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Bücher veröffentlicht von Kevin Dennis

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  • - Practical Self Development Guide for Success in Business and Your Personal Life (Improve Your Social Skills & Self Discipline)
    von John M Lynn
    22,00 €

  • - Control Your Emotions and Achieve Success in Your Career and Personal Life (Definitions, Models and Strategies for the Power of Emotional Intelligence!)
    von Linda Christensen
    22,00 €

  • - A Step by Step Guide to Developing-self-awareness and Improving Your People's Skills (Your Growth Path to Self-control and Healthy Relationships)
    von Jeanne Cornwall
    22,00 €

  • - The Art of Reading People, Manipulation and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Accelerated Learning and Manipulation in Human Psychology)
    von Justin Book
    22,00 €

  • - Mastery-program for a Healthy Relationship With Yourself, Colleagues, Friends and Your Partner (The Empath Experience, Anger Management, Self-discipline Handbook)
    von Daniel Bradberry
    22,00 €

  • - How to Stop Procrastination and Rewire Your Brain (Boosting Your Social Skills for Leadership)
    von Marie E Domitrovich
    21,00 €

    These techniques will allow you to get achieve anything you want in life, but you must promise that you''re going to use these tactics responsibly and in an ethical manner.Just imagine being the owner of your own destiny and shaping it as you like. You will command people''s respect and authority and everyone will absolutely ADMIRE you and open their hearts for you.Within this book, you will learn the following:ΓÇó What emotions are and why they matterΓÇó The key features of emotional intelligence, the five competencies of emotional intelligenceΓÇó The differences in emotional intelligence between men and womenΓÇó How to transform emotions in a wide range of waysΓÇó What neuroplasticity is and how you can use itΓÇó Several different exercises to develop emotional intelligenceΓÇó Learning how emotional intelligence is so important to your interpersonal skillsΓÇó Several tips related to calming yourself and creating a relaxing sleep spaceΓÇó Learning how you can change your emotions through experiencesΓÇó How to reach awakeningΓÇó And much more!That is because there is more to intelligence than just IQ. Our rational side as well as our emotional side together determine our destiny in life. When EQ is properly understood as the powerful force that it is in our lives, we see a whole new concept of intelligence emerge. Without understanding what EQ is and how to improve yours, you simply can''t live your best life.

  • - How to Improve Your Leadership and Master Your Emotions (Improve Your Social Skills and Self-confidence)
    von Gil Lee Wall
    22,00 €

    You will gain keen insights into the way most folks go about their daily lives. In addition, you will be able to tailor your interactions to suit your personal goals and those of your acquaintances.Here are some of the topics that will be discussed in this book:ΓÇó Definition of emotional intelligenceΓÇó Handling feedback (giving and receiving)ΓÇó Understanding body languageΓÇó Understanding emotionsΓÇó Keeping your emotions in checkΓÇó Developing self-awarenessΓÇó Improving behavior in the workplaceΓÇó Coping with changeΓÇó Dealing with stressΓÇó Stress management... and much more!Sure, there are plenty of other publications on similar topics. However, they do not encompass all of the information you will need in order to make a concerted effort to improve your overall interpersonal skills. Most of the publications you will find will only provide you with a glimpse of what you truly need to master.

  • - Improve Communication Skills to Influence People and Achieve Anything You Want (Build Your Relationships and Grow Your Eq)
    von Ian David
    21,00 €

    Emotions are one of the most powerful driving forces in our lives and being able to understand the effect they have on your life can be the first step in learning how to have better control over them and how to use them to make positive, impactful changes in your life. Interest in emotional intelligence and neuroplasticity has increased as more and more women realize how much this aspect of intelligence that has traditionally been ignored by their communities and society.Here is a sample of the powerful techniques you will learn:ΓÇó A HUGE improvement in your memory and mind power!ΓÇó Laser sharp concentration and focusΓÇó Your self esteem and self confidence will go through the roofΓÇó Increase your mental clarity and awarenessΓÇó Become a social powerhouseHaving the ability to take on and absorb the emotions of others is a harsh reality to deal with. From a young age, most empaths feel trapped, ashamed, and abnormal because of their abilities. Not fully understanding oneself as an empath causes an empath to avoid, hide, or numb the effects of their gift.

  • - Powerful Techniques to Improve Social Skills and Increase Eq (Manage Emotions More Effectively)
    von Joshua Mersino
    22,00 €

    If you are a beginner, you will benefit from learning about human nature and how to read people. If you are someone who is already somewhat skilled in this department, you will be able to fine-tune those skills even more to read deeper into a person''s behavior and learn even more than you ever have about what a person''s body language is telling you. Here is a preview of what you will learn in this guide:ΓÇó What Is Emotional IntelligenceΓÇó Broad ConsensusΓÇó Empathy and SympathyΓÇó Social InteractionΓÇó ExamplesΓÇó ParentingEmotional intelligence refers to your ability to recognize, comprehend, and discern varying levels of emotional information that is happening all around you all the time. It influences your behavior and helps you to empathize with how other people are behaving and understand the nuanced reasons behind why they are doing it. It can also determine how successful you are at your relationships and jobs, and is even more important than having a high IQ.

  • - A Master Guide to Get Control Over Your Emotions, Change Your Mental State (Boost Your Leadership Skills)
    von Steven B Lynn
    22,00 €

    This book will take you on a journey of learning the most basic types of communication as well as more nuanced communication styles in order to understand the different ways that you can communicate and understand the other ways that people are communicating. This will also help you to tailor your communication style to fit with very specific situations and people so that you can get the most out of every interaction that you find yourself in.In this book, you will find all the information you''re looking for about:ΓÇó Handling Difficult EmotionsΓÇó Transforming Negative EmotionsΓÇó How to advantage greater self-awarenessΓÇó How to modify your feelingsΓÇó The Means of MasteryΓÇó so much more !You will learn all of this and more in this book, as we will break down all of the components to analyzing a person for you so that you will have the most success possible as you continue working on developing this skill for the rest of your life.

  • - Techniques to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence and Improve Your Social Skills and Success (Program Yourself for Success and Got Mastery Over Yourself)
    von Michael Lantieri
    21,00 €

    Many people want to work on their emotional intelligence. They are tired of having their emotions take over their lives and ruin a lot of good friendships or even the hard work they have put into their jobs.Inside Emotional Intelligence book you will discover:ΓÇó What emotional intelligence is, and why rise your EQ is so importantΓÇó How emotional intelligence affects your relationshipsΓÇó The importance of empathyΓÇó How to manage and reduce your negative emotionsΓÇó The Eight-Steps guide to improve your emotional intelligence skillsΓÇó Seven practical exercises you can start doing today to use emotional intelligence in 7 areas of lifeΓÇó How to live a life that is happy and fulfilled.ΓÇó and much more...Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to make sense of emotions - both yours and other people''s. And it''s more important than you think. High EQ gives you self-discipline, emotional agility, leadership skills, and better mental health. It makes you a confident and persuasive professional, a wise parent, and an excellent romantic partner.

  • - Learn How to Analyze People and Improve Your Relationships, and Understand Human Behavior (Develop Your Self Confidence, Empathy and Social Skills)
    von Jeanne Greaves
    22,00 €

    Research shows that emotional intelligence is a factor that contributes largely to the making of a great leader. Great leadership is nurtured. We all love a leader who is self-aware, emotionally stable, self-motivated and self-confident. This is because these traits are a reflection of a leader who is emotionally stable and intelligent. Great leadership requires that a leader can learn from mistakes and also able to adopt the art of forgiving. This is because managing teams requires patience and also trust. Communication is an aspect that is detailed in the book. A good leader needs to be effective in communication. This revolves around managing emotions, conflict management and mindful in their daily work.Throughout this book, we will discuss:ΓÇóThe importance of emotional intelligenceΓÇóHow you can distinguish EQ from IQΓÇóHow both of these will be importantΓÇóHow to increase your level of self-awarenessΓÇóHow you can talk to anyone at anytimeΓÇóHow to improve your relationships so that they are strong and healthyΓÇóHow you can take back your life from your emotionsWhen you are ready to start working on your own emotional intelligence and see some results, make sure to read through this guidebook and learn the basics that will help you to get going.

  • - A Guide to Growing Up Your Ability to Leading Others (Defend Yourself From Emotional Influence, Brainwashing and Deception)
    von Justin Book
    22,00 €

    If you want to stop letting your feelings rule your life, then you will want to discover the secrets of emotional intelligence.In this book, we are going to discuss what emotional intelligence is and how it can positively influence your life.Emotional intelligence has helped people all over the world get more in touch with their feelings in order to manage them in a positive and more healthy way.The book is going to focus on the following:Develop emotional intelligence with these componentsThis is why you need to be emotionally intelligentCharacteristics that will help you rate your leadership skillsAchieve your highest potential by doing this to your teamThis is what communication does to your leadership skillsThese facts will change the way you communicateManaging your emotionsIf you have ever been confused about the emotions that somebody is putting off around you, then this book is for you!If you have ever been struggling to put off certain emotions or feelings in a social situation, then this book is also for you! Even if you are not a psychologist, you''ll be able to read a person''s body language.

  • - Learn How to Persuade People Using Mind Control, Nlp Manipulation, Cbt, Persuasion Methods and Subliminal Hypnosis (With Secret Techniques Against Deception and Brainwashing)
    von Paul Morris
    21,00 €

    This easy self-help guide will aid you to implement impactful social-psychological techniques which go beyond mere words and gain intimate access and understanding to what the people around you are really thinking! You will understand what is causing people to say what they are saying, and more importantly, you''ll understand what they mean but don''t say!Take a look at what you''ll find inside:ΓÇóHow to have women APPROACH YOU when they see how much fun you''re having with others...ΓÇóNon-verbal secrets to command respect and devotion - effortlessly!ΓÇóHow to appear more charismatic and confident, in a matter of seconds...ΓÇóHow to put you in a state of utter FREEDOM and confidence: just saying what you want, when you want, and how you want!ΓÇóHow to effortlessly OWN a bar within seconds of walking in (every women will feel your presence)...ΓÇóHow to stop sweating bullets every single time you make eye contact with a hot woman!ΓÇóThe ''Clooney Charisma Secret'' EVERY guy should know...ΓÇóThe secret to DESTROY the friendzone once and for all!ΓÇóHow to provide value and share positive energy with anybody...ΓÇóWhat your walk reveals about you - how to look way more confident than your friends and collegues!If you''ve always wanted to learn how to read people and decipher what they''re thinking about you, but are always confused by the signals people put out, then keep reading...

  • - Self Development Guide to Influencing People Through Mind Control, Nlp and Improve Your Dating Game (Learn How to Analyze People and Manipulate Their Subconscious Mind)
    von Elizabeth Meyer
    21,00 €

    This book looks at the way people have to interact with others by practicing various social skills. These skills are sometimes lacking in certain people while other people have certain limitations in their personalities that render them unable to interact.In this book, you will discover the following essentials and more:How does body language work?Basics of body languageUnderstanding personal space, stance, hand gestures, handshake, eye signals and facial expressionsCommon gesturesBody and mind connectionRules for accurate readingYou may be on the off chance that you were passing up the signs that flagged when somebody was attempting to exploit you. There are numerous reasons why individuals attempt to control others. More often than not, individuals control to benefit from the relationship. Regardless of whether through the play of words, non-verbal communication or pulling on enthusiastic heartstrings, controllers work to control and constrain others to get things done for them.

  • - A Practical Guide to Speed-reading People Through Nlp and Human Behavior Psychology (Learn How to Protect Yourself Against the Manipulation Techniques Used by Psychopaths)
    von Gerard Goman
    22,00 €

    You will learn that how body language is a major aspect of non-verbal communication that is just as important, if not more important than verbal communication. When you fail to master the use of proper body language communication, many will constantly misunderstand your true intentions as you speak because a lot of the time, your words may not be in harmony with your body language.In this book you will Learn...- How The Subconscious Mind Operates- Why the face is the least likely place to gauge a person''s true feelings- Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust (with illustrations)- Simple nonverbals that instantly communicate authority (with illustrations)- How palms and handshakes are used to gain control (with illustrations)- The most common gestures of liars (with illustrations)- The most common male and female courtship gestures and signals (with illustrations)- How to use nonverbal cues and signals to communicate more effectively and get the reactions you wantWith this, you start to unconsciously daily recognize and apply in lightning-fast perception and assessment of the personality of the persons you meet by many different signs, symbols or signals. You understand these signals with amazing accuracy. They are applied partly unconsciously, and partly completely deliberately. And in the same way, in the gloom of consciousness, you understand their veiled intentions and train in this signal language in the process of everyday life.

  • - Learn the Art of Persuasion Through Nlp Secrets, Hypnosis, Emotional Influence and Mind Control Techniques (How to Manage Your Emotions and Influence People With Persuasion)
    von Tonya Carnicero
    21,00 €

    This book is the basics of body language can give you the edge you need in communication skills and help you on the road to body language mastery. Believe me, body language master the art of nonverbal communication is a fundamental skill to know even in today''s electronic world!In this book you will learn...Using Body Language to Create AttractionUsing Body Language to Influence OthersUsing Body Language in Social Situations The Mind-Body ConnectionUsing the tips and strategies in this book, you''ll improve your overall relationships and interpersonal communication skills!

  • - Master Mind Control, Manipulation, Hypnosis Using Nlp Secrets and Dark Psychology (Master the Art of Persuasion to Influence People)
    von Barbara Wezowski
    21,00 €

    Not only does body language influence what your family, friends, boss and work colleagues think of you, everyone you interact with will be sending you messages about their behaviors, intentions andmotivations with their own body language. Put simply, being able to Speed Read and analyze people is like a superpower.You will learn:How to change the mind of the most stubborn person you knowWhat science tells us about body languageThe foolproof method that allows you to read mindsThe fundamentals of NLP and dark psychologyPractical tips for pulling off our NLP techniques in real lifeThe trick behind understanding someone else''s behaviorA way to protect yourself against malicious manipulatorsBy learning how to analyze people effectively, the goal here is to help you create stronger connections with the people around you, be able to empathize better with them and also make you a better leader and team member.

  • - Master Speed Reading People, and Behavioral Psychology Using Nlp, Emotional Intelligence and Persuasion (Master the Mental Game to Influence People and Stop Being Manipulated)
    von Kate Pease
    21,00 €

    Want to boost your confidence with the skills you already have?Reading other people''s body language is an ability we learn throughout our lives. It''s an automatic process as we calculate other''s inner thoughts through their nonverbal movements. That''s without even knowing we''re doing it. Though it does work both ways, others judge us in the same way. But you can learn how to take control of revealing such clues about your inner thoughts. You can also learn to understand how to read other people''s thoughts. Know them better than they know themselves.In this book, you will learn more about:Psychology 101Learning to interpret body languageTwo Hemispheres of our BrainEvaluation criteriaNFJTricks to focus the mindTypes of communicationBrain and body language perceptionBody language and hidden meaningNot verbal communicationCharisma... AND MORE!!!With this book, you have the opportunity to learn reading body language. The many practical tricks and exercises contained here will help you become a better person.

  • - Learn How to Analyze People and Master Your Relationships With Psychology, Dark Manipulation, and Mind Control Secrets (Understand Personality Types by Becoming a Persuader)
    von Roger Newberg
    21,00 €

    Inside this detailed guide, you''ll explore how you can drastically improve your persuasion skills by harnessing the power of speed reading people. Body language makes up the majority of our communication, whether we know it or not - and knowing the signs to look for lets you stay one step ahead of whoever you''re talking to.Inside, you''ll discover:The Science Behind Body Language - Why Does It Work, and How Can It Help Us?Why The Eyes Are Essential For CommunicationThe 5 C''s of Body Language, and Why They''re So ImportantThe Secret of How Sales People Use Body LanguageBody Language Tips In Negotiations, Interviews, and RelationshipsSubtle Yet Powerful Manipulation StrategiesTop Body Language Mistakes To AvoidAnd Much More!The social sciences, through a huge amount of research on the human mind, have been able to identify which are the categories of personalities in which each of us falls and to understand how to decipher the unconscious program of the human being through body language, giving us the opportunity to find the most hidden and personal sides of each of us, not stopping at what can be our perception, but based on precise scientific data.

  • - Learn the Secrets of Psychology and Mind Control Using Nlp, Brainwashing (Use Manipulation to Gain Self Confidence, Learn How to Analyze People, Mind Control and Hypnosis)
    von Joanna Segal
    22,00 €

    This Guide is full of profound insights that will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate social situations. Instead of just spilling a bunch of psychology theories telling you about human behavior, you''re going to be provided with practical, actionable advice that will help you understand human nature if practiced consistently. Take a look at some of the things you''re going to learn in this book:Foolproof ways to help you guess people hidden''s intention with a high degree of accuracyStep-by-step instructions to help you analyze people using body language cluesSigns to look for when trying to read people that tells you all you need to know about themFailsafe ways to tell when people are lying to you or trying to deceive youSubconscious behavior and body language signs people exhibit when they trust you or are attracted to youProven ways to tell that a person is insecure and lacks self-confidence5 surefire signs that someone you''re interacting is faking body language signals to deceive you...and much, much more!Body language can, through training and evaluation, help people be effective in all walks of life, at work, home, and in relationships. The persuasive power of body language can even improve our relationship with ourselves by improving our trust in ourselves and in others.

  • - Self Development Guide to Mastering the Art of Persuasion and Building a Better Life via Nlp and Hypnosis (The Art of Reading and Influence People Using Dark Psychology & Manipulation)
    von Joe Heath
    22,00 €

    Most of our communication is non-verbal, which makes it essential that you know how to navigate the world of body language. The subconscious messages we convey tell people more than we could ever say, which makes it vital to give the right impression.Inside this guide, you''ll discover:Understanding the Psychology of Body Language (and Why it''s Important)Positive Thinking and Body Language - Why Your Thoughts MatterHow to Interpret The Body Language of OthersThe Body Language to AvoidWhy Eye Contact is So PowerfulThe Body Language of TrustAnd More!We''ve all been blindsided by the behaviors of others a few times in our lives, moments where we completely misread a person. But if you''re always oblivious to obvious body language signs and are often accused of not being able to "read the room", then you need to sharpen your observation skills.

  • - Master Psychology to Get Any Person to Make the Decision You Want by Reading Body Language and Mastering Mind Control (The Ultimate Guide to Learn the Art of Persuasion)
    von Marshall S Sorense
    22,00 €

    In a world dominated by rapid change and a brand-new societal structure based on social media, emotional intelligence is widely recognized as the key to success. Branded as a relatively new concept, EQ or "emotional quotient" is now considered to have surpassed the importance of our intellectual abilities. However, the art of reading people is not as complicated as you might think if you have the proper tool.Inside, you''ll discover:what are the advantages of being able to read body languagehow to be able to decipher the people around you and act accordinglyhow to pay attention to your body languagethe things to pay attention to in non-verbal communication in the professional and private spherewhat behaviors and movements to avoid absolutelyhow to recognize if someone is lying to youand much, much more!From learning to recognize other peoples'' body language to taking conscious control of your own, this book is a powerful way of uncovering the subconscious cues we use every day. With special reference to eye contact, building trust, and the countless benefits that come with it, now you can take control of your body and revolutionize your social skills, leadership ability, and relationships today!

  • - Self Help Guide to Discover the Fundamentals of Psychology, Dark Persuasion, Deception, Mind Control, Nlp and the Art of Reading People (Proven Persuasion Methods Unleashed)
    von Joanna Edwards
    22,00 €

    If this is not mind reading, then what is mind reading? By paying attention not just to the words, but also to the timbre of the voice and body language, you can understand what the person really wants to tell you. Using the information received about him, you can control your body language and your voice to establish rapport-the ideal climate for mutually beneficial, easy and interesting communication and exchange of ideas. After these, you can even implant, or imprint your ideas successfully within them.Here''s a sneak peek of what you''ll learn with this book:The one and only easy rule to establish a rapport (you will be surprised to know how simple it is);How to use your body language to create a bond with your interlocutor (Hint: you probably already know it and use it unconsciously);The 2 most obvious signs to check in order to understand what type of person you have to deal with;How to recognize the 7 Universal Feelings and how to respond to their manifestations;The 5 most common signals that a liar unconsciously sends;The 3 practical exercises to help a shy person come out of their shell (no, I''m not talking about drinking alcohol);...and much more.Non-verbal communication tells us much more than verbal communication about a person. Body language helps us much better to understand others, even to understand what is not said. To do this, you need to prepare yourself to pay more attention to this type of language.

  • - How to Learn Mind Control Techniques to Influence Decisions and Mastering Dark Psychology (Discover Secret Methods for Influence People, Mind Control and Hypnosis)
    von Dave Voss
    22,00 €

    It doesn''t matter if you have found the information about body language very confusing in time past. It doesn''t matter if you''ve never been successful at reading other people''s silent messages. This book is written in simple and clear terms with lots of everyday, relatable examples that will make it very easy for anyone to understand and apply. It goes straight to the core of non-verbal cues and shows you the exact tips, tricks, and techniques that will produce effective results.Inside, you''ll discover:Dark psychology tips and tricks;Highly effective dark persuasion methods;Mind control and body language for beginners;Persuasion and manipulation explained in a simple manner;Various methods which are easy to apply in our everyday life and have amazing results;Defense mechanisms against emotional predators;A better understanding of emotional intelligence, manipulation and persuasion.And much more!In this book you will find lots of practical examples and exercises; so even if you are skeptical about the effectiveness of the techniques explained in this book, you can easily test them and make it yours. Also, even if the topic is complex, everything is explained using a simple and common language to make it understandable to everyone.

  • - Self Help Guide to Implementing Six Sigma Strategies to Your Startup, Make More Money in Your Small Business (Time Management Secrets to Supercharge Your Productivity)
    von Dan Rock
    22,00 €

    This book will prepare you for the hardest decisions you will have to make to grow your business, and tell you how to motivate your workers. Proof: we gathered statistics from employees whose employers have read this book and from employers who have not read it. Among the former employees, we saw an increase of 13% of job satisfaction and a 23% increase in productivity compared to the control group. So read this book - and become an employer who knows what''s happening.You''ll benefit so much by going through this guide. Here are what you will learn in this guide:* How to create accountability and stakes to motivate yourself to work* How to tackle tasks and structure your workflow for maximum productivity* How to introduce positive habits that keep you happy, healthy, and focused* How to optimize your health, wellbeing, and other self-care tips* How to use amazing apps that let you do more and save a HUGE amount of time* How to create a perfect home office. What makes a productive office, what you should avoid, and what you should implement.* How to start each day feeling charged and ready to go* How to take maximum advantage of the work from home lifestyle in order to spend more time doing what you love* Why you should "eat the whole frog" first thing in the morning* How to overcome writer''s block. We all know it''s a struggle trying to write or create. Follow these tips and tricks to help you overcome writer''s block

  • - Goal Setting Guide to Do Less and Build Your Self Discipline to Grow Your Start Up and Boost Productivity (The One Small Step at a Time Guide Unlock Your Mindset and Change Your Habits)
    von Mason Bregman
    22,00 €

    Some of the tips in the book may be spot on to help you increase your productivity and accomplish more work during the day.Here Is A Preview Of What You''ll Learn When You Download You Copy Today:Self-Assessment Tools - Are You Procrastinating or Productive?How to Have Productive Mornings Before Going to WorkTechniques on Redefining and Reformulating Productive Habits At WorkExamples of Successful People and Their HabitsAnd much, much more!As an employer, you know that finding great employees is a tough job. You are always working, and your work days are getting longer and longer. You need a worker to do the job, but no one seems to fit the profile you want. All potential employees have certain strengths and weaknesses, but you''re unsure which employee will be the perfect fit. They all have different accomplishments, ranging from those who have finished their college degree, to those who haven''t. Should you select people who have a science degree over those who have an arts degree? How well will they get along with their co-workers? There are so many questions to consider!

  • - Learn How to Manage Your Time and Energy to Be Productive, How to Improve Your Crativity and Stop Overthinking (Stop Procrastinating and Cure Overthinking)
    von Chris Schwartz
    21,00 €

    This book offers help in working through the many reasons for lack of productivity. By trying the tips in this book, you can increase your productivity and find your day at work goes well accomplishing much more.Inside this bundle you will discover:Why you need to forgive your imperfectionsThe power of giving yourself permission to failHow to plan ahead for unproductive daysHow to capture your best energyHow to build habits that stickThe secret of habit stacking22 habits for a better career22 Habits to improve your finances23 health habitsAnd Much MoreDOWNLOAD Your Copy Right Now!

  • - How to Awaken Your True Self and Reach Your Goals Fast With Enhanced Productivity (How to Rewire Your Brain, Stop Addictions, Decluttering and Organizing Literally Everything)
    von Jeff Laporte
    22,00 €

    Are you a leader?So don''t lose sight of the principles of good human capital management andunderstand that the hierarchy is just a coordination reference. The art of gooddirecting people implies the creation of a healthy working environment, with goodquality of life and the possibility of developing the physical and mental health ofcontributors.What''s in the Book?The book includes topics such as:Becoming more proactive.Creating a performance focus.Creating rules for managing multiple projects.Overcoming email ''management'' problems.Utilising the small packets approach.Making better use of paperwork ''bookmarks''.If any of these describe you, you''re not alone. Many of us feel that the reason we don''t get more done is because we are lazy. But, the good news is there is a way for you to accomplish more, even if you are a chronic procrastinator or have a hard time starting new habits.

  • - The Secret to Caffeine, Time Management, and Procrastination and Boost Productivity for the Sleep-deprived (Develop Successful Startup Using Lean Approach and Agile Method)
    von J D Moran
    22,00 €

    This guidebook is going to teach you what this guide is all about, why they are so beneficial to your life, and how you can use them in almost any situation you encounter to save time, make the right decisions for you quickly, and even increase the amount of happiness that you want in your life. There are many great mental models out there to help you reach your goals and help you succeed!Inside this guidebook, you will learn:A better understanding of mental models, what they are and how they workThe immeasurable power these mental models can have on our lifeThe top ten mental models you can use in almost any situationThe right mental model for those who struggle with making decisionsThe best mental model to help you with running a business and being an entrepreneurHow to manage mental models to do research and ask the right questionsHow you can use mental models to improve your parentingThe two strategies that help critical thinkers and educators to do their jobs betterHow to add in mental models to increase your happiness and work on personal developmentSeven case studies to show how these mental models are useful to improve your lifeIf you''re struggling to keep on top of your projects and your workload then this book is a must read. Using ideas and methods that have been developed to help entire businesses become more productive and focussed, this book will help you to ''re-engineer'' your working life so that you can get more of the right things done and spend less time ''chasing your tail''.

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