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  • von Abbey Wall
    34,00 €

    In recent years, global institutions like the UN and UNESCO have increasinglytreated obligations to preserve cultural heritage as obligations to uphold human rights.Owing to the relative novelty of this approach, little work has been done to see whatexactly such rights would be and how this treatment of cultural heritage could bejustified. Not only is it unclear what the foundations of a human right to cultural heritageare or what precisely such a right ought to entail, but it is equally uncertain what is meantby cultural heritage in the first place. Considering this, the aims of the Book are thefollowing: (i) provide a philosophically robust definition of cultural heritage and its socialvalue that could serve as a foundation of the human rights approach to cultural heritage;(ii) building on this understanding of cultural heritage, provide a systematic conceptualanalysis of obligations to preserve cultural heritage understood in the language of humanrights. The Book defends a constructionist-inspired account of cultural heritage,according to which cultural heritage is not primarily about historical objects andpractices, but rather about how we employ such objects and practices to make sense ofour internal and external worlds, both as individuals and as communities. Equipped withthis understanding of cultural heritage the Book provides a justification of a human rightto cultural heritage by appealing to the centrality of cultural heritage to our individualnormative agency. This is followed by a discussion of the limits of a human right tocultural heritage, where such limits are determined by its harmful uses. Lastly, the Bookprovides a discussion of legal duties that a human right to cultural heritage will generateand briefly considers whose responsibility such duties are.

    34,00 €

    The present dissertation addresses the right to truth in the field of international human rightslaw. The objective is to verify the outlines of this right that make it unique, and which justify itsown (disputable) existence in the human rights scenario as a legally binding norm. Departingfrom a historical perspective of the emergence of this right in International Law, the intent is toanalyze the multiple debates that have marked the development of the right to truth throughoutthe past decades. It is explored, therefore, how the a priori abstract notion of truth became aright and the strict relation this has with the social mobilizations of victims of gross violationsof human rights. To accomplish this, the dissertation spans across the struggle, in particular,of the relatives of disappeared victims during the 1970's and 1980's when the dictatorshipsreigned in Latin America. It follows on the expansion of the right to truth during what has beenknown as the fight against impunity, until it reaches the main human rights courts. To finalize,it discusses the inclusion of the right to truth in the International Convention on the Protectionof All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and the measures more commonly used torealize such right. The dissertation concludes that the right to truth carries a singularity that iscrucial for the protection of victims of gross human rights violations.

    35,00 €

    This Book explores the disclosure of erectile dysfunction to healthcareprofessionals by asking men with erectile dysfunction, their partners andhealthcare professionals to recall their experiences of such conversations.Erectile dysfunction can be a difficult subject to broach or disclose, and as aresult, it is considered that the condition is under reported and therefore underdiagnosed. In the light of erectile dysfunction being considered a possiblemarker of cardiovascular risk this Book seeks to highlight the issues arounddisclosing the condition with a view to improving disclosure rates and thereforeinforming subsequent cardiovascular risk assessment.

  • von Trina Wilburn
    34,00 €

    Vietnam is categorized as one of the very few countries in the world most heavily affected by climatechange. Particularly, the country's agriculture, on which nearly two-thirds of the population depend,has experienced severe impacts of climate change. Many studies have investigated climate changeimpacts, vulnerability and adaptation in the agriicultural sector in Vietnam. However, very few studiesfocus on North Vietnam where climate change is increasingly affecting farmers' livelihood. Inaddition, the gender dimension, which is a substantial element of climate change vulnerability andadaptation, has not been investigated and analyzed in current climate change studies of Vietnam, ingeneral, and North Vietnam, in particular. This study investigates climate change vulnerability andadaptation in the agricultural sector and analyzes climate change vulnerability and adaptation fromthe gender perspective. Focusing on North Vietnam, the objectives of this study are to examinefarmers' perceptions of climate change impacts, assess the vulnerability and resilience of agricultureto climate change, investigate the livelihood vulnerability of farmers to climate change, explore thefactors affecting farmers' choices of adaptation to climate change, and investigate the livelihoodvulnerability and adaptation to climate change from a gender perspective.

    32,00 €

    The development of social media addiction has become a phenomenon creating a potentialpublic health crisis. While research has found correlations between the development of socialmedia addiction and rising levels of fear of missing out, there is limited research surrounding theinfluence of smartphone ease of access. This study examined the moderating effects ofsmartphone ease of access to social media platforms and assessed appropriate treatmentinterventions. This study used an experimental within-subject design with 641 participants, ages19-32 years. Part I of this study measured the participants' levels of smartphone addiction, fearof missing out, and social media addiction at the initiation of the study. In Part II, 189participants were asked to deactivate social media applications on their smartphones for twoweeks and limit desktop usage to two days per week, no more than one hour each day. Variableswere measured again at the conclusion of the two weeks. The results reflected that therelationship between fear of missing out and social media addiction was significantly moderatedby smartphone addiction and revealed a significant difference in the mean scores for bothinstruments measuring fear of missing out, FOMO, and social media addiction, BSMAS. Theresults revealed a slight increase in the mean scores for FOMO and BSMAS, which may indicatethe need for a longer period of abstinence for smartphone social media use to reduce the levels ofFOMO and BSMAS.

    32,00 €

    Sexual violence is a critical social issue in Australia, with reported cases steadily increasing each year (ABS 2016). A key element in efforts to decrease sexual violence against women is to emphasise sexual consent. This Book uses interviews with 23 same-sex attracted women to investigate how same-sex attracted women understand sexual consent; how sexual consent operates in same-sex attracted women's relationships; and where interviewees learned about sexual consent. Findings from these interviews align with international efforts to prevent sexual violence and promote affirmative sexual consent and provide a more inclusive model of what sexual consent looks like for women. Internationally, changing attitudes about sexual violence coupled with the growing number of women's voices being heard through online platforms, have pushed many educational institutions to revisit sexual violence prevention measures. In the current cultural climate, sexual consent is increasingly considered a key factor in healthy sexual interactions, rather than simply a tool to distinguish between wanted and unwanted sex. This trend is less apparent in Australian, where there is little evidence that sexual consent is explicitly discussed in sexuality education.

    32,00 €

    Although women represent half of the world's population, their role in society has beenlargely marginalized in various fields and professions, from academia to medicine. The lack ofwomen in business and economics, especially at the decision-making level, is particularlypoignant, as women have increasingly more influential purchasing power. Nowadays, women arebecoming recognized as the drivers of the world economy, making 80% of consumer purchasingdecisions in America1 and the UK,2 and are rapidly assuming a growing share of personal wealthglobally; for example, by 2020, half of new British millionaires are expected to be women.3 Thepercentage of women has exceeded 50% at many colleges and universities worldwide, andreaches nearly 50% in the workforce of developed countries.The push for more women in decision-making positions has run parallel with the fight forgender equality. Since the emergence of the Suffragette movement in the US and the "NewWoman" at the beginning of the twentieth century, women have been tearing away at the wallsthat separate women and men in the workplace. Currently, with more men and womenadvocating for an equal playing field, gender equality has become a vital component of domesticand international policy and development. However, this movement so far has had limitedsuccess. Because of persistent gender gaps, there has been a renewed vigor in the fight againstgender inequality. For example, the OECD and World Bank have recently constructed websitesthat address gender equality and its importance to economic development. Additionally, in 2007,the European Union established the European Institute for Gender Equality in Vilnius, Lithuania

    32,00 €

    In the profound pages of "Untold Journeys: Illuminating the World of Mothers RaisingChildren with Autism Spectrum Disorder," readers embark on an emotional odyssey intothe hearts and lives of extraordinary mothers. This deeply empathetic exploration delvesinto the often-hidden universe of parenting children with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD), revealing the unspoken challenges, boundless love, and unwavering resilience ofthese remarkable women.Through intimate narratives and heartfelt accounts, the book unveils the intricacies ofdaily life in families touched by autism. It captures the raw honesty of mothers whonavigate the unique joys and tribulations of raising children with diverse needs. Theirstories resonate with authenticity, detailing the triumphs of small victories and thepoignant moments of struggle, offering readers a window into the multifaceted world ofASD parenting."Untold Journeys" doesn't just shed light on the challenges; it celebrates the strengthand determination of these mothers. It showcases their relentless advocacy, unyieldingpatience, and unconditional love that form the foundation of their families. The bookpaints vivid portraits of resilience, illustrating how these women transform adversity intoopportunities for growth, acceptance, and understanding.Through the lens of these mothers, readers gain profound insights into the complexitiesof autism. The book dismantles stereotypes and misconceptions, fostering a deep senseof empathy and awareness. It encourages readers to see beyond the diagnosis,appreciating the unique talents and perspectives of individuals with ASD.This poignant narrative is not only a tribute to the mothers who navigate this intricatejourney but also a call to society. It urges communities to embrace inclusion,compassion, and support for families touched by autism. "Untold Journeys" stands as atestament to the power of love, highlighting the indomitable spirit of mothers who, withunwavering determination, redefine the meaning of unconditional love and acceptance,one day at a time.

  • von Abbey Wall
    30,00 €

    Practitioners, and their search for the true self. A thousand years before the birth of Christ and forfive subsequent centuries, it has been theorized that yoga flourished in cities known today asIndia and Pakistan (Chaline, 2001). People practiced yoga to become closer to God. Yogaliterally means to 'yoke' or to be in union (Satchidananda, 1990). According to the Yoga Sutrasof Patanjali, yoga is the "science of the mind" (Satchidananda, 1990, p. xi). Richard Freeman, astudent and teacher of yoga for 38 years, in an interview with Bonnie Horrigan (2004), describesyoga as "a meditative discipline and a way of gaining insight into the nature of the mind andreality." He believes that "yoga is ultimately freedom or liberation, and its benefit is much morethan simply good health" (p. 65). According to Freeman, yoga is the undoing of the harm peopledo to their bodies as a result of modern living. He states that "we often hold the body or posturethe body based on past experiences" (p. 66). Yoga can assist in reversing this posturalconditioning.

    33,00 €

    Adolescence is a phase of life where transformation fromchildhood to adulthood takes place. Puberty, as the marker of thisphase, presents a significant opportunity to lay a foundation forreproductive health of young people. Pubertal development affectsfemale adolescents differently to their male counterparts. Withinthis period, the young female will experience significant changes inher body and will start her reproductive journey. It is essential thatyoung females are prepared to ensure a smooth transition and apositive puberty experience. However, little is known about youngfemales' knowledge of reproductive health during puberty or theirsources of information about reproductive health during this criticaltime. Globally, research focuses on adolescents aged 15 years andabove, and there is limited data on early adolescents, specificallyyoung female adolescents age 12 to 15 years. Studies conducted withIndonesian adolescents tend to focus on sexual behaviour as a poorreproductive health outcome and fail to consider the importance ofexploring adolescents' knowledge of reproductive health duringpuberty. This PhD study was designed to address these gaps in theliterature by providing an exploration into young females' knowledgeof reproductive health and the sources of information regardingreproductive health during puberty.

  • von Trina Wilburn
    31,00 €

    This inquiry explored the issue of the under-representation of women in local politics in Alberta.Drawing on action-oriented research, feminist work, and intersectionality, this project addressedthe research question: "How might the Alberta Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism, and Statusof Women (CMSW) support female candidates in the 2021 Alberta Municipal Elections?"Participants in this inquiry were women who ran for office in the 2017 Edmonton MunicipalElection. The opinions and experiences they relayed suggested that these women faced multiplechallenges during their election campaigns, the greatest of which revolved around difficulties infundraising, being a new candidate, and building a team of skilled and committed volunteers.Recommendations for the sponsor, CMSW, were (a) to help women candidates overcome thefundraising challenge and (b) to revise the content of the Ready for Her resource guide accordingto women candidates' need and hosting events relevant to them.Key words: women in local politics; under-representation; women in leadership; Readyfor Her online resource guide; Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women;Women in Alberta politics.

  • von Serrena Amanda
    32,00 €

    Iris Chang: Wrestling with the Trauma of the Nanking Massacre" is a compellingexploration of the life and legacy of Iris Chang, a renowned author and journalist known for hergroundbreaking work on the Nanking Massacre. This book is a valuable resource for historians,journalists, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding the impact of traumaresearch on individuals and society.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a thorough examination of Iris Chang'slife and her profound engagement with the Nanking Massacre, a horrific event during WorldWar II in which thousands of Chinese civilians were killed and raped by Japanese forces. Itdelves into her research, writing, and advocacy efforts to bring attention to this historicalatrocity.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on Iris Chang's personal journey and theemotional toll of her research on trauma. It recognizes the challenges she faced in confronting thetraumatic history of the Nanking Massacre and the toll it took on her mental health.Additionally, "Iris Chang" explores the implications of trauma research for individuals and society.It highlights the importance of bearing witness to historical atrocities while also acknowledgingthe emotional and psychological challenges that researchers and advocates mayexperience.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of trauma research and advocacy for historical memory and justice. It aims to inspirefurther research, reflection, and the development of strategies for commemoratingand addressing traumatic events in history.Overall, "Iris Chang: Wrestling with the Trauma of the Nanking Massacre" is anenlightening and thought-provoking resource. It strives to shed light on the complexities ofconfronting historical trauma and offers insights and guidance for individuals andcommunities dedicated to preserving memory and seeking justice for past atrocities.

  • von Serrena Amanda
    32,00 €

    Adolescent Literacy Journeys: Exploring Ideology via Ethnographic Lens" is acomprehensive exploration of adolescent literacy and the influence of ideology asobserved through ethnographic research. This book is an essential resource for educators,researchers, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the complex relationship betweenliteracy, ideology, and the experiences of adolescents.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a comprehensive journey into the world ofadolescent literacy, viewed through the lens of ethnographic research. It delves into the livedexperiences of adolescents as they navigate the complexities of literacy in different contexts andthe ways in which ideology shapes their literacy practices.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on the role of ideology in shaping theliteracy journeys of adolescents. It recognizes that literacy is not just a set of skills but is deeplyintertwined with cultural, social, and ideological factors.Additionally, "Adolescent Literacy Journeys" explores the implications of ideology foreducational practices and policies. It highlights the importance of acknowledging andaddressing the ideological dimensions of literacy instruction to better meet the needs ofadolescent learners.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of literacy research for educational equity and social justice. It aims to inspire furtherresearch, collaboration, and the development of effective strategies for promoting literacy amongadolescents in diverse and ideologically complex contexts.Overall, "Adolescent Literacy Journeys: Exploring Ideology via Ethnographic Lens" is aninformative and thought-provoking resource. It strives to shed light on the multifaceted natureof adolescent literacy and offers insights and guidance for educators and researchersdedicated to enhancing literacy practices and outcomes for adolescents.

    36,00 €

    Unveiling Mulan's Odyssey: A Revolution in Gender and Empowerment AcrossChinese, Sinophone, and Global Frontiers" is a comprehensive exploration of theiconic figure of Mulan and her impact on gender representation and empowermentin Chinese, Sinophone, and global contexts. This book is a vital resource forscholars, cultural historians, feminists, and anyone interested in the multifaceteddimensions of the Mulan legend and its resonance in different cultural spaces.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a thorough examination ofthe legend of Mulan and its evolution across various cultural and linguisticfrontiers. It delves into the historical, literary, and cultural contexts that haveshaped the perception and adaptation of the Mulan story.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on the revolution ingender representation and empowerment brought about by the Mulan narrative. Itrecognizes the enduring significance of Mulan as a symbol of courage, agency,and resistance to gender norms.Additionally, "Unveiling Mulan's Odyssey" explores the implications of the Mulanlegend for discussions of feminism, identity, and cultural exchange in diversecultural settings. It highlights the ways in which Mulan has transcended bordersand resonated with audiences around the world.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of Mulan's story for contemporary discussions of gender andempowerment. It aims to inspire further research, collaboration, and theexploration of how narratives like Mulan can challenge and transform societalnorms and expectations.Overall, "Unveiling Mulan's Odyssey: A Revolution in Gender and EmpowermentAcross Chinese, Sinophone, and Global Frontiers" is an enlightening and thoughtprovokingresource. It strives to shed light on the enduring appeal and significanceof the Mulan legend, offering insights and perspectives for scholars andenthusiasts interested in the intersections of culture, gender, and empowerment.

    30,00 €

    This Book examines displacement through the lens of life narratives, that is, how do people narratea lived experience like displacement and express it as a story? The Book specifically examines thelife stories of seven Iranian/Persians who each experienced displacement to a different degree,including those forced into "exile", those forced to flee for their lives, and those who made adecision to leave for fear of the future. The Book analyses three interactive, life-story interviewsand three autobiographies, one book co-authored by two narrators. I use a narrative frameworkdrawn from a number of academic works to explore their construction of meaning, processes ofnegotiation, temporality and relationality. The Book approaches labels and categories as storiespregnant with meaning. By comparing the label 'displaced' with these life stories according to thisnarrative framework, I demonstrate the disparity in this label to act as a social narrative or storyrepresentative of the lived experiences of those it claims to represent. In addition, the Bookexplores displacement as it is conceptualized in Persian language and culture, which emphasises anexperiential narrative, rather than a political category. The Book concludes that people's livedexperiences ought to be acknowledged, so that 'displacement' becomes a social narrative derivedfrom people, instead of one that is imposed upon them.

    32,00 €

    Revival and the End Times: Exploring Reformation Declarations of theChurch of England, 1536-1571" offers an insightful journey into the heart ofreligious transformation during a pivotal period in English history. Thisscholarly work meticulously examines the declarations of the Church ofEngland, spanning from 1536 to 1571, a time marked by profound religiousreformations.The book navigates the nuanced landscape of religious revival, dissectingthe theological underpinnings and ecclesiastical proclamations that shapedthe Church of England during this transformative era. Through meticulousresearch and thoughtful analysis, the author unveils the doctrinal shifts,institutional changes, and social implications inherent in these declarations.Readers are invited to explore the intricate tapestry of religious fervor andapocalyptic anticipation, as the Church of England grappled with theologicalreforms and eschatological beliefs. The book sheds light on the tensionsbetween tradition and innovation, offering a detailed account of theintellectual and spiritual debates that unfolded within the church.This exploration is not merely a historical account but a profound inquiry intothe religious psyche of a society on the brink of change. It delves into thecomplexities of faith, examining the ways in which beliefs about revival andthe end times influenced religious practices, societal norms, and politicalstructures."Revival and the End Times" stands as a scholarly beacon, illuminating theintellectual and spiritual landscapes of a crucial period in the history of theChurch of England. It provides valuable insights for historians, theologians,and readers interested in the intersections of faith, reform, and societaltransformation. Through its meticulous examination of declarations anddoctrines, the book paints a vivid portrait of a church in flux, offering anuanced understanding of the religious dynamics that shaped theReformation era in England.

    34,00 €

    This Book presents the design, optimisation and physical implementation of a twodimensional(2D) discrete wavelet transform (DWT) image processor using the residuenumber system (RNS), and examines it against an initial processor designed based onexisting binary modules. The original contributions of the proposed design include alow-complexity hardware architecture of the RNS-based filter banks, optimised transpositionunits, and exploitation of the multi-voltage scheme to reduce the power consumption.Modular adders and multipliers of the RNS-based filter banks are simplifiedto save on hardware complexity, while modular arithmetic and 6-bit dyadic-fractionfilter coefficients are applied to improve the system performance. The proposed designis synthesised with the Synopsys 90 nm Generic Library (SAED90nmEDK) usingthe Synopsys synthesis and implementation tools. The synthesis results show thatthe proposed RNS-based processor is 23% faster than the initial processor. Anothernoteworthy result is that the total area of the RNS-based processor is less than thetotal area in the initial binary processor. It confirms that using the proposed architecturefor RNS-based filter banks has saved on the hardware complexity and the systemarea requirement. The proposed RNS-based processor is implemented using the multivoltage(MV) low power design (LPD) scheme to improve the power performance ofthe proposed processor. The power synthesis results show that using the multi-voltagescheme reduces the total power of the proposed RNS-based design by up to 50%. Theproposed residue arithmetic units are explained in details to illustrate the novelty ofthe proposed design.

    32,00 €

    Overcoming Anxiety: Empowering Change through Self-Control and ActiveEngagement in Self-Help" is a transformative guide that extends acompassionate hand to those grappling with anxiety. Grounded in theprinciples of self-control and active engagement, this empowering work offerspractical strategies and profound insights to reclaim a sense of calm andcontrol.The book serves as a roadmap for individuals seeking to navigate thelabyrinth of anxiety. It advocates for self-empowerment, emphasizing thepivotal role of self-control in managing anxious thoughts and emotions.Through thoughtful guidance, readers are encouraged to harness their innerstrength and discipline, fostering a resilient mindset that forms the bedrock ofovercoming anxiety.Furthermore, the book champions the concept of active engagement in selfhelp.It goes beyond mere theoretical understanding, urging readers toactively participate in their own healing journey. Through practical exercises,mindfulness techniques, and cognitive strategies, individuals are equippedwith the tools to confront anxiety head-on. The book instills a sense of agency,inspiring readers to take proactive steps toward a calmer, more centeredexistence.Moreover, this work is not just a manual; it is a beacon of hope. It sharesinspiring stories of individuals who have triumphed over anxiety, providingreal-life examples of resilience and transformation. These narratives serve asbeacons of possibility, illustrating that change is not only attainable but alsowithin one's grasp."Overcoming Anxiety" stands as a testament to the strength of the humanspirit. It is a compassionate companion for those navigating the oftentumultuous waters of anxiety, offering solace, guidance, and practical tools forlasting change. Through its empowering message of self-control and activeengagement, the book illuminates a path toward healing, encouraging readersto embark on a transformative journey toward a more peaceful and fulfillinglife.

    34,00 €

    Exploring the Intersection: Geographic and Industry Dynamics Unveiled" is a comprehensiveexploration into the intricate relationship between geographic landscapes and industrialdynamics. This illuminating journey takes readers on a captivating tour through the complexinterplay of geographical factors and industrial forces, unraveling the profound impact theyhave on each other.Delving into diverse regions and industries, the book provides insightful analyses of howgeographical features, such as terrain, climate, and natural resources, shape and influenceindustrial development. It investigates how industries, in turn, leave their mark on thegeographical landscapes they inhabit, affecting ecosystems, communities, and regionaleconomies.The narrative is enriched with compelling case studies, real-world examples, and up-to-dateresearch, offering a nuanced understanding of the symbiotic relationship between geographyand industry. Whether examining the role of geography in the growth of specific sectors orinvestigating how industries adapt to and transform their surroundings, the book offers athought-provoking perspective on the dynamic interconnections that define our globaleconomic and geographical landscape.With a balance of academic rigor and accessible prose, "Exploring the Intersection" serves asa valuable resource for scholars, industry professionals, and curious minds alike, invitingreaders to appreciate the intricate dance between geographic and industrial forces thatshapes the world we live in.

  • von Trina Wilburn
    35,00 €

    Divine Conflicts in Early Christianity: Revelation, RomanImperial Visions, and the Province of Asia's Cosmology" is acompelling scholarly work that delves deep into the intricacies ofearly Christian history. It meticulously examines the clash ofdivine forces, the enigmatic book of Revelation, and the cosmicbeliefs of the Province of Asia. This book provides acomprehensive understanding of the religious and politicallandscape of the time, shedding light on the complex interactionsbetween Christianity and the Roman Empire.Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, the authorunravels the threads of religious syncretism, revealing how theburgeoning Christian faith navigated the challenges posed by theimperial cults and the prevailing cosmological beliefs. Thisexploration offers readers a nuanced perspective on how thesedivine conflicts influenced the development of early Christianity.The book is a treasure trove of historical context and scholarlyperspectives, offering readers a profound insight into theevolving religious dynamics of the era. It is an essential read foranyone interested in the intersection of religion, politics, andcosmology in the early Christian world. With its rich content andacademic rigor, "Divine Conflicts in Early Christianity" is avaluable resource that deepens our understanding of theformative years of Christianity and its place within the RomanEmpire.

  • von Gilroy Grier
    32,00 €

    Sensory Engagement with Media: A Phenomenological Exploration ofMultimodal Reading" immerses readers in a profound journey through theintricate realm of human perception and media interaction. Thisilluminating exploration delves into the depths of multimodal reading,examining the ways in which our senses intricately engage with variousforms of media.The book employs a phenomenological approach, inviting readers toexplore the rich tapestry of sensory experiences that accompany the act ofreading in a multimedia context. It meticulously dissects the intricateinterplay between visual, auditory, and tactile senses as readers navigatethrough diverse media forms. Through insightful analysis and thoughtfulreflection, the book unveils the subtle nuances of how different sensesrespond to the complexities of multimedia, providing readers with aheightened awareness of their own sensory engagements.In this captivating exploration, readers are guided through a labyrinth oftextual and visual stimuli, unraveling the layers of meaning that emergewhen multiple senses converge. The book investigates the emotional andintellectual impact of these sensory engagements, shedding light on theways in which multimodal reading shapes our perceptions, beliefs, andunderstanding of the world.More than a scholarly endeavor, this book is an invitation to readers toreexamine their relationship with media. It challenges preconceptions andoffers fresh perspectives on the power of sensory engagement,underscoring the profound influence of multimedia experiences on ourcognitive processes and emotional responses."Sensory Engagement with Media" stands as a testament to the intricatedance between human senses and the ever-evolving landscape of mediatechnology. It is a compelling read for academics, media enthusiasts, andanyone interested in the fascinating intersection of human perception andmultimedia storytelling. Through its phenomenological lens, the book notonly deepens our understanding of multimodal reading but also illuminatesthe intricate ways in which our senses shape the narrative of our lives inthe digital age.

    33,00 €

    Fostering Effective Communicators: Evaluating Pragmatic Education inContemporary English Textbooks for Vietnamese Learners" is a meticulousexploration into the realm of language education, specifically tailored forVietnamese learners. This scholarly work critically assesses the pragmaticeducation methods embedded in modern English textbooks. With a keenfocus on fostering effective communication skills, the book meticulouslydissects the nuances of these educational materials.The text dives deep into the intricate techniques employed in contemporaryEnglish textbooks, evaluating their effectiveness in enhancing the pragmaticabilities of Vietnamese learners. Through rigorous analysis, the authorscrutinizes various aspects of communication, from linguistic structures tocultural nuances, shedding light on the strengths and potential shortcomingsof the educational materials.This comprehensive evaluation serves as a valuable resource for educators,linguists, and curriculum developers, providing crucial insights into thealignment between pragmatic education and the specific needs ofVietnamese learners. The book not only identifies areas of improvement butalso offers practical recommendations for refining language teachingmethodologies. By bridging the gap between theory and application, thiswork plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of language education in thecontext of Vietnamese learners.In essence, "Fostering Effective Communicators" stands as a beacon ofknowledge, guiding educators and learners alike toward a more nuanced,culturally sensitive, and communicatively adept approach to Englishlanguage acquisition in the Vietnamese educational landscape.

  • von Gilroy Grier
    34,00 €

    Transcending Humanity: A Historical Journey through Transhumanism"offers readers an enlightening expedition through the annals of humanevolution and technological advancement. This compelling narrative takesa panoramic view of the concept of transhumanism, tracing its roots andevolution across centuries. From the early philosophical ponderings ofaugmenting human capabilities to the cutting-edge advancements inmodern science and technology, this book paints a vivid picture ofhumanity's relentless quest for transcendence.The book delves deep into the historical context, exploring the interplaybetween science fiction, philosophy, and real-world scientific innovations.Readers are taken on a thought-provoking odyssey, witnessing theemergence of radical ideas and groundbreaking technologies that haveshaped the transhumanist movement. Through meticulous research andinsightful analysis, the author unveils the ethical dilemmas, societalimplications, and philosophical questions that accompany the pursuit oftranscending human limitations."Transcending Humanity" is not just a chronological account; it is aprofound reflection on what it means to be human in the face ofunprecedented technological advancements. The narrative navigatesthrough ethical quandaries, exploring the fine line between enhancinghuman potential and challenging the very essence of humanity. Withclarity and depth, the book examines how transhumanism has become adefining discourse in the contemporary age, sparking debates thatresonate across scientific, ethical, and societal spheres.This historical journey serves as a beacon for scholars, ethicists, andcurious minds, inviting them to contemplate the future of humanity in anera where the boundaries between man and machine blur. Through itsengaging narrative and thought-provoking insights, "TranscendingHumanity" offers a profound understanding of the past, present, andpotential future of transhumanism, inspiring readers to ponder the limitlesspossibilities and ethical complexities of our ever-evolving relationship withtechnology.

    33,00 €

    Decoding Dragons: Navigating the Complexities of the Chinese BankingLandscape - From Ancient Roots to Modern Heights" takes readers on a captivatingjourney through the intricate and dynamic realm of Chinese banking. Drawing on a richtapestry of historical roots and contemporary developments, this comprehensiveexploration unveils the fascinating evolution of China's banking sector.The book begins by unraveling the ancient origins of Chinese banking, exploringits historical significance and the cultural nuances that have shaped financial practicesover the centuries. From the ancient silk routes to the emergence of early bankinginstitutions, readers gain insights into the deep-rooted foundations that have influencedthe contemporary financial landscape.Moving forward, the narrative delves into the complexities of the modern Chinesebanking system. With a keen focus on the transformative economic reforms of the late20th century, the book examines the rise of state-owned banks, the emergence of dynamicprivate financial institutions, and the intricate web of regulations that govern this vitalsector. It navigates through the intricacies of China's unique blend of traditional financialpractices and cutting-edge technological innovations that characterize its bankinglandscape today.Throughout the exploration, real-world case studies and illuminating anecdotesprovide a practical understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by Chinesebanks. Whether unraveling the intricacies of international collaborations, dissecting theimpact of digitalization, or examining the role of Chinese banks in global finance, thebook offers a comprehensive and accessible guide to anyone seeking to understand themultifaceted dynamics of China's banking world."Decoding Dragons" serves as a valuable resource for scholars, businessprofessionals, and anyone intrigued by the intersection of tradition and modernity withinthe Chinese banking realm. With a blend of historical context and contemporary analysis,the book provides a nuanced and insightful perspective on the forces shaping one of theworld's most influential financial landscapes.

    32,00 €

    The purpose of this research is to build on previous research that showed a significantrelationship between students with socially devalued identities, poor mental health, and loweracademic achievement and suggested tailored and targeted treatments as a possible protectivefactor. To develop programs to assist students in achieving higher scores, one must firstdetermine the impact of comorbid mental health diagnosis and specific learning disorder onacademic achievement. A quantitative causal-comparative study was used to determine if there isan impact of mental health diagnoses in combination with specific learning disorders for studentswith an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plans on standardized test scores. The studyparticipants were drawn from a convenience sample of 3rd, 8th, and 10th-grade students locatedin a rural area of northeast Florida during the 2018-2019 school year diagnosed with a specificlearning disorder. Academic achievement was measured by student score on the Florida StandardAssessment (FSA). The sample size was 195 to 198 students from each grade level, divided intotwo groups depending on the presence or absence of a comorbid mental health diagnosis. Thedata was analyzed using three independent sample t tests. The results of the study indicated nosignificant difference between the two subgroups on academic achievement as measured by theFSA scores. The findings of this study showed a need for future studies to include replication ofthe study in additional populations and areas using a different scale of measurement and tocompare students with a mental health disorder to mainstream students with no mental healthdisorder or specific learning disorder.

    34,00 €

    A combination of archaeological and geomorphic techniques was used to study erosionhazard at Aboriginal shell midden sites in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia.In the absence of artifactual material, biological and taphonomic analyses were undertaken todetermine the likelihood a deposit was anthropogenic in origin. These analyses were also used togain an understanding of site formation processes.The relationship between, and relative influence of, anthropogenic and non-anthropogenicerosive factors at shell midden sites in different geomorphic settings was used to formulate threeerosion hazard assessment methods. Each method was designed to address the needs of a differentstakeholder group. The archaeological method includes analysis of the effects of bank erosion,cultivation, anthropogenic and biological excavation, wind and wave erosion. Erosive factors arecompared between sites and geomorphic settings. The rapid assessment technique designed for useby Aboriginal Land Councils and local Indigenous communities includes an Erosion Hazard Pro Formaand uses relatively simple geomorphic analyses which can be performed in the field. A handbookcontaining straightforward, user-friendly instructions on how to complete the Erosion Hazard ProForma is also included, along with a scoring system used to quantify erosion hazard and rank thestudy sites. A GIS model generated using soil, land use, vegetation and elevation data is also used toquantify erosion hazard and rank the study sites.

  • von Annie Tasha
    31,00 €

    Clinicians and academics have been attempting to understand the college experience of students living with Asperger's Disorder. Absent in this pursuit are the direct opinions and perspectives from the students themselves. This study captured the personal accounts of the beginning college experience for students living with Asperger's Disorder who were participating in a specialized academic and social support program. In an effort to frame this study, college student development theories, critical disability theory, and the medical diagnostic understanding of Asperger's Disorder are discussed. A qualitative research design incorporating interview methodology was utilized. Four students participated in one or two interviews where they were asked questions that pertained to their academic and social college experiences in relation to the specialized support program and pursuits outside of the program. I hope that the outcomes of this study will contribute to the literature about college students living with Asperger's Disorder, and advance the discourse regarding college student development theory in regard to individuals with developmental disabilities. In addition, it is my expectation to inform higher education practice as student affairs personnel plan for the growing numbers of students on their campuses living with Asperger's Disorder.

  • von Annie Tasha
    32,00 €

    Students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder are almost twenty percent less likely than their non-autistic peers to graduate college (White et al., 2017). The diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, can be a significant facet of personal identity for many individuals on the spectrum. Due to this, disclosure of diagnoses can be a deeply personal decision and can be situational. Because college-age students on the spectrum are forming an identity concerning their diagnosis (Bent et al, 2016; Cox et al., 2017), peer social distancing behaviors are an important factor in student confidence and academic success. Researchers completed this study to determine if social distancing behaviors of college students were influenced by a disclosure of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Students from a medium-sized southeastern university were recruited as participants. They rated their perceptions of an ostensible student described as exhibiting behaviors characteristic of Autism Spectrum Disorder and their behavioral intentions towards the student. Participants also indicated their knowledge of and stigma toward Autism Spectrum Disorder. Self-reported social distancing behaviors toward a peer on the spectrum did not depend on diagnosis disclosure. Diagnosis disclosure also did not impact gender identity and knowledge level of participants or social distancing behaviors. Finally, social distancing behaviors or knowledge did not depend on whether participants indicated a self-diagnosis or a close family member or friend's diagnosis. Future research should continue to review social distancing based on disclosure in college populations, and this area of research should prioritize genuine representation and inclusion of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, identity development, college students, higher education, educational experiences, diagnosis disclosure

    33,00 €

    This Book contains four studies of the effects of disorder and randomness onstrongly correlated quantum phases of matter. Starting with an itinerantferromagnet, I first use an order-by-disorder approach to show that addingquenched charged disorder to the model generates new quantum fluctuations inthe vicinity of the quantum critical point which lead to the formation of a novelmagnetic phase known as a helical glass.Switching to bosons, I then employ a momentum-shell renormalisation groupanalysis of disordered lattice gases of bosons where I show that disorder breaksergodicity in a non-trivial way, leading to unexpected glassy freezing effects. Thiswork was carried out in the context of ultracold atomic gases, however the samephysics can be realised in dimerised quantum antiferromagnets. By mapping theantiferromagnetic model onto a hard-core lattice gas of bosons, I go on to showthe importance of the non-ergodic effects to the thermodynamics of the model andfind evidence for an unusual glassy phase known as a Mott glass not previouslythought to exist in this model.Finally, I use a mean-field numerical approach to simulate current generationquantum gas microscopes and demonstrate the feasibility of a novel measurementscheme designed to measure the Edwards-Anderson order parameter, a quantitywhich describes the degree of ergodicity breaking and which has never before beenexperimentally measured in any strongly correlated quantum system.Together, these works show that the addition of disorder into stronglyinteracting quantum systems can lead to qualitatively new behaviour, triggeringthe formation of new phases and new physics, rather than simply leading tosmall quantitative changes to the physics of the clean system. They provide newinsights into the underlying physics of the models and make direct connection withexperimental systems which can be used to test the results presented here.

  • von Dwayne Colt
    34,00 €

    As a gateway to support for those who experience significant distress orimpairment as a result of cognitive, affective, developmental, social,environmental, or other personal/interpersonal challenges, mental disorderdiagnosis is a common practice in mental health professions. In order to practiceeffectively and ethically, diagnosticians should develop a keen understanding ofthe diagnostic guidelines they follow in research and practice. The Diagnostic andStatistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM) is a dominant diagnosticclassification used throughout the world. Because it impacts innumerable lives insignificant ways, the DSM should be used judiciously by diagnosticians. Byunderstanding the history and development of the DSM within a clinicalbackdrop, diagnosticians can better understand the fundamental strengths andlimitations of this hegemonic manual. In addition, understanding the history anddevelopment of specific mental disorders can help diagnosticians betterunderstand the conditions they diagnose and facilitate a more rigorous and carefuldiagnostic process. This Book uses paper format, where each chapter stands as itsown study. Using a paper Book format, dissemination via peer-reviewed journalsis more easily facilitated so that the papers may be available to a wide bodyof readership in order to promote more judicious use of the DSM andmental disorder diagnosis. Variations of four chapters in this paper-formatdissertation have been published in peer-reviewed journals, and a fifth has beenaccepted and is in press. In addition to a review of the historical developmentsof the DSM, I review the historical developments of autism andAsperger's Disorder

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