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  • von Muhammad Abdulrahman Alkhamees
    34,00 €

    S¿I¿RK VE SEBEPLERI¿Kitap Hakk¿nda K¿sa Bilgi: Bu kitapta; Hanefi¿ älimlerinin ehl-i s¿irki ve ehl-i bid'ati reddedip s¿irkin tu¿rlerini, sebeplerini ve onun zahir alametlerini ac¿¿kl¿g¿a kavus¿turmalar¿ hususunda gösterdikleri u¿stu¿n gayret ve c¿abalar¿n¿, bid'at ve hurafeler hususunda tavizsiz olman¿n baz¿ mezheplere has olmad¿g¿¿, bilakis dört mezhebin de bu konuda ittifak etmis¿ oldug¿u ac¿¿klanm¿s¿t¿r.Clarifying Association (Shirk) and its MeansA book translated into Turkish, it explains the definition of shirk and its means, and how can Muslim protect himslef from from falling into it. In this book; The outstanding efforts and efforts of Hanafi scholars to reject polytheism and innovations and to clarify the types, reasons and apparent signs of polytheism are evident from the fact that being uncompromising about bid'ah and superstitions is not specific to some sects, on the contrary, all four sects are in this regard. It was announced that he had an alliance.

  • von Yahya Bin Musa Alzahrani
    38,00 €

    PEYGAMBERI¿MI¿ZI¿N Sallallahu aleyhi vesellem U¿MMETI¿ U¿ZERI¿NDEKI¿ HAKKIKitap Hakk¿nda K¿sa Bilgi: Bu kitapta; Muhammed -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem-'in Allah'¿n elc¿isi, peygamberlerin sonuncusu oldug¿undan; insanlar sap¿kl¿kta iken Yüce Allah'¿n diniyle onlar¿ her türlü dog¿ru, hay¿r, ibadet ve imana yöneltmesinden, Kur'an ve sünnet ¿s¿¿g¿¿nda Peygamber -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem-'in biz ümmeti üzerindeki haklar¿ndan bahsedilmektedir.This book explains about the rights of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him- over his Nation.In this book; Since Muhammad - peace be upon him - is the messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets; To talk about the fact that Almighty Allah directs people to all kinds of truth, goodness, worship and faith while they are in error, and about the rights of the Prophet - sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - over us, the ummah, in the light of the Quran and the sunnah.

  • von Ayman Abanmi
    39,00 €

    Un día con tu amado, el Profeta, la paz y las bendiciones de Al-lah sean con él, es un libro que nos habla acerca de sus caracteristicas físicas y de su guía en el diario vivir: al despertar, al hacer la ablución, la oración, las invocaciones de la mañana y de la tarde, al comer y beber, al vestir, al caminar y montar, su interacción con las personas, su hogar y su descanso.A day with your Beloved one (Peace Be Upon Him)To place the love of any human being ahead of the love of His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, is to forfeit one's faith altogether. The Prophet says: 'None of you truly attains to faith unless I am dearer to him than his parents, children and all mankind'. [Related by al-Bukhari].The best creation of Allah S.W.T. is our beloved Messenger Muhammad S.A.W. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. preached the message of Islam at a time when society was entrenched in paganism, teaching a message of justice, peace, and rights.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to pay attention to his people and appreciate them. He was very compassionate, loving and merciful to his companions. Our prophet used to console them in times of sorrow, visit them to ask about their conditions and teach them good manners and ethics.

  • von Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah
    37,00 €

    In this book; In the light of the Quran and the sunnah, the terrible horror of the Day of Judgment, intercession, the Day of Judgment, heaven and the blessings of heaven, the characteristics of the inhabitants of heaven, hadiths about the characteristics of heaven and hell, how the last visitor (the angel of death) should be welcomed, the way the funeral prayer is performed, the prayers made in the funeral prayer. The virtue of funeral prayer is explained.A description of death, the life of the grave, and the Day of Judgment.KIYÂMETKitap Hakk¿nda K¿sa Bilgi: Bu kitapta; Kur'an ve sünnet ¿¿¿¿¿nda k¿yamet gününün korkunç deh¿eti, ¿efaat, k¿yamet günü, cennet ve cennet nimetleri, cennetliklerin özellikleri, cennet ve cehennemin özellikleri ile ilgili hadisler, son ziyaretçi (ölüm mele¿i) nas¿l kar¿¿lanmal¿, cenaze namaz¿n¿n k¿l¿n¿¿ ¿ekli, cenaze namaz¿nda yap¿lan dualar ile cenaze namaz¿n¿n fazileti aç¿klanm¿¿t¿r.

  • von Abdul-Malik Alqasim
    37,00 €

    These few words are introduced with the aim of simplifying the biography and life of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, so that the ordinary people may know him better. These few pages introduce excerpts and glimpses of the attributes of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and his virtues.PEYGAMBERIN EVINDE BIR GU¿NKitap Hakk¿nda K¿sa Bilgi: Bu kitapta; gec¿mis¿ as¿rlara bir ziyaret yaparak Rasülullah -sallallahu aleyhi ve sellem-'i ziyarette bulunacak, O'nun evine girecek, durumunu, hadislerini dinleyeceksiniz. Nebevi¿ evde sadece bir gün yas¿ayacak ve bu bir günlük yas¿ant¿m¿zdan dersler, ibretler c¿¿karacak, sözleri ve fiilleriyle ayd¿nlanacag¿¿z.

  • von Hafiz Ibn Ahmed Alhakami
    46,00 €

    This is a summarized book which I hope to be of great benefit to the reader. This book includes the basics of religion and principles of Islamic Monotheism. It shows the Straight Path of the True Religion (Islam). It covers what follows: Iman (Faith), its characteristics and what nullifies or demolishes it. Each statement is supported by clear-cut proofs.SORULU CEVAPLI ¿SLAM AK¿DES¿Kitap Hakk¿nda K¿sa Bilgi: Bu kitap; dinin temel kurallar¿ ve tevhidin ana esaslar¿n¿ ihtiva eden soru ve cevaplar¿ içermektedir. ¿man¿n tamam¿n¿ ortadan kald¿ran yahut kemali ile bädämayan hususlar belirtilerek iman¿n meseleleri ve esaslar¿ aç¿klanm¿¿t¿r. Her bir mesele delili ile birlikte ele al¿nm¿¿t¿r.

  • von Henrik
    23,00 €

    "Leadership after a Pandemic: Adapting to Uncertainty" is a useful and important book that will help you understand how to be a leader in a world after a pandemic. This groundbreaking book, written by [Author's Name], looks at the big problems and new chances that have come up because of world problems. Businesses and organizations are facing unprecedented uncertainty. This book gives leaders strategic insights and useful advice for thriving in this new age.This smart book looks at important topics like adaptive leadership, resilience, and how people's standards of leaders change over time. Many useful lessons can be learned from both the good and bad leadership during the pandemic, as [Author's Name] carefully examines many real-life case studies. People who read this will have a better understanding of how quickly things are changing digitally, how technology affects decisions, and how important it is for businesses to encourage a culture of flexibility.The book "Leadership after a Pandemic" goes beyond academic frameworks and gives real-world examples of how to give teams a sense of purpose, improve collaboration, and ensure long-term success. This book is a must-read for leaders who want to help their teams deal with uncertainty, build resilience, and achieve success in the post-pandemic world. It focuses on the most popular leadership topics right now. Embrace the future of leadership with ideas that matter. This book is a must-read for executives, managers, and anyone else who wants to be a good leader in a world that is changing quickly.

  • von Anna
    28,00 €

    "The Art of Data Science: Expert Advice for Real Life" is a complete book that will help you find your way in the constantly changing world of data. It is full of cutting-edge ideas and useful advice. Anna, a well-known name in the field, wrote this book, which seamlessly combines theoretical foundations with real-world applications. It's a guide for both newcomers and seasoned workers in the field.Learn about important ideas like data, information, and knowledge. Find out how data helps people make decisions. Get good at different types of data and how they are organized. Learn the ins and outs of cleaning and preprocessing data, gaining an understanding of statistical ideas for sound analysis, and laying the groundwork for good data exploration.The book takes a close look at machine learning and explains what supervised and unsupervised learning are, how to choose and build features, and how to evaluate and validate models. Learn how to choose the right techniques and find the important tools for effective data visualization. Find out how data visualization can change your life.The book talks about how to gather and use data in a way that is fair, private, and safe, with ethics at the center. Case studies with powerful graphics and ethical problems in data science will give you a full picture of the ethical issues that come up in the field."The Art of Data Science" gives you the tools to use data to its fullest potential in a world that is changing quickly, whether you are interested in data science, work with it, or make decisions about it. You can use this book to help you learn the art and science of data. It gives you useful tips and examples that are in line with the latest trends in this constantly changing field.

  • von Abdullah Bin Hadi Alqahtani
    38,00 €

    Caracterul universal al islamuluiUniversalitatea islamului este un fapt incontestabil, o caracteristic¿ de baz¿ a islamului, religia Adev¿rului. Majoritatea populäiei lumii are o nevoie stringent¿ de un mod de viä¿ care s¿ îi poat¿ rezolva problemele ¿i care s¿ r¿spund¿ la întreb¿rile ei r¿mase f¿r¿ r¿spuns, despre existen¿a ¿i destinul ei. Cu o rat¿ în cre¿tere a imoralit¿¿ii ¿i violen¿ei în lume, oamenii au c¿utat neîncetat o cale de ie¿ire. Mul¿i au descoperit c¿ sinuciderea este, probabil, una dintre cele mai simple ¿i mai rapide solüii. Nu este de mirare astfel c¿ lumea noastr¿ tr¿ie¿te într-o stare de haos. Ea a încercat toate ideologiile ¿i a aplicat atât de multe teorii socio-economice, dar niciuna nu s-a dovedit a fi cea corect¿. Ceea ce a fost încercat a e¿uat ¿i ceea ce nu a reüit a fost încercat din nou... ¿i din nou. Nu exist¿ alt¿ cale?... ar putea întreba cineva. Nu exist¿ un sistem alternativ care ar func¿iona ca un ghid pentru Univers? Aceste doü întreb¿ri fac tema acestei cercet¿ri.The universality of Islam is an undeniable fact, a characteristic peculiar to Islam, the Righteous Religion. Almighty Allah has assigned Muhammad Ben Abdullah as Prophet and Messenger to the entire mankind, revealing to him His Holy Book to serve as a means of guidance and a reminder to all humanity. It was the will of Almighty Allah to make the Islamic Message the seal of revealed messages, which thus gave form and substance to the Righteous Religion.

  • von Abd Ar-Rahman Ash-Sheha
    44,00 €

    This book explains that Islam is a code of living that covers all aspects of life. It comprises a set of acts of worship: some verbal, some practical and others that are constituents of belief. All of them play important roles in placing morality on a solid foundation and in strengthening the good qualities in people so that they are keen to follow the right path, ensuring social unity and strengthening bonds within the community.The book cites many examples and speaks about the importance Islam attaches to knowledge. It mentions a number of recent scientific discoveries that the Qur'an referred to fourteen centuries ago.A Chave para Compreender o IslamEste livro apresenta a verdade do Isla, que e uma religiao completa que se preocupa com todos os assuntos das pessoas, e que e uma religiao que inclui tres grupos de actos de culto: os atos realizados pela fala, pela ac'ao e pela fe e crenc'a. Estes tres grupos tem a maior regra de construir os bons costumes, a reforma da etica e os comportamentos, purificando as almas e preservando a unidade e a solidariedade da comunidade. O livro tambem apresenta o alto nivel da ciencia no Islam, citando muitas das recentes descobertas cientificas mencio- nadas no Alcorao desde 1400 anos atras. Este livro e uma verdadeira chave para quem quer entender o que o Islam e!Esperamos que o leitor va gostar de ler este livro, e que ira ajuda-lo a conhecer o Islam mais e mais.

  • von Katarina
    28,00 €

    If you're looking for a way to find peace and meaning amidst the chaos of modern life, "Finding Balance in a Busy World: The Mindful Life" is the book for you. Katarina guides you toward equilibrium in this fascinating book by providing modern-day applications of ancient mindfulness practices.Tools for fostering mental and physical well-being are gained as you learn to mindfully face the obstacles of technology, work pressure, and societal expectations. Katarina will show you how to develop a beginner's mind by teaching you to focus on the here and now without judgment. Mindfulness is an ageless discipline that is more important than ever.Examine the causes of people's busy lives and how that frenetic pace affects their psyches and the quality of their lives. Katarina gives you the tools you need to set boundaries, prioritize wisely, and create your own mindfulness routine so you can bring mindfulness into your daily life, workplace, and relationships.Learn how to cultivate meaningful relationships despite the chaos of everyday life by harnessing the transforming power of attentive communication, empathy, and gratitude. This book tackles doubt, time limits, and failures head-on, giving you actionable tips for achieving your goals and living a happier, healthier life.Discover how to make the pursuit of balance a deliberate and empowered choice in "Finding Balance in a Busy World," a book that brings together classic wisdom and cutting-edge research. Get your calm back in the midst of the mayhem and practice mindful living.

  • von Olivier
    26,00 €

    The book "Tech Titans: How Silicon Valley Grew" takes you on an interesting trip through the heart of technological progress. This book makes you think. It goes deep into the history of Silicon Valley, finding the stories of early tech leaders and the place where this tech hub got its start.With terms like "Innovation," "Silicon Valley," and "Tech Titans," this book looks at how the tech industry has changed over time and how this area became the center of cutting-edge technology. It shows how big tech companies got to be so powerful and how their effects are still felt around the world.Readers will get a deep understanding of the historical background that shaped Silicon Valley, from its start in America after World War II to the start of the PC explosion and the internet age. The story of tech icons like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Larry Page is woven into the plot of the book, showing how important their accomplishments were to the field.The book "Tech Titans: How Silicon Valley Grew" also talks about the problems and chances that the tech industry will face in the future. The book gives a very clear picture of what the future might be like by focusing on things like sustainability, responsible innovation, and the progress made in new technologies such as AI and quantum computers.This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the fast-paced world of technology and the thinkers who have helped shape it. This book gives an interesting look at the past, present, and future of the tech industry. Tech fans, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in the forces that drive progress in the 21st century will find it useful.

  • von Miguel
    27,00 €

    Explore the vast field of data science with "A Complete Guide to Data Science Essentials," an easy-to-use guide that breaks down the complicated parts of this ever-changing field. This book, written by Miguel, a seasoned data science expert, takes you step-by-step through the most important ideas, methods, and tools that will shape the data-driven world in 2023.Learn about important things like machine learning, statistical analysis, and computer languages (like Python, R, etc.) to get the skills you need to work in the ever-changing field of data science. Learn the mathematical ideas that support data science to build a strong base for advanced analytics and fixing problems.Stay ahead of the curve by learning how to use popular computer languages to do cutting edge data manipulation, analysis, and visualization. The book puts a lot of stress on practical scripting and coding, making sure that readers learn how to turn raw data into insights that they can use.Master the art of cleaning and preparing data to make it more reliable and of higher quality. Learn the newest ways to collect and source data. With an emphasis on real-world uses, the guide talks about the problems that come up when you have to deal with missing values and outliers and gives you useful ways to make your data analysis stronger."A Complete Guide to Data Science Essentials" is the book you need whether you're an experienced data professional or a beginner who can't wait to start your data science path. This is an important resource for staying current in the data-driven era. It includes the most popular keywords and methods that define the field of data science right now.

  • von Leon
    26,00 €

    "The Green Future: Green Living and Taking Action on Climate Change" is the most important book you can read to deal with the problems that come up as the world changes and to find a way to move forward that is sustainable. If you care about the environment, climate change, or the future of our world, you need to read this book.At a time when there are serious environmental problems and a call for everyone to take action, this book is very helpful for learning how to live in a green way and how to fight climate change in a realistic way. "The Green Future" gives readers the information they need to make smart choices and take real steps toward a more eco-friendly living. It covers everything from the causes and effects of climate change to figuring out your own carbon footprint.Keywords like "climate change," "green living," and "sustainability" are at the top of people's minds around the world. This book talks about what each person can do to help slow down climate change and gives advice on how to make home improvements that use less energy, water, and energy, and how to commute in an environmentally friendly way. It talks about how adopting a plant-based diet, cutting food waste, ethical consumerism, and living a simpler life can help you live a greener life.Also, "The Green Future" shows how important it is to join or start eco-friendly groups, help with local cleanup projects, and push for climate policies. In addition, it shows how important grassroots campaigns and climate activism are for making things better.As climate change continues to be a major problem around the world, "The Green Future" gives readers the information and drive they need to make a real difference in making the world more eco-friendly and sustainable. You can use this book as a guide to make the future healthier and better for everyone.

  • von Dimitri
    28,00 €

    "How to Adapt and Do Well in a Digital Economy: The Future of Work" by Dimitri is an interesting book about how to do well in the digital age, where things change quickly. This book gives readers the information and tips they need to succeed in the constantly changing world of work by focusing on the most popular keywords in today's job market.Learn how to use digitalization, robotics, and artificial intelligence to your advantage as you look into how they are changing the global economy. Find out about the skills and knowledge that are needed in the digital economy. These include digital literacy, tech skills, and "soft skills" like emotional intelligence. Dimitri talks about the gig economy, online and hybrid work models, and how important it is to be flexible and keep learning.This book shows how important it is to have a strong online identity, network, and create a personal brand in the digital world. It talks about how to organize your time well, use communication and teamwork tools, and find a good work-life balance when you work from home.As businesses get used to these changes, readers will learn more about the main factors that are causing digital transformation, how it affects traditional industries, and the chances and problems that lie ahead. People who want to do well in the digital economy can use the tips, real-life case studies, and road map in "How to Adapt and Do Well in a Digital Economy: The Future of Work." Use this important tool to shape your job and get ready for the future of work.

  • von Ingrid
    25,00 €

    Explore the uncharted territories of human potential in Beyond BoundariesExplore the endless options of what people can do with "Beyond Boundaries." This book makes you think and is very inspiring. The author, [Author Name], wants you to go on a journey that will change your life and help you grow professionally and personally.Find out how powerful it is to be strong, flexible, and self-aware as you push your limits and get rid of ideas that hold you back. Based on the newest research in neuroscience, learn how to use your brain's amazing power and look into how your genes affect your unique potential. "Beyond Boundaries" looks at the psychological roots that support your path to greatness. It will help you reach your full creative potential and encourage innovation in every part of your life.You'll learn a lot about how to find a deep sense of purpose and satisfaction by focusing on spiritual practices, mindfulness, and meditation. Use the power of technology to improve yourself while keeping ethics in mind in a world that is always linked.This book will help you push the limits of your physical ability by focusing on how nutrition, exercise, and recovery can improve your health. You will look at case studies of amazing achievements that show how powerful the human mind and body are."Beyond Boundaries" shows you how to encourage new ideas, grow your creativity, and make friends who can help you in your personal and business life. Dive into the endless opportunities that lie ahead of you and start an amazing journey of self-discovery and making a difference in the world.Come join the group of people who want to reach their full potential and see what's really possible. Your ticket to uncharted areas of human potential is "Beyond Boundaries." There, the only limits you put on yourself are the ones you set for yourself. Don't miss this chance to go on this life-changing adventure today!"

  • von Juan
    25,00 €

    "A Fantastic Voyage Through the Outer Regions of Space and Time" is an exciting adventure story that makes readers want to go on a big trip full of science, magic, and wonder. This groundbreaking book delves into the newest and most exciting areas of space research. Anyone interested in the universe should read it.In this exciting journey, readers will follow a group of talented and diverse people as they explore the edges of space and time and find out the universe's deepest secrets. From traveling between stars and meeting strange life forms to the mind-boggling effects of black holes, nebulae, and quasars, this book promises to be an exciting read that covers some of the newest ideas in astrophysics and space.This book gives a new view of the world that is always growing because it is full of new discoveries in space technology and theoretical physics. It goes into great detail about time travel, wormholes, and time dilation effects, as well as the scientific theories and reasons that support these strange ideas.Readers will be taken through space and time and join the group on a mission whose goals will make us think about what we know about the universe. Along the way, they will meet a wide range of team members, each with their own skills and knowledge to offer.When the crew accidentally finds out they can move through time, the book takes a sudden turn into a study of historical events and their effects, which raises serious moral questions and shows how hard it is to change the past. Through the crew's struggles with these problems, readers will be drawn into a story that makes them think about what time travel means.Get ready to be captivated by the crew's adventures as they meet strange cosmic events, alien life forms, and the problems that people face on exoplanets. This book opens the door to an exciting journey into the universe's most mysterious edges and gives you a look into the future of space travel. Come with us on this amazing trip through space and time, where the secrets of the universe are waiting to be found.

  • von Antonio
    27,00 €

    "German Gastronomy: A Culinary Adventure in the Heart of Europe" takes you on a journey through the exciting world of German food, showing you the most popular and sought-after dining experiences in the middle of Europe.From "farm-to-table" and "sustainability" to "modern fusion" and "regional specialties," this delicious look into German food culture includes a wide range of popular terms. Experience a world of food where old habits meet new methods, and watch as famous chefs give old recipes a new lease on life. Find out how Germany's long history of brewing continues to affect the beer scene and look into the rise of veggie and vegetarian options.You'll learn about "molecular gastronomy" and "multi-course tasting menus," which are changing the way people in Germany eat as you read this book. Find out how "gluten-free" versions of well-known classics are made and how "food festivals" and "culinary tours" bring food lovers from all over the world to enjoy the country's delicious treats.Enjoy the "iconic sausages," "schnitzel delights," and "traditional stews" that make up German food. Also, learn about the "wine-producing regions" and "spirits and liqueurs" that make German food and drink so interesting. Find out about "Christmas markets," "Oktoberfest," and "holiday feasts," which give you an interesting look into German food habits and customs.The book "German Gastronomy: A Culinary Adventure in the Heart of Europe" is a great example of what's popular in the world of food right now. It takes you on a journey through food that will both tantalize your taste buds and satisfy your culinary interest. This book is your ticket to Germany's lively and always-changing food scene.

  • von Isabella
    27,00 €

    "How to Find Your Way Around the World of Cryptocurrency"Cryptocurrency has become a major force for change in the fast-paced and always-changing world of business. Isabella's book "How to Find Your Way Around the World of Cryptocurrency" will help you understand and do well in this new and exciting area of technology. This book is your ticket to the world of blockchain, decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and more. It has the hottest keywords and the most in-depth information.Learn about the power of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and altcoins, as well as the technology that makes them work: blockchain. Isabella takes the mystery out of complicated ideas so that both new buyers and experienced ones can understand and benefit from them. Learn important things about wallet protection, trading strategies, and risk management to stay ahead in the world of digital finance.This book doesn't just cover the basics; it also goes into more in-depth topics like DeFi and NFTs, which are decentralized financial systems and non-fungible tokens that are taking the world by storm.Are you an experienced investor looking to broaden your holdings? Or are you new to the digital economy and want to learn more? "How to Find Your Way Around the World of Cryptocurrency" is the complete guide you need. Get ready to go on an adventure through the world of cryptocurrencies. This guide will give you the information and tools you need to confidently move through this exciting area. Buy your copy today so you don't miss out on the biggest financial change of our time.

  • von Najeeb Ahmed
    24,00 €

    "Mastering Self-Publishing with IngramSpark" by Najeeb Ahmed is the ultimate guide for aspiring authors and independent publishers who want to take their writing career to the next level. In this comprehensive step-by-step book, Najeeb Ahmed demystifies the intricate world of self-publishing using the powerful platform of IngramSpark, ensuring that your book not only gets published but also sold successfully.With the publishing landscape evolving rapidly, "Mastering Self-Publishing with IngramSpark" equips you with the latest and most trending strategies to navigate this dynamic industry. You'll learn how to harness the potential of IngramSpark, a renowned and trusted platform, to bring your literary masterpiece to life.This book covers every aspect of the self-publishing journey, from setting up your IngramSpark account to formatting your manuscript and designing an eye-catching cover. It delves into crucial topics like distribution options, eBook conversion, pricing strategies, and effective marketing techniques that are essential for achieving success in today's competitive market.Najeeb Ahmed, a seasoned author and expert in self-publishing, shares invaluable insights and insider tips that will empower you to make informed decisions at every stage of your publishing journey. Whether you're a first-time author or a seasoned writer looking to optimize your self-publishing efforts, this book is your indispensable companion."Mastering Self-Publishing with IngramSpark" ensures that you not only realize your dream of becoming a published author but also thrive in the ever-changing world of self-publishing. Get ready to unlock your potential and take control of your writing destiny with Najeeb Ahmed's expert guidance.

  • von Ayman Abanmi
    36,00 €

    kitaabni kuni akkaataa uumaa Nabiyyii s.a.w. ibsa. akkasuma qajeelfama isaa kan hirribaa, dammaqqii, wuduu'aa, salaata halkanii, zikriiwwan ganamaafii galgalaa, naamusa nyaataafii dhugaatii, uffata, yaabbiifii deemsaa, akkaataa namaan wajji jiraachuu hunda ibsa.Uumama Rabbiin hundarra gaariin S.W.T. jechuun Ergamaan keenya jaallatamaan Muhammad S.A.W. Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. yeroo hawaasni waaqa tolfamaa keessatti hidda gadi fageeffate, ergaa haqaa, nagaa fi mirgaa barsiisaa turetti ergaa Islaamaa lallabaa ture.Nabi Muhammad (SAW) dur ummata isaatiif xiyyeeffannaa kennee dinqisiifachaa ture. Hiriyoota isaaf baay'ee gara laafessa, jaalalaa fi gara laafessa ture. Raajiin keenya yeroo gaddaa isaan jajjabeessaa, daawwannaa haala isaanii gaafachuu fi amala gaarii fi naamusa isaan barsiisaa ture.A day with your Beloved one (Peace Be Upon Him)To place the love of any human being ahead of the love of His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, is to forfeit one's faith altogether. The Prophet says: 'None of you truly attains to faith unless I am dearer to him than his parents, children and all mankind'. [Related by al-Bukhari].The best creation of Allah S.W.T. is our beloved Messenger Muhammad S.A.W. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. preached the message of Islam at a time when society was entrenched in paganism, teaching a message of justice, peace, and rights.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to pay attention to his people and appreciate them. He was very compassionate, loving and merciful to his companions. Our prophet used to console them in times of sorrow, visit them to ask about their conditions and teach them good manners and ethics.

  • von Frank R. Stockton
    28,00 €

    "Be ready to go on an amazing literary journey with the classic Frank Richard Stockton's 'The Young Master of Hyson Hall,' a timeless gem from 1900 that will enthrall you from the first page." This book is a must-have addition to your library since it entices you with a timeless tale that is also incredibly relatable.Young Jack, the charming protagonist whose mischievous personality and desire for adventure will immediately relate with you, is at the center of this engrossing story. The opulent and alluring Hyson Hall estate serves as the background for an engrossing and vivid drama, becoming into a character in and of itself.You will get completely absorbed in Jack's journey as you flip the pages-from a carefree youngster to the responsible heir of a large estate. Trials and tribulations accompany this transition, as Jack deals with dishonest family, money problems, and personal conflicts. But in the middle of these difficulties, he meets a group of remarkable people, including a perceptive gardener, a devoted servant, and an alluring young lady, each of whom adds their own special touch to this wonderful story.The late 19th-century English setting of the book gives it an immersive feel and provides a view into the social and economic climate of the era. Readers of all ages will be emotionally impacted and able to relate to it because of its ageless themes of love, loyalty, family, and the weight of duty, which are woven into the very fabric of the novel.Furthermore, the archaic quality of this edition is what really sets it apart. Even if it may have historical markings, it is evidence of our dedication to protecting and disseminating historical cultural assets. You may appreciate the story's timeless significance and own a piece of history with this contemporary reproduction.So why wait? Get a copy of 'The Young Master of Hyson Hall' promptly and lose yourself in a timeless story that will enhance your comprehension while also leaving a lasting impression on your emotions. This is a unique chance to embark on an amazing journey and own a piece of literary history."

  • von Rajesh Sharma
    25,00 €

    'Stories that Shine a Light on the Human Spirit in Bridges of Empathy' is full of heartwarming stories that will take you on a trip that will change you and celebrate the power of kindness, strength, and the unbreakable human spirit. The author, Rajesh Sharma, tells beautiful stories of understanding and kindness that are in line with the most popular words in the world right now.In the middle of all the chaos in the world, these stories offer a new point of view. They show how empathy is the key to overcoming hardship, bringing people together, and sparking positive change. Read about people who have overcome big personal problems, crossed national and social boundaries, and dedicated their lives to making a difference in the world.Learn about the deep meaning of compassion and how it affects people and groups in ways that leave a lasting mark on hearts and minds. The book shows how empathy is very important for healing both individual and group wounds, with the idea of reconciliation and change running through it all.By telling these stories, the author shows how empathy can change things, not just as an idea but as a force for good. These stories will move you to act, develop empathy in your own life, and make a real change in the world, from people from different backgrounds to local communities and around the world.Come with us on this inspiring trip as we look into the words that are popular right now: compassion, understanding, strength, unity, positive change, and the human spirit that lasts. "Stories that Shine a Light on the Human Spirit in Bridges of Empathy" is a call to make empathy a guiding principle and help make the world a better place for everyone.

  • von Rajiv Sharma
    28,00 €

    "Leadership Is About Motivating Others to Achieve Their Potential"Leadership is more important than ever in today's fast-paced environment. A remarkable read, "Leadership Is About Motivating Others to Achieve Their Potential" explores what it means to be a leader and how effective leaders motivate their followers to reach their full potential.The idea that leadership goes beyond one's job description is central to this enlightening and thought-provoking read. Building an environment where people are inspired, trust one another, and strive to improve is the key to achieving remarkable success.This book presents a new way of thinking about leadership in a culture that typically equates it with power. It delves into the importance of appreciating and cultivating one's own unique set of skills and characteristics, as well as the power of intrinsic motivation. This book gives managers actionable advice for making their workplaces better places to work by fostering an atmosphere of trust, empowerment, and skill development.This book is a must-have for any leader who wants to keep up with the changing theories around effective leadership. From Maslow's hierarchy of needs to more recent models, it examines a wide range of motivational theories and how they might be applied by leaders to better meet the requirements of their teams.The book "Leadership Is About Motivating Others to Achieve Their Potential" is required reading for any leader who wants to be more efficient, caring, and innovative. This book provides a plethora of insights and practical tactics to help you and the people you lead reach your maximum potential, whether you are an established executive, an aspiring leader, or someone who is simply enthusiastic about inspiring others. Join the ranks of game-changing leaders who know that leadership is about more than just holding a position of authority; it's about bringing out the best in those around you.

  • von Rajesh Sharma
    29,00 €

    "How to Teach Online: A Practical Guide for Teachers"In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, the ability to teach effectively online has become an indispensable skill for educators. "How to Teach Online: A Practical Guide for Teachers" is a must-have resource that equips educators with the knowledge and tools to excel in the world of online teaching. This comprehensive guide is packed with practical insights, strategies, and best practices that cater to both novice and experienced educators seeking to adapt their teaching methods to the digital realm. With the keyword "online teaching" at its core, this book addresses the most pressing challenges faced by teachers transitioning to online education.Key Topics Covered:1. Understanding the Shift to Online Education: Explore the fundamental changes in education and technology that have shaped the online teaching landscape.2. Assessing Your Readiness as an Online Educator: Evaluate your skills and preparedness for online teaching, identifying areas that may require further development.3. Developing the Mindset for Successful Online Teaching: Discover the mindset and attitude necessary for effective online instruction.4. Setting Clear Learning Objectives: Learn how to craft clear, measurable learning objectives that guide your online courses.5. Structuring Your Course for Online Delivery: Dive into course design principles and effective organization strategies for online learning.6. Creating Engaging Content and Activities: Explore innovative techniques for creating captivating online content and interactive activities.7. Choosing the Right Learning Management System (LMS): Navigate the world of Learning Management Systems and select the one best suited for your teaching needs.8. Creating an Accessible and User-Friendly Course Space: Ensure your online course is accessible to all learners and user-friendly.9. Fostering Student Engagement and Interaction: Implement strategies to promote active participation and collaboration among your online students.10. Effective Online Communication Strategies: Master the art of clear and impactful online communication with students.11. Managing Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning: Balance synchronous and asynchronous learning methods effectively.12. Encouraging Active Participation: Engage your students and motivate their active involvement in online discussions and activities.13. Designing Fair and Effective Online Assessments: Create assessments that accurately measure student learning while maintaining fairness and integrity.14. Providing Feedback and Grading Online Assignments: Develop efficient grading and feedback processes for online assignments.15. Addressing Academic Integrity in Online Courses: Explore strategies to ensure academic integrity and prevent plagiarism in online learning environments.This book provides practical advice, real-world examples, and expert guidance to empower educators to excel in the art of online teaching. It is the ultimate resource for educators looking to harness the power of online education to enhance their teaching skills and reach a global audience of learners. Whether you're new to online teaching or seeking to improve your existing practices, "How to Teach Online" is your comprehensive guide to success in the digital classroom.

  • von Amit Sharma
    25,00 €

    "Looking at the tapestry of human history and compassion in Threads of Humanity"Join the fascinating journey through human history told through the lens of kindness in the captivating book "Threads of Humanity." This interesting book, written by the famous thinker Amit Sharma, makes you think. It tells a complicated story about how empathy, kindness, and altruism have changed the world.As "compassion" becomes a popular word, this book tells us in a current and compelling way how important it has always been in the human story. Amit Sharma shows how compassion has changed things throughout history by using examples from different countries, important times, and major events."Threads of Humanity" is a sign of hope in a world that needs to work together to solve problems that affect everyone. Learn about the ways that compassion has led to change, from easing suffering during wartime to guiding efforts for social justice. Find out how the stories of caring leaders are connected and how their legacy lives on.The biological and psychological roots of empathy are explored in this book, which sheds light on the very core of our humanity. It looks at how the idea of empathy has changed over time and how it affected early human communities and social systems."Threads of Humanity" isn't just a history book, though. It looks into the future and guesses how compassion will continue to shape the course of events. It puts the call to action front and center, telling readers to accept and spread compassion in their own lives and help make the world more connected and kind."Threads of Humanity" shines as a beacon of hope in a world that longs for kindness. It shows how powerful empathy can be and how to make the future more compassionate and peaceful. This book is more than just a story about the past; it's also a call to action, inviting you to be a part of the caring tapestry of humanity.

  • von Sarah Brown
    24,00 €

    You can learn about the magical world of food and taste in "Culinary Alchemy: A Look into the Magic of Taste and Food." Finding out how to turn ordinary ingredients into amazing meals is what this fascinating cooking journey is all about.This book looks into the hottest terms in the food world, like "culinary alchemy," "magic of taste," and "food," to give readers a full picture of the fascinating and always-changing world of modern cooking. Learn about the interesting history of alchemical practices. People thought that food could change things, similar to the mystical quests to turn base metals into gold. Find out how these old practices have affected modern cooking and the art of making food elixirs.Learn more about the five basic tastes-sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami-to unlock the magic of flavors. Learn how to mix and balance these tastes to make dishes that are complicated and make your mouth water.Figure out the secrets of flavor compounds, the smelly molecules that give each dish its own personality. Learn how ingredients, herbs, and spices are like alchemical treasures found in nature and can make food taste better with their magical qualities.You can take your cooking skills to the next level by trying out new ways to do things. Discover the magic of food combos and plating methods that can turn your meals into visual and auditory treats.You can enjoy the magic of global cuisines as cross-cultural fusion takes the spotlight, bringing together new and exciting meals from around the world."Culinary Alchemy" is your ticket to culinary magic. It's full of useful advice, recipes, and insights that will motivate you to make amazing meals and go on your own culinary journeys. This book will make you love the wonderful world of food and taste even more, whether you're a professional chef, a home cook, or just someone who likes food.

  • von Rajiv Kapoor
    27,00 €

    Mastering the stock market trends is not just a goal for investors who want to protect their financial future in today's constantly changing financial world. "How to Do Well in Volatile Times" is the best book on how to confidently and successfully navigate the rough waters of the stock market. This book is written for both new and experienced investors. It gives useful information, strategies, and tips on how to do well in even the most unpredictable market situations.At its core, this book gives you the information and tools you need to understand stock market trends, analyse them, and use their power. Each chapter goes into detail about important parts of how the stock market works, such as how to understand why the market is volatile and how to spot the signs of coming changes. Find out how outside forces, like economic indicators, geopolitical events, and new technologies, can affect changes in the market. Find out why having a clear investment plan is important and how to make sure it fits with your risk tolerance and financial goals. To make smart financial choices, learn to spot market trends and patterns and use them to your advantage by using technical indicators and charts correctly.This book gives you useful information that you can use on your business portfolio by showing real-life examples of how to use trend analysis and risk management to make money. There are methods in this book that will help you make better investment decisions, whether you're looking for short-term gains or long-term wealth-building.You'll not only learn more about the stock market in "How to Do Well in Volatile Times," but you'll also learn how to do well when things are unclear, which will help you take charge of your financial future. In a world where risk is the new normal, this book is the only thing you need to get ahead financially. Order your copy today so you don't miss out on the chance to learn how the stock market works and protect your future finances.

  • von Rajesh Gupta
    23,00 €

    "The Essence of Humanity: Revealing the Basic Rules of Being Human" is an interesting look at what it means to be human in the world we live in now. This groundbreaking book goes deep into the basic parts of human nature and gives us deep insights into our mental, emotional, physical, and social selves.At a time when knowing oneself and growing as a person are very important, "The Essence of Humanity" takes readers on an interesting journey to understand their own essence. With buzzwords like "self-awareness," "emotional intelligence," and "human behavior," this book is a complete look into how people really act.This book talks about a lot of different topics, such as how our feelings affect the choices we make and how our society and ethics affect how we act. As examples, "cognitive processes," "empathy," and "social connections" are important parts of how we deal with the world."The Essence of Humanity" isn't just a book about thinking about yourself; it's also a plan for growing as a person, making interactions better, and making moral choices. The world is very complicated, but this book makes it easier to understand people by talking about "conflict resolution," "morality," and how "culture" affects how we act.Anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and the people around them should read this book. "The Essence of Humanity" takes you on a trip that is both educational and life-changing thanks to its gripping story and insightful analysis. Learn more about what it means to be human, become self-aware, and find out the basic rules that govern our lives in the 21st century.

  • von Emily Anderson
    29,00 €

    "Discover the Science and Success Principles Behind Lasting Weight Loss"People all over the world are trying to control their weight, and Dr. Emily Anderson's newest book gives a revolutionary way to lose weight that will last. "Discover the Science and Success Principles Behind Lasting Weight Loss" is a complete guide that uses the newest research and the hottest trends to show you the science and principles behind weight loss that works and lasts.Dr. Anderson, a well-known expert in the field, puts her knowledge front and center by giving readers a plan based on evidence to lose weight and live a better life. This book is a great resource for people who want to take charge of their health and make changes in their lives. It focuses on popular terms like "metabolism," "nutrition," "psychology of weight loss," and "sustainable habits."The ins and outs of metabolism and energy balance will be broken down, along with the role of caloric intake and waste and the psychology behind emotional eating. Dr. Anderson also talks about how genetics can affect weight management. He stresses how important it is to set SMART goals and have a strong support system to keep you motivated and accountable.This book tells you everything you need to know to find the right diet plan for your goals, stay inspired, and learn how to control your portions and eat mindfully. It also tells you how to read food labels, find the best times and amounts of meals, make an exercise plan that works for your lifestyle, and get the most out of both power training and cardio.This book isn't just about fads and quick fixes; it gives real-life advice on how to get past common problems, get past weight loss plateaus, control emotional eating, and deal with body image issues to help you accept yourself."Discover the Science and Success Principles Behind Lasting Weight Loss" is the best book for you if you want to lose weight in a healthy way. Explore the newest studies, get inspired by true success stories, and find out how to become healthier and happy. It's time to start a life-changing journey to health and weight loss that will last.

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