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Bücher veröffentlicht von Grace Theology Press

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  • von Janine McNally
    30,00 €

    Maybe it was baseball season, with its many Sunday practices, which caused a normally committed family to miss church... only they didn't return when the season ended. For another family, it was the dance recital with its accelerated rehearsal schedule, which was "only temporary..." but their return attendance was sporadic before it became non-existent. What's the greatest crisis among churches today? Janine McNally, author of When You See Fireflies, contends it's our lack of understanding of Generation Alpha. Children and families are leaving the church in droves, for "greener pastures" but in fact, is a very dark world. Nearly three out of every four teens who have grown up in the church have left, and thousands more will join their ranks this week. While our message must never change, our methods and strategies must keep pace with the changing culture. Past successful programs do not automatically translate into effectiveness today. The perception is that church is no longer relevant and many are disillusioned with the hypocrisy and politics. Our troubled world reflects issues which we have faced for centuries but with technology and social media, they have resurfaced with an unstoppable force. Parents want the church's help. This book addresses the personal, practical, biblical, and theological issues surrounding this crisis. We must do something before we lose an entire generation.

  • von David R. Anderson Ph. D.
    41,00 €

  • von Dave Kuhnert
    24,00 €

    Since 2016, Servant Leadership has been equipping people to influence the world through transformed character, effective leadership, and cultural engagement. Through his vast experience in the military and business, Dave Kuhnert discusses not just the theory behind effective living, but how to practically carry it out. Through vision casting and self-awareness, the Servant Leadership toolbox invites people to take ownership of their journey. To influence the world around them by learning how to steward their own character and lead others effectively. These tools have helped transform individuals, teams, and organizations around the globe. Through Servant Leadership, Kuhnert aims to help redeem society through equipping leaders, empowering organizations, and redefining what it means to be a person of influence. This book will help you define the purpose of your life, assess the reality you find yourself in, and equip you to live every day with intention, purpose, and influence. David Kuhnert outlines the framework for life and how to use the seven Servant Leadership tools to effectively live within that frame. A transformed life is available for you and your organizations. You can live well. You can lead well. Through love and service, you can find what so many others have - the tools to a meaningful life.

  • von David R Anderson
    32,00 €

  • von David Anderson
    22,00 €

    Living by Grace attempts to make the case for grace in every corner of our lives. It makes sense that since we were saved by grace, we should live by grace. Since God is grace, we should not only experience His grace but also live within it and give it to others.David R. Anderson, Ph.D.Dr. Anderson and his wife, Betty, have pastored in the Houston area for thirty years and have helped to plant eight churches. He was the founder of Covenant Christian School in Conroe, Texas. The Woodlands Christian Academy, and Grace School of Theology, a fully accredited college and seminary with students in fort-two countries and classes in seven languages. He is also the author of Maximum Joy, Free Grace Soteriology, Betwitched; The Rise of Neo-Galatianism, Triumph through Trials, Position and Condition, and Saving the Saved.Charles Bing, Ph.D.Before founding and directing GraceLife Ministries (, Charles Bing served 25 years in pastoral ministry-19 of those as pastor of a church he planted in Texas. He also helped found the Free Grace Alliance and served as its president. He as authored many articles and his books include Simply by Grace, Lordship Salvation, Living in the Family of Grace, and Grace, Salvation, and Discipleship.Fred Chay, Ph.D.Dr. Chay has been in the ministry for more than 40 years. He has pastored churches in Arizona, California, and Texas. He is the founder and president of Grace Line, a ministry devoted to motivating Christians toward maturity in their faith. He is currently the Academic Dean, Dean of the DMin Program, and Professor of Theological Studies at Grace School of Theology. He is also the Managing Editor of Grace Theology Press, and the author of The Faith That Saves, The Glorious Grace of God, Medical Ethics, and Suffering Successfully. Philip F. Congdon, Th.M.Phil pastored church plants in Kansas and Texas, and served as senior pastor of New Braunfels Bible Church for the last 17 years. He taught Bible and theology at Adelaide College of Ministries in Australia for 5 years, was an adjunct instructor in Worldviews at Judson University in Elgin, Illinois, and has taught at Word of Life Bible Institutes in Australia and the Philippines. Phil was also involved in founding the Free Grace Alliance, served on its board, and is presently a board member for GraceLife Ministries.Mark "Dean" Haywood, DMinDr. Mark "Dean" Haywood is the Pastor Emeritus and Founder of God's Household of Faith in Houston, Texas. Additionally, he serves as the Provost (Chief Academic Officer) for Grace School of Theology. At Grace, Dr. Haywood conducts administrative matters, offers guidance counselling to students and their families, recruits students for admissions, and teaches Hermeneutics, Expository Preaching, along with Bible Exposition courses. His combined education, training, and experience have opened ministry doors around the globe.Mark Rae, M.Div.Mark Rae spent 25 years in church and para-church ministry as an Associate Pastor, COO of an evangelistic ministry, Executive Director of a discipleship ministry and Senior Pastor. He is passionate about sharing the Word simply, clearly, and creatively, and currently serves as Vice President of Community Development with Grace School of Theology and Executive Director of Grace Center for Spiritual Development.

  • von David R Anderson
    36,00 €

  • - A Biblical Analysis of Alternative Answers and Why It Matters
    von Robert J Kerrey
    26,00 €

    For centuries, theologians have wrangled over precisely what the Bible teaches about the role of the Holy Spirit in drawing people to faith in Christ. At issue is just what is the meaning of John 6:44: "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." Since the time of the Reformation, theologians have posited different "logical orders," (ordo salutis), for repentance, faith, regeneration, conversion, justification, sanctification, etc. At the heart of this debate is whether faith precedes regeneration or whether regeneration precedes faith.The debate breaks down roughly along the lines of a Calvinist (Reformed) view vs. an Arminian (non-Calvinist) view, with most Calvinists asserting regeneration precedes faith and all non-Calvinists, including Arminians, asserting faith precedes regeneration. Then there are issues as to the meaning of "precedes" in these debates. Are we talking about temporal order, logical order, or both?Additionally, informing how one approaches this topic are the anthropological and hamartiological questions swirling around the nature and description of human depravity brought about by Adam's sin. Does the theological notion of "total depravity" include or exclude human ability to respond to the gospel offer? Is regeneration a purely monergistic act or synergistic in nature? Do humans possess some form of libertarian freedom or not? What is the nature of saving faith?Kerrey's work is groundbreaking in that he deftly navigates the choppy theological waters and proffers something of a via media for our consideration. Methodologically, Kerrey engages in an exegesis of all the key texts impinging on the question. He lists and discusses all the arguments in favor of the two major positions and then seeks to construct from Scripture a better alternative that best harmonizes all the biblical data.The topic could not be more important. This work is a significant advance in the seeming stalemate between competing views. Kudos to Dr. Kerrey for forging a well-constructed, biblical path forward.-David L. Allen, PhDDean of the School of PreachingSouthwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

  • - The Power of His Touch Through You
    von Carmen Pate
    23,00 €

    In our weakness, God is strong. I invite you to join me during 40 days of an intense storm - the battle for my life in a relapse of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. During this trial, God gave me His biggest assignment yet - to take my focus off of myself and to pray for, and minister to all those around me in the hospital. His empowerment to do just that was a testament to His amazing grace. This hospital "ministry" gave me incredible joy and purpose for living each day to the fullest, in total dependence on God's strength. Would you like to experience God's power in your weakness? - Did you know you have purpose and opportunity, even on your weakest days? Would you like to experience God's joy and peace, even in your darkest moments?I pray all who read this book will be motivated to allow God's strength to work in their weakness; to experience His touch through them as they love others; and to accomplish amazing things in the power of God, all for His glory.

  • - Como Entender Algunos Pasajes Dificiles de la Biblia
    von Charles C Bing
    28,00 €

    En esta versión en español de un libro que presenta la diferencia entre salvación y discipulado, se estudian cuidadosamente 130 pasajes de la Biblia dentro de su contexto. Aquí, usted podrá ver el único y útil enfoque de "Verdad A, Verdad B" para los pasajes de la Biblia relacionados con la salvación y el discipulado que muy a menudo son mal entendidos. Muchos de los pasajes estudiados están relacionados con las siguientes preguntas: ¿Ser Cristiano es lo mismo que ser discípulo? ¿Debo trabajar para obtener o retener mi salvación? ¿Cuántas buenas obras necesito para demostrar que soy salvo? ¿Puedo estar absolutamente seguro de que voy a ir al cielo? ¿Qué debo hacer con las dudas acerca de mi salvación? ¿Cómo afecta el pecado a mi compañerismo con Dios? ¿Cómo puedo tener una experiencia más abundante con Dios en esta vida y en la siguiente?Muchos ya han encontrado este libro como un recurso esencial para los estudiantes de la Biblia, maestros, líderes de grupos, pastores, y misioneros. Usted se encontrará recurriendo a este libro una y otra vez cuando se encuentre frente a un pasaje difícil de la Biblia.

  • von David R Anderson
    39,00 €

  • - The Future Reign of The Servant Kings: Fourth Revised Edition
    von Th D Joseph C Dillow
    74,00 €

    "This work is extensive in its argumentation, expansive in its canonical scope, and immensely expanded from its first edition. It is an exceptional work, and a majestic achievement of both exegetical and biblical theology." -Fred Chay, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Theological Studies and Director of Doctoral Studies, Phoenix Seminary. President of the Free Grace Alliance."When I first read Reign of the Servant Kings many years ago it impacted my life and thinking powerfully. This revised and greatly expanded edition is certain to become a standard discussion of the doctrines of grace and rewards."-Kenneth R. Mitchell, Th.D. Teaching pastor, Westside Chapel, Jacksonville, Florida. Author of "Justice and Generosity - The Teaching of the Bible Concerning the Poor.""Dr. Dillow's discussions of many controversial Bible verses and doctrines are thorough, fair, well documented, and thought-provoking."-The Late Roy B. Zuck, Th.D. Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Editor, Bibliotheca Sacra."Jody Dillow's book, Final Destiny: The Future Reign of the Servant Kings, is a tour de force for anyone seriously interested in grappling with the biblical doctrines of salvation and assurance, and becoming Christ's partner in the fulfillment of human destiny."-J. Paul Tanner, Ph.D. Former Professor of Semitics and Old Testament at East Asia School of Theology and the Jordon Evangelical Theological Seminary."With outstanding scholarship and thorough attention to exegetical and theological detail, Joseph Dillow has given us a magnificent vision of the final destiny of man. Those who disagree with "Free Grace" soteriology will be uninformed if they have not read this work."-Earl Radmacher, Th.D. President Emeritus. Western Theological Seminary."For anyone interested in deeper understanding of the important issues of salvation by grace through faith alone, eternal security, eternal rewards, and man's Final Destiny, this book is a must read!"-Larry Waters, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biblical Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary.

  • - An Exposition of the Book of Ephesians
    von David R Anderson
    32,00 €

  • - Sexual Purity for Christian Men in a Sex-Saturated World
    von Roger S Fankhauser
    23,00 €

    We live in a sex-saturated culture. Yet the believer in Jesus also lives under the authority of God and His Word. Culture says, "Explore and enjoy your sexuality." The Bible says, "Flee sexual immorality." Can a believer experience sexual purity when everything around him says to indulge and enjoy it? The Bible says yes! In this book, Dr. Roger Fankhauser will help you:-See the resources God provides for you to experience purity.-Discover that God promises a "way of escape" when you face temptation.-Discover that the secret to experiencing purity is not self-effort but drawing on the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.-See the value of positive goals for our purity beyond "flee immorality."-Discover five simple principles to move toward those positive goals. -Discover the greatness of God's grace, which is greater than any sexual sin you committed prior to your salvation or any after your salvation as a believer.With a healthy view of God and the resources He provides, you can experience the purity God desires for you. You can do it.

  • - With Respect to Saving Faith, Perseverance, and Assurance
    41,00 €

    The contributors to this book seek to biblically describe and defend a true Grace Theology and answer the deficiencies and criticisms that have been expressed by Dr. Wayne Grudem's critique of "Free Grace Theology" and other Reformed theologians' articulations and conclusions.

  • - Celebrating Faith Despite Circumstances
    von Dian Sustek
    23,00 €

    There are times when God surprises us in the midst of our sorrows by showing us things we never could have learned had we not experienced loss. I know that sounds ridiculous and perhaps you may think it is - but then only He knows what it takes to make us into the image of His one and only Son! You've often heard people say, "God cares more about our character than He does about our comfort" and through this journey He showed my husband and myself that really the only way He could develop in us the character of Christ was to walk with us through the journey of cancer. John learned much faster than I, and God took him home! I am still in the "student" phase but He is patient and kind and still with me as I continue to walk with Him and listen for His direction.

  • - Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians: A Commentary
    von Philip F Congdon
    28,00 €

    "Phil has managed to appeal both to the scholar, the pastor, and the untrained Christian who just want to understand First Corinthians." - Charles Bing, PhD "Rare indeed do you find a commentary that is exegetically astute, theologically engaging, pastorally insightful and homiletically valuable. Phil Congdon has provided such a tool to guide pastors and serious students of the scriptures into a rich and robust quest through First Corinthians." - Fred Chay, PhD It is little wonder that, considering the moral and economic climate of Corinth in the first century, this letter is so applicable today. Corinth, with its commercial status, its religious variations, its preoccupation with sex, its emphasis on sports and leisure, its love of knowledge, and its judicial system, has much in common with our modern world. The Christian minister who desires to be both faithful to God's Word and relevant to modern society will find much to draw from in this letter.

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