimate kitchens. From the tantalizing aroma of fresh spices in souks to the artistry of preparing sumptuous feasts, each dish tells a story steeped in history and shared experiences. Craftsmanship and Artistry: Discover the artistry and craftsmanship that have thrived through generations, from the intricate patterns adorning textiles to the exquisite beauty of ceramics and calligraphy. These crafts not only bear the mark of exceptional skill but also reflect the deep-rooted cultural narratives of the Arab world. Honoring Timeless Traditions: Delve into the tapestry of traditions woven into everyday life ¿ celebrations, family gatherings, and rituals that bind communities together.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    In the rhythms of our world, the Orient holds a symphony of cultural treasures and vibrant traditions that resonate through time. Harmonies of the Orient: Recreation Activities seeks to unveil the mosaic of recreative pursuits deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of the Arab world.This exploration is a tribute to the resilience and beauty of Arab traditions, celebrating the echoes that resound through their concerts and festivals. From the rhythmic beats of traditional music to the jubilant gatherings of festivals, this book endeavors to capture the essence of these vibrant expressions.Join me on a journey of discovery, where each page echoes with the melodies and vibrancy of Arab culture, offering a glimpse into the soulful celebrations that bind communities together. May this narrative serve as a testament to the enduring spirit of tradition and the universal language of harmony found within the Orient's cultural landscape.

  • von Uwem Essia
    59,00 €

    Embark on a transformative journey with "Ancient Wisdom and Modern Insights for Balance, Joy, and Personal Mastery." This insightful exploration, spanning ten chapters, seamlessly intertwines the profound teachings of Stoicism, the mysteries of consciousness, and the practicality of habit engineering. Discover the Stoic blueprint for decision-making, learn principles for a sharp mind, and witness Stoicism's modern resurgence in navigating life's challenges. Delve into the power of solitude, unravel the complexities of the mind, and explore the harmony of balancing, holding on, and letting go. Engage with neuroplasticity for cognitive enhancement and build resilience in a world without free will. The book concludes with a captivating exploration of ancient Epicureanism and the psychology of happiness. Each chapter unfolds with real-life case studies and draws connections between timeless wisdom and contemporary well-being. This book is a comprehensive guide offering practical tools and profound perspectives for those aspiring to cultivate a life of joy, balance, and mastery.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    In the rich tapestry of Lebanon's cultural heritage lies a treasury of poetry-a lyrical expression of its homeland, nature, and the serene rural landscapes that have woven themselves into the very fabric of its identity. This collection stands as a bridge between languages, inviting readers into the soul-stirring beauty of Arabic poetry, resonating across borders and generations." Echoes of Lebanon: Translated Arabic Poems on Homeland & Nature" is an endeavor to bring forth the vibrant spirit and profound emotions encapsulated in the verses penned by Lebanon's poetic voices. Through meticulous translation and careful curation, this anthology aspires to preserve the essence of these poetic masterpieces while rendering them accessible to a wider audience. The verses within these pages carry the scent of cedar forests, the echoes of ancient mountains, and the whispers of a people deeply rooted in their land. They paint vivid portraits of the sweeping landscapes, the tender nuances of homeland, and the timeless connections between nature and the human heart. As we embark on this poetic journey, may these translated verses transcend linguistic barriers, offering a glimpse into Lebanon.

  • von Zulfizar Kochkorova
    46,00 €

    Ushbu monografiyada hozirgi ingliz va özbek tillaridagi ¿sevgi ¿ muhabbat¿ va ¿töy¿ konseptlari ifodalovchilarining struktural ¿ semantik turlari maydoni, ularning kommunikativ ¿ pragmatik turlari hamda translotologik aspekti qiyoslab tahlil qilingan va ularning izomorfik va allomorfik jihatlari yoritib berilgan.Monografiya tilshunos olimlar, tadqiqotchilar, öqituvchilar, doktorantlar, magistrantlar va talabalar uchun möljallangan.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    In the sands of the Arab world lie echoes of an ancient past-a realm teeming with life, now preserved in the very rocks and fossils beneath our feet. This book is an invitation to embark on a journey through time, delving into the captivating realm of Arab paleontology. "Echoes of the Past: A Journey into Arab Paleontology - The Rich Fossil Legacy in Arab Lands" is a testament to the wonders and revelations hidden within the layers of history. Within these pages, you'll traverse the deserts, mountains, and valleys of the Arab lands, uncovering the remnants of prehistoric life that once roamed these landscapes. From the majestic dinosaurs that ruled the ancient world to the intricate imprints of long-extinct creatures, this book illuminates the stories locked within the stones. But this journey is not solely about fossils; it's about the passionate individuals-scientists, researchers, and explorers-who dedicate their lives to unraveling the mysteries of our planet's past. Their relentless pursuit of knowledge breathes life into the very bones and shells that lay dormant for eons. As we turn each page, we'll not only discover the remnants of bygone eras.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    Arabic poetry holds a prestigious place among the arts, standing high in the realm of literature. It's a beautiful literary art form expressing emotions and sentiments, and contemporary Arabic poetry holds significant literary and linguistic value. The contemporary era of Arabic poetry differs in various ways from its predecessors, encompassing social, philosophical, scientific, educational, nationalistic, and political themes. This collection aims to introduce readers to modern poetic arts, their evolution, and their global influences. Lastly, it expresses gratitude to those involved in promoting Arabic language and literature, hoping this endeavor contributes positively to the Arabic library and serves the enthusiasts of knowledge and literature. In the delicate dance between languages, we find the eternal beauty of poetry. This collection stands as a bridge between worlds, inviting readers into the lyrical tapestry woven by modern Arabic poets. "Whispers of the Levant and Beyond: Translated Modern Arabic Verses" is a labour of love dedicated to the profound expressions of human experience captured in verse. The selection of poems within these pages spans Arab landscapes.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    In the intricate tapestry of Arab culture lies a profound legacy woven by the skilled hands of artisans and craftsmen. "Crafting Legacies: Arab Traditional Artistry and Handicrafts" embarks on a journey through time, delving into the soulful artistry and exquisite craftsmanship that have adorned the region for centuries. This book is a celebration of heritage, a tribute to the artisans who, generation after generation, have meticulously honed their skills, passing down ancient techniques and stories embedded within every stitch, carve, or brushstroke. Within these pages, you will uncover the vibrant colors, textures, and stories that breathe life into traditional Arab crafts and handiworks. From the bustling markets of old towns to the quiet workshops nestled in the heart of communities, the journey spans the breadth of Arab lands, embracing the diversity of cultures, techniques, and materials that form the mosaic of traditional artistry. Each chapter invites you to explore a unique facet of craftsmanship, offering insights into the meticulous processes, cultural significance, and the enduring legacy preserved in these treasures. Join us in this exploration of creativity.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    In the embrace of the Arab world, amidst its vibrant landscapes and diverse communities, lies a treasure trove of cultural heritage and timeless traditions. This book, "Arab Cultural Traditions: Harmony in Diversity - Exploring Arab Cultural Heritage," serves as a gateway into the intricate tapestry of customs, rituals, and legacies that have woven together the rich fabric of Arab society. Within these pages, we embark on a captivating journey across the Arab world-a journey that transcends borders and delves into the heart of a culture shaped by centuries of history, art, language, and faith. From the majestic palaces and bustling souks to the tranquil courtyards of mosques, every facet of Arab life reflects a mosaic of traditions that have withstood the tests of time. Through the lens of this book, we'll traverse the landscapes of the Arabian Peninsula, encountering a diverse array of traditions and customs that celebrate the unity amid diversity. As we journey through these narratives and anecdotes, may we not only gain insights into the richness of Arab cultural heritage but also foster a deeper appreciation for the beauty and resilience of traditions.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    In the heart of the Arab world lie treasures that transcend time, tales that echo through the ages, and landmarks that stand as testaments to the rich tapestry of history and culture. "Historic Marvels and Cultural Treasures of Arabs" is an expedition through the enigmatic realms of heritage, a journey aimed at unraveling the layers of civilizations that have woven the intricate fabric of this land.This book is a celebration of the enduring legacies-be they architectural marvels, sacred sites, or vibrant cultural landscapes-that have endured through the passage of centuries, whispering stories of triumphs, sorrows, and the remarkable resilience of the Arab spirit. From the majestic wonders of ancient civilizations to the living traditions thriving in bustling city squares, this compilation endeavours to offer a glimpse into the captivating allure of Arab history and culture.As we traverse the realms of time and space, exploring the iconic landmarks and cultural wonders, may these pages serve as a portal, inviting you to immerse yourself in the beauty, diversity, and grandeur of the Arab world's historical and cultural tapestries.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    The shifting sands of time, among the rolling dunes and vibrant oases, lies a tapestry woven with the threads of history, tradition, and diversity. This book embarks on a journey through the captivating landscapes of Arab culture, unveiling the intricate mosaics that define the very essence of this rich and storied region."Echoes of Heritage: Arab Cultural Landscapes" is an exploration, a celebration, and a tribute to the myriad facets that adorn the landscapes of the Arab world. It is a narrative woven with the vibrant threads of tradition, the whispered echoes of centuries-old tales, and the resilient spirit of a people deeply rooted in their heritage.Through these pages, we traverse the expansive deserts, meander through bustling souks, and linger amidst architectural marvels that stand as testaments to an illustrious past. From the towering minarets that pierce the sky to the intricate patterns adorning ancient structures, every detail tells a story-a tale of resilience, artistry, and cultural vibrancy.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    Within the intricate folds of Arab heritage lies a treasury of artistry that transcends time-a legacy woven by skilled hands, carrying stories of tradition, resilience, and creativity. "Mastering Tradition: The Timeless Artistry of Arab Handicraft Skills" embarks on a captivating odyssey through the hallowed corridors of craftsmanship, where heritage meets art in its most authentic form. This book is a tribute to the artisans who have meticulously cultivated and passed down their expertise through generations, preserving the exquisite techniques and secrets that animate Arab traditional handicrafts. It's a testament to the enduring allure of these crafts that have adorned homes, markets, and hearts across the region for centuries. As you turn these pages, you'll journey into the heart of traditional Arab handicrafts, discovering the intricate patterns of carpets, the rhythmic beats of copper artisanry, the delicate weaves of textiles, and the vibrant hues of ceramics. Each chapter unravels the profound cultural significance, the meticulous processes, and the artistry encapsulated within these timeless treasures. This book is an invitation-to immerse yourself in the Arab heritage.

  • von Rakesh Kumar Mishra
    67,00 €

    Artificial intelligence is enhancing the human level and going beyond the capabilities of humans. To reach its peak potential, researchers develop goals and build smart systems that can act or think intelligently in the same way that people do. It is the need of the time that AI uses all aspects to develop smart villages, smart cities, modernize our smart systems, border fences, and space exploration. AI sensing, such as touch screen, speech recognition, and consumer-oriented mobile assistants, can identify the words that are spoken by the system. AI refers to the activity of acquiring and applying different skills and knowledge to solve a given problem.

  • von K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair
    34,00 €

    In the world of literature, poetry stands as an indelible testament to a culture's heart and soul. It encapsulates the emotions, struggles, triumphs, and aspirations of a people, providing a window into their world. This collection of translated contemporary Egyptian Arabic poems aims to offer readers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Egypt's poetic landscape. Egypt, a land steeped in history, myth, and modernity, has long been a crucible for artistic expression. Its poets, with their eloquent verses, have mirrored the country's socio-political upheavals, its timeless landscapes, and the resilient spirit of its people. The poems included in this anthology span various themes, traversing the spectrum from reflections on revolution to odes celebrating the countryside, from musings on unity to expressions of strength and resilience. Through the process of translation, these works have been carefully rendered into English, seeking to retain the essence, cadence, and evocative power of the original Arabic verses. Each poem serves as a literary bridge, connecting cultures, transcending linguistic barriers, and inviting readers on a poetic journey through the heart and mind of Egypt.

  • von Sukhrob Ruziyev
    34,00 €

    Ushbu monagrafiya ishida Favqulodda vaziyat uning kelib chiqish sabablari va keltirib chiqargan avariyalarning tarqalish kölami uni oldini olish, bartaraf qilish yöllari kuch va vositalari aholini favqulodda vaziyatga tayyorlash yöllari va chora tadbirlarini ishlab chiqilgan. Favqulodda vaziyatlarni oldini olish choralarini takomillashtirish orqali xavfsiz texnologiyalarni amalga joriy etish, aholini himoyasi borasida amaliy tavsiyalar ishlab chiqish va uni amalda tadbiq qilish. Favqulodda vaziyatlar oqibatida körilgan zararni aniqlash tartibi mavzusining modulli ishlanmasi ishlab chiqilgan. Favqulodda vaziyatlarning oldini olishning samaradorligini oshirish böyicha xulosa va takliflar berilgan.

  • von Farrux Madiyev
    46,00 €

    Monografiyada Samarqand shahrida transport infratuzilmasini yanada yaxshilash, shahar va tumanlardagi avtomobil yöllarini magistral yöllariga bog¿lash, ichki va tashqi transport oqimini tartibga solish, Samarqand shahridagi ichki va tashqi transport oqimining zichligi, yölning ötkazish qobiliyati va yuklanganlik darajasi körsatkichlarini baholash, Samarqand shahridagi ichki va tashqi transport ko`cha-yo`llarida transport statistik va ziddiyatli vaziyatlar va avtomobil yo`llarini tekshirishni tashkil etish, Pendjikent nomli köchasini M-39 avtomabil yöli 1081-kmga chiqish yöli chorrahasida yöl ötkazgichi ob¿yekti hisoblanadi, shaharlararo va shahar ahamiyatidagi tor yöllarni kengaytirishdagi optimal injenerlik yechimlari, tirbandiliklar oldini olish ahamiyat kasb etadi.

  • von Gyenes Lídia
    34,00 €

    Automatizálható-e az újságírók munkája, pontosabban a hírírás? Képes lehet-e a kereskedelmi forgalomban már megjelent mesterséges intelligencia, az OpenAI mesterséges intelligencia kutatólaboratórium, felületér¿l elérhet¿ GPT-3 informatív, olvasmányos, emberszer¿ cikkek generálására anélkül, hogy ez az olvasónak felt¿nne, vagy zavarná ¿t? A szövegekre specializált GPT mellett, a Dall-E képalkotó intelligenciát is használom a tesztekhez, amivel realisztikus illusztrációkat készítek a GPT írásaihoz.Ezzel párhuzamosan különböz¿ újságírók is készítenek rövidhíreket a kísérlethez ugyanazon kulcsszavak alapján, mint amiket a GPT számára is megadok. Az így generált fiktív rövidhíreket, az újságírók rövidhíreivel egyenl¿ arányban töltöm fel egy HTML kódon alapuló weboldalra.A beavatatlan olvasók fele nem képes megkülönböztetni a GPT-3 szövegeit újságírók szövegeit¿l. Ezzel szemben a mesterséges intelligenciával (Dall-E) generált képeket jobban tudják azonosítani. A megkérdezettek 70%-a nem szívesen látogatna mesterséges intelligencia által szerkesztett hírportálokat. Így tehát az MI jelenlegi állapotában, ha a képessége meg is lenne rá, nem tudná felváltani az emberi újságírást.

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