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Bücher veröffentlicht von Jelezky Publishing Ug

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  • von Svetlana Smirnova
    28,00 €

  • von Grigori Grabovoi
    34,00 €

  • von Grigori Grabovoi
    19,00 €

  • von Grigori Grabovoi
    19,00 €

    Educational System of Grigori Grabovoi"My system of education is based on the fact that I provide knowledge even before a person is born. Therefore my system of education is based on concentration and on the transfer of knowledge even before the person is born. This can be done by the parents of the baby to be born, and therefore grandparents and, in principle, any people who are in a position to consider that someone is about to have a baby, a new person.This system of education includes several stages."Grigori Grabovoi

  • von Arcady Petrov
    46,00 €

    In ancient times it was assumed that the world stands on three elephants, or three columns, according to the Jewish Kabbalah. You can say that the world stands on whales, elephants or pillars - the essence will not change. Anyway, it isn't about animals but about the right and left hemispheres of the brain, the spinal cord and whether they are capable of harmonious functioning on the basis of CONSCIOUSNESS, meaning divine consciousness, of course.The left hemisphere manifests its function of logic through the scientific worldview. The right hemisphere displays its function through an intuitive perception of truth and through religious perception of the world. At first glance, they appear to be irreconcilable opposites. But if you look closely, you will see that the nonsense of atheistic views and the shocking demands for "sacrifice of the mind" are just two extreme manifestations of the same natural life source. And while the left brain hemisphere "hits against" its own mirror reflection, unable to overcome the BOUNDARY separating the worlds, it will continue to repeat the same old statements about atheism, physical foundations of the world, speed that cannot exceed the speed of light, and space and time as the medium of our existence, not even understanding that they are secondary to the CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE CREATOR, Who has created all this in the world and in relation to WHOM they are correlated, as consequence with cause.

  • von Grigori Grabovoi
    26,00 €

    This volume presents a series of the author's lectures.

  • von Grigori Grabovoi
    24,00 €

    TEXTBOOKfor the course of Grigori Grabovoi"Technologies of Preventive Forecasting and Safe Development"approved by the RF Ministry of Education and the International Department Network of UNESCO/ICES

  • von Igor Arepjev
    39,00 €

    (RUSSIAN Edition) "Zavet grjadushhego Biblija budushhego" - Kniga pervajaPERVAJa STRANICA ZAVETA GRJaDUShhEGO - BIBLII BUDUShhEGO1. Dvoe iz troih byli s Otcom Nebesnym. I na ruke Otca lezhala sfera, kotorajaran''she byla zolotoj, a teper'' v jetoj sfere voznikali morja, okeany,kontinenty,prekrasnye ozjora, gory i lesa. I my videli, kak vsjo jeto budet zhit'',razvivat''sja i idti vperjod. I bylo to, chto pokazano, stranicej iz knigi, kotoraja ran''she lezhala na stole Sozdatelja i kotoruju prezhde nikto ne bral v ruki. I vdrug jeta kniga okazalas'' v rukah odnogo iz nas.2. Otec, kotoryj stojal naprotiv nas, skazal: ran''she jeta kniga byla napisanaieroglifami i byla v centre materika, v centre gosudarstv, v centre gosudarstva, vcentre gor i polej, I ran''te ona byla glinjanaja, i ran''she ona byla obozhzhena. Iran''she ona byla u odnogo cheloveka. I byl u jetogo cheloveka posoh ot menja. I podchinjal oni stihii, i morja, i vetry, i spas narod svoj po vole moej. I kniga za stol''ko vremenisovershila i sovershaet perehod - kak Zemnoj, tak i Nebesnyj, kak Nebesnyj, tak iZemnoj. I byla jeta kniga dvazhdy na Zemle. I byla ispol''zovana edinozhdy. I poluchilivy, deti moi, ejo v tretij raz. I imeet ona drugoe naznachenie, i budet vo vtoroj raz onaispol''zovana. I sprosite Syna moego, kotoryj tretij s vami, Togo, s Kem vy bylivsegda vmeste, i snimet znak On svoj s lista. I budet jetot znak v vide vos''merki snaklonom, i budet on znakom Beskonechnosti, i budet on olicetvorjat'' soznanie, i budetponjato vami to, chto ja skazal ranee. I uvidite vy obrazovanie Nebesnoe, na kotoroebeskonechnost'' osoznanija rasprostranitsja. I pervyj list knigi moej budet otkryt.3. Prochtjote vy, pojmjote vy i ukazhete daty i sobytija, i ljudej, i narody, iplanety, i galaktiki i mnogoe drugoe, donyne neizvestnoe. I daju ja vam silu,vozmozhnosti i reshenie po vole svoej ob izmenenijah na kazhdom liste knigi moej - pocheloveku, po sobytijam, po stranam, po gosudarstvam, po morjam i prirode, po pticam izhivotnym, po zvezdam i planetam, po galaktikam i po mnogomu drugomu, donyneneizvestnomu. I zakrepljaju to, o chem ja skazal, i zakrepljaju za tem, kto budet pisat''moju knigu. I peredaju dlja otlichija ot drugih posoh svoj, nadeljaju siloj svoej i zakrepljajuvlast'' svoju v lice Ego...

  • von Grigori Grabovoi
    44,00 €

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