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Bücher veröffentlicht von Jason Thawne

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  • - Dureza mental como desarrollar mentalidad de guerrero, autodisciplina y autoconfianza (Aprender maneras reales de construir el autocontrol, la disciplina y la confianza)
    von Azas Haro
    16,00 €

  • - Tecnicas Que Ayudan A Desarrollar La Fuerza De Voluntad Y La Motivacion Para Vivir Una Vida Exitosa (Guia de accion para completar lo que empezaste e incrementar voluntad y cambiar tu vida)
    von Enzo Paz
    18,00 €

  • - Ganar autoconfianza y fuerza de voluntad para alcanzar todas tus metas y motivacion (Disciplina, autocontrol y fuerza de voluntad)
    von Kirios Vigil
    18,00 €

  • - Guia de Accion para completar lo que empezaste y aumentar la fuerza de voluntad (Todo lo que necesitas para cumplir tus suenos)
    von Zoe Velez
    15,00 €

  • - Metodo probado sobre como desarrollar una autodisciplina enfocada hacia una fuerza de voluntad inquebrantable (Toma el control y logra tus objetivos hoy)
    von Eri Ruelas
    15,00 €

  • - Como hacerse imparable y hacer las cosas (La guia para principiantes)
    von Lino Lara
    23,00 €

  • - El poder de la energia positiva y el control de ganancia y lograr sus objetivos hoy (Metodos practicos para pensar de manera efectiva, rapida y clara)
    von Micky Portillo
    16,00 €

  • - Autoconfianza, fuerza de voluntad y desarrollar mentalidades poderosas (Metodos practicos para pensar de manera guia para principiantes)
    von Sergei Leal
    17,00 €

  • - Maneras poderosas de pensar y hablar tu camino hacia el exito (Una guia definitiva para aumentar la autoestima y la vida exitosa)
    von Blas Zayas
    16,00 €

  • - Una guia para el crecimiento personal para alcanzar sus metas y triunfar en la vida (Las 5 mejores cosas del pensamiento positivo, felicidad, y psicologia de la vida)
    von Carlo Nino
    18,00 €

  • von Fulk Vela
    15,00 €

  • - El mejor poder del pensamiento positivo, la felicidad, y las afirmaciones (El arte de cambiar tu pensamiento de negativo a positivo)
    von Yair Gil
    15,00 €

  • - Una mejor guia para superar la negatividad y lograr la felicidad (La mejor guia para sobreponerse a la negatividad y alcanzar la felicidad)
    von Cid Rivas
    16,00 €

  • - La guia mas eficiente para una mente sana y positiva (Aprenda como eliminar el pensamiento negativo y reemplazar y dominar la vida)
    von Eric Alba
    15,00 €

  • - Aumente su felicidad y pensamientos poderosos para una vida exitosa (La mejor y mas completa guia para una vida mas ... llena de amor y de exitos)
    von Jair Puga
    15,00 €

  • von Erato Tello
    16,00 €

  • - Guia definitiva para cambiar tu vida y aprender el secreto del pensamiento positivo (Una guia practica para superar las emociones negativas)
    von Igal Paz
    20,00 €

  • - Domine el secreto del pensamiento positivo y logre el exito de por vida (Como superar los pensamientos negativos para alcanzar la felicidad)
    von Edan Valle
    18,00 €

  • - Como vivir una vida hogarena feliz y sencilla (Su guia para vivir una gran vida para ordenar su vida en casa)
    von Alf Ceja
    16,00 €

  • - Como desabarrotar simplificar tu vida saber mas sobre y ser estres (Mejor, ordenado y organiza tu vida)
    von Kaori Alba
    16,00 €

  • - Deliciosas recetas basadas en el plan vegano para bajar de peso (Adelgace con alimentos saludables y nutritivos)
    von Flaminio Dominquez
    22,00 €

    Saludables recetas para quemar grasa y adelgazar con alto valor proteico.Las dietas veganas son altamente nutritivas al usar los mejores alimentos que ofrece la naturaleza en forma de deliciosas verduras, frutas, hierbas y granos. Estos alimentos son ricos en vitaminas y minerales y le dan al cuerpo toda lo que necesita.Este libro probará que la cocina vegana no es aburrida y te enseñará a hacer diferentes panqueques de verduras, deliciosos postres, variedad de "huevos revueltos" y algo más importante para aquellos que tienen un trabajo físicamente exigente o que van al gimnasio.

  • - Libro de cocina de dieta vegana para peder peso de manera saludable (Saludables recetas para quemar grasa y adelgazar con alto valor proteico)
    von Manlio Quintanilla
    20,00 €

    La dieta vegana siempre ha sido algo excelente.Siga este plan de dieta y entrenamiento y no sólo conseguirá músculo, sino que, de manera natural, perderá peso rápidamente y ganará un montón de energía en el proceso. En este libro encontrará una guía fácil para la dieta vegana y el plan de ejercicios; una que puede ser iniciada por cualquier persona sin importar su experiencia previa con el veganismo, la dieta o los regímenes de ejercicio. ¡Descubrirá los pasos exactos que debe seguir para convertirse en una versión más sana, en forma y más delgada de usted mismo! Presentado con recetas, así como con rutinas de ejercicio / entrenamiento, sugerencias y trucos, y algunas de las estrategias probadas más exitosas para construir un cuerpo sano y en forma en una dieta vegana.

  • - How Intermittent Fasting Burns Fat And Improves Your Energy Levels Much Faster And Learn The Best Detoxification Techniques To Improve Your Health
    von Marion Fields
    17,00 €

    There are strategies that have been proven effective for long-term weight loss. When you follow a well-planned strategy, youwill be able to lose weight safely (losing weight too quickly is harmful) – and you will be able to keep that weight off forthe years to come, as long as you make sure you implement the appropriate healthy lifestyle habits and continue to followthemWhat is Intermittent Fasting?Fasting is not the same as starvation. Fasting is a controlled mechanism which gives you total control over your eatinghabits, nutritional needs, your weight, and your overall health and wellbeing. Countless studies have backed up the claimsthat intermittent fasting can be an easy and stress-free way to manage weight, but there is another side of the coin -autophagy.Can You Eat Your Favorite Foods And Watch Your Fat Burn?If you're like most of us, you'd like to lose some weight, even if it's just a few pounds. You've probably tried variousdiets, gym routines, or some combination of both. But let's be honest - if mainstream weight loss diets and fitness adviceworked, why would two in three Americans be overweight or even obese?You've probably tried diets that made you sick or dizzy, diets that required unaffordable superfoods or costly shakes, anddiets that messed up your menstrual cycle. But guess what? Here's A Look Inside Of What You'll Learn..What Intermittent Fasting IsThe Benefits Of Starting Fasting TodayDifferent Types Of Intermittent Fasting MethodsHow You Can Implement Fasting Into Your Life TodayAnd Much More...If you've just tried all sorts of diets and want to get a better body for yourself (in health and shape), click NOW on the"Buy Now" button to harness the power of intermittent fasting for you!

  • - The Ultimate Guide For Losing Weight And Staying Healthy For Life And Achieve Rapid Weight Loss (Living A Healthy Lifestyle And Increase Energy While Eating The Foods You Like)
    von Keith Love
    18,00 €

    Are you tired of dieting and not losing weight quickly enough? Confused by all the conflicting nutrition advice out there?Keep Reading…Fasting is a technique that has been used by ancient civilizations for clarity, discipline and a method for connecting to ahigher power, what they didn't know is how effective fasting was at unlocking a powerful natural mechanism within. Recentscientific research on the inner workings of the body has revealed a regenerative process called autophagy, which is theclosest thing to the fountain of youth that we have ever discovered. Autophagy is the body's housekeeping method and is usedto clean up and recycle old and damaged cells so that newer and younger cells can be generatedHow to use the Power of Fasting to Lose Weight, Burn Fat, and Become A Healthier YouAre you looking for a new way to become healthier and lose weight?Have you tried every conventional diet out there only to find out that they’re nothing more than empty promises? If so, theproblem might not be what you are eating, but rather when you are eating it. A new, better kind of fasting is the solution toyour weight loss problems, and The Art of Intermittent Fasting is here to help.Between the two, natural weight loss will follow, easier than ever before. This time, you’ll be working with your body’snatural rhythms, allowing you to start seeing significant progress in as little as one month!Here Is A Preview Of What’s Included in this Book...6 types of Intermittent Fasting and My Personal Favorite16/8 Method Step-by-StepSome Science Behind Intermittent Fasting (IF)Daily Schedules for Fasting TimesBranch-Chain Amino Acid SupplementingAerobic and Anaerobic Exercise with Intermittent FastingKetogenic Diets with Intermittent Fasting to Get Fat AdaptedBest SupplementsMy Favorite 5:2 fasting RecipesIntermittent fasting for weight loss. When you're intermittent fasting, you eat all the food your body needs but during ashorter period of time. 

  • - The New 30-day Rapid Weight Loss Guide To A Healthy Lifestyle (Delicious And Healthy Recipes For A Healthier Lifestyle And Weight Loss)
    von Burnell Mercure
    23,00 €

    The Only Healthy Diet that Can Change Your Life ForeverA Clear and Concise Guide to The Mediterranean DietThe Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the healthiest diets on the planet. It is characterized by meals that include vegetables, fruits, healthy oils and other healthy plant-based sources.This book will teach you that it’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. Here, you are able to find out more about the diet itself, its origins and cultures that influenced the Mediterranean diet and shaped it into the diet we know today. Furthermore, the book will also provide a science-based list of the health benefits of this diet, debunks common myths, and teach you how to start and what foods to eat, limit, or avoid.Unlike other diets that encourage you to count calories and avoid tasty food, the Mediterranean diet is different in that it allows you to eat a wide variety of foods. It also has some of the most delicious food you will ever eatThe Mediterranean Diet is more than just a “diet,” it is a healthy way of life that emphasizes fresh, whole foods, and moderate amounts of dairy foods and healthy fats. Different from a vegetarian or vegan diet, the Mediterranean Diet does not restrict meat completely but rather reduces the amount that is consumed on average. Even though red meat is virtually eliminated, lean cuts of chicken are part of many of the best recipes included in the plan. Not only that, fish is encouraged at least twice a week as well. It is one of the most flexible diet plans out of all of the major diet plans. But more importantly, it is also one of the most flavorful and one of the healthiest.That combination alone makes this one of the easiest types of diets to follow without ever feeling deprived or missing out on vital nutrients in the process. 

  • - 31 Day Plan: Recipes For Simple Healthy Weight Loss Includes Access To Mediterranean Faqs With Tips And Tricks (The Ultimate Mediterranean Diet Guide And Cookbook)
    von Travers Gamache
    22,00 €

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to start the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is not a simple diet; it is a lifestyle. The diet offers a great way to lose weight and improve your health at the same time.Residents surrounding the Mediterranean Sea have been enjoying this diet for centuries and numerous health experts and leading scientists have ranked the diet as one of the healthiest diets in the world.The Mediterranean diet includes a wide variety of foods that are lower in calories and naturally healthier for your body. Unlike most other diet plans, the Mediterranean diet doesn’t eliminate all foods that you enjoy and make you feel deprived.Unlike the Standard American Diet, the average Italian diet is full of health benefits that allow those who consume it live the energetic, healthy lives. The hallmarks of the diet are moderate to low amounts of red meat, eggs, dairy, sweets and wine along with plenty of plant based proteins and fats including olive oil. Studies show that this diet contains a plethora of vitamin and nutrients that can help reduce the chance of experiencing heart disease, obesity or stroke.What’s more, following a strict version of the Italian Diet has been known to lead to a loss of 10 pounds in just 10 days. If reducing your risk of serious health problems while at the same time dropping 10 pounds in less than 2 weeks sounds good to you then consider picking up Diet: The Best Italian Diet to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days-18 Steps to Lose Weight today.Inside you will find everything you need to know about the Italian Diet as well as why the Standard American Diet is considered a plague by modern nutritionists.

  • - The Beginners Guide To Authentic Mediterranean Cuisine (A Practical Guide And Recipes For Weight Loss And Healthy Eating)
    von Davet Lebrun
    19,00 €

    The Mediterranean Diet is one of the very best diets there is for anyone who wants to lose weight in a way that’s healthy, fun and sustainable. This is a diet that’s all about treating food with respect and all about getting natural ingredients in a way that you can actually enjoy.And the benefits of that are incredible. The numbers speak for themselves but it goes beyond just lifespan and heart health. This is a diet that can make you feel the best you’ve felt in years.Here’s what you’re going to discover inside this book.Learn what the Mediterranean diet is.Learn what the benefits of the Mediterranean diet are.Find out what foods you can eat and the benefits they will bring.The benefits of red wine.Delicious Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Desert Recipes.A 7 day meal plan.And much more…Somewhere along the way, our approach to diet here in the US has become twisted. I’m talking about our general diet sure but I’m also talking about our attempts to eat healthily and lose weight! And in many ways, our diet is a reflection of our lifestyle: everything is fast, convenient and consumable. At the same time though, it lacks substance and it lacks passion.Although there is a variety of healthy diets these days you can choose from but Mediterranean diet has been the top choice for many because of the quick and effective outcomes.If you are one of those seeking a healthy Mediterranean diet plan then be glad because you’ve reached the right place. 

  • - Mediterranean Diet Guide For Beginners Recipes For Weight Loss And Healthy Eating, Delicious Recipes & Desserts And 7 Tips For Weight Loss (The Ultimate Beginners Mediterranean Diet Cookbook)
    von Somerville Jacques
    18,00 €

    The Only Healthy Diet that Can Change Your Life Forever. The Mediterranean Diet May Just Be The Answer You've Been Looking For...The Mediterranean Diet is more than just a “diet,” it is a healthy way of life that emphasizes fresh, whole foods, and moderate amounts of dairy foods and healthy fats. Different from a vegetarian or vegan diet, the Mediterranean Diet does not restrict meat completely but rather reduces the amount that is consumed on average. Even though red meat is virtually eliminated, lean cuts of chicken are part of many of the best recipes included in the plan. Not only that, fish is encouraged at least twice a week as well. It is one of the most flexible diet plans out of all of the major diet plans. But more importantly, it is also one of the most flavorful and one of the healthiest. That combination alone makes this one of the easiest types of diets to follow without ever feeling deprived or missing out on vital nutrients in the process.Are you ready to experience the exhilaration of not only losing weight naturally but also, eating clean, eating naturally, discovering a vibrant lifestyle filled with loads more energy! 

  • von Avent Lavoie
    18,00 €

  • - The Ultimate Guide To Losing Weight Naturally And Feeling Healthy (Eat Traditional Mediterranean Recipes For Great Health And Longevity)
    von Daniel Brown
    22,00 €

    Achieve your weight loss and fitness goals using the diet inspired by the Mediterranean SeaAre you looking for a diet that will help you reach your weight loss goals? One that makes you healthier, boosts immunity, ensures you maintain a healthy weight, and benefits all areas of your life?Many of us are constantly looking for a diet that is not only manageable, but also fits into our lifestyle. None of us wish to spend sleepless nights, imagining the unpleasant meals or the starvation we will have to endure, just to lose a couple of pounds.The attraction of the Mediterranean Diet is not merely the glamour of the countries in which it originates, such as Italy, France, Greece, Egypt, and other neighboring provinces. This is also an eating style that allows you to feel more satisfied as you are getting whole, delicious and healthy foods. Even more importantly, is that it encouraged you to eat sustainable amounts of food, rather than restricting calories. Residents of countries, such as Italy, have been eating this way for centuries, and now we have the ability to access the same principles to use in our own lives.Look Great and Live Healthy While Enjoying the Classic Mediterranean Lifestyle!The Complete Mediterranean Diet CookbookA Complete Guide Many Americans are looking for ways to lose weight and get in better health. With the rising costs of medical care and prescriptions and all the bad health effects that can come from an unhealthy lifestyle, it is important to make the right changes. There are hundreds of diet plans out there that promise to be the best, but most of them are unhealthy or too hard to stick with for the long term.The Mediterranean Diet is different. It isn’t just about eating fewer calories and making yourself feel deprived. It is a complete lifestyle change. While you will spend some time learning how to eat foods that are healthy, such as learning the difference between good and bad fats and limiting carbs, you also need to focus on some of the other important aspects, such as eating with family and friends and getting in plenty of exercise.This diet focuses on changing your habits and lifestyle into a healthier one so that you can stick with these changes for the rest of your life. 

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