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    53,00 €

    22,00 €

    Kimya sektörünün kas¿m ay¿ndaki ihracat¿ de¿er baz¿nda yüzde 12,53 oran¿nda bir azalma yäad¿ ve 1 milyar 307 milyon dolar düzeyinde gerçekle¿ti. Ocak-kas¿m döneminde ise 14 milyar 196 milyon dolar oldu. Ancak de¿er baz¿ndaki dü¿ü¿e rämen, miktar baz¿nda yap¿lan ihracat geçen y¿l¿n ayn¿ dönemiyle k¿yasland¿¿¿nda yüzde 12,4 artarak 15,6 milyon tona ulät¿. Sektörümüz kas¿m ay¿nda en fazla ihracat¿ Irak, ¿spanya ve Almanya'ya gerçekle¿tirdi. Birle¿ik Arap Emirlikleri, M¿s¿r, ¿ngiltere, ¿talya, Yunanistan, Fransa ve ¿ran kimya ihracat¿nda ilk 10'da yer alan di¿er ülkeler oldu. Ortadöu cörafyas¿nda yäanan olumsuzluklara rämen sektör olarak yine önemli bir ivme kazand¿¿¿m¿z¿ söyleyebiliriz. Uzun süredir ihracat s¿ralamas¿nda ilk 10 içinde yer alan Rusya'ya olan ihracattaki dü¿ü¿ ise devam ediyor. Kimya ihracat¿ aç¿s¿ndan çok önemli bir pazar olan Rusya'ya ihracat ocak-kas¿m döneminde yüzde 34 azalarak 378 milyon dolar seviyesinde gerçekle¿ti. Ancak tüm olumsuzluklara rämen kimya sektörü, Türkiye'nin ihracat¿nda ilk üç s¿rada yer almay¿ bäard¿. Bu nedenle 2016'n¿n 2015 rakamlar¿n¿n üzerine ç¿kabilece¿imiz daha iyi bir y¿l olacä¿na olan inanc¿m¿z¿ kaybetmedik. Çünkü sektör olarak hiçbir zaman elimizdeki pazarlarla yetinmedik ve sürekli alternatifl er olüturma yoluna gittik.Sektördeki mesleki e¿itim ç¿tas¿n¿ sürekli geli¿tirmek amac¿yla ihtiyaç duydüumuz nitelikli i¿gücünün yeti¿tirilmesine katk¿ sälamak için Chemical Movetech projesini bälatt¿k. Bu kapsamda birlik olarak Avrupa Birli¿i'nin Hayat Boyu Ö¿renme Hibe Program¿'ndan destek e¿itimli genç nüfusu sekt.rümüze kazand¿rmak amac¿yla çal¿¿malar¿m¿za h¿z kazand¿rd¿k.Öte yandan kimya ihracat¿nda katma de¿eri art¿rmak ve sanayicilere inovatif fi kirler sunabilmek amac¿yla "Kimyevi Maddeler ve Mamulleri Sektöründe AR-GE Proje Pazar¿" yar¿¿mas¿n¿ bu y¿l be¿inci kez düzenledik. Elektronik at¿klardan nano alt¿n üretimi, yeni nesil kanser ilaçlar¿n¿n geli¿tirilmesi, rutenyum tabanl¿ yeni nesil güne¿ pili, çamä¿r ve bulä¿k makinesinde kullan¿lan ikisi bir arada çevre dostu deterjan ve kal¿c¿ kalp pili bataryas¿na kadar 30 yarat¿c¿ proje sanayicimizle bulütu. Sadece bununla da yetinmedik ve mutfak sektöründe bälat¿lan "Endüstriyel Tasar¿mda Toplam Kalite ve ¿novasyon" (ETK¿) projesinin ilk meyvelerini ald¿k. Bu bälamda 17 yeni mezun tasar¿mc¿, 17 fi rmayla e¿le¿erek ilginç tasar¿mlar¿ gün yüzüne ç¿kard¿.Dünyada geli¿en ambalaj trendlerini daha yak¿ndan takip edebilmek amac¿yla 22-25 Ekim tarihleri aras¿nda 21'inci kez gerçekle¿en Avrasya Ambalaj ¿stanbul Fuar¿ 2015'e 91 ülkeden 50 binin üzerinde ziyaretçi ve 36 ülkeden bin 200'den fazla fi rma kat¿ld¿. K¿sacas¿ 2015 y¿l¿ ihracatç¿m¿z aç¿s¿ndan baz¿ s¿k¿nt¿lar¿ beraberinde getirse de sektör olarak önemli projeleri hayata geçirip, 2016'n¿n at¿l¿m y¿l¿ olmas¿ için g

    28,00 €

    We are thrilled to meet with you at the Ambiente 2016 fair, the world's largest fair in the kitchen and housewares sector, in which ¿MM¿B will attend with 71 firms with a national participation for the 21st time this year.Let us begin with a brief news tour… We have organized a sectoral trade delegation visit to Fort Lauderdale/USA between October 25-29, 2015 with the attendance of 9 firms from the Turkish house and kitchenwares sector. Each company had an average of 30 meetings during the two day bilateral business meetings event.23 firms included in the 2nd Turkish House and Kitchen Wares Overseas Marketing Team that is conducted in partnership between Istanbul Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters' Association (¿DDM¿B), and ZÜCDER (Turkish Glassware Association) were visited by consultants, and a needs analysis was carried out. With this needs analysis, the cluster's consulting needs, strategy, and target markets were determined. The training events specified in the need analysis will be followed with local and overseas marketing events.The sector showed great interest in the Industrial Kitchen UR-GE project that had been announced during the past months, and that will be conducted by ¿DDM¿B and TÜS¿D (Laundry and Catering Equipment Manufacturers' and Distributors' Association ) in partnership, and 48 companies participated in the project. The first stage of the project, needs analysis, will be carried out in January and February and the cluster will begin operations expeditiously.We have organized the second instance of the Plastic and Metal Packaging Design Competition, for the purpose of offering export products to world markets with original and innovative packaging designs. In addition to cash prizes, winners who ranked first in the competition also earned the chance to visit prestigious packaging fairs overseas, and to use the Ministry of Finance's overseas education scholarship.Let us briefly mention the other titles we have included in our magazine, which we hope you will read with pleasure. In our brand story page, we hosted Jumbo. Ege, Eminem, Göreme, Kavsan, Öztiryakiler, Porland, Renga, SNT were other firms with which we made interviews. In our styling pages, we aimed to present you with the designs the Turkish kitchenware sector prepared for 2016 and for the Ambiente Fair. We believe that these star products of Turkish firms will interest you as well.On our nostalgia page, we discussed the properties of tinsmithing, which dates back to 3000 B.C. and is known as part of the Turkish culture. In this issue, we heard the designstories of four designers who have made their mark with successful products in the kitchenwares sector, Sevin Cökun, Burcu Büyükünal, Meriç Kara, and Seyman Çay.We conversed with experienced chef Mehmet Siri¿ about the profession of cooking said that his experience in Ç¿räan Palace Hotel Kempinski Istanbul which lasted for nearly a decade had set the roadmap of his life, and we heard his delicious recipes.In hopes of meeting you at the IHHS and Hong Kong fairs in the days to come...Chairman of Istanbul Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters' Association R¿dvan MertözChairman of Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters' Association Murat AkyüzChairman of Electrical, Electronics and Services Exporters' Association Fatih Kemal Ebiçliölu

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