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Bücher veröffentlicht von Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada

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  • von Dick Dekker
    58,00 €

    There is a foreword and abstract in Dutch (as well as English versions) and chapter 15 is also in Dutch with an English abstract. This dissertation describes the foraging habits and capture rates of four species of bird-hunting falcons; Peregrine (Falco peregrinus), Merlin (Falco columbarius), Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus), and Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus). Eight of the nine study areas were situated in western Canada in widely different habitats, and the observation periods intermittently included all seasons over 44 years, 1965-2008. The various chapters report and compare the location-specific hunting methods and choice of prey of these falcons in the following scenarios: (1) Migrating Peregrines hunting waterbirds at Beaverhills Lake, a large wetland in central Alberta; (2) Migrating Peregrines and Merlins capturing small shore-birds and passerines at Beaverhills Lake; (3) Breeding Peregrines that launched their hunts from the high chimneys of an industrial powerplant by a large Alberta lake and selectively took gulls; (4) Marine Peregrines nesting on Pacific island cliffs and preying on seabirds; (5) Peregrines and other raptors hunting wintering Dunlins (Calidris alpina) and ducks at Boundary Bay on the Pacific coast of British Columbia; (6) Peregrines specializing on teal and American Wigeon (Anas Americana) wintering on coastal farmlands; (7) Territorial pairs of Peregrines and Prairie Falcons competing for prey and nest sites on a sympatric breeding range along an Alberta river; (8) Prairie Falcons and Gyr-falcons wintering in the city of Edmonton and capturing Rock Doves (Columba livia); (9) Gyrfalcons hunting Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) wintering on Alberta farmlands; (10) Klepto-parasitic interference from eagles and buteo hawks with hunting Peregrines and Gyrfalcons, and intra- and interspecific prey theft between falcons. The largest set of data pertains to the Peregrine, which was studied in all seasons and habitats except during winter in central Alberta. In addition, this thesis reports on the population dynamics and nest site competition between Peregrines and Prairie Falcons on a sympatric breeding range in Alberta over a span of 48 years. The Peregrine became extirpated during the 1960s. Large-scale efforts to reintroduce the species in the 1990s seemed initially successful, resulting in seven new breeding pairs, but they dwindled to one, while the Prairie Falcons continued to do well. The first chapter of the thesis details 15 years of Peregrine migrations at a large lake in central Alberta, and the last chapter analyses the fall passage and hunting habits of Peregrines along the Wadden Sea coast of the Netherlands. There, the specific research question was whether or not Dunlins wintering on the Dutch coast would engage in over-ocean flocking manoeuvres during high tides that inundate all mudflat habitats. The phenomenon proved to be very rare and the probable reasons are discussed in detail.

  • - Quest for the Grassman
    von Christopher Murphy
    40,00 €

    A remarkable & entertaining account of the bigfoot phenomenon. Ohio is among the top five states in reported bigfoot incidents because of the state's vast farmlands (easy food), extensive forest areas, and abundant water resources. Numerous reports of a strange apelike creature continue to emanate from Ohio's vast rural and forested areas. Now commonly known as bigfoot, the creature is mainly seen in farming communities as it obviously searches for easy food. Large humanlike footprints in cornfields, pasture lands and woodland trails provide tangible evidence of its passage. Joedy Cook and George Clappison have spent almost twenty years investigating the bigfoot phenomenon in Ohio and other eastern states. The information they have gathered on Ohio incidents is presented in this thought-provoking book by Chris Murphy, an author and bigfoot researcher in British Columbia, Canada. While most scientists still reject the possible existence of bigfoot, this book will leave you in awe as to why more is not being done to resolve what is surely North America's greatest mystery. Originally published in 1997 under a different title, the Murphy, Cook, Clappison team has completely revised and updated the work. Many new sightings have been documented and numerous photographs and illustrations have been added. The book has had a complete makeover, with the provision of more and better information on all aspects of the remarkable bigfoot phenomenon in the State of Ohio. Ohio ranks sixth in North America in the number of bigfoot-related incidents by state or province. The details provided in this book give a clear understanding of just how widespread the phenomenon is in Ohio. The astounding eye-witness accounts will convince even the most ardent skeptics that the bigfoot issue has gone far beyond legend and willful fabrications. About the title: Use of the Ohio term Grassman to identify an unusual ape-man creature appears to go back to at least the turn of the last century. Apparently, sightings of the creature in tall grass (including the young of the species) on Ohio's plains resulted in the name. As the creature was somewhat terrifying in appearance, it appears the term was used in a foreboding sense with children (i.e., the Grassman will get you!). Descriptions of the Grassman are identical to those of bigfoot or the sasquatch; however, the Grassman appears to have some different habits or ways of life.

  • - Bigfoot/Sasquatch Evidence from Indian Lore
    von Robert Alley
    44,00 €

    Leave the civilized world behind as Raincoast Sasquatch takes you out into the rain-drenched forests of the Pacific Northwest on the trail of a living, breathing species of hominid, unlike any known primate today. Enjoy the mystery as you explore the existence of this elusive creature along the remote coasts of British Columbia and Alaska. Raincoast Sasquatch is an impressive collection of the first-hand accounts, historical reports and Native folklore that surround Bigfoot/Sasquatch. Sure to be enjoyed by believers and skeptics alike, this book will make you take a closer look into forests everywhere.

  • - Of the Pacific Northwest
    von Elizabeth Hawkins
    26,00 €

    A pictorial history of various First Nations groups across the Pacific Northwest covering various Indigenous arts including basket weaving, blanket weaving, and clothing knitting. Includes unique historic imagery along with more modern depictions of these traditional practices. Includes nearly 100 images and illustrations of these cultural traditions.

  • von Julie Gomez
    21,00 €

    A Guide to Medicinal Wild Fruits and Berries will get you outside in the open woods, vacant lots, fields, and meadows in search of your favourite wild berries. This comprehensive and easy-to-use guide explores twenty-seven of the most common and versatile berries found in North America. Created with the amateur naturalist in mind, this handbook will teach you when, where and how to harvest the plants. Author and illustrator Julie Gomez, has provided informative and well-organized text as well as accurate and attractive line drawings of the various flowers, leaves, seeds and when necessary, roots. You will learn about their medicinal properties and uses as well as how to prepare them for the table. Whether you are exploring a nearby roadside or your own backyard, this helpful guide will encourage you to experience the succulent rewards of wild herbs.

  • - Trail of Glory & Sorrow
    von Ted Meyers
    57,00 €

    This great Chief's Indian name Heinmot'tooyalakekt meant "Thunder Traveling to High Places Then Returning". He received it from his Father who considered thunder he heard shortly after his son's birth to be an omen from the Great Spirit. As an omen it had validity.Joseph, as he became known to settlers and historians, led his people in a revolt against mandatory resettlement in 1877. He was never a war chief; he was a civic chief but his diplomatic skills were ignored or swept aside by Washington bureaucrats and politicians in a series of Treaty betrayals and broken promises. By 1877 Joseph and three allied chiefs had suffered enough and he led his people on a five month trek that exceeded 1500 miles through what are now the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. At every step, with less than 200 warriors, he defeated and humiliated Washington's great Army of the Northwest until finally, with safety in Canada a mere 45 miles away his people, hungry and without adequate supplies, could resist no longer. Although more than 300 of the refugees escaped to Canada, Joseph and the remainder sued for peace. He made an honorable agreement with the two generals involved but that pact was also torn up by their political masters in Washington. The sub-title, Trail of Glory and Sorrow, tells the story in one line. The first part of his trail is The Glory and the second part is The Sorrow.Although several books about this illustrious chief have been written most cover only segments of his life. None cover the entire Trail from his birth c.1840 to his death in 1904. None explain the reasons for the revolt or the aftermath. None cast the blame upon those most responsible for the revolt - two US Presidents, several State and Territorial Governors, three ranking generals, a rogue missionary and dozens of minor federal bureaucrats. This book covers the entire Trail of Glory and Sorrow.

  • von Roger Patterson
    36,00 - 44,00 €

  • - of British Columbia
    von Bill Barlee
    41,00 €

    Welcome to gold creek and ghost town country where towns stand in another century, the echoes of history are audible, and the wilderness is still just a glance away. From the sagebrush, desert country of southern valleys of the Okanagan and Similkameen across to the high grandeur of the East Kootenays, the southern interior of BC remains an entrancing region. To some people it is the ghost town country, and area where half a hundred towns stood in another century and names like Sandon, Phoenix, Ferguson and Cascade City were familiar words. To others it is the land of gold creeks, for there was a time when streams like Perry, Granite, Rock and Wild Horse drew thousands of miners in their never ending quest for Eldorado. Fortunately, some of this area remains relatively unchanged and even today the wilderness is but a glance away and beyond the traveled routes, the trail blazing country still beckons. For that rather unique breed, those who feel at ease in places far off the beaten path or deep in the back country where the echoes of history are still audible and the atmosphere of half-forgotten eras lingers on, we hope that this book will be enjoyable, for it is for those individuals that is in intended.

  • - Of the First Nations People in British Columbia
    von Kenneth Perry
    90,00 €

  • - Horses, Cows, Guns and Grizzlies in the Canadian Wilderness
    von Tom Hook & Gary Brumbelow
    42,00 €

    Why would a Colorado rancher sell the home place-the ranch his family had owned and operated for four generations-and move the entire operation to a remote 300,000-acre spread in British Columbia, Canada? For the adventure! And adventure is what Tom and Connie Hook and their sons found. Two miles above the mighty Fraser River, the Empire Valley Ranch headquarters lay 80 gravel miles beyond the pavement. The range extended another 75 miles further west and higher up into the Coastal Mountains. The Hook's exploits included punching cows in the high country with colorful cowboys who were mostly Indigenous neighbors or outlaws hiding from the RCMP. The hazards, besides mountain weather, included wolves, grizzly bears, cougars, and eagles. Mountain Ranch at the End of the Road is the tale of life on a remote ranch: vast distances, long rides, interesting neighbors, colorful cowboys, unlikely horse stories, and hair-raising wildlife encounters. Tom Hook served God, loved his family, and respected his employees and neighbors. He was a gentleman, a leader, adventurer, cattleman, preacher and beloved father and husband-and, to people all over the West and as far north as Alaska, a loyal friend. In the last months of his life Tom was blogging at At over 150,000 hits, his is the top-viewed board. He filed his final post a few days before he died suddenly on February 8, 2011. Many of Tom's readers asked him to publish his stories in book form. What you hold in your hands is the result.

  • - Bigfoot in Wild Rose Country
    von Thomas Steenburg
    30,00 €

    This book is the republication of the authors earlier work of the same title. It covers Steinburg's investigations of the ongoing Sasquatch question in the Province of Alberta from 1979 until 2002, when he moved to the lower mainland of British Columbia. Reports continue to this day. And the main question still persists- Does the Sasquatch indeed exist? And does the creature live in the forest mountains of Canada's Wild Rose province? Steenburg believes so, and so do the many Albertans who believe they have seen it.

  • - A Guidebook to Unique Pubs of Vancouver Island and the Salish Sea
    von Glen Cowley
    45,00 €

    Amber River:a guide to unique pubs of Vancouver Island and the Salish Sea takes the reader to eighty-five pubs from Swartz Bay to Port Hardy and Tofino to Powell River exploring their uniqueness and suggesting nearby activities, hikes or walks to turn a pub trip into a day's event. A guidebook with photos, stories, contact information and suggestions on how to use the guide, it can form the basis for a pleasant one-day outing, an adventurous road trip or a determined visit to all the pubs and their locales. It is, in no small way, a rationale for touring scenic Vancouver Island and the Salish Sea. All this with ample opportunity for the determined explorer to discover more hidden treasures.This book is a must for any beer aficionado.

  • - A Transcultural Model
    von Geneva Ensign
    47,00 €

    Through simple words and illustrations, this book presents a powerful, practical and visionary model for community healing. It outlines a healing process for individuals and communities that is universal and goes to the core of what it means to be a member of the human family.The Transcultural Model emerged from a forty-year career of individual and group psychotherapy at the grassroots level in Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. It is a synthesis of healing principles found in community development and in the wisdom of transpersonal psychologists and Indigenous Knowledge. Elders and transpersonal psychologists are quoted, reminding us all that the rediscovery of the Inner Self/Spirit provides the motivation and the direction for a healing journey.The interactive and dynamic relationship between the individual and community is explored. In Chapter 7, Louise Gordon, Spokesperson for the Taku River Tlingit First Nation, reviews the community development process, providing guidelines for integrating the spiritual dimension to a holistic approach to community healing. When a community member opts to begin healing, everyone connected to them is affected in some way. Therefore when a part of the whole (an individual) changes, the whole (the community) changes as well. This is inevitable. The deeper and more profound the changes in the individual, the more profound are the changes in the community. This is a powerful dynamic.Healing Circles are carefully designed to promote the healing process in a safe environment and for the creation of support groups for on-going community healing. Detailed formats for five Circles are provided, ready to be led by Indigenous or non-Indigenous persons who have experience in leading groups and who are dedicated to their own healing.

  • - Guidelines for Care and Management
    von Lori R Arent
    83,00 €

    A first-of-its-kind resource, Raptors in Captivity is designed as a reader-friendly reference tool covering a wide range of topics from choosing a suitable species, to housing and transportation, diet, medical care, equipment, training. Raptors in Captivity is the recommended US Fish & Wildlife Service 'bible' for the care and keeping of raptors in captivity -- an incredible endorsement! If you're a zoo, rehab center or a falconer, here are the guidelines for safely caring for raptors -- and complying with permits.Covers a range of topics from making the decision to keep raptors and choosing suitable species, to housing and transportation, diet, medical care, equipment, training, and recovering a lost bird.

  • von Carol Batdorf
    26,00 €

    They were gourmets, the Coast Salish First Nations. They lived along the shores of the Puget Sound, inhabiting the bays and estuaries in the days before the white man came, enjoying the bounty of the Pacific Northwest.Through time, the women developed ingenious methods of cookery to nourish and delight those who dined at their fires. They learned when the food was ripe for harvesting. They discovered which kinds of wood best suited their fires. They designed and made their own cooking equipment from the materials available to them. It is the aim of this book to give the reader an understanding of Indian cookery- with practical recipes where appropriate- and to explain the close relationship between First Nation's food and the Northwest Coast Salish culture.

  • - The Art of Falconry
    von Joe Roy III III
    42,00 €

    The hawk feels like a bundle of nerves, head snapping this way and that, muscles contracting with the sound of each snapping twig. At such times, I sense her energy flowing into my hand, up my arm and into my core. Engulfed in the moment, I am no longer an onlooker; I become a predator - the hawk and I hunting as one. When at last a duck suddenly erupts from cover, my body responds with a burst of adrenaline as the hawk explodes of my fist. In that instant, my heart leaps and my spirit flies with the hawk as she fulfills her predatory role. For centuries, people from all walks of life have felt the thrill of hunting with birds of prey. 'Duck Hawking and the Art of Falconry' explores the exhilarating branch of hawking that takes the falconer out to the ponds in pursuit of waterfowl. While duck hawking is a major facet of falconry, it has been highly overlooked in the annals of raptor literature. Author Joe Roy has decades of personal experience with which to create a work devoted to hunting waterfowl with hawks and falcons. This singularly comprehensive treatise celebrates the art of duck hawking. Writing in an entertaining, narrative style, the author presents personal anecdotes to proffer examples and illustrate meaning. Within the pages lie a wealth of practical information covering such topics as training techniques, slip selections, use of thermals, working with hunting dogs, weight management and flight orchestration. Full of stunning photographs, this volume is destined to become the duck hawker's ultimate handbook.

  • - A Guide to Deadly Herbs
    von Julie Gomez
    21,00 €

    Protect yourself! A Guide to Deadly Herbs discusses, twenty-eight of the most beautiful, yet deadly, herbs found in the fields, meadow, forests, mountains, roadsides and backyards of North America. All the herbs discussed in this guide are extremely dangerous. Children, wild-food enthusiasts, pets and livestock are the most vulnerable, and deaths occur each year. As well as increasing your awareness of poisonous herbs, this book will provide you with an understanding of the dangers that grow both wild and cultivated. The guide provides details on peak seasons, were the herbs commonly grow, which parts of the herb are poisonous, and the manner of their toxicity. Information on history and medicinal uses of these deadly plants is also included. Most importantly, the book teaches how to recognize these herbs, allowing you to avoid handling them or using them for food. This guide belongs in the pocket or backpack of every wild-foot collector and anyone with children or pets.

  • - Totem Poles of the Haida Village Skedans Queen Charlotte Islands
    von Carolyn Smyly
    41,00 €

    Have you ever gazed quickly at a totem pole? Wondered what it was saying? Contemplated what its crests meant? Or wondered how it fitted into those structures of a village? Those Born at Koona draws together a complete a story as will ever be told about these monuments of cedar.

  • von Beth Hill
    20,00 €

    What is a petroglyph? Who made them and why? What is rock rubbing? How is it made? In her book, Guide to Indigenous Rock Carvings, Beth Hill examines these questions. She gives a fascinating introduction to the subject of First Peoples Petroglyphs of the Northwest Coastal Region - BC, Washington, Oregon and Alaska. Beth Hill and her husband Ray have traveled the coast for close to 20 years, recording the known sites, and discovering others. Out of this came Indian Petroglyphs of the Pacific Northwest, with over 1,000 photos and illustrations. A truly comprehensive study.

  • - The Bayanov Papers - Fact & Folklore
    von Dmitri Bayanov
    37,00 €

    The fascinating collection of papers by Dmitri Bayanov, Russia's leading hominologist, explores in detail, the connection between reports and evidence of living relict hominoids (Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Almasty) and the old-age folklore regarding human-like beings.The stories from North America's indigenous people, and those of Russian and other countries are compared and contrasted to what is now known as probable living relict hominoids. We are taken into the not-too-distant past when both men of science and the churce believed in the existence of being, not quite human. The information begs the question, "What came first- the actual beings or the folklore which documents their existence?" This book, Russian Hominology, shares Bayanov's findings.

  • - Legends and Myths from the West Coast
    von Ted Meyers
    30,00 €

    Collection of legends and myths from the West Coast. Everything owes its existence to Great Spirit. With his supernatural helpers Great Spirit maintains order over all of his creations. This belief is at the core of the stories Pacific Coast natives told their children to explain the world. Artisans carved images and painted pictures telling great stores such as how Coyote stopped the great flood, why raccoons have masked eyes, and how lightning was created when Thunderbird lit his way in the night. As well as being wonderfully imaginative, the stories carried great meaning that conveyed the wisdom of the elders. Unfortunately, when the missionaries arrived they wrongly denounced the totems as pagan idols and the stores as heathen tales. They did not hear the messages within. This book relates and analyses several of these repressed stories. The author was young when he first heard them from native elders. The tales so captivated him that he wrote them down. Now that they are published, he hopes readers will see them not only as entertainment, but also as teachings for those who will listen.

  • - an illustrated ethogram
    von David Ellis
    50,00 - 56,00 €

  • von Ray Stark
    31,00 €

  • von Bruce A. Wright
    43,00 €

  • - A Beginners Handbook: How to Prospect for Gold
    von Joseph F. Petralia
    24,00 €

  • von Dr. Nicholas Fox
    79,00 €

  • - Proceedings of the IV International Symposium on Breeding Birds in Captivity
    von Myles Lamont
    159,00 €

  • von Paul LeBlond
    30,00 €

    Does the Cadborosaurus exist? This book is a collaborative effort from long term 'Caddy' researchers to present an in-depth account and analysis of this very question. 'Discovering Cadborosaurus' will lay out for the reader the evidence of the possible existence of this serpent-like creature. There have been many eye-witness accounts of an unusual but distinctive large marine animal along the coastal waters of the Northeast Pacific Ocean that simply can not be identified as one the commonly 'known' marine animals. The contributors, John Kirk, Jason Walton and Dr. Paul Leblond, are thoroughly convinced of Caddy’s existence and this book is the result of their efforts on this fascinating subject.

  • - Captain Gerald A. "Bud" Bodding: A Career in Aviation
    von Gerald A. Bodding
    36,00 €

  • - Tim Dinsdale and the Enigma of Loch Ness
    von Angus Dinsdale
    33,00 €

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