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  • von Barrcroft Weston
    20,00 €

  • von James Warden
    22,00 €

    26,00 €

    Will the truth ever be exposed?Some people have God, but not Tob. He has the Hells Angels. He lives by rules laid down in California during 1949, anachronistic rules with severe penalties.His mind is in turmoil, his eyes focused on a view from the window of his home. What is so terrible? Can he cover his tracks? He is supremely confident. He plans, repeats, it cannot go wrong.But... there is this one, local detective. A detective with a bee in his bonnet. He has a gut-feeling that he cannot shake off. DC Geoff Deeley doesn't like coincidence, so when three young men go missing and the common denominator is Tob Hobson, he takes a serious interest in Tob's activities. He spends six years in ruthless pursuit, encountering lies and false trails. He may passionately believe that the three men are dead, murdered. But is he right? No one else seems convinced. Will anyone ever listen to him? Can he find out the truth?Gripping twists and turns, heartbreak, violence and then, the ultimate final betrayal.But where are the bodies? No body, no murder. Or is there?

  • von ELEGY
    30,00 €

    England in the time of his boyhood was a cold and colourless country.They had seen to that, the Autumn Men.They who had been lifted high, the old men of his country and other countries, who in the autumn of their years, reflecting on the unfulfilled promise of their youth, and their failures as yet unredeemed, feeling as any old man adrift alone on a small boat, sails broken, oars lost, swept hopelessly onward towards the deafening roar of the approaching weir, might feel, decided that too few had sweetly and honourably been called.So call out the young men, wide-eyed and brave of heart, to don uniform, bid sweethearts farewell and forfeit their future.And murder in the name of God.Until they too are harvested 'neath the Autumn Men's sickle.And the lark song is stilled as passing bells are heard anew.------------No longer could the innocent look to the heavens for salvation, only look on in horror as the devil poured the contents of hell over them.And so it was and so it remained until Satan, who had found refuge in the hearts of too many, was cast out and the women had cried.."enough!!"----------And on countless memorials in towns and villages across the cold and colourless country, new names were added to the old and memorials once again were baptised with tears of the innocent for the innocent. And in the great city as the weak winter sunshine filters through the mists of an early November morning, the Autumn Men in their black coats and polished shoes still stand, shameless, in solemn line to bow their heads and lay poppy-lit wreaths, mankind's apology to its youth.----------This then was the wasteland of his boyhood. One from which he would spend the rest of his life trying to escape.

  • von Sian E. Jones
    19,00 €

  • von Anastassia Belynskaia
    20,00 €

  • von Ian Walters
    23,00 €

  • von Guy Robin
    23,00 €

  • von Norman Warner
    28,00 €

  • von Kanji Ishizumi
    13,00 €

    These observations are based upon the premise that, with war having been a constant feature of humankind's evolution, a nation's security and prosperity are inextricably linked with its military strength. To illustrate the point, the author compares the revered historical cities of Venice and Aleppo. Of the two, Venice benefited from having the most advanced military capacity of mediaeval times and thus enjoyed prolonged stability while Aleppo constantly suffered at the hands of more powerful enemies. Japan more closely resembles the latter. In the postwar era, it is the states equipped with nuclear weapons that have dictated the balance of power. Indeed, the four countries of most significance to Japan's present security are its ally the United States and the hostile or potentially hostile China, Russia and North Korea - all of them nuclear-armed. As the ultimately fruitless meetings between North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and former US President Donald Trump illustrate, North Korea has absolutely no intention of giving up its nuclear and other advanced armaments. But even if it were to do so, the more menacing threat to Japan comes from China. With its militarisation of the South China Sea, its aggressive intentions towards Taiwan, its provocative behaviour around the Senkaku (Diaoyu) islands, its relentless military expansion and its determination to replace America as the regional hegemon, China represents an undoubtedly grave danger to Japan. The author proposes a two-pronged strategy. Firstly, Japan should construct a network of nuclear shelters sufficient in scale and number to protect its people - particularly in the populous urban areas that would probably be targeted by the enemy. Secondly, Japan should join NATO and avail itself of the protection afforded by American nuclear warheads and bombs while preparing itself for war. However, if joining NATO turned out to be unfeasible, Japan should instead divert the resources currently allocated to maintaining the US military presence in the country to developing its own atomic warheads and bombs as well as submarines equipped with nuclear missiles. Despite the received wisdom that Japan is forbidden by its constitution from having nuclear weapons, the author points out that the issue has been raised by various administrations in the past going as far back as that of Prime Minister Kishi Nobosuke in 1957. Moreover, the frequent port calls by US submarines and aircraft carriers laden with atomic weapons make a mockery of the Three Non-Nuclear Principles that Japan supposedly observes. With the US-Japan Security Alliance offering absolutely no guarantee of protection, the author sees no impediment to Japan abrogating it and embarking on its own nuclear weapons programme. In the postwar period, a number of countries have succeeded in developing such weapons and it is perfectly possible for Japan to do likewise. In conclusion, the author foresees a situation in which China succeeds in subjugating Taiwan and America is forced by financial constraints to reduce its military presence in the Far East. The only country able to make up the shortfall would be Japan - which, by acquiring nuclear weapons, would be able to maintain the balance of security in East Asia. By the same token, it would be able to ensure its own survival.

  • von Stephen Hayes
    20,00 €

  • von Augustine Mamedu
    125,00 - 127,00 €

  • von Isabella Pallavicini
    21,98 €

    Italy WW2 - from Sicily and the Mafia to Rome and the Vatican - The compelling story of a boy growing up between two homelands, his adventures as a young soldier, his Sicilian family, and their incredible journey through war torn Italy.

  • von Ron Culley
    21,00 €

  • von Sarah Newcombe
    21,00 €

    A book to boost children's confidence in their own abilities and promote independence.When Sofia is given a magic cardigan by her Granny, she amazingly develops special powers, and finds that she becomes able to do so many things which she used to struggle with. But is the cardigan really magic or could Sofia have actually achieved those things all along?A delightful book about enabling self-confidence and helping those you love.

  • von Vincent Goddard
    25,00 €

  • von Robert Stevens
    26,00 €

  • - Thegn of Compton
    von Peter Wilcox
    26,00 €

    An historical novel set in eleventh century England and Bruges that traces the early life of King Harold's grandfather torn between his duty to the unpredictable King Aethelred and his stewardship of the Compton Estate.

  • - A Testing Week
    von Shona Stringer
    20,00 €

    Abigail is loving being back at school with all her friends, that is until her week of tests arrives. Follow Abigail's journey as she tries her very best and eventually realises that in her own time she can achieve anything.

  • von Milan Vukovic
    20,00 €

  • - The Coronavirus Pandemic 2019
    von Dale Mark Kudsy
    19,00 €


  • von Jack Idle
    30,00 €

    A ground-breaking fourth book in the Jack Idle trilogy comes with a health warning. If you believe that the world is a great place in which to live, and has managed the pandemic well, or you have a closed mind, this book is not for you.

  • von Mary Lewsley
    17,00 €

    Wee Row of Shops and a Bar is a collection of short stories. The first eight stories are linked, and preferably, should be read in order. The remaining stories are a collection of varied and stand alone stories and can be read at random.

  • von Pete Eastwood
    139,00 €

    The memoirs of a Mod with a Punk attitude, who takes you 'access all areas' with his tales of discovery, friendship, and survival.

  • - The 7 SIMPLE STEPS to Shift from Uncomfortable TO UNSTOPPABLE
    von Scott Gregory
    20,00 €

    Achieve Anything is a life-changing book that helps you see how you can master your mindset, take action now and develop the critical habits that will help you deliver mind blowing results with anything you dare to achieve.

  • - The 7 SIMPLE STEPS to Shift from Uncomfortable TO UNSTOPPABLE
    von Scott Gregory
    30,00 €

    Achieve Anything is a life-changing book that helps you see how you can master your mindset, take action now and develop the critical habits that will help you deliver mind blowing results with anything you dare to achieve.

  • von Sayid Hussein
    22,00 €

    Journey the world and visit its most magical sites with this sibling duo. Learn some fun facts along the way as they see the seven wonders of the world!

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