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Bücher veröffentlicht von IMG Publications

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  • von Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
    16,00 €

  • von Pierre Frank & Alex De Jong
    23,00 €

  • von Sara R. Farris
    35,00 €

    In recent years we have witnessed a 'return of Marxism' as a younger generation of scholars and activists have rediscovered Marx as a crucial source for the critique of capitalism. The title Returns of Marxism refers to this return but also to the rewards of the Marxist tradition when this wealth of ideas is re-appropriated and re-interpreted by a new generation of activists and scholars in contemporary struggles and research. Returns of Marxism brings together contributions from different traditions and generations working on the urgent renewal of radical critique. Returns of Marxism includes essays discussing a wide range of topics ranging, examining Marxist thought and its uses for interrogating past and present. The volume is divided in six different sections, each containing contributions to broader discussions within the Marxist tradition: ¿ Reading Capital, ¿ Re-Reading Marx, ¿ Marxism and International Politics, ¿ Historicising Historical Materialism, ¿ Feminist and Queer Marxisms, ¿ Many Marxisms Contributors include Guglielmo Carchedi, Riccardo Bellofiore, Michael Heinrich, Geert Reuten, Frieder Otto Wolf, Tom Rockmore, Wei Xiaoping, Joost Kircz, Jan Drahokoupil, Bastiaan Van Apeldoorn, Laura Horn, Gal Kirn, Jeffery Webber, Bertel Nygaard, Marcel Van Der Linden, Peter D. Thomas, Chiara Bonfiglioli, Peter Drucker, Katja Diefenbach, Steve Wright and Roland Boer. The volume is edited by Sara R. Farris. The collection of essays presented in this volume demonstrate the richness, rigour and importance of Marx's thought for developing alternative worldviews and politics in the present.

  • von Joost Kircz
    15,00 €

    In this unique volume, the International Institute for Research and Education's current and previous co-directors explain its origins, activity and challenges. On 11 June 1981, the Institut international de recherches et de formation pour promouvoir le socialisme scientifique et democratique (later shortened to the more versatile Institut International de Recherche et de Formation) was founded by a Belgian royal charter. It fulfilled a plan by Jacob Moneta, the editor-in-chief of the important big German trade union journal Metall, the Belgian Marxist economist Ernest Mandel, the Swiss economist Charles-André Udry and the philologist Jan Philipp Reemtsma. The following summer, the IIRE opened in Amsterdam as a centre for education and research in the service of progressive activists, linked closely to the Marxist and workers' movements worldwide. After three decades, hundreds of successful seminars, schools and lectures have taken part at the IIRE, with many dozens of participants from every continent the IIRE. In Amsterdam, as in the new IIREs in Manila and Islamabad, its meeting rooms and bedrooms are used by a wide range of progressive activists and organisations. The IIRE is also the home for projects like the Notebooks for Study and Research, the Ernest Mandel Study Centre and the Institute for Critical Research.

  • von Ernest Mandel & Hendrik Patroons
    30,00 €

  • von Daniel Bensaid
    21,00 €

    With its latest publication "New Parties of the Left: Experiences from Europe", the IIRE, in collaboration with Resistance Books, provides a much needed analysis of the European regroupment of the radical left. With its pan-European focus combined with detailed accounts from France, Denmark, Britain, Germany, Italy and Portugal this book offers a unique and unprecedented insight into contemporary political history of the radical left in Europe. Social democratic and Stalinist parties, including the Labour Party in Britain and the Socialist Party in France, have shifted to the right across the continent and have fully embraced neo-liberalism. This has opened up a political space to the left of social-democracy which has been filled by new formations of the radical left over the last decades. The book starts out with an introductory background chapter which takes an overall look at the developments of the radical left in Europe since 1989 and the collapse of the Left as we knew it. This chapter provides the reader with new statistical information, such as membership figures and election results, about the left parties and discusses similarities, differences and political challenges for these new parties. The late IIRE Fellow Daniel Bensaïd puts the discussion on the reorganisation of the European left into a broader historical and ideological perspective in the chapter 'An idea whose time has come'. With the financial crisis, Bensaïd writes, a holy alliance between the left and the right is being preached in order to socialise the losses after having privatised the profits. Social democratic parties have, across the continent, actively contributed in the destruction of the tools of social solidarity, and hereby undermined their own social base. At the same time, European communist parties are undergoing a slow agonising death. Against this background, Bensaïd argues, there is a need for new anticapitalist parties, as he points out the successful stories across the continent. The following chapters provide valuable and unique first hand insight into the development and discussions within the New Anti-capitalist Party (Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste) in France, the Red-Green Alliance (Enhedslisten) in Denmark, Respect in Britain, The Left (Die Linke) in Germany, the Communist Refoundation Party (Partito della Rifondazione Comunista) in Italy and the Left Bloc (Bloco de Esquerda) in Portugal. Each chapter covers a political party and is written by a long-standing member of the party in question. Contributors: Daniel Bensaïd Salvatore Cannavo Jorge Costa Klaus Engert Alain Krivine John Lister Miguel Romero Alda Sousa Alan Thornett Bertil Videt Michael Voss

  • von Barry Sheppard
    29,00 €

  • von Kevin Keating
    18,00 €

  • von Leon Trotsky
    23,00 €

  • von Ernest Mandel, Claudio Katz & Raphie De Santos
    21,00 €

  • von Ron Ridenour
    21,00 €

  • von George Galloway, Alan Thornett & Salma Yaqoob
    15,00 €

  • von Jane Kelly & Shelia Malone
    21,00 €

  • von John Holloway
    21,00 €

    In this 144-page collection of essays, some of today's most important progressive thinkers - including John Holloway, well-known Marxist philosopher Daniel Bensaïd and theorist of liberation theology and the national question, Michael Löwy - discuss strategies to change the world. The Zapatista rebels and the Seattle demonstrators were the tip of an iceberg of social and political revolt against the injustices of corporate-led globalisation. In 2002 John Holloway, working in Puebla, Mexico, came forward with his book Change the World without Taking Power. The book took up a phrase used by Zapatista leader Subcommandante Marcos, that the EZLN wanted to democratise Mexico, but did not seek to 'take power'. The success of Holloway's book came from the political conjuncture - the 'spirit of the times'. For tens of thousands of global justice and anti-war activists, often influenced by the ideas of NGOs, the aim was precisely to make the world fairer and curb the power of the multinational corporations, but not necessarily to end capitalism as such. Contributions in this book show how a whole new series of experiences since the year 2000 have put Holloway's thesis to the test.

  • von Ron Ridenour
    18,00 €

  • von Terry Conway
    25,00 €

  • von Celia Hart
    18,00 €

    Celia Hart is a physicist, a writer, and a member of the Cuban Communist Party. She has described herself as a "freelance Trotskyist" since discovering Trotsky's writings when she was studying physics in East Germany in the 1980s. At that time she could see at first hand to what extent this so-called "really existing socialism" was a society in decadence and without a future. She is the daughter of two historic leaders of the Cuban revolution, Haydée Santamaria and Armando Hart. Walter Lippmann has participated in the struggle for a better world since 1961 as a writer, photographer and activist. He resides in Los Angeles, California and is the editor-in-chief of the CubaNews e-mail list.

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