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Bücher veröffentlicht von Immortal Works LLC

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  • von Dallas Woodburn
    21,00 €

  • von Carrie Mauriello
    18,00 €

  • von H L Anderson
    17,00 €

    Dr. Dean Graves is notorious for being the Medical Examiner that gets assigned the wackiest accidental death cases in Georgia. But even as the detectives on those cases can't hold in their laughter, Dr Graves finds nothing funny about death and shows great respect for the dead at all times.When a new serial killer chooses Augusta as his playground, Dr. Graves and his assistant, Kat, get pulled into the investigation, throwing everything they have into finding the murderer before he strikes again. But Dr. Graves' determination and Kat's concern about the dangerous situations he's putting himself in threaten to ruin their friendship.Carter Ridge witnesses something awful when he's only eight-years-old, and his reaction is anything but normal. He hides his strange proclivities well, though-until he grows up and his need for revenge brings out the monster inside him.Carter chooses his victims from local bars. Each successive murder only serves to fuel the flames of his sadistic need to torture and kill the men that remind him of his abusive stepdad.Told in alternating chapters, see inside the heads of the killer and the straitlaced medical examiner desperate to catch him as they head toward a collision course that will make your heart race.

  • von Allan Evans
    18,00 €

  • von Theresa Pocock
    20,00 €

  • von Bleckwehl Mary Bleckwehl
    18,00 €

    Rourke is hoping for a perfect seventh grade year. Or at least one where his gut isn't twisted in worry. But with crazy neighbors, a mysterious girl he has a crush on, and an unpredictable brother, what's the chance of that? Especially when tragedy strikes.¿

  • von Pete Fanning
    16,00 €

    For thirteen-year-old Jack Lansford, moving from upstate New York to Virginia is a prison sentence. At least that's what it feels like when his dad takes a job down south and asks him to "give it a year." Moving in, Jack's misery turns to confusion when he stumbles across a box of letters to his mother that forever changes the way he sees his light-hearted dad. As close as Jack is with his father, they never talk about Mom, or the car accident that took her life when he was only three. So Jack can't help himself from sneaking back to the journals-pages of heartfelt confessions about the mother he never knew. School begins and Jack tries to find his place-playing drums in the basement band with his dad and the neighbors while making a few friends along the way. Jack confides in Miranda, the girl next door with the voice of a young Aretha Franklin. But when he shows her a poem his father wrote about his Mom, she decides it's the song they should perform at the local band jam. With that, The Wallywalkers are primed for the big time, but first Jack has to summon the courage to have the talk of all talks with his dad.¿

  • von Nancy McConnell
    17,00 €

    In 1498, an orphan can''t expect much out of life. But the Renaissance is burgeoning, and Venice ripe with infinite possibilities. Nico is a child of the city, and his veins run with canal water. Rising above his lowly status, apprentice to a painter, just might be possible in the city of bridges. He''s determined to use his wit and wile to become something more than another errand boy. But his hopes come crashing to the ground when he witnesses deception in Venice''s inner circle. To escape the vengeance of the corrupt Lord Foscari, Nico travels half a world away to safety. But danger follows him to the streets of Constantinople where he discovers a peril looms over Venice that threatens to destroy it. Now he''s forced to make a choice: stay safe in a foreign land and let Venice fall or risk his life to save everything he loves. Can he save his city, or will he lose his life trying?

  • von J D Spero
    18,00 €

  • von Pete Fanning
    16,00 €

  • von M K Hutchins
    19,00 €

    Plum would love to work as Lady Sulat''s chef and spend her days crafting healing foods, but it isn''t safe for her to stay in the capital. She knows far too many of the king''s secrets. Lady Sulat proposes sending Plum away on a covert mission. Learn all about poisons. Learn how to defend against them. Head into dangerous territory.Unfortunately, Plum has to rely on her sister for support...the sister who isn''t even the tiniest bit sorry for nearly getting Plum executed. Her poisons teacher is an old enemy. And, given the secretive nature of what she''s doing, Plum can''t even openly talk to Bane about it.But Plum is going to give it her all. After what she''s seen of war, she''s willing to take any risk and pay any price to secure peace for Rowak.

  • von Allan Evans
    17,98 €

  • von Pete Fanning
    16,00 €

    It's 1987 and twelve-year-old Sam Beasley only wants two things: to play football and for his mother to stop dating losers. Only there's no money for a football team in Bricktown, while there's an endless supply of losers for his mother to bring home.Sam finds a friend in the elderly widow down the street. While he's careful not to let on about his crummy home life, Mrs. Coleman always seems to know when he needs to do wash or eat a hot meal. When he mentions his football dilemma, she surprises him by offering to fund the team. It's a dream come true, until she names the team The Gospel, declares herself head coach, and arms herself with a whistle, Bible scriptures, and a mouthful of grammar lessons. But Sam has bigger worries, like his mom's latest loser, Troy, easily the worse one yet. As Sam's home life spirals out of control, the boys of Bricktown become more than a football team, and football becomes more than just about winning.

  • von Andrew Buckley
    18,00 €

  • von Wilbert Stanton
    18,00 €

  • von Molly Fennig
    18,00 €

  • von Cori Cooper
    18,00 €

  • von Theresa Pocock
    21,00 €

    At the heart of the backward and isolated town of Edenia lives a secret kept safe for six thousand years. All that stands between this secret and the end of the world are the Guardians of the Garden.****The powerful Guardians of Eden forsake all to protect the Tree of Life from everyday mortals, but one of them has developed a new and invasive power which, even in a town of magical beings, makes her a freak. Miriam wants nothing more than to live in the "real" world where her powers will disintegrate, but all her dreams for escape are frustrated when a former Guardian returns to Edenia. When the secretive newcomer threatens the Garden of Eden from within, Miriam must transcend her resentment of her powers and become the Guardian she was always meant to be.****Seth Johnson and his family leave Cairo to come to America for two reasons: to escape the rapidly growing dangers of war-torn Africa and to provide better medical care for his dying sister. However, when they arrive in Edenia instead of a cancer treatment center, Seth realizes his parents have betrayed them all and his sister''s life is now his responsibility. Desperate, Seth will do anything to save her.*This book is based on the folklore surrounding the garden of eden, which exists in all ancient cultures. And though the Edenians have a certain culture of morality, any correlation or similarity to any religion is happenstance.

  • von Andrew Buckley
    18,00 €

    From the Bahamas to Heathrow airport, to the rain soaked streets of London the dead have ceased dying.This is inconvenient for a number of reasons but what''s the real reason behind the chaos?In London we find Nigel Reinhardt, a disgraced, confused, and gifted London police constable who owns a prophetic goldfish. In Ireland the Angel of Death questions the value and position of his current employment. At Majestic Technologies Celina McMannis works diligently on a top secret project. At the South Pole there lives a very unhappy penguin.When the Devil hatches a nefarious plot to take over the world by possessing a cute little kitty and seizing a factory of robotic Christmas elves it''s up to Nigel and his group of unlikely companions to save the world or die trying... or both.

  • - Being an Anthology of Mormon Steampunk
    21,00 €

    In this fourth installment of the incredible Mormon Steampunk series by Immortal Works Press you’ll find seventeen different tales spun by seventeen different authors, having only “steampunk” and “Mormon” in common. Tales of semi-sentient temples that walk and fly, a missionary’s unfortunate encounter with hostile natives whose mechanical knowledge far exceeds his own, a hidden treasure trove and a kidnapped girl saved by Porter Rockwell, a magical trip back in time to an airship-seized Zarahemla, a giant lake monster attacking the machinery keeping a Mormon settlement afloat, and many equally amazing stories.This anthology includes stories by award winning, bestselling, and premier authors—Michaelbrent Collings, Bryce Beatty, Berin Stephens, Elizabeth Mueller, Roy Hayward, Jenna Eatough, Kevin Folkman, James Pyles, Nate Givens, Carl Duzett, Lee Allred, Justin Riley, John D. Payne, Sean Smith, Christopher McAfee, Jay Barnson, and David J. West.Edited by Holli Anderson

  • von Holli Anderson
    14,98 €

  • von Peter Cashwell
    17,00 €

    A tale of talking birds, magic tricks, peppermint sticks, and an awful lot of camouflage paint, perfect for fans of Roald Dahl and Judd Winick.School isn''t easy when you''re the son of the world''s greatest stage magician, but Nathan has always managed to get along-until now. Not only is he having dodgeball problems, he''s got to sing in front of the whole school AND learn to drive a tractor. And when his father disappears during his latest world tour, it''s up to Nathan to track him down. Can he get through to the Bureau of Missing Persons? Can he escape the strange figures who keep appearing outside his window? And can he persuade a group of birds to help him get to the faraway land where his father is captive? He''d better hope so-because Nathan will have to come up with an incredible trick of his own to rescue The Amazing Q!Featuring fantastical illustrations by Marika Bailey, THE AMAZING Q is filled with humor, misdirection, and a cast of characters you''ll never forget.

  • von Tyrolin Puxty
    17,00 €

  • von Pete Fanning
    16,00 €

    Twelve-year old Caleb Wallace has spent his summer at Autumn Springs, coaxing his papa out of his room when he''s grumpy, attempting to gain the affections of a certain nurse, and pulling himself together when his grandpa looks right into him with nothing but a dull stare.Seems the only thing that puts a light in Papa Clem''s eyes is a family heirloom-an old folktale involving Robert Johnson''s harmonica down in Arkansas. Caleb is happy to listen; two things Papa Clem can still do well are tell a story and play the blues. But when Caleb finds his grandfather all spruced up with his guitar slung over his shoulder, set to take a trip down to the bus station, Caleb isn''t sure if it''s real or just the Dementia talking.Caleb decides to tag along, and what begins as a joyride around town becomes a three-state drive into time. Caleb and Clem endure bus trouble, layovers, and even play for tips under the Nashville skyline. Caleb, who''s never left his hometown, knows he should pull the plug on this journey but can''t force himself to make the call. Weary and penniless, the traveling bluesmen step off the bus and into muggy hot Mosby, Arkansas, ready to go looking for Robert Johnson''s harmonica. And what they find changes not only Caleb''s summer, but his entire life.

  • von Jim Meisner
    19,00 €

    Jason Yoder''s Amish life is in turmoil. His girlfriend Faith is ready for them to join the church, marry, and begin their life together.But Jason is a 17-years-old baseball phenomenon, just weeks away from leading his team to the Iowa state championship. At home, his widowed mother struggles to save the family farm from foreclosure.When Chicago Cubs manager Skip Anderson discovers Jason playing, he knows the young man can help turn the team around and win the World Series.An offer from the Cubs promises the money Jason needs to save the farm and provide the family financial security. But he knows if he leaves, the temptations of the outside world could be too great and he may never return to the life he loves-the only life he knows.

  • von Samantha J Rose
    21,00 €

  • von C F Kreitzer
    19,00 €

  • von Karma Chesnut
    19,00 €

  • von Jason King & Grundvig Jon
    18,00 €

    Twelve-year-old Thomas doesn't have a dad and so hasn't done much of the camping-fishing thing. But this year he gets to go on his first week-long summer camp, and it's shaping up to be the epic adventure his friends promised it would bethat is until he accidentally releases a demon hidden in a cave behind a waterfall and gets hurled through a dimensional rift.Lost in an alien world, Thomas pledges to find a powerful shard of creation for the mysterious Dreja (dr-ey-yuh) Lord, Arvek, in exchange for passage back to Earth. At his side are Bruno, a baby giant who eats just about anything and has ambitions to someday taste giraffe. The druid, a robed vagrant who's incessant lying, stealing, and reckless antics continually endanger Thomas and the others. The ';Green Dude,' an unintelligible shapeshifting blob disguised in a hat and sunglasses. And Darius, a young wizard warrior sworn to fight the growing threat of an ancient evil.To achieve victory, Thomas and his party of would-be heroes will have to survive a forest infested with wraiths and zombies, scale a lava spewing mountain of fire, traverse a cursed desert, and face the greatest challenge of all: their own woeful incompetence, pointless in-fighting, and an A.D.D.-like tendency to stumble into unnecessary peril. It'll take more than magic, bravery, and sacrifice for this band of misfits to save the Cosmosit'll take a miracle.

  • von Risa Nyman
    16,00 €

    One dead father.One lying mother.After twelve-year-old Rocky overhears his mom admit that her story about his dad’s death is bogus, his trust in his one remaining parent unravels. The For-Sale sign appears on the front lawn right after the funeral, forcing Rocky to leave the house linked to so many memories of his dad.  Consumed by the secret and struggling to adjust to his new school, Rocky is startled by a familiar voice. Dashing into a restroom stall to hide, the voice of his father insists Rocky must return to his old town for answers.Can you take advice from a dead person?Rocky finds a real partner in a new friend, Olive, who offers to be his assistant sleuth and help him crack the secret. The pair’s schemes go bust, but they embolden Rocky to embark on a journey of risks, eavesdropping and snooping to discover the truth about his father.

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