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Bücher veröffentlicht von Khalimah Gaston llc

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  • von Khalimah Gaston
    24,00 €

    Aight So Boom: Wanna Learn Spades is a dope book; you'll find real gems on how to play Spades, strategize and win.Here you will not be learning how to play the computer version. So, no, you can't bid a zero or nil.In this book, you will find the tips and tools on how to play with some psychology behind it. First, Khalimah explains how many cards to deal with, how many players, how to bid, and even the different ways people play, there's so much to explore with this book equipped with 'house rules', memes, and score sheets.Khalimah discusses some points on why she thinks it's such a popular game in the African American community and what kind of energy can be created by playing this game.This book is a good starting point to understanding the game of Spades but also understanding how you and your character fit in. Pull up to the table and grab your hand so you can start slamming cards too!

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