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Bücher veröffentlicht von IVP Academic

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  • von Peter Stuhlmacher
    32,00 €

    Since 1963, substantial objections have been raised against the traditional view of the Pauline doctrine of justification, mainly by New Testament scholars such as Krister Stendahl, E. P. Sanders and James D. G. Dunn. This book evaluates the "New Perspective on Paul" and finds it wanting.With appreciation for the important critique already offered by Donald Hagner, which is included in this volume, Peter Stuhlmacher mounts a forthright and well-supported challenge based on established and more recent scholarship concerning Paul's understanding of justification. In particular he argues that the forensic and mystical elements of Paul's doctrine of justification should not be played off against one another. Rather Paul's understanding can be faithfully rendered only within the context of his apostolic mission to Jews and Gentiles and the expectation of the coming kingdom of God.

  • von Millard J. Erickson
    48,00 €

    Millard J. Erickson examines the intellectual roots of postmodernism, identifies its most prominent exponents and critiques its foundational assumptions with clarity and evenhandedness.

  • von Paul Borgman
    38,00 €

    Paul Borgman opens our eyes to new ways of looking at the inherent drama in the stories of Genesis and helps us gain insight into God and his ways.

  • von Mark R McMinn
    49,00 €

    "This volume explores the intersection of psychology and theology, but it is not a simple intersection. It is an intersection affected by rich theological and ecclesiological traditions, by the ravages and wonders of modern psychology, and by the character and qualities of today's ministers and communities of faith." (from the introduction) For two millennia Christians have been caring for souls. Since the Enlightenment, though, the Christian concept of the soul has been usurped by modern and postmodern notions of the self. "Somehow we misplaced the soul even as we developed a thriving science of the psyche," lament the editors of this volume. Thus there is a clash between Western therapeutic culture and the church's understanding of the soul's nature and its care. As a result, some Christians deride psychology as dangerous. Others believe that it has much to offer Christians interested in caring for the soul. What is the proper relationship between psychology and theology? Is soul care the shared task of these two fields? This collection of essays is a multidisciplinary dialogue on the interface between psychology and theology that takes seriously the long, rich tradition of soul care in the church. In this volume you'll find incisive discussions ofthe current state of theology and psychologyovercoming the acquiescence to secularismtheological resources for developing Christian psychologytaking theology to heart in psychologytaking psychology to heart in theology and Christian lifeContributors include Jeffry H. Boyd, Ellen T. Charry, Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, L. Gregory Jones, Stanton L. Jones, Cynthia Neal Kimball, Bryan N. Maier, Michael Mangis, Philip G. Monroe, Stephen K. Moroney, Dennis L. Okholm, David Powlison, Robert C. Roberts, Richard L. Schultz, Myrla Seibold, Brett Webb-Mitchell and David Alan Williams. Providing insight and analysis from nineteen psychologists and theologians, Care for the Soul is essential reading for psychologists and counselors, pastors and theologians, and students or professors of psychology and theology.

  • von Gerald R. McDermott
    38,00 €

    More than ever before, Christians need to explain why they follow Jesus and not the Buddha or Confucius or Krishna or Muhammed. This evangelical theology of religions addresses the problem of truth and revelation, and takes seriously the normative claims of other traditions. McDermott shows readers what Christians can learn from world religions without sacrificing the finality of Christ.

  • von Richard F. Carlson
    40,00 €

    Six contributors here debate the relative merits of four distinct conceptions of the relationship between Christianity and science today. Views range from a strict creationist posture to full-fledged partnership. Edited by Richard F. Carlson.

  • von R. Scott Rodin
    41,00 €

    Too often we think stewardship concerns only the money we give to the church. But in the image of the steward, the Bible offers a perspective on our entire relationship with God. Here we have a full and fresh picture of being Jesus' disciples and living life in all its fullness.R. Scott Rodin unpacks what it means for us to be stewards in the kingdom of the triune God of grace. This theology of the abundant life, which encompasses all aspects of our world, our life and our possessions, begins, appropriately, with the very being of our gracious Creator God. From there Rodin dismantles the myth of the two kingdoms, one that is under God's control and one that is not. In so doing he crafts a portrait of faithful stewards who live as God's children in the one reality that is marked by death behind us and life ahead.The book concludes with a discussion of the roles of church and family as stewards while providing a theology for the Christian fundraiser.Here is a unique and much needed book on a neglected biblical theme.

  • von Graham H. Twelftree
    61,00 €

    "Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching, proclaiming and healing every disease and every sickness among the people." (Mt 4:23)Few today doubt that Jesus was viewed by many of his contemporaries as a miracle worker. And many scholars today would agree that Jesus was a healer and an exorcist. But what does this mean? Was Jesus simply a master at relieving psychological distress, a healer of psychosomatic illness, a purveyor of paranormal therapy? What distinguished Jesus from other miracle workers of the ancient world? And what should we make then of his stilling the storm, his walking on the sea, his feeding of the five thousand?In this study of the miracles of Jesus, Graham Twelftree extensively examines the miracles within each Gospel narrative. He evaluates Jesus' own understanding of the miracles, weighs the historical reliability of the miracle stories, and considers the question of miracles and the modern mind.This book maps and explores the borderlands between the affirmations of faith and the conclusions of historical method. Are some miracles simply more open to historical verification than others? With the historical study of Jesus once again capturing the attention of the media and the public, this timely book courageously steps forward to investigate the hard questions.Jesus the Miracle Worker is a comprehensive and textbook study of the miracles of Jesus, written by a recognized expert in the historical investigation of the exorcisms of Jesus.

  • von Judith A. Shelly
    26,00 €

    Health--physical, mental, spiritual.All three are closely related. But in modern mental-health care one of them is often neglected. Nurses, social workers and counselors are rarely taught to minister to their client's spiritual needs. In fact, they are sometimes told to ignore them altogether.But spiritual needs can play a part in any illness. They may become especially strong when the mind and emotions are affected. So how can Christian workers help their clients spiritually without violating their freedom or antagonizing other members of the health-care team? How can they help their colleagues and keep their own sanity under extremely stressful conditions?Judith Allen Shelly joins Sandra D. John and other mental-health professionals to show how Christians can minister effectively to such deep needs.

  • von Robert A. Fryling
    17,00 €

    Robert and Alice Fryling's workbook helps married couples strengthen communication skills, resolve conflict and grow in intimacy.

  • von Ben Iii Witherington
    45,00 €

    More than eighty years ago Albert Schweitzer posed a question of enduring debate for New Testament scholarship. Did Jesus--and later Paul--believe that the apocalyptic kingdom of God was about to appear, bringing an end to this world? Indeed, what were the eschatological teachings of Jesus and Paul? Is there any appreciable continuity between the two?Ben Witherington takes a hard look at the Gospel texts and makes a thorough and critical assessment of Paul's eschatology. For each topic examined--the language of imminence, the dominion of God, the community of Christ, the Israel of God, the day of the Lord and the resurrection of the dead--he compares and contrasts Jesus and Paul. The result is an important contribution to our understanding of New Testament eschatology.With the second millennium drawing to a close and world events sparking the speculations of popular religious imaginations, Witherington provides a timely and sober re-examination of a topic too long neglected by serious scholarship.

  • von William A. Dembski
    67,00 €

    For over a century, the scientific establishment has ignored challenges to the theory of evolution. But in the last decade such complacency about its scientific and philosophical foundations has been shaken. Many are asking whether a defensible alternative exists.In response, a movement has emerged among scholars exploring the possibility of intelligent design as an explanatory theory in scientific descriptions of the universe. As Michael Behe has proposed in his landmark Darwin's Black Box, at the cellular level there appears to be a high level of irreducible complexity that suggests design.In this book Behe is joined by eighteen other expert academics trained in mathematics, mechanical engineering, philosophy, physical anthropology, physics, astrophysics, biology, ecology and evolutionary biology to investigate the prospects for this emerging school of thought. Challenging the reigning ideology of materialistic naturalism on both scientific and philosophical grounds, these scholars press the case for a radical rethinknig of established evolutionary assumptions.

  • von Elouise Renich Fraser
    33,00 €

    Elouise Renich Fraser describes her personal journey to become a theologian: confronting the past, befriending the Bible, developing theological imagination and finding an authentic voice."Becoming a theologian is about becoming a beginner. It isn't about whether you're old enough, young enough, smart enough or good enough ..."It isn't about becoming someone else, changing your personality or leaving your past behind. And it isn't about becoming dull and dry, giving up fun and excitement, retreating from the world to attain some more exalted existence."Fraser reveals her inner journey to overcome fear--fear of being wrong, doing wrong, being misunderstood and ignored. Her story will inspire others and encourage other "beginners".

  • von Peter Cotterell
    53,00 €

    How do texts acquire meaning? How is the meaning communicated to the reader? The task of effective biblical interpretation begins with linguistics. In this introductory text on the use of linguistics in biblical interpretation, Peter Cotterell and Max Turner focus on the concept of meaning, the significance of author, text and reader, and the use of discourse analysis.

  • von Clinton E Arnold
    38,00 €

    Clinton Arnold examines Paul's teaching on powers and principalities--comparing it with Jesus' teaching, Greek and Roman beliefs, and contemporary views. He concludes with biblical and practical guidelines for Christians today.

  • von Em Griffin
    38,00 €

    Em Griffin describes three kinds of groups (task groups, relationship groups and influence groups) and explores their dynamics.

  • von Rodney R R. Clapp
    38,00 €

    Rodney Clapp asks and answers the question, How can the church provide a significant alternative to the culture in which it is embedded?

  • von Craig S. Keener
    38,00 €

    In this well-researched, balanced and provocative book, Glen Usry and Craig S. Keener contend that racism is not inherent in Christianity.It is true that there is a long and ugly history of abuse of African-Americans at the hands of Anglo Christians. Afrocentric interpretations of history often point to slavery, lynchings and the like as proof that Christianity is inherently antiblack.But Craig Keener and Glen Usry contend that Christianity can be Afrocentric. In this massively researched book, they show that racism is not unique to Christianity. More important, they show how "world history is also our history and the Bible is also our book."This book is one of the first of its kind, a pro-Christian reading of religion and history from a black perspective. Fascinating and compelling, it is must reading for all concerned for African-American culture and issues of faith.

  • von Raymond J Bakke
    36,00 €

    How does God see the city? What does the Bible say about urban ministry? Ray Bakke systematically answers these questions with a biblical urban theology.

  • von Steven J. Keillor
    53,00 €

    Examining United States history from Columbus to Clinton, Steven J. Keillor disabuses us of the notion that our nation has ever been a genuinely "Christian" one. He focuses on various political, economic and cultural policies or events (the Civil War, westward expansion) that are now often cited to "disprove" or "debunk" Christianity.

  • von R. K. Mcgregor Wright
    38,00 €

    Concerned that evangelicals may soon find no place for sovereignty in their thinking, R. K. McGregor Wright sets out to show what's wrong--biblically, theologically and philosophically--with freewill theory in its ancient form.

  • von Craig A. Loscalzo
    35,00 €

    Craig A. Loscalzo shows how to develop evangelistic sermons that will appeal to today's audiences. He includes a rationale for evangelistic preaching, sample sermons and lots of practical advice.

  • von Dennis L. Okholm
    41,00 €

    A group of evangelicalism's most stimulating thinkers consider possible apologetic responses to the challenges of postmodernity. Edited by Timothy R. Phillips and Dennis L. Okholm.

  • von Clark H Pinnock
    32,00 €

    Clark Pinnock, Richard Rice, John Sanders, William Hasker and David Basinger argue for a new perspective on God and his work in the world, both rejecting process theology and demanding reconsideration of classical doctrines of God's immutability, impassability and foreknowledge. A 1995 Christianity Today Book Award winner!

  • von Frank Thielman
    48,00 €

    No issue in contemporary Pauline studies is more contested than Paul's view of the law. Headline proponents of the "new perspective" on Paul, such as E.P. Sanders and J.D.G. Dunn, have maintained that the Reformational readings of Paul have led to distorted understandings of first-century Judaism, of Paul and particularly of Paul's diagnosis of the Jewish situation under the law.Others have responded by arguing that while our understanding of Paul needs to be tuned to the clearer sounds now emanating from Jewish texts of the apostle's day, the basic Reformational insight into Paul's analysis of the human plight remains true to the apostle. Paul was opposing works righteousness.Paul & The Law is a careful attempt to assault this crucial interpretive problem with a new strategy. Rather than taking a systematic, topical approach, Frank Thielman examines Paul's view of the law in context: the context of each letter's language and argument. While many studies have focused on Paul's explicit statements about the law, Thielman goes further in investigating those contexts where Paul's language is allusive and his view implied.The result is an illuminating and significant contribution to Pauline studies. Paul & the Law clarifies our understanding of Paul's perspective on the law in the light of his gospel of Jesus Christ, and it reaffirms the coherence and integrity of Pauline theology as it relates to this pivotal axis of his thought.

  • von Stanley J. Grenz
    36,00 €

    Stanley J. Grenz evaluates the course of evangelical theology and sets out a bold agenda for a new century. He proposes that evangelical theology, to remain vibrant and vital in the postmodern era, should find its central integrative motifs in the reign of God and the community of Christ.

  • von Elmer Dyck
    35,00 €

    Elmer Dyck and Regent College faculty members combine insights and expertise to offer a multidisciplinary approach for studying and applying the Bible. Contributors: Gordon Fee, J. I. Packer, Craig Gay, Loren Wilkinson, James Houston and Eugene Peterson.

  • von Del Ratzsch
    32,00 €

    Tracing the history of the creation-evolution debate, Del Ratzsch argues that entrenched positions on both sides impede progress toward the truth. He also critiques the "middle" position of theistic evolution.

  • von B. Hunter Farrell
    34,00 €

    There is a deepening crisis in mission as practiced by North American congregations. Many mission activities are more effective at satisfying church members than making a lasting difference, producing what's too often consumer-oriented selfie mission. Too much effort is based on colonial-era assumptions of mission launched from a position of power. These practices are not just ineffective--they deviate from mission in the way of Jesus. Hunter Farrell and Bala Khyllep want to help free congregational mission from harmful cultural forces so churches can better partner with God's work in the world. They invite leaders to lay the foundation for more faithful and effective missions with three core elements: Farrell and Khyllep deliver key takeaways from the latest mission research, inspiring examples from innovative congregations, and a set of step-by-step tools for churches to discern and implement sound practices that will work for them. The local church community is well-positioned to build a spreading circle of relationships centered in Jesus Christ. With this book, congregations of every Christian tradition will find practical help to direct their resources in truly life-giving ways as they seek the mission of God.

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