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Bücher veröffentlicht von Kellie D. Sikora

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  • von Rayan Musk
    32,00 €

    Social protection is a multi-layered try that incorporates a different exhibit of unmistakable and elusive legacy articulations, mirroring the extravagance and intricacy of human societies. It remains as a foundation of mankind's aggregate character, defending the rich embroidery of legacy that characterizes our common history and shapes our present and future. From old archeological locales to living practices went down through ages, social protection assumes an imperative part in guaranteeing the congruity of customs, values, and information frameworks that are basic to networks around the world. At its center, social safeguarding includes the assurance and advancement of social variety, perceiving the intrinsic worth of every one of a kind social articulation. This incorporates unmistakable legacy like memorable destinations, landmarks, antiquities, and design milestones, which act as substantial tokens of the past and take the stand concerning the accomplishments and developments of past civic establishments. From the Pyramids of Giza to the Incomparable Mass of China, these famous milestones hold tasteful and authentic importance as well as epitomize the social character and aggregate memory of whole social orders. Notwithstanding substantial legacy, social conservation incorporates theoretical legacy, which incorporates customs, ceremonies, performing expressions, oral accounts, language, and conventional information frameworks. Elusive legacy addresses the living articulations of culture, passed down starting with one age then onto the next through friendly practices, customs, and narrating. Instances of immaterial legacy incorporate customary music and dance, native dialects, culinary practices, craftsmanship, and otherworldly ceremonies. These components are fundamental to the character and feeling of having a place of networks, giving a connection to their social roots and molding their social communications, convictions, and perspectives. Moreover, computerized advances have changed ways to deal with social protection, offering creative apparatuses and stages for archiving, safeguarding, and sharing social legacy in advanced designs. Computerized safeguarding drives envelop a large number of exercises, including digitization of documented materials, making of virtual galleries and online displays, and improvement of interactive media instructive assets. By utilizing advanced innovations, social legacy experts can beat actual boundaries to get to, contact more extensive crowds, and guarantee the drawn out protection of delicate or in danger legacy resources. All in all, social safeguarding is a multi-layered try that envelops a different exhibit of unmistakable and immaterial legacy articulations, mirroring the lavishness and intricacy of human societies. As caretakers of this legacy, we bear an aggregate liability to secure and shield social variety for present and people in the future. Social conservation isn't only an issue of saving curios and landmarks however shielding the living articulations of human imagination, strength, and having a place that characterize our identity as a worldwide local area. As we explore the intricacies of the cutting edge world, let us reaffirm our obligation to social safeguarding as a key mainstay of human nobility, variety, and fortitude.

  • von Mack Rafeal
    35,00 €

    "Extravagance Divulged: Inside Five-Star Greatness" welcomes perusers on a captivating excursion through the thin universe of chief friendliness. In this vivid investigation, the book reveals the mysteries, stories, and fastidious subtleties that characterize the embodiment of five-star extravagance. The story starts by diving into the rich scenes that house these select foundations, from famous city horizons to tranquil seaside withdraws. The charm of a five-star experience lies not just in the actual glory of the environmental elements yet additionally in the consistent combination of engineering, plan, and nature. "Extravagance Revealed" cautiously unwinds the creativity behind these spaces, delineating how each corner is made to summon a feeling of guilty pleasure and refinement. As perusers step through the cleaned passages, they are invited into a domain where faultless help rules. The book investigates the orchestra of neighborliness, displaying the preparation, devotion, and energy of the staff focused on changing every visitor's visit into an important issue. From the watchful attendant service to the culinary virtuosos organizing gastronomic pleasures, the story reveals insight into the overlooked yet truly great individuals who raise the five-star insight to unrivaled levels. Culinary greatness becomes the overwhelming focus in the investigation of elite eating inside these foundations. "Extravagance Divulged" digs into the kitchens where culinary maestros meld advancement with custom, making gastronomic magnum opuses that entice the faculties. The book catches the quintessence of these culinary excursions, from the determination of the best fixings to the introduction of each dish as a show-stopper. While the actual lavishness and mindful help are vital parts of the five-star insight, the book additionally strips back the layers to uncover the in the background manageability drives and capable practices embraced by these foundations. It investigates how extravagance and natural awareness coincide, showing that richness can be both sumptuous and eco-accommodating. "Extravagance Divulged" isn't simply a festival of lavishness; it's a significant investigation of the feelings, recollections, and enduring impressions that wait long after the stay finishes up. Through striking stories and restrictive meetings with industry insiders, the book catches the elusive sorcery that changes a lavish lodging stay into an extraordinary, soul-blending experience. This dazzling story is a must-peruse for the people who try to reveal the captivating scene behind the cleaned veneers of five-star lodgings, where each second is created with accuracy, and extravagance is really uncovered in the entirety of its wonder.

  • von Ehsan Sheroy
    35,00 €

    "The Smoking Oddity: Unfiltered Bits of insight" digs into the unpredictable trap of logical inconsistencies and outcomes encompassing perhaps of the most pervasive yet confusing propensity - smoking. In this convincing investigation, the book explores through the layers of the smoking experience, unwinding the polarities between transitory delight and long haul wellbeing suggestions. At its center, "The Smoking Catch 22" addresses the dumbfounding charm of smoking - a movement that gives a temporary feeling of fulfillment while covering the deceptive wellbeing gambles with that wait underneath the surface. The title exemplifies the embodiment of the book, promising an unfiltered assessment of the bits of insight that lie behind the smoke. The account unfurls with an investigation of the verifiable, social, and social components of smoking. From its underlying foundations as a stately and ceremonial practice to its development into a worldwide peculiarity, the book lays the preparation for grasping the diverse idea of smoking. It reveals insight into how the tobacco business has created and sustained a conundrum, situating cigarettes as images of insubordination, refinement, or unwinding, while at the same time covering the unmistakable real factors of habit and infection. As perusers adventure further into the pages of "The Smoking Oddity," they experience firsthand records and accounts from people whose lives have been formed by the grasp of tobacco. Individual stories act as impactful tokens of the dumbfounding idea of smoking - a propensity that offers apparent comfort at the same time, as a general rule, winds around a perplexing embroidery of fixation, wellbeing disintegration, and cultural outcomes. The book utilizes a multidisciplinary approach, drawing on logical exploration, clinical bits of knowledge, and socio-social examinations to portray the smoking mystery. It reveals the physiological impacts of smoking, specifying the mind boggling dance among nicotine and the human body, and it investigates the extensive outcomes on respiratory wellbeing, cardiovascular prosperity, and by and large life span. "The Smoking Oddity" likewise analyzes the tobacco business' techniques, from promoting strategies that glamorize smoking to campaigning endeavors that impact public arrangement. It uncovered the intrinsic inconsistency between the business' quest for benefit and the overwhelming effect on general wellbeing, featuring the confusing connection among trade and prosperity. In tending to smoking discontinuance, the book explores the difficult territory of breaking liberated from the confusing grasp of tobacco. It investigates proof based procedures, mental parts of enslavement, and the emotionally supportive networks fundamental for people looking to recover their wellbeing and independence from the grip of smoking. "The Smoking Mystery: Unfiltered Bits of insight" welcomes perusers to face the logical inconsistencies implanted in smoking society. By introducing a nuanced, exhaustive, and unfiltered depiction of the smoking experience, the book plans to cultivate mindfulness, light discussion, and enable people to pursue informed decisions in regards to their wellbeing and prosperity. As perusers draw in with the unvarnished insights inside its pages, "The Smoking Mystery" fills in as a signal, directing people through the distraction of falsehood to a more clear comprehension of the intricacies encompassing this unavoidable and confusing propensity.

  • von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    24,00 €

  • von Kieran Larwood
    11,98 - 19,00 €

    Middle-earth for middle graders! This young reader fantasy series proves you don't have to be brave or powerful to do great things.In a classic fantasy world of anthropomorphic rabbits, three young siblings are on the run from the villainous Gorm tribe who have killed and enslaved their clan. Podkin, once destined to be clan leader, has always been spoiled, but now he must act bravely as he, his older sister, and baby brother flee for their lives.Facing pursuit and treachery, the three collect allies in their search for refuge, until at last they are ready to fight back against the Gorm and attempt to rid the land of an evil scourge.For young fans of Redwall, Warriors, and other classic animal fantasy favorites.

  • von Jasper Fforde
    11,00 €

    Magic has been in a sad state in the Ununited Kingdom for years, but now it's finally on the rise, and boneheaded King Snodd IV knows it. If he succeeds at his plot, the very future of magic will be at risk! Sensible sixteen-year-old Jennifer Strange, acting manager of Kazam Mystical Arts Management and its unpredictable crew of sorcerers, has little chance against the king and his cronies?but there's no way Kazam will let go of the noble powers of magic without a fight. A suspenseful, satirical story of Quarkbeasts, trolls, and wizidrical crackle!

  • von Weight Watchers
    31,00 €

    This full-color cookbook is an exciting collection of the best recipes ever developed by the experts at Weight Watchers?225 tempting dishes never before presented in book form. If you're a fan of the Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook but are looking even more recipe choices, this new Weight Watchers collection will be an irresistible new kitchen companion. It's packed with recipes that you'll love, whether you're cooking for a weeknight family supper, a casual backyard get-together with neighbors, or a festive gathering with friends.

  • von Scott O'Dell
    12,00 €

    A Newbery Honor BookFrom the depths of a cave in the Vermilion Sea, Ramon Salazar has wrested a black pearl so lustrous and captivating that his father, an expert pearl dealer, is certain Ramon has found the legendary Pearl of Heaven.Such a treasure is sure to bring great joy to the villagers of their tiny coastal town, and even greater renown to the Salazar name. No diver, not even the swaggering Gaspar Ruiz, has ever found a pearl like this!But is there a price to pay for a prize so great? When a terrible tragedy strikes the village, old Luzon's warning about El Diablo returns to haunt Ramon. If El Diablo actually exists, it will take all Ramon's courage to face the winged creature waiting for him offshore.Like the author's Newbery Medal-winning classic Island of the Blue Dolphins, Scott O'Dell's The Black Pearl is a gripping tale of survival, strength, and courage.

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