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Bücher veröffentlicht von Istanbul Aydin University International

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  • von ¿Irin Yilmaz
    18,00 €

    ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi E¿itim Fakültesi olarak gerçekle¿tirdi¿imiz akademik yay¿nlar, projeler, kongreler, çal¿¿taylar, ö¿retmen ve ö¿renci e¿itimleriyle gelece¿in ayd¿nlat¿lmas¿na katk¿ sälama çabam¿z¿ dergimiz arac¿l¿¿¿yla siz de¿erli okurlarla payläarak anlamland¿rmaktan büyük mutluluk duymaktay¿z. Her say¿m¿zda oldüu gibi dergimizin bu say¿s¿nda da de¿erli çal¿¿malar¿yla katk¿da bulunan akademisyenlere, yüksek lisans ve doktora ö¿rencilerine sonsuz te¿ekkür ederiz.Dergimiz hem Türkçe hem de ¿ngilizce olarak haz¿rlanm¿¿ e¿itim alan¿nda yap¿lan özgün ve nitelikli çal¿¿malara yer vermektedir. Ekim 2017 say¿m¿zda ise Fen E¿itimi, Özel E¿itim, Türkçe E¿itimi, Ö¿retmen E¿itimi, Beden E¿itimi alanlar¿nda haz¿rlanm¿¿ olan be¿ makaleye yer verilmektedir. De¿erli arät¿rmac¿lara çal¿¿malar¿ndan dolay¿ te¿ekkür ederiz. Bu say¿da yer alan makalelerin incelenmesinde katl¿da bulunan hakemlerimize de en içten dileklerimizi sunmaktay¿z. Bununla birlikte derginin teknik takip ve düzenlemeleri için destekte bulunan teknik ekibimize de te¿ekkür ederiz.E¿itim Fakültesi Dergimizin yeni say¿s¿n¿ sizlerle paylämaktan mutluluk duymaktay¿z.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.Istanbul Aydin UniversityIAU Press

  • von Kâz¿m Yeti¿
    18,00 €

    Dergimizin 6. say¿s¿ ile kar¿¿n¿zday¿z. Elbette daha nice say¿larda bulümay¿ ve derginin kurumlämas¿n¿ istiyoruz. Ne var ki bunda Bilim Kurulu Üyelerimizin ve akademik çevrenin bize yard¿mc¿ olmas¿n¿ beklemek en tabiî hakk¿m¿zd¿r. Biz ¿srarla yard¿m talebinde bulunmaya devam edece¿iz. Bu çerçevede yaz¿lar¿ ve hakemlikleri ile bize en fazla destek veren Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aça'ya te¿ekkürü bir borç biliriz. Her say¿y¿ zenginle¿tirerek kar¿¿n¿za ç¿kmak bildi¿iniz gibi sizlerin himmeti ile mümkündür. Bu himmeti esirgemeyece¿inizi umar¿m.Bu say¿da Naz¿m Hikmet, Kemal Tahir ve Fakir Baykurt'un birer eserinin incelenmesinin bulunmas¿ dergimizin konulara ideolojik yaklämad¿¿¿n¿n en güzel göstergesidir. Bilimin ve sanat¿n oldüu yerde ideoloji olmamal¿d¿r. Hele Türkolojiye ideolojik yaklämak son derece säl¿ks¿zd¿r. Bunun için biz olabildi¿ince bilimin verileri ile kar¿¿n¿za ç¿kmaya çal¿¿¿yoruz. Ahmet Yesevi ile ilgili bir roman sessiz sadas¿z Türkiye'deki okuyucularla bulütu. Belli ki Sadullah Siyayev, Ahmet Yesevi hakk¿nda ciddî arät¿rmalar yapm¿¿ ve bu çal¿¿malar¿n¿ çok güzel bir roman kompozisyonu içerisinde vermi¿tir. Bu bak¿mdan eser, yüzlerce tarihî ¿ahsiyetimizin romanlät¿r¿lmas¿ konusunda örnek olacak bir eserdir. Ahmet Yesevi roman¿n¿n örnekli¿i bununla da kalmaz. Bugün Türk dünyas¿ndan çe¿itli eserler Türkiye Türkçesine kazand¿r¿lmaktad¿r. Bu konuda pek çok yanl¿¿l¿klar da yap¿lmaktad¿r. Prof. Dr. ¿uayip Karakä'¿n Türkiye Türkçesine kazand¿rd¿¿¿ eser, Ahmet Yesevi roman¿ bu tür aktarmalar için örnek olacak niteliktedir. Haber ve tan¿t¿m tad¿ndaki yaz¿y¿ dergimize ald¿k.Dergideki yaz¿lar¿ yazanlara, de¿erlendirme yapan hakemlere, dergiye eme¿i geçen herkese, yöneticilerimize te¿ekkürü bir borç biliriz.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    18,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Osman Nuri Uçan
    71,00 €

    International Journal of Food Engineering Research (IJFER) is an international , peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of high quality original studies and reviews concerning a broad and comprehensive view of fundamental and applied research in food science&technology and their related subjects as nutrition, agriculture, food safety, food based diseases and economic aspects.IJFER is an international periodical published quadrate a year (April and October). The journal is published in both print and electronic format. About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Bilge I¿Ik
    26,00 €

    The international journal A+ArchDesign is expecting manuscripts worldwide, reporting on original theoretical and/or experimental work and tutorial expositions of permanent reference value are welcome. Proposals can be focused on new and timely research topics and innovative issues for sharing knowledge and experiences in the fields of Architecture- Interior Design, UrbanPlanning and Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Civil Engineering-Sciences. A+ArchDesign is an international periodical journal peer reviewed by Scientific Committee. It will be published twice a year (June and December). Editorial Board is authorized to accept/reject the manuscripts based on the evaluation of international experts. The papers should be written in English and/or Turkish.The manuscript should be sent in electronic submission via. the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Re¿at Ba¿ar
    18,00 €

    The popular music movement has originated in Turkey during 1950s with the name of "Arrangement Era" producing music in western format. Over time, the progressing movement has accumulated both European and American musical language and novelties and Turkish music elements. However, the fact that this music that can appear in various patterns such as "pop" or "rock" or "original music", is described as a significant genre by musicologists and musicians, has initiated a weak research effort in the academic environment regarding the music produced in these genres in recent years.This study will be a general review on whether the works made in today's world that fall within the definition of "pop music" can or cannot be approached together with the subject of "concept" that has been used for decades in other branches of art as well as in fields that are closely related to art such as architecture and design.Apart from the written references, the work includes a survey of statistics, interviews with the producers of accessible musicians, and a section on examining the selected samples. About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Selman Arslanba¿
    19,00 €

    Ayd¿n TÖMER Dil Dergisinin üçüncü y¿l¿n¿n ilk say¿s¿n¿ siz de¿erleri arät¿rmac¿ ve okuyucular¿m¿zla bulüturman¿n sevincini ve gururunu yä¿yoruz. Bu say¿m¿zda be¿ makale yer almaklad¿r. Bu kapsamda "Afganistanda Yabanc¿ Dil Olarak Türkçe Ö¿retimi Üzerine Güncel Bir De¿erlendirme" isimli çal¿¿mada Afganistan'da çe¿itli kurumlar taraf¿ndan yürütülen Türkçe ö¿retim çal¿¿malar¿n¿n ortaya konulmas¿ amaçlanm¿¿t¿r. Türkçe ö¿retimi faaliyetleri kurum, ö¿retim eleman¿, ö¿renci say¿s¿, derslik say¿s¿, vb. unsurlar bak¿m¿ndan de¿erlendirilmeye çal¿¿¿larak Afganistan'da Türkçe ö¿retiminin gelece¿ine ili¿kin ön görülerde bulunulmütur. "Türkçenin Yabanc¿ Dil Olarak Ö¿retiminde Akademik Dinleme Becerisinin Geli¿tirilmesine Yönelik Bir Eylem Arät¿rmas¿" isimli çal¿¿mada yabanc¿ dil olarak Türkçe ö¿renen ö¿rencilerin ihtiyaç duyduklar¿ dinleme becerilerini belirleyip buna yönelik bir ö¿renme ortam¿ sunulmütur. "Yabanc¿ Dil Olarak Türkçe Ö¿retimi Ders Kitaplar¿nda Kültür Aktar¿m¿: Yedi ¿klim Türkçe Ö¿retim Seti Örne¿i (B1-B2 Düzeyi)" isimli çal¿¿mada dil ö¿retiminin ayn¿ zamanda kültür ö¿retimi oldüu dü¿üncesinden yola ç¿k¿larak yabanc¿ dil olarak Türkçe derslerinde kullan¿lan ayn¿ zamanda kültür aktar¿m araçlar¿ndan olan ders kitaplar¿n¿n bu süreçteki yeri ve önemi sorgulanm¿¿ ve yabanc¿lara Türkçe ö¿retimi bälam¿nda ders kitaplar¿nda kültür aktar¿m¿ konusu, yabanc¿ dil olarak Türkçe ö¿retiminde kullan¿lan‚ Yedi ¿klim Türkçe Ö¿retim seti B1 ve B2 düzeyi ders kitaplar¿ esas al¿narak doküman incelemesi yöntemine göre incelenmi¿tir.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Güner Arkun
    17,00 €

    International Journal of Food Engineering Research (IJFER) is an international , peer reviewed journal devoted to the publication of high quality original studies and reviews concerning a broad and comprehensive view of fundamental and applied research in food science&technology and their related subjects as nutrition, agriculture, food safety, food originated diseases and economic aspects.IJFER is an international periodical published twice a year (April and October). The journal is published in both print and electronic format.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Nigar Celik
    20,00 €

  • von Ay¿e Sirel
    63,00 €

    The international journal A+Arch Design is expecting manuscripts worldwide, reporting on original theoretical and/or experimental work and tutorial expositions of permanent reference value are welcome. Proposals can be focused on new and timely research topics and innovative issues for sharing knowledge and experiences in the fields of Architecture- Interior Design, Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design, Civil Engineering-Sciences. A+Arch Design is an international periodical journal that is peer reviewed by a Scientific Committee. It is published twice a year (June and December). Editorial Board is authorized to accept/reject the manuscripts based on the evaluation of international experts. The papers should be written in English and/or Turkish.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Deniz Yeng¿N & Tamer Bayrak
    20,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    28,00 €

    IAU Ayd¿n Journal of Health is the open access, scientific publication organ of ¿stanbul Ayd¿n University, Faculty of Sciences of Health and Vocational School of Health Services that is published under double-blind peer review principles.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Hülya Yen¿¿N
    23,00 €

    Odak ve Kapsam¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Dergisi, bilimin rehberli¿inde dünyaya aç¿lmak, içinde bulundüu topluma uläabilmek, onlar¿n de¿i¿en ve geli¿en taleplerine öncülük etmek için arät¿rmac¿lar¿n özün bilimsel makalelerini uluslararas¿ yay¿nc¿l¿k ilkeleri dörultusunda yay¿mlamak amac¿n¿ güder. ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Dergisi, ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi'nin yay¿n organ¿d¿r. Çe¿itli konularda özgün Türkçe ve ¿ngilizce bilimsel makalelerin yay¿mland¿¿¿ bir süreli yay¿nd¿r. ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Dergisi hakemli bir dergidir ve 2009 y¿l¿ndan beri yay¿mlanmaktad¿r.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Necat Birinci
    31,00 €

    Çä¿m¿z küreselle¿me çä¿d¿r. Bu çä¿n en belirgin özelli¿i, bilginin h¿zla üretilip olgunlät¿r¿lmas¿, uygulamaya konulmas¿, hayat¿n içine kat¿lmas¿ ve tüketilmesidir. Böyle h¿zl¿ d.nen .ark içinde hükümetler, karar al¿c¿ ve uygulay¿c¿ organlar, ayn¿ h¿zl¿l¿kta bilgi üretmekte ve onlar¿ çe¿itlendirmekte zorlan¿rlar. Bu i¿ i¿in bulundurduklar¿ dan¿¿man kadrolar¿ da yetersiz kalabilir.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Resat Basar
    21,00 €

    Ayd¿n Sanat dergisini yay¿nlama karar¿ almam¿zda mütevelli heyet bäkan¿m¿z¿n destek ve özendirmesi kadar fakültemiz ö¿retim elemanlar¿n¿n istek ve arzulu olmalar¿ da etken olmütur. ¿lkeli, kaliteli, zaman¿nda ç¿kan ve uzun soluklu olmas¿ gereken bir i¿i bäarma konusundaki endi¿e ve karars¿zl¿klar yerini i¿e bälamak için ihtiyaç duyulan güç ve heyecana b¿rakm¿¿t¿r. Sanat ve tasar¿m alan¿nda çal¿¿an herkesin sanat eseri ve tasar¿mlar yapmas¿n¿, arät¿r¿c¿ olmas¿n¿, görü¿ ve dü¿ünce üretmesini arzuluyoruz. Ortaya ç¿kan bütün ürünlerin paylä¿lmas¿n¿, tart¿¿¿lmas¿n¿ ve de¿erlendirilmesini istiyoruz. Ülkemizde ve giderek dünyam¿zda sanat¿n ve bilimin geli¿mesi için bunu gerekli buluyoruz. Akademisyen sanatç¿lar ve gençler için özellikle gerekli bu - luyoruz. Dergimizin sunacä¿ olanaklar¿n bu aç¿dan iyi de¿erlendirilmesi bizi mutlu edecektir. Sanat¿n bütün dallar¿na aç¿k olan dergimizde hakemlerce olumlu bulunan her çal¿¿ma yer alabi - lecektir. Alan, anlay¿¿ ve görü¿ farkl¿l¿klar¿ zenginli¿imiz olacakt¿r. Sanat¿n sosyal, kültürel, teknik, e¿itim, tarih ve özellikle dil ve üslup sorunlar¿ ile ilgili yaz¿lar¿n yan¿nda, ustalar¿n gözlem, an¿, birikim ve söyle¿ilerinin de yer almas¿ dergimizi zenginle¿tirecek, ilgi görmesini ve okunabilirli¿ini artt¿racakt¿r. Düzenli olarak y¿lda iki say¿ ç¿kacak olan dergimiz, çok yak¿nda, ilkeleri, biçim, içerik ve uläacä¿ nitelik düzeyi ile alan¿nda referans al¿nan yay¿nlardan biri olacakt¿r. Bälarken, bu duygu ve dü¿üncelerle, bäta bize destek veren, özendiren Mütevelli Heyet Bäkan¿m¿z Dr. Mustafa Ayd¿n'a, dergimizin ç¿kmas¿nda bize rehberlik eden Prof. Dr. Metin Ger'e ve tüm emek verenlere te¿ekkür ederim. Uzun ve bäar¿l¿ bir yay¿n hayat¿ dileklerimle.Prof. Veysel Günay ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Dekan¿About the Publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students with the knowledge and opportunities. Istanbul Aydin University, one of the best universities in Europe, makes lives better by producing leaders equipped with quality to serve society. IAU provides flexible and relevant education at all stages of life.

  • von Ahmet Nur Erözenc¿
    19,00 €

    Gec¿tig¿imiz y¿llarda gerek özel hastane, gerekse Vak¿f U¿niversite'lerinde ac¿¿lan T¿p Fakülte say¿s¿ndaki art¿s¿, sag¿l¿k alan¿ndaki bilimsel dergi say¿s¿ndaki art¿s¿¿ da beraberinde getirmis¿tir. Bugün ülkemizde özel ve kamu hastanelerinin, devlet ve vak¿f üniversitesi t¿p fakültelerinin, sag¿l¿k meslek yüksekokullar¿n¿n, hems¿irelik okullar¿n¿n ve uzmanl¿k derneklerinin c¿¿kard¿g¿¿ toplamda 180 üzerinde bilimsel t¿p dergisi vard¿r. Uluslararas¿ planda ise bu rakam 3000'e ulas¿maktad¿r ki, buna son senelerde giderek moda olan (ve yay¿m bekleme süresi bas¿l¿ dergilere göre daha k¿sa olan ve doc¿entlik veya profesörlük bas¿vuru dosyalar¿nda puan kazand¿rd¿g¿¿ ic¿in tercih edilen) online dergiler dahil deg¿ildir. Bu durum ulusal dergilerde yay¿mlanan özgün makale say¿s¿nda azalmaya neden olmus¿tur.O¿te yandan, bilimsel dergisi olmayan bir t¿p fakültesi düs¿ünülemez. T¿p Fakültesi dergisinin is¿levi, o fakültenin ad¿n¿ alan¿nda duyurmas¿na katk¿da bulunmas¿n¿n yan¿ s¿ra, alan¿ndaki dig¿er kurumlarla iletis¿imi sag¿lamak, bas¿ka sag¿l¿k kurumlar¿ndaki aras¿t¿rmac¿lar¿n, klinisyenlerin c¿al¿s¿malar¿n¿ duyurmalar¿na ortam sag¿lamakt¿r.Bir t¿p dergisinin kapag¿¿ndaki Karagöz Hacivat'a gelince... Karagöz ve Hacivat, insanc¿ll¿g¿¿ ortaya c¿¿karmas¿yla, kimi temalar¿n tekrar¿na rag¿men genelde dog¿ac¿lamaya dayanmas¿yla, iletis¿imle her türlü ac¿maz¿n c¿özülmesiyle ve nihayet bir "hayal perdesinde" oynat¿lmas¿yla mesleg¿imizin bir yans¿mas¿... Konumuz insan, her hastayla bilgimiz, birikimimiz, deneyimimiz c¿erc¿evesinde konus¿uyor, tedavi öneriyoruz ama her hasta kendine özgü sorunlarla geldig¿i ic¿in her seferinde bir s¿ekilde dog¿ac¿lama yap¿yoruz ve nihayet bir hayalin pes¿indeyiz; kis¿iyi tümüyle sag¿l¿kl¿ yapmak, her türlü sag¿l¿k sorunundan ar¿nd¿rmak...I¿stanbul Ayd¿n U¿niversitesi T¿p Fakültesinin resmi yay¿n organ¿ olan Ayd¿n T¿p Klinikleri'ni bu düs¿ünceyle yay¿mlamaya bas¿l¿yoruz. Yukar¿da vurgulad¿g¿¿m¿z nedenler ve fakültemizin henüz iki senelik olmas¿ndan ötürü ilk say¿m¿z¿ Temel Bilimler Say¿s¿ olarak, bu alanda deg¿is¿ik konularda yaz¿lm¿s¿ derlemelerden olus¿turduk. O¿nümüzdeki say¿larda, ic¿erik özgün makale, klinik aras¿t¿rma, deneysel c¿al¿s¿ma yaz¿lar¿, derleme ve olgu teblig¿leri ile daha da zenginles¿ecektir.Sizlerin katk¿s¿yla daha da zenginles¿eceg¿ine inand¿g¿¿m¿z dergimizin t¿p camias¿na katk¿da bulunmas¿n¿ dilerim.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Ebru Ceylan
    14,00 €

    ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015 y¿l¿nda ilk say¿s¿ ile yay¿m hayat¿na bälam¿¿t¿r. Dergimiz y¿lda iki kez yay¿mlanan hakemli dergidir. Dergimizde hakem denetiminden geçmi¿ makalelere ve çevirilere yer verilmektedir.Bu say¿m¿zda Prof. Dr. Ömer Adil Atasoy ve Av. Berkay Ergün'ün "Türk Hukukunda Önanonim ¿irket" isimli hakemli makalesini, ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Adalet Meslek Yüksek Okulu Ö¿retim Görevlisi Dr. Evrim Kerman'¿n "Eser Sözle¿melerinde ¿ahsen ¿fa ,¿ahsi Yönetim Alt¿nda ¿fa Ve Eseri Bäkas¿na Yapt¿rma" isimli hakemli makalesi, ¿stanbul Geli¿im Üniversitesi Ö¿retim Görevlisi ¿eyda ¿anl¿ Yal¿n'¿n "Yeni HMK.'na Göre Ön ¿nceleme" isimli hakemli makalesi, ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Özel Hukuk yüksek lisans mezunu Av. Yasin Sagiri'nin "Babal¿k Dravas¿" isimli hakemli makalesi, ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi Özel Hukuk yüksek lisans mezunu Av.Kenan Filiz'in "Aciz Halinde Tasarrufun ¿ptali Davas¿" isimli hakemli makalesi yer almaktad¿r. Bu say¿m¿zda katk¿lar¿n¿ sunan yazarlar¿m¿za çok te¿ekkür ederim. Bu say¿m¿zda be¿ hakemli makale bulunmaktad¿r.Gelecek günlerde hukuk dünyas¿ndan dergimize daha çok yay¿n gelmesini umuyoruz ve gelece¿ine inan¿yoruz. Zamanla dergimizin ismini hukuk dünyas¿nda duyuruyoruz ve tan¿t¿yoruz. ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi HukukAbout the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Aysel Altan
    30,00 €

    IAU Ayd¿n Journal of Health is the open access, scientific publication organ of I¿stanbul Ayd¿n University, Faculty of Sciences of Health and Vocational School of Health Services that is published under double-blind peer review principles.The journal publishes clinical and experimental trials, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor. The target audience of the journal includes medical and health care academic personnel and students of Associate, Bachelor's and Masters degree programmes.The publication language of the journal is both Turkish and English and it is published every six months in April and October. Statements and opinions expressed in the manuscripts published in the journal reflect the views of the authors. About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Selin Kapan
    35,00 €

    ¿stanbul Ayd¿n Üniversitesi T¿p Fakültesi'nin resmi yay¿n organ¿ olan Ayd¿n T¿p Klinikleri dergisinin ikinci say¿s¿yla sizlerle beraberiz. Bu say¿m¿z¿ da Temel Bilimler alan¿nda de¿i¿ik konularda yaz¿lm¿¿ derlemelerden olüturduk. Önümüzdeki say¿larda arät¿rma makaleleri ve olgu sunumlarla zenginle¿tirerek k¿sa sürede ulusal ve uluslararas¿ indekslerde yer alacak biçimde ¿ekillendirece¿imiz dergimizi sizlerin de makale destekleriyle k¿sa sürede t¿p camias¿nda gerekti¿i yeri alacä¿na inan¿yoruz.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    18,00 €

    The Florya Chronicles Journal is the scholarly publication of the ¿stanbul Ayd¿n University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The Journal is distributed on a twice a year basis. The Florya Chronicles Journal is a peer-reviewed in the area of economics, international relations, management and political studies and is published in both Turkish and English languages. Language support for Turkish translation is given to those manuscripts received in English and accepted for publication. The content of the Journal covers all aspects of economics and social sciences including but not limited to mainstream to heterodox approaches. The Journal aims to meet the needs of the public and private sector employees, specialists, academics, and research scholars of economics and social sciences as well as undergraduate and postgraduate level students. The Florya Chronicles offers a wide spectrum of publication including- Research Articles-Case Reports that adds value to empirical and policy oriented techniques, and topics on management-Opinions on areas of relevance- Reviews that comprehensively and systematically covers a specific aspect of economics and social sciences. About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Candan Varlik
    16,00 - 39,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Zeynep Akyar
    62,00 €

    The prevalence of dental caries in primary teeth in most world countries is very high. That is strange, to say the least, ¿s dental caries is a preventable disease. Why is a preventable disease so prevalent? The answer is related, among others, to socio-economic status, level of education of the mother and cultural habits of the children. What research has told us is that placing restorations is not the answer to the abundance of cavities present in these children. Dental caries is a sugar-driven biofilm-related disease that can be controlled through following a healthy life-style. Removal of dental biofilm regularly from tooth surfaces is known to reduce the prevalence of dental carious lesions. Controlling the dental biofilm is, therefore, paramount important in the fight against the development of carious lesions. This implies that removal of biofilm from within cavities can be a successful treatment in controlling carious lesion progression. Suitable cavities should be accessible, the pulp be healthy and symptomless and the biofilm should be removed daily. That requires understanding, practice, assistance from parents and support from dentists. This treatment has been researched and found having merits but more studies are needed to fully understand when and when not to apply this cavity treatment in children's primary teeth. About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    28,00 - 63,00 €

  • von Nigar Celik
    23,00 €

  • von Nejat Birici
    25,00 €

    About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Zafer Utlu & Hasan Saygin
    21,00 €

  • von Adem Ayten
    39,00 €

    ¿leti¿im Çal¿¿malar¿ Dergisi uluslararas¿ hakemli bir dergidir. Derginin TÜB¿TAK-ULAKB¿M Sosyal ve Be¿eri Bilimler Veri Taban¿ (SBVT) ve uluslararas¿ veri taban¿nda taranmas¿ amaçlanmaktad¿r. Derginin hedef kitlesi tamam¿yla ileti¿im çal¿¿malar¿ yapan akademisyenler ve arät¿rmac¿lard¿r. Derginin amac¿; ileti¿im bilimleri ve ileti¿im çal¿¿malar¿ üzerine çal¿¿an genç ve deneyimli arät¿rmac¿lar¿n bilimsel nitelikli makalelerini yay¿mlamakt¿r. Derginin Kapsam Konular¿ • Gazetecilik • Halkla ¿li¿kiler • Pazarlama ¿leti¿imi • Reklam Çal¿¿malar¿ • Radyo Televizyon Programc¿l¿¿¿ • Radyo Televizyon Haberci¿i • Film Çal¿¿malar¿ • Görsel ¿leti¿im Tasar¿m¿ • Yeni (Dijital) Medya • Siyasal ¿leti¿im • Kültürleraras¿ ¿leti¿im About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages.

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    18,00 €

  • von Zeynep Akyar
    16,00 €

    Modern geneti¿in babas¿ olarak bilinen Gregor Mendel, bitki hibridizasyonundaki deneyler üzerine arät¿rmalar¿n¿ sunmü ve 1865 y¿l¿nda kal¿t¿m kurallar¿n¿ ortaya ç¿karm¿¿t¿r. 1953 y¿l¿nda genetik kal¿t¿m molekülü olan DNA yap¿s¿ ke¿fedilmi¿ ve 2000 y¿l¿nda "tüm çälar¿n en özel günü" ifadesi ile ¿nsan Genom Projesinin ilk ayä¿n¿n tamamlanmas¿ dünyaya ilan ediliyor. Bu büyük çal¿¿malar sonucunda genetik alan¿nda çal¿¿malar tüm h¿zl¿ temposuyla klinik t¿p, halk säl¿¿¿ ve t¿bbi arät¿rmalar alan¿nda önemli uygulamalara sahip olmütur. T¿bbi genetik alan¿nda önemli geli¿melerden birisi de bireysel t¿p alan¿ndaki yeni ve ki¿iye özel tedavi yöntemleri olmütur.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) has been providing flexible and relevant education to students, giving them both knowledge and opportunities. IAU is one of the best Turkish Universities that improves lives by producing leaders to society need, has programs suitable for and relevant to all life stages."Bireysel T¿p" terimi ilk olarak 1800'lerin sonunda Kanada'l¿ Hekim Sir William Osler taraf¿ndan "bireyler aras¿ndaki dev çe¿itlilik" notu ile literatüre kazand¿r¿lm¿¿ ve daha sonra tedavi süreçlerinin yönetilmesi amac¿yla hastan¿n klinik de¿erlendirilmesi ve aile geçmi¿i arät¿rmalar¿na bireysel genetik bilginin dahil edilmesi ile geli¿im göstermi¿tir. "Bireysel T¿p" alan¿nda en çok çal¿¿¿lan uygulama arät¿rmalar¿ aras¿nda; ortak hastal¿klar¿n genetik temelinin tespit edilmesi, genlerin çevre ile nas¿l bir etkile¿im göstererek insan hastal¿klar¿na neden olduklar¿ ve sonras¿nda daha etkili bir ilaç tedavisi geli¿tirmek amac¿yla farmakogenetik belirteçlerin kullan¿lmalar¿ say¿labilir. Tüm bu arät¿rmalar içerisinde ilaç yan¿t¿ de¿i¿kenli¿indeki farmakogenetik varyantlar¿n klinik olarak test edilmesi özellikle son on y¿lda büyük bir ivme ve ilerleme kaydederek farmakogenetik çal¿¿malar¿n bireysel t¿p alan¿nda en aktif arät¿rmalar haline gelmesini sälam¿¿t¿r. Dergimizin bu say¿s¿nda derleme makalemizin konusu genetik faktörlerin ilaç metabolizmas¿na etkisidir.

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