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  • von Maggie Schauer
    57,00 €

    The new updated manual from the originators of NET is full of even more valuable, practical adviceWritten by the originators of narrative exposure therapyFully updated 3rd editionStep-by-step guidance through NETExtensive evidence shows that six to ten sessions of narrative exposure therapy (NET) can be sufficient to provide considerable relief from events such as organized violence, torture, war, rape, and childhood abuse. The new manual is even more clearly structured and easy-to-follow, and includes new figures that help illustrate and guide the reader through the steps of NET. The theoretical sections offer a solid basis for carrying out the therapeutic intervention. The reader is then shown the NET approach step by step, with robust and straightforward practical advice and tools, including how to deal with challenging situations, e.g., how to go deeper when faced with the challenging dynamics of remembering trauma, and how to manage dissociation, avoidance, strong emotions, lost memories, or the sudden emergence of unexpected recollections from the past. NET therapy conversations and resulting narrations from trauma scenes demonstrate the level of narrative exposure details required. Finally, the importance of reading back the testimony to the individual is explained.A new section on the variations of NET details how to offer KIDNET for children and young people, FORNET for victims of trauma who are perpetrators of violence, NETfacts for communities, and ElderNET for older adults as well as online NET (eNET). Experienced therapists also get an idea of how NET is typically trained and how to facilitate NET exercises. Downloadable resources include an informed consent form and checklists for the therapist.This book is an invaluable resource for clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, counsellors, crisis workers, social workers, health workers, and physicians.

  • 13% sparen
    von Nuria de la Osa
    61,00 €

    Up-to-date information on successfully assessing children and adolescents in clinical settingsThis book showcases state-of-the-art assessment methods, instruments, and processes in the clinical assessment of children and adolescents. Written by leading experts, the book highlights skills and specific procedures that are relevant and distinctive for the assessment of different age groups and in different contexts so that professionals can plan interventions effectively.After an introduction to the basic concepts and approaches to the clinical assessment of children and adolescents, four further sections explore the diagnosis of psychological problems, the conceptualization of clinical problems and interventions, the assessment of intervention progress and outcomes, and the assessment of specific groups and in special contexts. The contributions are full of practical examples to address issues such as clinical judgement and bias, results integration, multi-informant data collection, and incremental validity.

  • von Stefanie Heyden
    21,00 €

    An exciting and supportive storybook for daydreamy children and their parentsIt's not easy being a 10-year-old rabbit girl. Charlie's parents and her strict teacher, Mrs. Lynx, are constantly finding fault with her: "Pay attention! Stop daydreaming!" Just as well she has a second life as a famous pirate that she can escape to when things get too much. In her fantasy world, she experiences amazing adventures and fights against her enemy (who looks surprisingly similar to her teacher).Luckily, Charlie has her best friends at her side: the hardworking and slightly shy duck Muriel and the cuddly bear Frida, who would love to be a ballerina.Charlie is struggling with endless homework, exams, bad grades and her forgetfulness. But then one day in the Lost Forest she meets an unusual forest dweller who knows the value of daydreaming and lets her in on an ancient secret ...A book to be read by or to daydreamy elementary school children who would like to learn:how to concentrate better when learning at home and at school,why dreaming is also valuable,how to discover their own strengths,how to be better organized and forget less.A story about school, friendship, and family relationships that is thought provoking and invites conversations between children and parents.The book is also ideal for reading in class.

  • von Brian P. Daly
    24,00 €

    The new edition of this popular text incorporates the latest research on assessment and treatment practices for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The presentation of symptoms may differ considerably in adulthood and without appropriate symptom management, ADHD can significantly interfere in many aspects of life. When properly identified and diagnosed, however, outcomes in adults with ADHD who receive appropriate treatment are encouraging. This volume is both a compact "how to" reference for use by professionals in their daily work and an ideal educational reference for students, informing the reader of all aspects involved in the assessment and management of ADHD in adults. This edition also explores how psychosocial adversity factors impact the development and functional impairments associated with ADHD and highlights strategies used in the multimodal treatment of ADHD in adults. Best practice approaches are offered for common problems encountered when carrying out treatments. A companion volume Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children and Adolescents is also available.

  • 10% sparen
    von Geoff Lindsay
    36,00 €

    The understanding of and adherence to professional ethics is fundamental in navigating the moral encounters and dilemmas that all psychologists face in their daily work, whether in research or professional practice. Core values and principles remain stable. However, as more complex and conflicting societal contexts come into play, the individual psychologist and the professional community need support in upholding a solid moral integrity. The volume is a welcome resource for any psychologist or student wanting to foresee, prevent, and professionally manage, in an ethically responsible way, the moral challenges that arise. The framework for this timely, second edition remains the Meta-code of Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA), which is an important asset in addressing the challenges faced by the profession now and in the coming years. The discussions of the principles on the meta-code are further developed and the authors have extended the number and types of practical examples to vividly illustrate ethical challenges and dilemmas faced. Read, discuss, and evaluate your practice.

  • von Brian P. Daly
    24,00 €

    State-of-the-art guidance on the effective assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with ADHDNew updated editionProvides guidance on multimodal care and diversity issuesIncludes downloadable handoutsThe updated new edition of this popular text integrates the latest research and practices to give practitioners concise and readable guidance on the assessment and effective treatment of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This common childhood condition can have serious consequences for academic, emotional, social, and occupational functioning. When properly identified and diagnosed, however, there are many interventions that have established benefits.This volume is both a compact "how to" reference, for use by professionals in their daily work, and an ideal educational reference for students. It has a similar structure to other books in the Advances in Psychotherapy series, and informs the reader of all aspects involved in the assessment and management of ADHD. Practitioners will particularly appreciate new information on the best approaches to the ideal sequencing of treatments in multimodal care, and the important diversity considerations. Suggestions for further reading, support groups, and educational organizations are also provided.A companion volume Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults is also available.

  • von Marko Lüftenegger
    34,00 €

    Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for educational practice and policy in different contextsThe COVID-19 pandemic has challenged educational systems with dramatic changes to established practices. This is now a good time to focus on what we can learn from this global pandemic and ensuing economic crisis and how to support educational policies in steering and mitigating such crises in the future. Accordingly, the contributors explore a range of perspectives and different phases of the educational career and discuss the consequences for individuals, educational systems, and educational policy.This volume brings together current research on the effects of the pandemic and possible coping mechanisms from both developmental and educational psychology perspectives. Following a systematic meta-review on the existing state of research and research deficits, four empirical contributions with longitudinal designs investigate the experiences of parents, teachers, adolescents, and university students from Austria, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

  • 10% sparen
    von Franzis Preckel
    45,00 €

    Understanding and supporting gifted and talented children and adolescentsAnswers common questions of professionals and traineesPresents the state-of-art of theory, research, and practiceExplores the characteristics of gifted studentsMore about the bookWhat is giftedness? How do talents develop? Are gifted people "different"? How can gifted children be recognized and supported in their development? Based on the authors' many years of expertise in giftedness research and education practice, this book answers these and many other questions about giftedness and talent development in a scientifically sound and at the same time application-oriented way. This new volume offers an up-to-date overview of the theoretical foundations, pioneering studies, and research findings on gifted children and adolescents, and explores evidence-based options for diagnostics and support. The development of giftedness as well as the characteristics of gifted students, such as performance-related attributes and temperament traits, are also examined. This book is of interest to child psychologists and psychiatrists, educational and school psychologists, educators, and students, and is an ideal textbook for self-study or for those training to become a professional.

  • von Michael Svitak
    40,00 €

    Using a process-based approach to personalize CBT for better successPresents a unique dynamic approach to CBTShows how to implement this approachProvides downloadable toolsThe process-based approach to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a unique method for understanding psychological problems as complex networks of interacting processes. It allows therapists to grasp the individuality, complexity, and dynamics of psychological disorders - things that often get missed in diagnosis-oriented approaches. The authors, both experienced researchers and practitioners of this method, explore how understanding these complex networks enables therapists using CBT to focus on the core processes responsible for a person's suffering.First, the reader is shown how emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and somatic processes interact in maintaining maladaptive states and how this approach identifies the points at which therapeutic interventions can be applied to achieve maximum leverage. This is followed by guidance on implementing the approach in practice, including addressing diagnostic issues, to create an individual process-based model network for selecting the right evidence-based interventions. The process-based approach forms a connecting foundation that combines classical CBT with third-wave approaches (acceptance commitment therapy, schema therapy) and integrates helpful recent developments in psychotherapy research, such as evolutionary theories. Practitioners will find the downloadable tools in the appendix invaluable for their clinical practice. This book is of interest to clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, mental health practitioners, students, and trainees.

  • von Danny Wedding
    54,00 €

    This popular and critically acclaimed text, using movies to help learn about mental illness, is being fully updated with DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnoses, dozens of evocative and informative frame grabs, a full film index, "e;Authors' Picks,"e; sample syllabus, more international films and shorts.... Films can be a powerful aid to learning about mental illness and psychopathology - for students of psychology, psychiatry, social work, medicine, nursing, counseling, literature or media studies, and for anyone interested in mental health. Movies and Mental Illness, written by experienced clinicians and teachers who are themselves movie aficionados, has established a great reputation as a uniquely enjoyable and highly memorable text for learning about psychopathology. The new edition has been fully updated to include DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnoses. The core clinical chapters each use a fabricated case history and Mini-Mental State Examination along with synopses and discussions about specific movies to explain, teach, and encourage discussion about all the most important mental health disorders. Each chapter also includes: Critical Thinking Questions; "e;Authors' Picks"e; (Top 10 Films); What To Read if You Only Have Time to Read One Book or Article; and Topics for Group Discussions. Other features of the new, expanded edition include: Full index of films Sample course syllabus Ratings of around 1,500 films Fascinating appendices, such as "e;Top 50 Heroes and Villains,"e; psychotherapists in movies, misconceptions about mental illness in movies, and recommended websites. Do you want to propose a film for the 4th edition of Movies and Mental Illness?Have a look at the authors' blogspot! They welcome all comments on the films they already plan to discuss, or suggestions for films to include in the new edition!

  • von Ryan M. Niemiec
    22,00 €

    Do we really have all we need within us to be happier, healthier, less stressed, or anxious in life? This book shows you how that can be true - people who apply this book's practices in their life have been shown to experience these benefits. You will learn how you can build your happiness and manage your stress at the same time!Dr. Ryan Niemiec, a global leader in character strengths and mindfulness, expertly walks you through how you can develop your best qualities. Some of these qualities - whether it is courage, zest, creativity, mindfulness, hope, self-regulation, or leadership - may be hidden, blocked, or lost. They are awaiting your discovery!Modern science is revealing new pathways for living a full life. The practices and ideas compiled in this book are some of the best strategies available to help you lead that life of authenticity, peace, strength, and meaning. And, these strategies aren't just for you - they're for all of us. They help build stronger relationships and contribute to the greater good.Packed with stories, practices, tips, and insightful research findings, this book has everything you need to work with your strengths and your mindfulness. What you have here is a toolbox of strategies for life. The toolbox is woven together in a process that you can easily tailor to your current work, family, and social life. This book can be also used in conjunction with participation in the groundbreaking Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice program.

  • von Deborah J. Jones
    24,00 €

    Practitioners need to know the evidence behind using digital mental health approaches and tools, including telemental health visits. This accessible book provides that help, as the authors guide the reader through the rationale, options, and strategies for incorporating digital tools into children's mental health care, drawing on their extensive knowledge of both current research and clinical practice. They outline the leading theoretical approaches that highlight mechanisms involved in digital tools increasing access to, engagement in, and outcomes of evidence-based mental health services for children and families. Through clinical vignettes and hands-on exercises included in this Advances in Psychotherapy series volume, mental health providers will gain insight into how to select a digital tool and identify its various uses. The reader is also given the opportunity to explore their own attitudes and comfort with incorporating digital tools into practice with their young clients and their families. Numerous downloadable handouts and forms for clinical use are provided in the appendix.

  • von Gabriele Wilz
    46,00 €

    Learn how family caregivers of people with dementia can be supported by psychotherapyProvides step-by-step guidance for face-to-face or remote therapyIllustrated with therapeutic dialogs from real casesIncludes downloadable intervention handoutsThis handbook addresses the extremely challenging situation that family caregivers of people with dementia face and is informed by the use of evidence-based psychotherapeutic strategies to support them.The book guides readers step-by step through effective therapeutic strategies, mainly based on cognitive-behavioral therapy, and illustrated with excerpts of dialogs between therapists and family caregivers from real sessions. Different modules address topics such as dealing with challenging behavior, self-care, perfectionism and guilt, as well as changes in the relationship with the ill person, barriers to seeking social and professional support, stress management and emotion regulation, accepting one's own limits, and dealing with institutionalization. These modules can be put together to meet different individuals' needs. Particular emphasis is placed on creating a positive therapeutic alliance, resource activation, and helping caregivers develop the motivation for change. Finally, multiple handouts that can be used in clinical practice are available for download.The intervention is suitable for various settings, including face-to-face therapy or remote forms such as telephone or online therapy. This manual is ideal for clinical psychologists, gerontologists, psychotherapists, social workers, and counsellors working with people with dementia and their families.

  • 10% sparen
    von Ryan M. Niemiec
    46,00 €

    This new, fully revised, and expanded second edition of the handbook for the groundbreaking, evidence-based Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) program is the guide you need in your professional practice. Developed by author Dr. Ryan M. Niemiec, scientist, educator, practitioner, and a global leader in mindfulness and character strengths, the MBSP approach is about the discovery, deepening awareness, exploration, and application of character strengths. It is about understanding and improving how we pay attention in life - the quality by which we eat, walk, work, listen, and experience joy and peace. And it is about seeing our potential - which sits underneath our strengths of perseverance, bravery, curiosity, hope, kindness, fairness, and leadership - and which, unleashed, could benefit the world. MBSP is not only about our clients' own happiness, it is about the happiness of others too. And it is an evolving, evidence-based program that can help people to relieve their suffering by using mindfulness and character strengths to cope with, overcome, or transcend problems, stressors, and conflicts.Counselors, coaches, psychologists, researchers, educators, and managers will discover the "how-to" delivery of mindfulness and character strengths. Following primers on the two strands of MBSP and deeper discussions about their integration, practitioners are then led step-by-step through the 8 sessions of the popular MBSP program. The session structure, scripts, tips, lecture material, processes, examples, and audio files are all there ready for use. This time-tested manual can bring beginners up-to-date on these topics while also serving to stimulate, inform, and provide valuable tools to the intermediate and most advanced students of mindfulness and character strengths.A companion workbook is also available for clients.

  • von Martha C. Tompson
    24,00 €

    An evidence-based guide to the assessment and treatment of childhood depression with a focus on a family-based approachUp-to-date overview of the evidence-baseStep-by-step guidance of a family-focused treatmentDownloadable handouts for clinical practiceThis volume in the Advances in Psychotherapy series provides the reader with an up-to-date, evidence-based introduction to the assessment and treatment of childhood depression, including major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation, and adjustment disorders. After exploring the latest knowledge on the diagnosis, course, theories, and contributing factors of childhood depression, the author presents a step-by-step description of family-focused treatment for childhood depression (FFT-CD), which integrates CBT and family therapy goals.Treatments for depression that work well for adolescents and adults cannot simply be extended to children as their cognitive capabilities are not as fully developed nor stable. FFT-CD focuses on positive and supportive parent-child interactions that support the development of a positive self, helping parents provide the child with additional positive feedback on their developmentally appropriate achievements, and enhancing child and family coping. Downloadable resources include numerous FFT-CD handouts for children and parents. This text should be particularly useful to child or school psychologists, marriage and family therapists, child psychiatrists, and anyone working with depressed youth and their families.

  • von Rehman Abdulrehman
    24,00 €

    Compact, evidence-based guidance by a leading expert on how to undertake culturally sensitive psychotherapy and cross cultural engagement in any profession. This compact and authoritative book is designed to be useful to a broad range of professionals in their daily practice and to provide a basis for practice-oriented continuing education.

  • 12% sparen
    von Ric Procyshyn
    75,00 €

    Quick and comprehensive information on psychotropic drugs for adults. - Accurate and up-to-date- Comparison charts help decision-making- Icons and full color- Available in print and online- Downloadable patient info sheetsMore about this bookThe Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs has become a standard reference and working tool for psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and other mental health professionals. - Independent, unbiased, up-to-date- Packed with unique, easy-to-read comparison charts and tables (dosages, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions for a quick overview of treatment options- Succinct, bulleted information on all classes of medication: on- and off-label indications, (US FDA, Health Canada), recommended dosages, US and Canadian trade names, side effects, interactions, pharmacodynamics, precautions in the young, the elderly, and pregnancy, nursing implications, and much more - all you need to know for each class of drug- Potential interactions and side effects summarized in comparison charts- With instantly recognizable icons and in full color throughout, allowing you to find at a glance all the information you seek- Clearly written patient information sheets available for download as printable PDF filesThis book is a must for everyone who needs an up-to-date, easy-to-use, comprehensive summary of all the most relevant information about psychotropic drugs. New in this edition- Neuroscience-based nomenclature - added to product availability tables- Antidepressants chapter includes new section on GABAA receptor positive modulator (brexanolone IV injection; trade name Zulresso); also covers Qelbree (viloxazine extended-release capsules), the first new ADHD medication approved by the FDA in over a decade; as well as updates to SSRI use in pregnancy and antidepressant augmentation strategies- Antipsychotics updates include revised dosing, especially adjustments in hepatic and renal impairment- Mood stabilisers chapter sections on lithium and anticonvulsants extensively revised- New formulations and trade names include: Adhansia XR (methylphenidate extended-release capsules), Caplyta(lumateperone), Dayvigo (lemborexant), Perseris (risperidone extended-release subcutaneous injection), Probuphine (buprenorphine subdermal implant), Propecia (finasteride tablets), Trelstar (triptorelin slow-release injection), Qelbree (viloxazine extended-release capsules)

  • von Ann Choryan Bilbrey
    25,00 €

    Get the science on helping reduce stress in family caregivers of people with dementia:Details the best tools for assessment and explores evidence-based approachesReflects on diversity, equity, and inclusionIncludes downloadable handoutsGuidance for supporting family caregivers on maintaining positive mental healthThis is the first book that takes a "deep dive" to answer the questions that mental health providers encounter when working with family caregivers. Just what are the unique issues family caregivers face? How does this impact their mental health? What can providers do to help?Based on research and clinical experiences of the authors, this volume in our Advances in Psychotherapy series focuses on examining the specific issues that caregivers of people with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia face. Practitioners learn about the best tools for assessment and which evidence-based interventions help reduce caregiver distress - including cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and mindfulness and multicomponent intervention programs.Resources in the appendix include a caretaker intake interview, and the book is interspersed with clinical vignettes that highlight issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion - making this is an essential text for mental health providers from a variety of disciplines including psychology, psychiatry, nursing, social work, marriage and family counseling, as well as trainees in these disciplines.

  • von Peter Y. Chen
    24,00 €

    The workplace can be a major source of stress, and this can cause health problems that have a negative impact on the individuals, organizational, and society. This concise, evidence-based volume, written by a leading occupational health psychologist, explores how work conditions and organizational characteristics pose threats and harms to people's wellbeing through the lens of occupation stress theories and models. The author then summarizes the potential adverse impacts of major job stressors across individuals, families, organizations, and nations. In a final section, several evidence-based prevention strategies targeting individuals, management, and organizations are explored, including recovery from work, job crafting, and supervisors as change agents. Practitioners can modify and tailor these actionable strategies to assist employees and organizations in managing occupational stress. This book is essential reading for clinical and occupational psychologists, managers, supervisors, and anyone interested in making the workplace a healthier place.

  • von Corey C. Lieneman
    24,00 €

    Practical, evidence-based guide to using time-out safely and effectively Written by leading experts Highlights applied research Reviews parent training programs Details parent-child interaction therapy Addresses controversial issues Includes downloadable tools This book is essential reading for psychologists, therapists, students, and anyone who works with children and their families. It is a compact, comprehensive guide to understanding, administering, and teaching caregivers to implement time-out effectively for child behavior management. Readers will learn about time-out's history and scientific research base, particularly with respect to child age, cultural groups, and presenting concerns. Practitioners will appreciate the focus on applied research highlighting the efficacy of specific time-out parameters, such as duration, location, and handling escape. Overviews of behavioral parent training programs that include time-out are also provided. The authors then share their expertise in the use of time-out in parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT), both conceptually and by using an in-depth case study. They also thoroughly examine controversial issues related to time-out, from theoretical and practical standpoints. The appendix provides the clinician with hands-on tools: step-by-step diagrams for administering time-out and managing escape, handouts for parents about issuing effective instructions, and a list of further resources.

  • von Susan E. Collins
    24,95 €

    Harm reduction approaches are effective, patient-driven alternatives to abstinence-based treatment for people who are not ready, willing, or able to stop using substances. This volume outlines the scientific basis and historical development of these approaches, and reviews why abstinence-based approaches often do not work. The authors then share their expertise about harm reduction treatment (HaRT), an empirically based approach co-developed with community members impacted by substance-related harm - a first of its kind. The reader learns in detail about the pragmatic mindset and compassionate heartset of HaRT and the three treatment components: measurement and tracking of patient-preferred substance-related metrics, harm-reduction goal setting and achievement, and discussion of safer-use strategies. This volume walks practitioners through all components, provides example scripts for use in daily practice, and illustrates the work through case studies and input from community members. Handouts are available for use in daily practice. This is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, and researchers who encounter people who have substance-use problems.

  • von Erin L. Woodhead
    25,00 €

    As our population ages, practitioners find themselves working with older adults more frequently. Alcohol use problems among older adults are often underdiagnosed and undertreated, and there are few treatments designed specifically for this client group. This practical guide provides practitioners with up-to-date information on assessing and treating unhealthy alcohol use among older adults. With a focus on evidence-based treatments, it is highly relevant to practitioners working across a variety of settings. Through the author's expertise, we learn about the prevalence of alcohol use among older adults, the models for understanding unhealthy use, and the different screening and assessment options as well as the treatment possibilities relevant to health care and social service providers. Assessment and treatment options highlight the need to consider lifespan development when providing care as well as the relevance of common life transitions and generational differences. Clinical pearls and vignettes illuminate treatment approaches and further sections discuss pharmacological interventions and cultural considerations. Printable tools are available in an appendix. This book is a must for practitioners from diverse settings who work with older adults.The materials for this book can be downloaded from the Hogrefe website after registration.

  • 12% sparen
    von Dean Elbe
    75,00 €

    The Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents has become a standard reference and working tool for psychiatrists, pediatricians, psychologists, physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and other mental health professionals. - Packed with unique, easy-to-read comparison charts and tables (dosages, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions for a quick overview of treatment options- Succinct, bulleted information on all classes of medication: on- and off-label indications, side effects, interactions, pharmacodynamics, nursing implications, and much more - all you need to know for each class of drug- Potential interactions and side effects summarized in comparison charts- With instantly recognizable icons and in full color throughout, allowing you to find at a glance all the information you seek- Clearly written patient and caregiver information sheets for download as printable PDF filesThis book is a must for all mental health professionals working with children and adolescents who need an up-to-date, easy-to use, comprehensive summary of all the most relevant information about psychotropic drugs. New in this edition:- Drugs for ADHD thoroughly revised and updated- Antipsychotics with many changes and additions, including fully revised lab tests/monitoring- Antidepressants fully revised, including new sections on irreversible MAO-B inhibitor and serotonin modulator and stimulator (SMS), revised frequency of adverse effects table and switching strategies recommendations- Hypnotics completely revised- Mood stabilizers fully revised and a new toxicity comparison table added- Drugs of abuse and treatment of substance use disorder comprehensively revised- New unapproved treatments with significant updates, including: anti-inflammatories and NMDA agents in anxiety/OCD, cannabis use, and irritability of autism- New agents include: TGAs N-arylpiperazine (brexpiprazole) and phenylpiperazine (cariprazine), hypnotics orexin receptor antagonist (hypnotic suvorexant) and selective melatonin agonist (tasimelteon), antidepressant bisarylsulfanyl amine (vortioxetine)- New formulations and trade names include: Adasuve, Alprazolam Intensol, Aptensio XR, Aristada, Belbuca, Belsomra, Brintellix, Bunavail, Cotempla XR-ODT, Dyanavel XR,Eldepryl, EMSAM, Evekeo, Hemangeol, Hetlioz, Innopran XL, Invega Trinza, Khedezla, Metadol-D, Mydayis, NyQuil, Quillichew ER, Quillivant XR, Rexulti, Som-Pam, Tegretol (liquid), Trintellix, Versacolz, Vraylar, Vyvanse, Zelapar, Zenzedi

  • von Dominik Schwarzinger
    32,00 €

    This book explores the theoretical basis and state of the art of research on narcissism, Machiavellianism, and subclinical psychopathy. It also answers complex questions on the structure of the Dark Triad and its measurement for practical applications. Learn about how people high in these characteristics can, on the one hand, experience individual career success and show adaptive performance in specific fields and situations and, on other hand, present severe risks to others in the workplace with abusive and destructive leadership and counterproductive behavior. In addition, the author summarizes the legal and professional guidelines when assessing the dark personality characteristics of job applicants, examines the acceptance and social validity of such assessments, evaluates the available instruments, and makes recommendations for practical applications and further research.With the focus on practical applications, the book presents the development, quality, and application of a test to capture the Dark Triad in the workplace designed for use in organizations. Concrete recommendations are given on how to use the characteristics narcissism, Machiavellianism, and subclinical psychopathy in personnel selection.Researchers and practitioners interested in applying the dark triad in personnel work will find this book full of valuable information on how to undertake legally compliant processes and how to utilize the great potential the Dark Triad personality characteristics have in making decisions on aptitude.

  • von lore m. dickey
    24,00 €

    A how-to guide to affirmative counseling with transgender clients- Presents the best evidence-based care- Instructions for strategies to improve inclusivity- Illustrated with case studies- Printable tools for clinical useExpert guidance on how to provide competent gender-affirming care to trans peopleThis volume provides fundamental and evidence-based information on working with transgender and gender diverse people in mental health settings. It provides background information on the historical context of care with transgender clients, clarifying terminology, and helping the reader understand diverse experiences of gender. The expert authors outline the key qualities of competent practice with trans clients, such as the use of affirming language and providing a safe environment, and strategies for improving inclusivity and evidence-based care. dickey and Puckett provide insight into current topics, such as the proper use of pronouns, working with youth, suicide and self-injury, and problematic approaches such as conversion therapy and rapid onset gender dysphoria. Practitioners will find the printable resources invaluable for their clinical practice, including sample letters of support for trans clients who are seeking gender-affirming medical care.

  • 11% sparen
    von Willibald Ruch
    66,98 €

    Learn how to select the right positive psychology (PP) assessment tool for the right situation Written by internationally renowned authors Looks at well-being, traits, states, and behavior Presents the relevant psychometric properties Considers assessment challenges Recommends selection in different settings Explores new directions in PP A comprehensive guide to selecting positive psychology assessment tools This volume gives a state-of-the-art overview of assessment in the field of positive psychology, including a comprehensive survey of current theories, approaches, issues, and assessment instruments. In four sections, leading experts look at different conceptualizations of well-being and discuss specific traits, states, and behaviors. New directions in positive psychology are also explored, including measuring primal world beliefs, imagination, self-transcendent experiences, and nostalgia. Each chapter provides an introductory background to the positive psychology topic reviews the most relevant assessment instruments, and discusses the specific assessment-related challenges. Recommendations for selecting assessment tools are included for specific settings, such as school, relationships, health and clinical settings, leisure, and interventions. This book is a must for positive psychology researchers, instructors, students, and practitioners wanting to select the right positive psychology instrument for the right situation.

  • von Mark Berthold-Losleben
    40,00 €

    Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is designed to help patients with chronic depression improve the negative social and personal impacts of this disorder. This volume, written by experienced practitioners of CBASP, creatively explores the principles and practice of CBASP in a new, unusual, and engaging fashion. Interspersed between theoretical chapters, you will find yourself in the therapy room with Maggie (the therapist) and Chris (the patient).Using authentic dialog, you will experience how the different stages of therapy unfold: How, from their first-person perspectives, Christopher and Maggie experience the application of the CBASP model, and how Helen (the supervisor) helps Maggie to understand difficult encounters in therapy. This book helps you prepare for your CBASP sessions by providing essential information and prompts in a clearly arranged manner, as well as exercises to verify your progress and learning goals.This creative and descriptive approach to understanding the hopes, fears, and concerns of patients and therapists engaged in a course of CBASP psychotherapy is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, as well as students wanting to know how to successfully apply CBASP.

  • von Christopher P. Arnold
    16,00 €

    Expert help on overcoming feelings of embittermentUnderstand how these difficult feelings some aboutLearn problem-solving skills to reorientate to the futureAlso ideal reading for anyone living or working with an embittered personMore about the bookEmbitterment is an emotional reaction anyone can have to injustices, humiliation, and breaches of trust. We have probably all encountered embitterment in ourselves or others at some time in our lives. Like other feelings, feelings of embitterment normally subside, but in some cases they can persist and cause a great deal of suffering. When these feelings take control of your life and you can't let go of the past negative events in your life, then support is needed. This book helps you understand what embitterment is and how it can come about. It will also help you detach from these negative feelings and find ways to better deal with the hurtful situations, including learning to look to the future. You will learn about problem-solving strategies that focus on the psychology of wisdom and the development of wisdom, which include identifying facts and problem solutions, changing perspectives, self-relativizing, and emotional empathy. It has been scientifically proven that wisdom is a good remedy for embitterment. This book is ideal support for anyone suffering from embitterment or for family, friends, or colleagues who want to learn how to support someone to not stay stuck in these difficult feelings.

  • von Tayyab Rashid
    25,00 €

    Learn how to build resilience by using your strengthsA tried and tested 14-module positive psychology programLearn skills you can integrate into daily lifeClearly structuredFull of resources and activitiesMore about the bookIn a world full of stress and uncertainty, pursuing resilience becomes increasingly important. The Strengths-Based Resilience Workbook shows you how to tap into your natural capacity to navigate life's challenges and thrive.The Strengths-Based Resilience program, rooted in rigorous science and enriched by the practical insights of positive psychology, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness, comprises 14 meticulously designed modules that steer a course toward resilience. You will acquire skills to build and harness your strengths, increasing your ability to deal with everyday challenges and pursue meaningful goals.The program helps you to envision a world where irritation gives way to gratitude, where each interaction plants the seeds for closer relationships, and where the quest for individual purpose evolves into a collective journey. With clear instructions and a comprehensive list of resources, this workbook can be your steadfast companion on the path to resilience. It invites you to document your progress across 14 unique topics, each supplemented by hands-on practices.As you work through each module, you'll experience a fulfilling learning process and a personally rewarding transformation, converting the abstract concept of resilience into practical, actionable skills. Use this workbook as your guide for shaping a more resilient self and, consequently, a more resilient world.To the Strengths-Based Resilience manual

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