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  • von Beau Crosetto
    23,00 €

    Spoiler alert: Talking about Jesus is awkward. We love to share good news with the world. We tweet about a great new restaurant, we share pictures of our newborn child and we celebrate about receiving that sought-after promotion. We are evangelists for many great things. So why don't we do the same with Jesus? It's not hard to see that we bring our own anxieties and awkwardness into every evangelistic conversation. Not to mention the often vast differences between our experiences of God and religion and those of the people around us. And then there's the inner awkwardness of our conversation partners, who are actively contending, even unconsciously, with the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Evangelism is awkward, yes. But on the other side of that awkwardness is something amazing: transformed lives, healed relationships, new vision, eternal life. After spending years working with college students and churchgoers, Beau Crosetto hasn't solved the problem of awkwardness in evangelism. But he's learned how to push through it and how we can set ourselves and those we love at ease as we enter into conversations of eternal consequence. Read this book and move beyond awkward into the most awesome privilege of God's people: proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.

  • von Kay Marshall Strom
    22,00 €

    All over the world, women and girls face troubles such as starvation, displacement, illiteracy, sexual exploitation and abuse. Kay Marshall Strom and Michele Rickett traveled to interview girls and to partner with ministries helping females in the most difficult places in the world. These pages hold those girls' stories of deep pain and suffering, inspiring courage, and incredible hope.

  • von Whitney T. Kuniholm
    23,00 €

    "I don't want to look back someday and realize I wasted my time. I want my life to count for something important." "This world is a very needy place. If my Christian faith means anything at all, I've got to figure out what I can do about it." Have you ever asked yourself, What difference am I making with my life? On some level, we all struggle to find our own answer to that fundamental question. The search for significance is the underlying motivation for virtually all human activity. It's what drives us. Whitney T. Kuniholm, president of Scripture Union/USA, addresses these core questions by taking you on a fast-paced journey through the book of Acts. He draws on the question the apostle Paul asked Jesus: "What shall I do, Lord?" (Acts 22:10). The experiences of the first Christians show us that God has a mission, an essential mission, for all of his people-whether it is to serve him faithfully in the marketplace, in the home, in school, in the military or someplace else. The Essential Question is perfect for groups and churches that want to read the book of Acts together and then make a difference for God in their community and the world. Are you ready to answer the essential question?

  • von James Emery White
    22,00 €

    Grow your brain! James Emery White presents a well-written, accessible approach to the importance of the mind in a Christian framework and the use of the Christian mind in the world. This accessible approach will help you put your mind to use in the world as it was intended by our Creator and includes reading lists and resources for learning.

  • von Tyler Wigg-Stevenson
    22,00 €

    Christianity Today Book Award Winner Outreach Magazine Resource of the YearWe want to save the world-and we have a dizzying array of worthy causes to pursue.But passionate enthusiasm can quickly give way to disillusionment, compassion fatigue or empty slacktivism. As we move from awareness to mobilization, we bump up against the complexities of global problems-and liking Facebook pages only goes so far.Veteran activist Tyler Wigg-Stevenson identifies the practical and spiritual pitfalls that threaten much of today's cause-driven Christianity. He casts an alternate vision for doing good based on the liberating truth that only God can save the world. Wigg-Stevenson's own pilgrimage from causes to calling shows how to ground an enduring, kingdom-oriented activism in the stillness of vocation rather than in the anxiety of the world's brokenness.The world is not ours to save. And that's okay. Discover why.

  • von Richard J Goossen
    31,00 €

    What does good theology have to do with good entrepreneurship? In this pioneering work, Richard Goossen and R. Paul Stevens have written what many are already declaring to be the essential resource for Christian entrepreneurial leadership, based on exhaustive research, practical experience and decades of teaching marketplace theology. Entrepreneurial Leadership addresses both the "how-come" and the "how-to," not only grounding the entrepreneurial calling in its proper source in the triune God but also providing practical guides for how to be an effective leader. Be inspired to find your calling and to make a difference in the marketplace, church and beyond.

  • von Shayne Moore
    31,00 €

    2014 Outreach Magazine Resource of the YearSlavery didn't end in 1833, when William Wilberforce's decades-long campaign finally resulted in the Slavery Abolition Act. It didn't end in 1863, when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. It didn't end in 1949, when the United Nations declared trafficking "incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person." The sad truth is, slavery never ended. It just went underground, where it continues to exploit powerless men, women and children in horrific ways throughout the world.Now for the good news: you have power.In Refuse to Do Nothing, "Abolitionist Mamas" Shayne Moore and Kimberly Yim share their stories of coming to terms with the power available to them in their normal, everyday lives toilluminate the shadows where those who traffic in people hidecompel corporations to fight slavery in how their products are mademotivate politicians to fight for human dignitymobilize friends and strangers alike to fight slavery at home and throughout the worldSlavery doesn't end without a fight. But get to know Shayne and Kimberly and their abolitionist friends, and you'll find the power God grants to all who fight for the powerless, and the joy awaiting those who refuse to do nothing.

  • von Steve Addison
    29,00 €

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the YearSometimes we get so caught up in the power of Jesus shouting from the cross, "It is finished!" that we forget that Jesus started something. What Jesus started was a movement that began small, with intimate conversations designed to build disciples into apostles who would go out in the world and seed it with God's kingdom vision. That movement grew rapidly and spread wide as people recognized the truth in it and gave their lives to the power of it. That movement is still happening today, and we are called to play our part in it.

  • von James Choung
    27,00 €

    What does it mean to follow Jesus? And how should we help others become more like him? Once upon a time, being a Christian seemed clear. Say these words, pray these prayers, do these things. But out in the real world, following Jesus feels more nebulous. What's the point? That's Stephen's struggle in these pages as he wonders if he has missed his calling. In this compelling narrative, James Choung explores what it means to follow Jesus in the real world. Is Christianity something you just believe in, or can it be something you actually live out? Engineer Stephen wants to encourage his younger colleague Jared in his spiritual journey, but both feel at a loss. Stephen's friend Bridget offers insights on how Boomers, Xers, Millennials and younger generations approach spiritual questions, with implications for discipleship, community and service. Together they walk through deepening stages of faith as they discern how God is calling them to live. Join Stephen, Bridget and Jared on their journey of following Jesus, as they discover what it means to move from skeptic to world-changer. And find new pathways for Christian discipleship and disciplemaking in a world yearning for hope.

  • von York R. Moore
    29,00 €

    Often this world seems like a nightmare. Human trafficking, young girls trapped in brothels, child soldiers forced to become killers, unchecked plagues and diseases, economic injustice and the oppression of the poor. Millions around the world are trapped in this nightmare, and we may feel helpless to do anything about it. But God has a dream. York Moore paints a vivid picture of how the dream of God is breaking into history to make all things new. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God is bringing an end to the world's nightmare of sin and death. Scripture's vision of Jesus' end-time work shows how the wrongs will be made right, and God's just judgment is good news for the world. Unpacking how the Bible describes the last things, Moore shows how we can partner with God as he brings his dream to reality. Every time a well is dug for a community, food is provided for the hungry or sex traffickers are brought to justice, the dream begins to take hold. This is no mere wishful thinking. The dream of God is more real than your dreams could ever imagine. It is what we were created for. So wake up from the nightmare and join in what God is doing in the world. And flourish as your own dreams are transformed by God's dream for all creation.

  • von David Farrington
    29,00 €

    This book will appeal to Christian leaders as it responds to the business world's complaint to do more with less.

  • von Hal Seed
    32,00 €

    The Bible isn't meant to be left unquestioned; it's meant to be opened and read and questioned. And everyone has questions about the Bible--from the senior pastor of the big church down the road to the guest at the hotel off the interstate.Where did it come from? Who wrote it? Why are people so inspired by it (or fearful of it)? What does it have to do with my life?Hal Seed takes you on a tour into and behind the Bible, so that you get to know it and the God who makes himself known in it.

  • von Don Everts
    31,00 €

    We are not meant to live safe, happy, successful Christian lives. Jesus calls us to something more. Don't settle for a life that will soon be forgotten. Mission is not just something for "them," somewhere over "there." Mission is for us, here and now.Don Everts invites you to get caught up in God's mission in this world. He shows what it means to be a missional Christian, to have eyes that see, hands that serve and feet that go. Bringing together personal evangelism, urban witness and global crosscultural mission, Everts shows how you can live your life on mission--whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you go.Get a glimpse of the vision. See what Jesus is doing. And go and do likewise.

  • von Frank D. Macchia
    31,00 €

    Professor of systematic theology Frank D. Macchia leads readers step-by-step through the logic that leads to an understanding of the Trinity.

  • von Paul Borthwick
    31,00 €

    Acknowledging that technological advances have failed to simplify our lives, Paul Borthwick leads readers down an older path to contentment--one that begins with saying "no" once in a while.

  • von Louis Markos
    35,00 €

    Louis Markos analyzes C. S. Lewis's eleven novels and many nonfiction works showing how the twin concepts of beauty and truth continually led Lewis back to God.

  • von Christopher R. Smith
    29,00 €

    Many biblical scholars today approach the Bible as a collection of books, treating each book as a composition in its own right. Can such an approach help devotional readers? This introduction to the books of the Bible will have you reading in a whole new light.The units of meaning in the Bible are not chapters, or verses, or topical sections, but the literary compositions that God inspired to create the Scriptures. If we want to know the meaning of God's word, we need to engage these compositions on their own terms. This means understanding why they were written, what kind of writing they are, how they are put together, and what major themes and ideas they develop and pursue. This book answers these questions for each of the books in the Bible.

  • von Kay Marshall Strom
    37,00 €

    This biography of the writer of Amazing Grace takes us on a journey worthy of a Hollywood extravaganza with swashbuckling adventures on the high seas coupled with the horrors of the slave trade. Once Blind retells Newton's conversion during a crushing storm no one expected to survive, moving on to his most unusual career as an evangelical clergyman with the Church of England during which he was known for his ability to bridge gaping theological chasms.In the end, John Newton risked his reputation, his wife's emotional well-being, even his cherished right to preach--all so that he could bear witness to the horrors he had witnessed and had participated in, and to help bring about laws that would stop the slave trade.

  • von Phil Parshall
    40,00 €

    Responding to the relative failure of Christians to evangelize Muslims, Phil Parshall poses difficult questions about what is and is not essential to the Christian witness in Islamic contexts.

  • von J. D. Payne
    31,00 €

    Using original interviews with over thirty missional house churches, J. D. Payne examines the influence of the house church movement on local communities throughout the United States.

  • von Paul Borthwick
    24,00 €

    Tearing down the old standard of the ideal leader, Paul Borthwick challenges young people to rise up and fill the growing leadership vacuum in the Christian world today.The need is great for young men and women who will rise to the challenge--in the face of great opportunities and great obstacles-to be obedient to the call of leadership.Paul Borthwick asserts that leadership is not just reserved for those with the right education, abilities, status or background. Rather, God is calling all young Christians who have the vision and responsibility to persevere, to fill this growing leadership vacuum.

  • von George Miley
    35,00 €

    Veteran missionary George Miley empowers local churches to use their unique gifts and ministries to connect with the unreached people groups of the world.

  • von Jon Hirst
    25,00 €

    As the world around us is changing, our methods also need to adapt in order to fulfill the unchanging vision of reaching the lost. Innovations in Missions provides outstanding opportunities to solve the great challenges of ministry in this new Century. This book is not an all-or-nothing approach to being innovative in ministry. It offers what has worked in other areas and lets the reader choose what might be a possibility for their church or ministry.

  • von Richard B. Steele
    25,00 €

    In this collection of email correspondences, professor Richard B. Steele seeks to give seminarians a fair hearing on the most pressing issues of theology, church history and ethics. A perfect supplement to standard theology texts, I've Been Wondering reminds professor and student alike that the soul has a place in the classroom.

  • von Robertson Mcquilkin
    23,00 €

    In The Great Omission, respected missions thinker Robertson McQuilkin answers the question, "How is it-with so many unreached peoples, there are so few Christians going?" He investigates the reasons so few attempt to carry the message of Christ to the multitudes who have never heard of him. Not only is McQuilkin well-versed on trends and strategies in world missions, he also knows how to present the challenge of world evangelism in an unforgettable way.

  • von Mike Kuhn
    37,00 €

    Drawing on his two decades in the Middle East, Mike Kuhn calls Christians to approach Muslims not by the broad road of fear and self-preservation, but by the narrow road of empathy and deep listening.

  • von Phil Parshall
    40,00 €

    Phil Parshall examines Islamic beliefs on the nature of God, Scripture, worship, sin and holiness to find out what effect they have on the daily life of Muslims.

  • von Bruce Howard
    21,00 €

    Why is it that the same economic forces that produce good things for us like penicillin and housing are just as effective at bringing us things like pornography and heroin? How can the same systems of production generate such a wide array of good and bad outcomes? Markets are morally neutral. But people are not. Markets recognize no moral difference between good and evil. Markets don't inherently recognize any values other than those brought by men and women to the marketplace each and every day.Bruce Howard opens our eyes to the moral and ethical influences in economic life and sheds light on the market's philosophical underpinnings.

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