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  • von Randall Munroe
    16,00 €

    What If?2 - Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is a captivating book by the renowned author, Randall Munroe. Released in 2022, this book belongs to the genre of science and humor, providing a delightful mix of education and entertainment. Munroe, with his unique style, takes readers on a journey through a series of absurd hypothetical questions and answers them with serious scientific explanations. Published by Hachette UK Distribution, this book is a must-read for those who love to delve into the mysteries of science in a fun and engaging way. It's an excellent addition to your library that will make you think, laugh, and learn at the same time.

  • von Richard Koch
    14,98 €

    The 80/20 Principle, by Richard Koch, is a remarkable book that uncovers the secret to achieving much more with less. Published by Hachette UK Distribution in 2021, this book is an essential read for anyone seeking to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Koch, an acclaimed author in the genre of self-help and personal development, brilliantly elucidates the 80/20 principle, a concept suggesting that 80% of results come from just 20% of actions. The book provides practical advice on how to apply this principle in all areas of life, from business to personal relationships. Dive into The 80/20 Principle and discover how you can make the most of your time, effort, and resources. Brought to you by Hachette UK Distribution, one of the leading publishers in the industry.

  • von Billy Connolly
    12,00 €

  • von Hal Elrod
    14,00 €

    You're about to discover how you can create the most extraordinary life you've ever imagined... Right NOW

  • von Colin Butfield
    12,00 €

    The Earthshot concept is simple: Urgency + Optimism = Action. We have ten years to turn the tide on the environmental crisis, but we need the world's best solutions and one shared goal - to save our planet. It's not too late, but we need collective action now. The Earthshots are unifying, ambitious goals for our planet which, if achieved by 2030, will improve life for all of us, for the rest of life on Earth, and for generations to come.They are to:· Protect and Restore Nature· Clean our Air· Revive our Oceans· Build a Waste-Free World· Fix our Climate​EARTHSHOT: HOW TO SAVE OUR PLANET is the first definitive book about how these goals can tackle the environmental crisis, from rainforests to coral reefs, via wilderness, cities and in our own homes. It is a critical contribution to the most important story of the decade.

  • von Kaoru Takamura
    12,00 €

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