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Bücher veröffentlicht von IVP

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  • von Phil Parshall
    29,00 €

    n the acclaimed book Muslim Evangelism, Phil Parshall devotes one chapter to "bridges" which can assist in facilitating understanding between Islam and Christianity.In Bridges to Islam he expands that key chapter into a book. The most promising bridges can be found not in orthodox Islam, contends the author, but in "folk Islam", which is less well known in the West but which influences about 70 percent of the world's Muslims. "Popular Islam consists largely of people who desire to know God and to be accepted by him", writes the author. "They have a high view of one God who is . . . all-powerful and merciful."The mystical Sufis press for a more satisfying personal relationship with Allah. These teachings and aspirations, argues the author, have immense potential as bridges, which he has personally witnessed spending many years ministering among Muslims. This thorough and in depth study of ways to bridge folk Islam will be invaluable to missionaries, students, and those interested in reaching Muslims for Christ.

  • von William W. Klein
    35,00 €

    If you were sitting today on a hillside listening to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, how ought you respond? Become What You Are is the insider's guide to Jesus' agenda--the goal of spiritual formation. This goal is a transformed heart, a change at the inner center of our being, that leads to a life that pleases God. Or, as a shorthand, it means becoming like Christ.New Testament scholar William W. Klein presents the profound vision for spiritual formation that lies at the heart of the Sermon on the Mount.

  • von Dan Gibson
    37,00 €

    How do you decide what to read? Dan Gibson, Jordan Green and John Pattison have created this tool to make your choices easier. Besides the Bible is a guide to the wide array of great books that they believe every Christian should read--the ones that matter to the church and the world.

  • von Leroy Barber
    24,00 €

    It's not every day that you get a visit from God. Burning bushes, ladders to heaven, chariots of fire and all that--we look for those stories in the Bible, and we look for them in our lives. When it comes to something as important as what we do with our lives, we think, maybe God owes us a big event. But, as Leroy Barber has learned through his work in inner cities and with young people, that's not usually how it works. More often God calls out to us from everyday misfortunes and all-too-common injustices, and he invites our response--not just a response in the moment, but a recognition that we have a role to play in seeing God's kingdom come, God's will done, on earth as it is in heaven. Through the surprisingly normal stories of the heroes of faith in the Bible, and through Barber's experiences with Mission Year and other ministries, in this book you'll learn what it means to change the world from your own little space in it.

  • von Margot Starbuck
    25,00 €

    Midwest Publishing Association Crystal Book Award honorable mentionMargot Starbuck is back with as much passion and energy as ever. In thirty brief chapters, she invites you to choose the adventure that fits who you are in authentically loving those around you.Yes, she knows: just the thought of adding something more to your life sounds exhausting. But here's the fantastic truth she's discovered in her own journey: "We don't have to add lots more overwhelming activity to what we've already got going. The regular stuff of our lives-the commute to work and the potlucks and home improvement projects and errands and play dates-are the exact places in which we express and experience God's love for a world in need."With a list of resources, a study guide and a six-week "Adventure Challenge," as well as plenty of stories and hilarity from Margot's own life, Small Things with Great Love will open your eyes to the people around you and the huge impact you can have on them through small acts of love."Small things happen when I learn the name of my daughter's school bus driver," Margot writes. "Small things happen when I listen to the dreams of a woman who lives in a group home on my block. Small things happen when I risk crossing a language barrier even though I look really stupid doing it."And small things add up to big adventures and surprises, for you and others. The biggest surprise of all might be how powerfully God can use you, right in the midst of your walking-the-dog, paying-the-bills, doing-laundry life, when you're living out his love. Do the first small thing by opening these pages-and let the adventure begin!

  • von Ken Gire
    25,00 €

    "Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21What must it have been like to draw near to Christ as he drew near to the cross? Reflecting on Michelangelo's majestic Pieta, in which Mary gathers the suffering Jesus into her arms, Ken Gire offers seven meditations on a costly discipleship that invites us to take up our cross and follow our Savior-through death to life everlasting.

  • von Kent Annan
    27,00 €

    In the wake of a historic earthquake in the fragile country of Haiti, Kent Annan considers suffering as a problem for faith. Along the way he discovers that he is not alone, that from the psalmists of old to our neighbors today, people have followed life to the edge of meaning and have heard--God even there, calling for honest faith.

  • von Tim Muehlhoff
    22,00 €

    What's the forecast for your marriage? Marriages are as variable as the weather, and every marriage has a climate. Some are chilly and lack intimacy. Others are stormy and filled with conflict. But while the weather outdoors is beyond our control, the communication climates within our homes can be changed--for the better.Communication specialist Tim Muehlhoff offers simple strategies for improving the climate of a marriage. Our individual words and actions always take place within an overall atmosphere of expectations. Without a healthy climate of trust, we are prone to miscommunication and misunderstanding. Muehlhoff shows how to take an accurate climate reading of a relationship and explains what causes climates of poor communication. With current research on marital communication, listening skills, empathy and conflict resolution, Marriage Forecasting provides practical ways for couples to rebuild a warm relational climate.Don't just talk about the weather. Break the cold front, clear the fog, and change the extended outlook for your marriage.

  • von Adam S McHugh
    26,00 €

    This is the story of how wine brought me back from the dead. Thus begins Adam McHugh's transition through the ending of one career--as a hospice chaplain and grief counselor--into the discovery of a new life in wine among the grapevines of the Santa Ynez Valley of California.This is the corkscrewing tale of how I got to Santa Ynez, eventually, and the questions that came up along the way, he continues. You and I are going to take a long wine tour together on our way there, and we will make plenty of stops for a glass and some local wine history. As you will see, I reached into the old, old story of wine in order to find my new story, which begins, as so many wine love stories do, in the French countryside. Most stories about religion and drink are stories of recovery. I'm not sure if mine isn't a story about recovery too.Adam's story is one of being forced to reevaluate and remake his life when things fell apart. But more than that, it's a story about finding healing through the good gifts of wine, friends, and the beauty of wine country. Pour a glass and join the adventure from the south of France to Champagne to the California Central Coast.

  • von Craig Greenfield
    24,00 €

    For many, missions is the story of heroes, martyrs, and the advance of the gospel. For others, it's the story of colonialism and missionary disasters. So how do we respond to God's call to love our neighbors as a new era emerges? Subversive mission is submission--to God and local leaders. Subversive mission offers a new way forward for outsiders called to crosscultural ministry by serving as humble alongsiders. Join Craig Greenfield on this inspiring journey in Asia and beyond as he rediscovers the fivefold missional gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher, and demonstrates how each of these must look radically different in a crosscultural context. Along the way, you'll discover your own missional type through the Missional Type Inventory and come face to face with the five most common pitfalls that Westerners face in crosscultural settings.By the end of this story, you'll be inspired by a radically different way of working for change in the world. Come alongside. And join God in what he is already doing.

  • von Catherine Campbell
    17,00 €

    Five Bible stories of people facing difficult situations vividly retold to show us that God doesn't give up on us

  • von Nancy Beach
    22,00 €

    Will future generations find a church worth fighting for? A great reckoning is underway in the church today: a naming and exposing of the exclusivity, abuse, racism, patriarchy, and unchecked power that have marked evangelical Christianity for far too long. What kind of church will emerge on the other side?Like many families, the Beaches have been wrestling with this question. Together, Nancy and Samantha represent two generations: Nancy, a boomer, was a key player in the megachurch movement that revolutionized global ministry during the '80s and '90s, while Samantha, a millennial, is willing to abandon those massive buildings and celebrity cultures and find out whether the foundation holds. Each chapter offers their individual experiences and perspectives on a challenge facing the church and considers the way forward.Filled with deep introspection and keen insight, Next Sunday is a vulnerable conversation about what the church has been--and what it can be.

  • von David A Anderson
    21,00 €

    Most of us are familiar with the golden rule: Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. And if people treat us well, we generally do the same in return. But what about when others hurt us? Jesus gives us an even higher calling: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you (Luke 6:27-28). David Anderson shows us how we can extend extraordinary goodness to bless those who have hurt us. He presents the radical concept of forgraceness: grace beyond forgiveness. God empowers us not only to pardon real-life hurts, but to seek the good of others. When this happens, our relationships can experience amazing transformation and redemptive healing. But we can't do it on our own. We need God's strength to take us to the next level. With God's help, we can offer true grace beyond forgiveness.

  • von Andrew T. Le Peau
    28,00 €

    Some publishers tell you what to believe. Other publishers tell you what you already believe. But InterVarsity Press helps you believe. J. I. Packer The history of evangelicalism cannot be understood apart from the authors and books that shaped it. Over the past century, leading figures such as pastor-scholar John Stott, apologist James W. Sire, evangelist Rebecca Manley Pippert and spiritual formation writer Eugene Peterson helped generations of readers to think more biblically and engage the world around them. For many who take their Christianity seriously, books that equip them for a life of faith have frequently come from one influential publisher: InterVarsity Press.Andy Le Peau and Linda Doll provide a narrative history of InterVarsity Press, from its origins as the literature division of a campus ministry to its place as a prominent Christian publishing house. Here is a behind-the-scenes look at the stories, people, and events that made IVP what it is today. Recording good times and bad, celebrations and challenges, they place IVP in its historical context and demonstrate its contribution to the academy, church and world.In honor of IVP's seventy-fifth anniversary, senior editor Al Hsu has updated this edition with new content, bringing the story up to 2022 and including stories about contemporary authors such as Esau McCaulley and Tish Harrison Warren. As IVP continues to adapt to changes in publishing and the global context, the mission of publishing thoughtful Christian books has not changed. IVP stands as a model of integrative Christianity for the whole person--heart, soul, mind and strength.

  • von Jordan Seng
    27,00 €

    We are a supernatural people. Made in the image of God and called to follow a risen Lord through the world God made-we're anything but normal. Given all that, it should not be surprising to us when miraculous things happen in our midst. Still, many of us are intimidated at the thought of it, and we stop short of trying so we won't disappoint God with our lack of faith, or-if we're being honest-so we won't be disappointed when God fails to deliver. In Miracle Work Jordan Seng tells remarkable stories of physical healings and prophetic messages. He reflects on the possibility and limitations of a contemporary ministry that believes in the power of God, and helps us train and prepare ourselves for when God works through us in the lives of others. Read Miracle Work for a better understanding of what it means to be agents of grace, healing and even miracles in a world that desperately needs the good news of God?s loving, healing touch.

  • von W Mark Lanier
    23,00 €

    In the courtroom, lawyers depend on rules of evidence to make their arguments. A case is made by establishing certain facts from which proof can be determined. But what happens when the truth seems to be a matter of faith? Can the legal mind discern the validity of one's belief or unbelief? Nationally recognized trial lawyer Mark Lanier turns his analytical mind to the arguments for atheism and agnosticism. With critical thinking and precision of thought, he examines the rationales made for unbelief and assesses them on their own terms, finding points of strength and weakness in their logic and coherence. He considers whether atheistic frameworks give satisfactory and consistent explanatory answers for understanding human existence and the world around us. He cross-examines the strongest arguments of prominent atheists and also interrogates the questions of agnostics as to whether God is knowable. Through his evenhanded, levelheaded approach, Lanier challenges us all to decide for ourselves what we believe.

  • von David T Lamb
    24,00 €

    God has a bad reputation. Many think of God as wrathful and angry, smiting people right and left for no apparent reason. The Old Testament in particular seems at times to portray God as capricious and malevolent, wiping out armies and nations, punishing enemies with extreme prejudice. But wait. The story is more complicated than that. Alongside troubling passages of God's punishment and judgment are pictures of God's love, forgiveness, goodness, and slowness to anger. How do we make sense of the seeming contradiction? Can God be trusted or not? David Lamb unpacks the complexity of the Old Testament to explore the character of God. He provides historical and cultural background to shed light on problematic passages and bring underlying themes to the fore. Without minimizing the sometimes harsh realities of the biblical record, Lamb assembles an overall portrait that gives coherence to our understanding of God in both the Old and New Testaments. This expanded edition includes an updated preface, afterword, and appendix addressing the story of Noah and the flood.

  • von Robert Velarde
    29,00 €

    Insightfully exploring each of Pixar's movies and showing how they display the best of classic Christian virtues, Robert Velarde's book is a friendly companion for fans, parents and church leaders. Discover how the imagination of Pixar can awaken in you a Christian vision for a moral life and a better society.

  • von William A. Dembski
    29,00 €

    What is ID? Why is it controversial?Intelligent design is surrounded by a storm of debate. Proponents and opponents have both sought to have their voices heard above the din.Is it unscientific? Is it a danger to real Christian faith? Is it trying to smuggle God into the classroom?Controversy can create confusion rather than clarity. So here to clear things up is Bill Dembski, one of the founders of intelligent design, who joins with Jonathan Witt to answer these questions and more. They plainly lay out just what intelligent design is and is not. They answer objections with straight talk that is down to earth.You'll be surprised at how often smart people have misrepresented ID. You might be surprised to see exactly how they respond to what turns out to be misleading arguments.Here is the book to make you intelligent about the whole fuss!

  • von Phillip E. Johnson
    25,00 €

    In this book Phillip E. Johnson and John Mark Reynolds welcome the debate the New Atheists are stirring up and castigates our universities for squashing public debate about the place of faith in all knowing in the name of a false science. They argue for the reasonableness of Christian claims to take a place at the table of public debate and evaluate the strengths of arguments for atheism or naturalism. Ultimately they encourage us to ask the right questions and follow the evidence where it leads.

  • von Andrew Purves
    29,00 €

    This book by Andrew Purves takes us deep into the practice of ministry showing us the basis of ministry in the hope of Christ's resurrection. Ministry in and with Christ involves moving beyond ministry in the mood of Holy Saturday to ministry in the mood of Easter Sunday. Here Purves shows how we find Christ's real joy and hope in the midst of struggles, difficulties and even suffering as we serve and minister in his name.

  • von Michael H. Romanowski
    35,00 €

    Thousands of North American Christians teach overseas every year. International teaching experiences can be tremendously rewarding. But often teachers are not fully prepared for the challenges of crosscultural life, and many are jolted and disillusioned by the realities of the overseas classroom.Veteran educators Mike Romanowski and Teri McCarthy provide an essential guide for Christians teaching in overseas contexts. They explain how good teaching requires preparation, self-understanding and cultural skills, as well as a solid philosophy of education and grasp of worldview. Providing both the theoretical framework as well as practical tools, the authors offer concrete advice and real-life examples for classroom instruction, daily life and much more.Get a more global picture of the kind of transformation your educational work can accomplish. Whether you are a recent college grad or a seasoned veteran educator, this book is an essential companion for your teaching journey.

  • von Trent Sheppard
    32,00 €

    "Let every student be plainly instructed . . . to consider well the main end of . . . life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life . . . and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning." -Harvard College Laws, 1642 There was a time when Harvard was considered a holy place and Princeton trained prophets, when students and professors could not help but pray because there were certain questions that could only be answered by an Intellect greater than our own. There was a time when student leaders galvanized campus movements, when young revolutionaries defied the status quo of their generation and engaged in sacrificial service that reshaped society and transformed culture. There was a time . . . God on Campus traces a remarkable legacy of spiritual awakening that stretches from the founding of the earliest colleges in the United States to a global movement of nonstop student prayer spreading across campuses today. "This is a book to help you remember your roots," Trent Sheppard writes, "ordinary people like you and me--bold and timid, brilliant and insecure, disillusioned and dangerous, ambitious and naive, holy and fallen, fearless and afraid--people who prayed, people who conspired together with their friends in faith and action, people who believed their lives could actually help shape the unfolding narrative of history." From the establishment of early American campuses during the Great Awakening to the rapidly spreading collegiate movements of the twenty-first century, Sheppard shows how students can integrate their passion in prayer with practical Christ-like living in culture. "The goal," he explains, "is not for us to abandon our studies in economics or education and all become preachers instead. The goal is to live like Jesus in the very soul of society." Culminating in a movement to mobilize prayer on every college and university campus in the United States throughout 2010, God on Campus is an invitation for students to find their place in the story of God today.

  • von Margot Starbuck
    32,00 €

    Margot Starbuck's story begins with a woman looking for her biological father. But it doesn't end when she finds him. Instead, his rejection punctures her soul and sends her on a different search--one that leads to a different Father. This Father did not just "sacrifice a son" like the parents she knew, but instead gave his own life out of love for her.

  • von Matt Rogers
    29,00 €

    Recounting his own history, Matt Rogers explores the question of how, in a world of suffering, we can call God good. This challenging question can manifest itself as a conspiracy of doubt and depression, so that our emotions and our intellect come under attack. Will God deliver us through this distressing journey?

  • von Jimmy Long
    32,00 €

    Leadership is changing.Not only are established leaders passing the baton to up-and-coming leaders, the very nature of leadership is being transformed. Veteran leader and cultural observer Jimmy Long has discerned how leadership positions and roles have changed in light of societal shifts. Authority is no longer derived from positional status but is earned from relational credibility. Leaders focus not only on tasks but on community. And leadership is less about directing followers to a particular destination, and more about empowering others on a shared journey.Existing leaders cannot write off emerging leaders because they work differently. Nor can younger leaders dismiss the contributions of those who have gone before. Here is a book that offers a positive vision for intergenerational partnership and leadership transference rather than competition. The practical tools outlined here will help existing and emerging leaders understand each others' leadership styles and collaborate fruitfully for the sake of the kingdom.

  • von Rick Richardson
    23,00 €

    "The time has come to reimagine how we picture and practice sharing the good news about Jesus. The time has come because the old pictures and practices aren't wearing well and aren't working well. People in our culture aren't responding. And people in the church aren't excited or engaged. . . . The time has come because our culture is shifting." (Rick Richardson, Reimagining Evangelism)Sometimes talking about Jesus with friends can feel like trying to close a deal on a sales call, pushing something on people they may not really want. But what if we thought of it more like inviting friends on a spiritual journey? The Reimagining Evangelism Participant's Guide, in conjunction with the Reimagining Evangelism DVD and Rick Richardson's book Reimagining Evangelism, will help you to reframe evangelism as inviting friends on a journey toward meeting and following Christ.The seven one-hour sessions found in this Participant's Guide are1. Do What You Love2. Use Your Gifts3. Ask Good Questions4. Respond to Tough Questions5. Share Your Story6. Communicate the Good News7. Invite ResponseEach session incorporates animated short or live-action video, an introductory discussion of the session's topic, a Bible study, a teaching video and interactive learning.If you are looking for a fresh way to share your faith, you will find the Reimagining Evangelism curriculum a freeing and insightful guide to evangelism in our rapidly changing culture.

  • von Wayne Rice
    23,00 €

    A group of youth ministry experts answers your questions about raising teenagers. Editor Wayne Rice collects practical wisdom--and "I've been there" sympathy--from Mark DeVries, Jim Green, David Olshine, Marv Penner, Duffy Robbins, Kendra Smiley, Tim Smith and Dave Veerman and more.

  • von Art Lindsley
    29,00 €

    Defending the Christian faith is a multidimensional task. But central to that task must be the presentation and example of the uniqueness of Christian love. Author and apologist Art Lindsley explores the persuasive and illuminating power of Christ-like love expressed in commitment, conscience, community and courage. Such love, Lindsley shows us, does indeed bear ultimate witness to the living truth of Jesus Christ.

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